Biology 11 Exam Review January 2015

Biology 11 Exam Review January 2015
o Reasons for classification system
Systems of classification
o Binomial nomenclature
 Two name naming system
 Genus + species (noun/adjective) – rules about capitalization and species is
never used alone
 Carolus Linneaus
 Based on physical characteristics (structural) – result of genetic code
 What an organism does or where an organism lives is not a good defining
 Connect to Darwin (mechanism for evolution) and Mendel (genetic
o Dichotomous keys – make choices; yes or no answer, branching until one group is isolated
 Spider keys
Viruses (ex. Ebola)
o Living or non-living?
 Criteria to be a living organism
o Phylogeny _ where did they come from
o Structure – capsid + nucleic acid
o Lytic vs lysogenic cycle
o Pathogens vs vectors
 Reservoir species
o Antibodies vs. antigens
 Antibiotics vs probiotics vs. antivirals vs vaccines
Kingdom system (+Domains)
o Archae/Bacteria/Eukarya
o Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes
 Connected topics
 complexity
 K. Archaebacteria
 Halophiles, thermophiles, acidophiles
 Chemosynthesis vs photosynethetic
 K. Eubacteria
 Compare to viruses
 Structure –
o Everything happens in the cytoplasm
o Dna single stranded loop
o Shapes and groups/chains
o Gram neg. vs Gram Positive
o Osmotic balance
 turgid vs flaccid
 concentration gradient (diffusion)
 strategies for survival
o food preservation
o aerobic vs anaerobic respiration
 aerobes vs obligate aerobes vs facultative anaerobe
 reproduction
o mitosis vs meiosis
 binary fission
 cell cycle
o ways to affect genetic variation without reproduction
 transduction; conjugation; competence
K. Protista
 Know your own protist project
 Phylogeny
o Why is it bigger than a bacteria?
 Eukaryotes
 Internal organelles
 Complexity and specialization
o Symbiosis
 Two prokaryotes
 Protists with other organisms
 Mutualism, commensalism, parasitism
 Plant like vs animal like vs fungi like + exceptions (ex. Euglenoids)
o Classification (reasons)
o Uni- vs multi- cellular
 Reproduction
 Survival strategies in unfavourable conditions
 Nutrition
o Endocytosis vs Exocytosis
 Pinocytosis vs phagocytosis
K. Fungi
 Structure
o Hyphae  mycelia
o Fruiting bodies and spores
o Septate or nonseptate
o Gametophore, sporangiophore, stolon, cap, gills,
 Nutrition
o decomposers
 Saprozoic
 4 kinds
o Basidiomycota, Ascomycota, zygomycota, (chitridiamycota)
 Recognize a representative organism
 Life cycle
o Dikaryotic or multikaryotic
o Alternation of generations
 Haploid vs diploid stages
 Gametophyte vs sporophyte
o Where/when does mitosis happen? Meiosis?
 Sexual vs asexual
 Fusion, germination,
K. Plantae
 Why aren’t fungi plants?
 How did plants evolve to survive on land?
K. Animalia
Photosynthesis/Cellular Respiration
o Evidence that chloroplasts and mitochondria were once independent prokaryotes