The “Short” Eighteenth Century – Part I: European Powers and

The “Short” Eighteenth Century – Part I: European Powers and Rulers after the War of Spanish
Succession - 1690s – 1750s
Two Phases of the Eighteenth Century
o The “Short” Eighteenth Century
 Begins with The Ending of the war of Spanish Succession (Treaty of
 Ends with the American Revolution
 Dominated by a series of interrelated conflicts
o “Revolutionary” Eighteenth Century
 First Half of the Age of Revolutions
 “Age of Revolutions” – American Revolution (1776) to Year of
Revolutions (1848)
Post-Utrecht Colonial Empires
o Spain
 All of South America (except Brazil & Dutch Guiana)
 Cuba
 Puerto Rico
 Half of Hispaniola
 Florida
 Mexico
 California
 North American Southwest
o Britain
 North American Seaboard
 Nova Scotia
 Newfoundland
 Jamaica
 Barbados
 Trading Stations in India
 Northern Canada (Hudson Bay Company)
o French
 St. Lawrence River Valley
 Ohio River Valley
 Mississippi River Valley
 Half of Hispaniola (Saint Dominque)
 Guadeloupe
 Martinique
 Trading Stations in India
o Netherlands
 Suriname (Dutch Guiana)
 Trading Posts in Ceylon and Bengal
 Limited trade with Java (Indonesia) and Japan
French British Colonial Rivalries
o Rival areas
 St. Lawrence
 New England
 Ohio River
 Native Tribes
 West Indies
 India
o Rival Corporations
 British East India Company
 Robert Clive
 Compagnie des Indes
 Joseph Dupleix
o India to China?
o Mughal and other Empires Decline
o Casa de Contratacion
 House of Trade
o Flota
o Seville & Cadiz
o From Hapsburg to Bourbon
o Concessions to Britain
o Phillip V
 r. 1700-1746
o Viceroyalty of New Granada
o Ferdinand VI
 r.1746-1759
o Charles III
 r.1759-1788
o Viceroyalty of Rio de la Plata
o Anne
 r. 1702-1707 (England & Scotland)
 r. 1707-1714 (Great Britain)
 Acts of Union - 1707
 Great Britain
 No Heir – Act of Settlement
o George I
 King of Great Britain and Ireland, Elector of Hannover
o Sir Robert Walpole
 First Prime Minister of Britain
o George II
 King of Great Britain and Ireland, Elector of Hannover
 Georgia Colony
o Short lived
John Wesley
o Methodism
o Louis XV
 r. 1715 – 1774
o Philippe II
 Duke of Orleans
 Regent
o Cardinal Fleury
o Favorites:
 Madame de Pompadour
 Countess du Barry
Hapsburg territories (Austria-Hungary/HRE)
o Expansion
 Ottoman Retreat
 Treaty of Rastadt
 “Spanish/Austrian Netherlands” – Belgium
 Lombardy/Milan
 Gains By 1718 (From Ottomans)
 Hungary
 Transylvania
 Serbia
 Gains by 1722 (From Poland)
 Silesia
o Charles VI
o Maria Theresa
o The Pragmatic Sanction
o Frederick I
 First King of Prussia
 War of Spanish Succession
o Frederick William I
 Increase Army Size
 Officer Corps and Class System
 Army becomes Primary symbol of Prussia
o Sophia
o Ivan V
o Peter I – The Great
The Grand Embassy
Four objectives
 Boyars and Streltsy
 Church
 Administration
 Economics
 Westernization
Streltsy Rebellion
Table of Ranks
The Holy Synod
St. Petersburg
New Army
New Navy
War with Ottomans
 Azov