Turn on this rule

Are you feeling…
Is Outlook’s Junk Email not
doing enough…
Then you need…
• Anti-spam e-mail filter for all Exchange/Outlook
• It automatically identifies and filters junk mail
without you having to do anything—except
create a rule that tells Outlook to run the
• Messages flagged as spam by Brightmail never
appear in your Inbox
– Instead, these junk messages are redirected into a
separate folder in your mailbox. Where you review
and delete the content of this folder on a regular
• The B-School has partnered with LS&A and the
College of Engineering on this license and CS
has piloted it for several months
• It works incredibly well, but you will still see an
occasional spam email in your inbox that you will
need to delete manually.
– This is normal.
• During piloted use, we have not experienced a
condition where Brightmail accidentally deleted
a good email thinking it was spam.
– It is very accurate.
• Remember, if you choose to use
Brightmail, you can review all of the
messages identified as spam in order to
build confidence in the software and you
can decide to opt out (turn off Brightmail)
at any time
• Installation is very easy by creating a rule
that you can import into Outlook. Please
see our instructions at
– http://www.bus.umich.edu/Technology/
• If you have any questions, or have trouble with
the instructions, please call our HelpDesk at
Import the Brightmail Rule
1. Go to your Inbox in Outlook.
2. Import the Brightmail rule. From Outlook 2000
and Outlook 2002/XP’s menu bar select Tools –
Rules Wizard. From Outlook 2003’s menu bar,
choose Tools –Rules and Alerts – New Rule.
Choose Options – Import rules.
3. Navigate to R:\Software\Utilities\Brightmail.
For Outlook 2002/XP and 2003, select the file
Brightmail.rwz. For Outlook 2000, select the
file Brightmail2000.rwz. Click on the Open
button, then click on OK to close the Options
dialog box.
4. You will see the X-Spam rule is now listed but
not activated. Checkmark the box next to the
rule to activate it.
5. In the bottom half of the Rules dialog box, click
on the linked word “specified” to specify the
6. Highlight Inbox and click on the New button to
create a new folder within your Inbox. Make
sure Inbox is selected before you click on the
New button. Name the new folder Brightmail.
Click on OK then Next.
7. Click on the Run Now button. (If this
button is dimmed, be sure you have
checkmarked the box next to the XSpam rule listed above as noted in Step
8. You’re finished! Brightmail will run now,
and will continue to work automatically.
Create the Brightmail Rule
1. Go to your Inbox.
2. From Outlook 2000 and Outlook 2002/XP’s menu bar
select Tools –Rules Wizard.
From Outlook 2003’s menu bar, choose Tools – Rules
and Alerts.
3. In the dialog box that opens, click on the New button to
create a new rule.
4. Change the selection to Start from a blank rule and
make sure “Check messages when they arrive is
selected” then click on the Next button:
5. Scroll down and checkmark the box "With Specific
words in the message header." Then, in the bottom
half of the window, click on the Specific Words link.
6. A dialog box will open. In the “Specify a word or phrase to search for
in the message header” field type EXACTLY as shown:
X-Spam-Flag: YES
Note the single space between the colon and the word YES
(XSpam:< space>YES) and that it is case sensitive. It is
important to include this single space for it to work.
Click on Add then OK to close this box.
7. Click on Next in the Rules Wizard box.
8. In the field “What do you want to do with the message?” checkmark
the box to “Move it to the specified folder.” Then, in the bottom
half of the window, click on the linked word “specified” to specify the
9. Highlight Inbox and click on the New button to create a new folder
within your Inbox. Make sure Inbox is selected before you click on
the New button. Name the new folder Brightmail. Click on OK then
Your window should
look like this:
Your rule should read
like this: Apply this rule
after the message
arrives with
X-Spam-Flag: YES in
the message header
move it to the Brightmail
10. Choose Next to continue past the
Exceptions window without making any
11. On the final screen, checkmark the
boxes to “Run this rule now” and “Turn
on this rule.”
12. Click on the Finish button. Brightmail will
now run automatically.
• Check your Brightmail folder and delete the
messages periodically.
• You can select multiple messages to delete at
one time by holding down the Shift key
• (for consecutive messages) or CTRL key (for
non-consecutive messages).
• You can turn off the Brightmail filter at any
time by turning off the rule in the Rules Wizard.