Customer feedback…. - Optimal Connections, LLC

HDI’s Support Center
Certification Program
Support Center Certification Program
Support Center Certification (SCC)– History
HDI SCC Reference Model
SCC International Standards Committee
Standards Review
Why is it different?
The benefits of SCC
The ROI of SCC
The process, preparation and award
Customer feedback
SCC History and Development
The need:
The growth of the help desk and service support
industry fueled the desire for a unified set of
industry standards with worldwide acceptance.
The solution:
In 1999, HDI sponsored an initiative to develop
open certification standards for individuals and
support centers. The objective was to set
standards that support centers worldwide will
embrace and seek to achieve.
SCC History and Development
The guiding principal:
In creating an international and industry-wide
blueprint for certification of support centers, a
guiding principal was that the resulting standards
and evaluation methodology be completely open.
Open participation:
In order to ensure worldwide acceptance and
adoption, the committee required that the entire
process remain open to participation from the
widest possible range of practitioners and service
SCC History and Development
The standards:
The 66 SCC standards are segmented into eight
elements. Each of the eight elements are
associated with a specific set of standards that
define a centers maturity within the element. The
SCC reference model contains five enabling
factors and three results factors.
The SCC program has been designed to conform
to existing international quality standards, such as
the European Foundation for Quality Management
The SCC Reference Model
#1 Leadership
#3 People
#4 Resources
Enabling Factors
#5 Process & Procedure
#2 Strategy
& Policy
#6 People
#7 Customer
The SCC Reference Model
#5 Process & Procedure
#1 Leadership:
#1 Leadership
#2 Strategy
Leadership defines how
managers and employees
organizations towards&success
through inspiring Satisfaction
and motivating
employees. Effective leaders guide the formulation and evolution of
statements of purpose, and ensure that they are communicated and
understood throughout the entire organization.
#3 People
#2 Strategy and Policy:
#7 Customer
The mission, vision, goals and objectives of the support center’s
functions must clearly and effectively support the business purposes
of the larger enterprise.
#3 People Management
Performanceis the
The most important#4responsibility
of support management
creation of an environment that motivates people (staff)
to perform
their peak. Staff roles and responsibilities, as well as support
processes, must be well-documented.
Enabling Factors
Enabling Factors
#4 Resources:
The support operation must have access to the resources and tools
necessary to achieve the established objectives. These may be
infrastructure-related or support-specific.
#5 Process and Procedure
The support function must have processes in place that allow it to be
successful. These must be well-defined, measurable, documented,
communicated and understood by those who will manage and those
who will execute these processes.
The SCC Reference Model
#5 Process & Procedure
#6 People Satisfaction
#1 Leadership
#2 Strategy
#6 People can
The satisfaction of the
people belonging to an organization
significantly influence&the
organization’s success.Satisfaction
Support personnel
must be well motivated to perform their jobs.
#7 End-User/Customer Satisfaction
The perception of end-users/customers with regard to the success of
#7 Customer
the support function #3
in People
meeting customer expectations
will determine
its overall success. End-users/customers may have alternatives for
obtaining support services; for example, customers can get support
from other providers, co-workers, product vendors, or the Internet.
#8 Performance Results
Performance results are the measured achievements#8as compared to
#4 Resources
goals. Measurement processes must be objective, Results
reliable and
realistic. Results must be clearly communicated to the appropriate
Enabling Factors
International Standards Committee
The current SCC International Standards
Committee includes individuals from:
British Telecom
JPC Group
BMC Software, Inc.
HDI Global Entities
Among others….
Standards Review
Every two years the formation of the standards
review committee begins. Practitioners from
around the world are encouraged to apply. They
must demonstrate industry experience and
involvement. Applicants are chosen and the
review of standards commence. The committee
is charged with the review of the current list of
standards. Those that are out of date or
obsolete are removed. New standards can be
added to account for changes in the support
industry that affect the eight elements of the
What’s Different About HDI SCC?
Volunteer group develops standards – not a
“paid participation” model
Open standards – anyone can download for free
Consulting is not required
High value, globally recognized program
Program managed and administrated by HDI
(reputable industry association, third-party)
Competitively priced
Why are companies interested in Certification?
Outside validation of quality support and
adherence to best practices
To address specific support related issues
Provide consistently high levels of support to
Support as a differentiator
Driven to provide “strategic support” as an
overall business and operational goal
Need to show support ROI
Interested in proving the business value of the
support organization
The benefits of SCC audit and certification
Demonstrated service excellence
Underscores continuous improvement
Confirmation of/dedication to industry best
Creates cohesive support organizations
Competitive advantage, new opportunities
Ultimate teambuilding
Use of the HDI Support Center Certification logo
Recognition and reward
The ROI of SCC
100% of HDI Certified Support Centers report:
Increased employee satisfaction and/or reduced turnover
Increased customer satisfaction
Improved quality awareness by employees
The audit was a catalyst for innovation
Implemented and/or improved processes, tools, or
systems to handle customer requests more efficiently
Implemented and/or improved monitoring and reporting
capabilities to increase operational efficiency
Intend to renew their certification
SCC – The Process…
Site Audit
Information gathering
Decision to proceed - agreement
HDI conference call & auditor assignment
Site preparation
The on-site audit
Application for certification
HDI review of scores and audit materials
Certification award and fulfillment
Promotion and publicity
SCC Preparation
How you prepare is completely up to you…
Internal improvements to meet certification
criteria levels
Formal project plan recommended
Involve the team for greatest success
HDI’s online SCC Self-Evaluation
If preparation assistance is needed, a certified
consultant may assist…
SCC Audit & Review
Onsite audit can take from 2 – 3 days. The auditor will then
prepare the materials for review (up to 4 days). The materials are
then submitted to the HDI headquarters in Colorado Springs, CO
HDI Review:
HDI carefully reviews all audit documents and materials
for completeness and compliance to the HDI SCC Standards.
With the assistance of the audit report, supporting materials
and the Auditor’s recommendation, HDI makes the final
decision regarding award of Certified Support Center status.
10-day turnaround
Phone verification with auditors and applicant as needed
Your Support Center Promotion
Promotion and Publicity Opportunities
Use of the HDI Certified Support Center logo for business
cards, company signage, apparel, etc.
HDI-issued press release
Company logo and description listed on HDI web site
HDI SCC case study
Announcement/article in HDI’s member magazine,
SupportWorld, and other editorial opportunities
Recognition at HDI national events and local chapter
Note: Support centers usually have their own
publicity/promotion plans – HDI is happy to assist
SCC Renewal
Maintaining certification demonstrates commitment
To the program, best practices, quality, and
customer satisfaction.
Initial certification valid for two years
Renewal yearly following initial certification
Renewal audits include a one-to two-day on-site
mini audit and 25% review of standards
Customer feedback….
Ohio State Medical chose SCC because their
customers were asking the support center to….
 Answer the telephone quicker
 Solve more problems on the first call
 Solve desktop problems faster
 Understand and Provide better support in the
Education and Research areas
 Be Proactive
 Be Flexible
 Improve communication between support and
customers in regard to incident status
Customer feedback….
Benefits Of SCC Program - QAD
Significant ROI to QAD
A greater level of Global Consistency for core
business process across support centers
Achieved Marketing and Customer Recognition
Boosted Executive Awareness
Enhanced People & Customer Satisfaction
Optimized Performance Measurement
Facilitated the Support Center Integration
• QAD Mexico, Spain – 2003
• QAD Brazil - 2005
Customer feedback….
Risks of No SCC Program - QAD
Lack of Differentiation in an increasingly
Competitive Global Market
Inability To Demonstrate Value to Parent
Helpless at Contract Renewal?
Disconnected Staff with Poor integration,
lack of Global Consistency
Unhappy Employees
Customer feedback….
Program Logistics at QAD
Project Management Standards
Assigned Global Self Assessment Team
Analyzed Results – Addressed Low Scores
Formed Global Team
• Project Lead in Each Office
Certification Database
Time Tracking and Costing
What they are saying…
“Intergraph is proud to receive HDI Support Center Certification. We are
committed to providing the highest quality of services to ensure that our
clients get the highest level of support. HDI certification demonstrates
what our clients already know, that we offer world-class IT managed
Steve Powers
Manager of IT Outsourcing, Intergraph Solutions Group
What they are saying…
“We’re proud that HDI has validated QAD Global Support’s world-class
performance, HDI Certification confirms they can be confident QAD
support is always timely, effective and consistent with the highest
standards defined by the industry.”
Pam Lopker
QAD - Chairman and President
“The HDI Support Center Certification is an assurance that EXPEC
Computer Center is geared to meet a rigorous and demanding set
of performance standards.”
Nahed A. Rabeh
General Manager, Saudi Aramco
Some Certified Support Centers