Pre-Season Presentation

OHSAA Preseason Meeting
Andy Apple, Brady Middle School
Athletic Director
Why do we meet?
A pre-season meeting is required by the OHSAA
for all parents of the upcoming sports season.
Each sport team is holding their own
individual meeting. In addition to the content
covered by each coach, we have several items
we were asked to cover by the OHSAA, so
please click ahead!
The Orange Boosters are looking for volunteers
to serve on the Booster Board. If you have a
child coming up through the ranks of middle
school athletics, they’d love to have you on
the Board. Check out the website
Can’t serve on the Board? Consider joining this
organization. They are an organization that
supports all of our athletic programs 7-12.
Any level of support is GREAT. Contact them via
the website for information
Support the Boosters!
• Be aware that many dietary supplements are
marketed for sale, and thus many promises are
made. Check out the following website for
further information on the topic, along with
information on drugs, steroids, and
• Like that sports or energy drink? Check out this
study on such drinks and kids
Taken from the Center for Disease Control SiteA concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury
that changes the way the brain normally
works. A concussion is caused by a bump,
blow, or jolt to the head or body that causes
the head and brain to move rapidly back and
All Coaches go through training to recognize
injuries, including concussions. Coaches will
alert parents to situations that they feel may
warrant further examination by a professional.
There is sometimes a delay in the signs of a
concussion showing up.
Signs you should look forHeadache or pressure in the head
Nausea or vomiting
Balance problems or dizziness
Double or blurry vision
Sensitivity to light
Sensitivity to noise
Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy
Concentration or memory problems
These may show up immediately, or may take days or
weeks to show up. The CDC suggests seeking
medical advice if one or more of the above
symptoms occur.
What to do?
1. Athlete should report medical problems to the
coach immediately if it occurs at practice or in a
2. Seek medical attention.
Concussions affect people differently. Take the
symptoms seriously.
Some danger signs that need to be taken seriously,
as they may indicate a bigger problem-athlete drowsy or can’t be awakened
-one pupil larger than the other
-repeated vomiting
-slurred speech
-increased confusion
Check out these websites for further
information on concussions•
Parent Resource
Ever have a question about the parents role in
middle school athletics? Check out this
website for information
Parent Resource
What will the video answer?
-Should you “Coach Up” your son or daughter
immediately after a contest?
-Should you coach your child from the stands?
-What is the best time to ask questions of the
-Is it alright to give a struggling game official a piece
of your mind?
And lot’s more!
Standard is set by the school here at Orange.
A student needs to pass 75% of the classes taken
during the previous quarter. If not, that
student is ineligible for the entire quarter.
Once a student meets the above requirement,
we then check on Grade Point Average to
determine level of eligibility
• If a student is over a 2.0 GPA, they are
unconditionally eligible. No restrictions.
• If the student falls between a 1.0 and 1.99, they
are conditionally eligible, and must do the
following• Attend 2 academic intervention sessions weekly
Available throughout the week
• Weekly grade report due to Guidance Office by 2:30 on
Thursday every week
• Weekly grade report is a checklist to make
sure the student is working towards
improvement. The student is completely
responsible for taking this to class to have it
filled out. It will include•
“All work turned in?”
“Attend all classes?”
“On time to classes? (no more than 1 tardy)”
“Days of academic intervention”
• Violations of conditional eligibility• First violation- sit out of next athletic contest
• Second violation- sit out practice and contests for one
• Third violation- suspension from team for season
We will then check GPA at mid terms for
eligibility for the last 4.5 weeks of the grading
• 2.0 and above- unconditional eligibility
• 1.00-1.99» if students has fallen here from above a 2.0, then this is
first time conditional eligibility
» If student remains here from last report, then continuing
conditional eligibility, all of above restrictions plus referral
to administration and grade level for strategy and
It’s Cleveland, weather changes by the minute.
Should we have to cancel an event, this is the
process1. Announcement is made at school.
2. Student-athletes are told to contact home.
3. Update is sent out to those that signed up via
my website. (info coming later in this
4. Cancelation is posted on my website.
Please do not call my office to ask if a game is
still on. Assume everything is still on unless
you hear from your student-athlete. If you are
that curious, just look to the website.
Thor Guard
The school district has installed a lightning detection
system called Thor-Guard. Detectors are located on
the concession building at the track, and on the
bathroom building by the Brady fields. This system has
an audible siren when lightning conditions exist- a 15second blast. Then a visual strobe light flashes as long
as dangerous conditions exist. Take cover indoors or in
your vehicle. Once the environment is safe, the siren
will give three 5-second blasts, and the strobe light will
stop flickering. This is when it is safe to continue
The OHSAA has rules governing participation on
non-school teams.
If a student is on a team at Brady, that athlete may
not participate on any other team of the same
sport, during the same season, community or
otherwise supported, until the Brady season is
completely finished. This includes practicing with
any other team. So if you play for Brady, you
cannot practice or play for or with any other
team in the same sport during the season.
Transportation Policy
In order for an athlete to go home from an away game
with his or her parent, that athlete needs to
turn in a note from the parent BEFORE the athlete
boards the bus to leave Brady for the away game.
Each game requires a new note, so that the coach does
not have to guess whether an athlete will be
going home with a parent or on the bus. The athlete
can only ride home from an event with his or
her parent or guardian. At the away event, the athlete
should go to the coach and tell the coach
when he or she is leaving. Thus the coach has the
ability to make contact with the parent.
Please note that being a member of an athletic
team brings responsibility. Our athletes go
out every day representing themselves, our
school and community, and their individual
families. We expect them to do so positively.
Behavior problems at school during the day or
after school can result in additional
consequences from the athletic realm.
Have you seen my website? It has ALL of the
information you could want or need about
middle school athletics.
Or go to, click on the staff
link, and click on the web link next to my
Website highlightUpdates/Cancellations Page
This is a great tool for receiving notifications
from the athletic department. Sign up on this
page to receive a notice to your email or
mobile device when whenever the
Updates/Cancellations page has been
Website highlightDirections Page
Check this page for Directions to away contests.
This is very important in the fall and spring
because soccer matches, softball and baseball
games often take place on sites off of the
school campuses. Other sports use different
facilities as well, so if you are travelling to see
our team play, check out the Directions page.
Who do I contact with sport specific
What time is practice- Coach
Game schedule questions- Coach
Incident at practice- Coach
Kid needs to miss practice- Coach
Any other question- Coach
All other questions- Coach
See my website for Coach contact information.
Why contact Coach first?
It’s not that I don’t want to hear from you, but
the coach is present with the kids at practices
and games, and can better answer questions
you might have. Coaches also have their own
policies for running their teams, so the coach
should be the first contact.
Thanks for your time. Please fell free to contact
me with non-sport specific questions at any
Phone-216-831-8600, ext. 3445