Cell Signaling

Cell Signaling
Lecture 25
BSCI 420/421
The 4 Laws of Ecology:
“All things are interconnected.
Everything goes somewhere.
There’s no such thing as a free lunch.
Nature bats last.”
-Earnest Callenbach
A. General principles of Cell Signaling
B. Signaling thru cell surface receptors
Oct 30/31, ’02
Cell to cell signaling allows organisms to coordinate the activity
of a wide variety of different cell types.
A. General principles of cell to cell signaling.
Cells can communicate via signal molecules in 4 different ways:
Differ in distance over which they act.
Closest: e.g. Boss & Sevenless. E.g. Inductive dev. signals
E.g. neurotransmitters
E.g. Insulin
Receptors for signal
Molecules can be either:
Cell surface
Signal mols are water soluble
E.g. peptide hormones
Induce cytoplasmic signal
Signal molecules are
hydrophobic e.g.steroids
Carriers in bloodstream
A simple signaling pathway or cascade induced by binding
To a cell surface receptor
Signal molecules that bind to intracell receptors,
and hence genes. All small & hydrophobic
Fig 15-12
Nuclear receptors
The DNA-binding domains
Contain multiple Zinc fingers
An animal cell depends on multiple extracellular signals
B. Signaling thru Cell Surface Receptors
3 Classes of Cell Surface Receptors
e.g Ach
e.g. epinephrine rec.
Types of surface receptors, cont.
e.g. Growth factor receptors
Too much stimulation can be a problem.
Cells need to be able to respond to changes in signal
over a wide range of conc
Target cells can become desensitized in 5 diff ways:
G-protein-linked receptors
The largest and most widespread family of cell surface
receptors, found in all eukaryotes.
7- pass transmembrane proteins
Associate with a trimeric G Protein (GTPase)
Receptor acts
As a GNEF.
The alpha subunit
Exchanges GTP
The other 2 s-units
Dissociate from
Alpha, and both
Diffuse away in an
Active state
Activation of
target protein
e.g. adenylyl
Formation of
The inactive