Hebron-Harman Elementary Family Math Night January 27, 2010 As

January 27, 2010
As parents, we use math all the time - as we shop, go out to eat, budget for
grocery shopping, pay bills, read recipes and cook. Often, our children are
with us during these tasks. Perhaps they are even helping out. Why not
involve them in the math?
Our goal for this year’s Family Math Night is to bring to light the
opportunities for meaningful, quality math instruction right at home. Each
activity showcased tonight is suitable for children of various ages. Parents
often need to deal with two or more children at once, and these versatile
math activities can be adjusted to challenge older children as well as to
meet the needs of younger ones. The educators at each station will also
suggest ways you might adapt the ideas to fit your family. Once you start,
you’ll find yourself making your own adjustments automatically.
Our hope is that tonight will serve as a model for incorporating math
practice into aspects of daily life. With time, you will eventually feel more
comfortable and begin to see opportunities for your child’s math practice all
around you. Most important part of all – have fun!
Incorporate math while grocery shopping or at home using items from the store
Use Ads or Flyers: Counting Money to “Buy” Different Items
Primary: Identify numbers and money amounts; Begin adding coins
Intermediate: Add money amounts; Find the difference or make change
All levels: Identify capacity and ways to describe amounts (i.e., gallons,
quarts, cups, pints, dozen, half dozen, less, more, etc.)
Questions to ask-all ages: Can you find a gallon container? Can you find a
group of a dozen? Which container do you think holds more? Which holds
At home: Cook together. Ask your child to read the recipes and packages to
identify and read measurements. This will be a help to you and fun for them!
Using Food to Practice Math Skills
Primary: Sort, Count, Graph, Measure, Add and Subtract
Questions: How many yellow fruit loops does Mom have? Who has more, Mom
or you? How many blue and red M & M’s are there?
Intermediate: Graph, Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Measure, Practice
Examples: How many more green M & M’s than red? How many blue and
yellow fruit loops are there? If Jenny, Steve, and Alex are coming over and
I have 12 skittles, how many will each person have? State facts in number
sentence format: “1 orange skittle plus 5 green skittles is less than 12 purple
How big is it?
o Compare sizes of different containers. Ask your child to put them in order by
largest to smallest and vica versa.
o Estimate capacity. How many of a small container can fit into a larger container?
Allow your child to test his or her guess by filling the containers with rice or
o Identify the different shapes of containers.
Calculate the bill
o Ask your child to choose items from the menu and add up the bill. Allow your
child to check the work using a calculator.
o Give your child a budget and challenge he or she to choose a complete meal that
fits in that budget.
o Estimate the cost of the bill by rounding.
o For younger children: Ask them to identify digits and name mathematical
symbols ($-dollar sign) found in the menu. They can identify money amounts and
count how many come in a serving (e.g., sliders in an appetizer, slices in pizza).
Keep the change
o Intermediate skill - Allow your child to view the bill and determine the amount
owed. Give them an amount of money to pay with and challenge your child find
out how much change they should receive.
o Primary skills- Count pennies up to a certain amount, identify the amount of
different coins, count dollars, skip count using $5s and $10s.
Students use a wide variety of math resources in the classroom to reinforce math skills. Below is a brief
description of the web resources your child is using in their classroom.
MindPoint Quiz Show
MindPoint Quiz Show is a math program that transforms students into contestants by presenting content in a game
show format. Instructors are able to assess students while the Quiz Show host directs the game and wiew results by
state standard, topic, or learning objective.
Students receive instant feedback on their answers; instructors receive instant feedback on student
There are three ways to play: a single player game against a computer opponent or racing the clock, a
multiplayer game with one or two other students or a team competition with the entire class.
Referenced from http://www.einstruction.com/products/interactive_teaching/mindpoint/
Fastt Math
The FASTT Math intervention program uses the research-validated FASTT system (Fluency and Automaticity
through Systematic Teaching with Technology) to help all students develop fluency with basic math facts. FASTT
Math assesses all students to uncover fluency gaps and to establish a baseline of fluency for each student. Then,
FASTT Math automatically differentiates instruction in customized, 10-minute daily sessions.
FASTT Math helps all your students achieve math fact fluency – and build the confidence in mathematics they need
to succeed.
Grades 2 and up
Covers basic 0-9 and 0-12 addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts
English and Spanish
Flexible implementation designed to support any curriculum or schedule
10-minute instructional sessions
Referenced from http://www.tomsnyder.com/fasttmath/index.html
Understanding Math
Understanding Numeration teaches basic math concepts. Students are guided by visual and auditory prompts.
Printable worksheets accompany the program, to further reinforce the lessons. Each new concept is introduced using
interactive work. Specific examples of the math concept are given, followed by practice questions. The student then
receives specific feedback regarding his / her work. When ready, a student takes a test on the topic. These tests can
be used as pre-tests also. All topics come with printable worksheets for classroom or independent use.
At all grade levels, students are introduced to math concepts with graphic explanations and on-screen manipulations.
Concepts are introduced at the concrete level before moving on to the abstract. When the student makes a mistake,
the program guides him / her through a series of hints, offering multiple approaches for different learning styles.
Mistakes become opportunities for learning!
Referenced from http://teachers.redclay.k12.de.us/pamela.waters/math/fetc/understandingnumerationplusan.htm l
This packet includes directions for each of the games played at the Computation
Station. Most games only need materials commonly found at home and items you
received in your goodie bag.
Egg Carton Addition,
Multiplication, or
Get a standard egg carton with a solid top. Use a marker or pen
to write numbers (1-12 for basic facts) randomly in the bottom
of each egg cup. Put two beans, paperclips, or other small
objects into the carton. Close and shake. Open the carton and
add, subtract, or multiply the two numbers. Need to make it
harder? Add a third small object to shake around!
101 and Out – Paper,
pencil, dice
Use the game board or make it yourself. Draw a table with 2
columns and 6 rows. Label the left column “tens” and the right
column “ones”. Roll the dice six times and record each number
rolled in one of the boxes on the game board. Once you write it,
you can't move it. After your sixth roll, place zeros in the
remaining boxes. Add the numbers. The player closest to 100
without going over wins! Change the difficulty by using two dice
and adding or multiplying the digits (you might need to change it
to 202 and out for multiplication).
The Multiplication
Use the game board and a pair of dice. Make it easier by using
just one dice or adding two dice. Make it harder by using a ten
sided dice, or three dice. If you only have one dice, just roll it
twice each turn.
Crossing the River
Use the game board and a pair of dice. Make it easier by using
just one dice and numbers 1-7. Change the number of beans to
make the game longer or shorter.
Go Fish
Use multiplication to have players of different levels play the
game together. Instead of trying to make a 10, multiply two
numbers together to get a multiple of a certain number. You
could also try to get a number with 2, 5, or 10 as a factor.
You can make your own board of any size. Make a blank grid.
Decide how many dice you will play with (2+) and begin playing
like you normally would. Instead of covering the number, write
the number anywhere on the grid. Try to come up with as many
different numbers as possible and don't repeat. You may need
repeats if you are only using addition and subtraction.
How many more to
make 10?
Use the game board to play. Roll a dice. Decide how many more
you would need to make 10, then cover that square. If there
are no squares with the number available, lose a turn. To win,
get three or more in a row! Try playing with two dice—if your
answer isn't there, lose a turn.
Addition (or
multiplication) TicTac-Toe
Decide which game board to play on, or make your own. Roll two
dice (or one dice two times). Add the numbers together and
cover on the board. Both players should share the same game
board. Regular rules of tic-tac-toe are used: when you get
three in a row, you win! Make your own board using addition by
placing numbers 2-12 anywhere in a regular tic-tac-toe board.
Use multiplication by picking one set of facts (5x, for example)
and randomly placing products of that number in the board (5,
10, 15, 20, 25....etc.). Roll one dice and multiply by the chosen
fact set.
Head Feathers – 3
Use a deck of playing cards with face cards removed. Keep
jokers as 0. Shuffle the cards and put in a pile in the middle of
two players. The third person will be the “teacher”. The two
players take a card, and without looking at it, hold it to their
forehead so the other player can see the number. The
“teacher” adds, multiplies, or subtracts and gives the players
the answer (examples: The product is 25....The difference is
3....The sum is 12.). The players must look at the other person's
card and try to figure out the card on their head. The first
person to guess wins both cards. Keep playing until all the
cards are used. The person with the most cards wins.
(A List of Literature Books by Math Concept)
Books About Counting
Albright, Viv. Ten Go Hopping.
Anno, Mistumasa. Anno’s Counting Book.
Archambault, John. Counting Sheep.
Aylesworth, James. One Crow.
Bang, Molly. Ten, Nine, Eight!
Bayley, Nicola. One Old Oxford Ox.
Bennett, David. One Cow Moo Moo!
Blumenthal, Nancy. Count-A-Saurus.
Brett, Jan. The Twelve Days of Christmas.
Brown, Paula. Moonjump: A Countdown.
Carle, Eric 1, 2, 3, To the Zoo.
Carle, Eric Rooster Off to See the World.
Carter, David. How Many Bugs in a Box?
Chouinard, Roger and Mariko. One Magic Box.
Conover, Chris. Six Little Ducks.
Crews, Donald. Ten Black Dots.
Ehlert, Lois. Fish Eyes.
Elya, Susan Middleton. Eight Animals on the Town.
Ernst, Lisa. Up to Ten and Down Again.
Falwell, Catherine. Feast for Ten.
Fleming, Denise. Count!
Geisert, Arthur. Pigs from 1 to 10.
Giganti, Paul. How Many Snails?
Hamm, Diane J. How Many Feet in the Bed?
Harshman, Marc. Only One.
Hirschi, Ron. Hungry Little Frog.
Howe, Caroline. Counting Penguins.
Hutchins, Pat. One Hunter.
Johnston, Tony. Whale Song: A Celebration of Counting.
Keats, Ezra Jack. One Red Sun: A Counting Book.
Kirn, Ann. Nine in a Line.
Kitamura, Satashi. When Sheep Cannot Sleep.
Lewis, Paul Owen. P. Bear’s New Years Party.
London, Jonathan. Count the Way, Little Brown Bear.
Mack, Stan. 10 Bears in My Bed.
Maestro, Betsy, and Maestro, Giulio. Harriet Goes to the Circus.
Matthias, Catherine. Too Many Balloons.
McGinty, Alice B. Ten Little Lambs.
McGrath, Barbara Barbieri. Cheeios Counting Book.
McGrath, Barbara Barbieri.The M&M’s Brand Chocolate Candies Counting Book.
Miller, Jane. Farm Counting Book.
Motozumi, Atsuko. One Gorilla.
Murphy, Stuart. Every Buddy Counts.
Pallotta, Jerry. The Icky Bug Counting Book.
Raffi. Five Little Ducks.
Rocklin, Joanne. Musical Chairs and Dancing Bears.
Sendak, Maurice. One Was Johnny.
Seuss, Dr. Ten Apples on Top.
Sheppard, Jeff. The Right Number of Elephants.
Math Literature Books/HISD Mathematics Department 2
Shulevitz, Uri. One Monday Morning.
Stickland, Paul. Ten Terrible Dinosaurs.
Tafuri, Nancy. Who’s Counting?
Trinca, Rod. One Woolly Wombat.
Van Fleet, Matthew. One Yellow Lion.
Walsh, Ellen. Mouse Count
Wise, William. Ten Sly Piranhas.
Wylie, Joanne and David. How Many Monsters?
Yeoman, John. Sixes and Sevens.
Books About Sorting and Classifying
Ahlberg, Janet and Allan. The Baby's Catalog.
Anno, Mitsumasa. Anno's Flea Market.
Baylor, Byrd. Guess Who My Favorite Person Is?
Booth, Eugene. In the Garden.
Brown, Margaret Wise. The Important Book.
Brenner, Barbara. Mr. Small and Mr. Tall.
Centiennni, Benita. Little Elephant and Big Mouse.
Dorros, Arthur. Alligator Shoes.
Eastman, Philip C. Big Dog, Little Dog
Fey, James. Long, Short, High, Low, Thin, Wide.
Giganti, Paul Jr. How Many Snails?
Hoban, Tana. Is it Red? Is it Yellow?
Hoben, Tana. Is it Rough? Is it Smooth?
Hoberman, Mary Ann. A House is a House
Kaufman, Joe. Big and Little.
Kelllogg, Steven. Much Bigger Than Martin.
McMillan, Buce. Growing Colors.
Morris, Ann. Bread, Bread, Bread.
Morris, Ann. Hats, Hats, Hats.
Murphy, Stuart. A Pair of Socks.
Murphy, Stuart. The Best Bug Parade.
Murphy, Stuart. The Greatest Gymnast of All.
Parnall, Peter. Feet!
Pluckrose, Henry. Knowabout Sorting.
Reid, Margarette. The Button Box
Reid, Margarette.. A String of Beads.
Roy, Ron. Whose Hat Is That?
Roy, Ron. Whose Shares are These?
Spier, Peter. People.
Tafuri, Nancy. Spots, Feathers, and Curly Tails.
Winthrop, Elizabeth. Shoes.
Books About Number
Akass, Susan. Number Nine Duckling.
Alder, David. Base Five.
Balin, Lorna. Amelia’s Nine Lives.
Becker, John. Seven Little Rabbits.
Berenstain, Stanley and Janice. Bears on Wheels.
Bogart, JoEllen. 10 for Dinner.
Bulter, Christina. Too Many Eggs.
Math Literature Books/HISD Mathematics Department 3
Chambers, Mary. Six Dogs, Twenty-three Cats, Forty-five Mice and One Hundred Sixteen
Christelow, Eileen. Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed.
Cristaldi, Kathryn. Even Steven and Odd Todd.
Dale, Penny. Ten Out of Bed.
Dee, Ruby. Two Ways to Count to Ten.
Friedman, Aileen. The King’s Commissioners.
Froman, Robert. Less Than Nothing I Really Something.
Gag, Wanda. Millions of Cats.
Hertzberg, Hendrik. One Million.
Hoban, Russel. Ten What?
Hooker, Yvonne. One Green Frog.
Hooper, Meredith. Seven Eggs.
Johnston, Stephen. City by Numbers.
Kasza, Keiko. The Wolf's Chicken Stew.
Lionni, Leo. Swimmy.
Lottridge, Celia. One Watermelon Seed.
Mahy, Margaret. 17 Kings and 42 Elephants.
McCloskey, Kevin. Mrs. Fitz’s Flamingos
McKissack, Patricia. A Million Fish . . . More or Less.
Merriam, Eve. 12 Ways to Get to 11.
Moore, Inga. Six Dinner Sid.
Murphy, Stuart. Henry the Fourth.
Murphy, Stuart. Missing Mittens.
Reasoner, Charles. Number Munch.
Schwartz, David. How Much is a Million?
Schwartz, David. If You Made a Million.
Zaslavsky, Claudia. Zero! Is It Something? Is It Nothing?
Ziefert, Harriet. Bears Odd, Bears Even.
Ziefert, Harriet. A Dozen Dozens.
Books About Time
Adler, David. A Little at a Time
Adler, Irving. A Time in Your Life
Adler, Irving and Ruth Alder. The Calendar
Allison, Linda. The Reason for Seasons
Anno, Mitsumasa. All in a Day
Asch, Frank. Little Fish, Big Fish
Aylesworth, Jim. The Complete Hickory Dickory Dock
Baumann, Hans. What Time is It Around the World?
Bowers, Kathleen. At This Very Minute
Branley, Franklyn. Keeping Time
Brook, Judy. Around the Clock
Carle, Eric. The Grouchy Ladybug
Carle, Eric. Today is Monday
Corey, Dorothy. Will It Ever Be My Birthday?
DePaola, Tomie. Four Stories for Four Seasons
DeRegniers, Beatrice Schenk. Waiting for Mama
Gerstein, Mordicai. The Suns’s Day
Gibbons, Gail. Clocks and How They Go
Gordon, Sharon. Tick Tock Clock
Grossman, Bill. The Guy Who Was Five Minutes Late
Hargreaves, Roger. Grandfather Clock
Hawkins, Colin. Mr. Wolf’s Week
Math Literature Books/HISD Mathematics Department 4
Hawkins, Colin. What Time Is It Mr. Wolf?
Hutchins, Pat. Clocks and More Clocks
Maccarone, Grace. Monster Math School Time
Maestro, Betsy. Around the Clock with Harriet
Maestro, Betsy. Through the Year with Harriet
Murphy, Stuart. Get Up and Go
Neasi, Barbara J. A Minute Is a Minute
Perry, Susan. How Did We Get Calendars and Clocks?
Pluckrose, Henry. Time
Provensen, Alice. The Year at Maple Farm
Russo, Marisabina. Only Six More Days
Sendak, Maurice. Chicken Soup with Rice
Ward, Cyndy. Cookie’s Week
Williams, Vera. Three Days on a River in a Red Canoe
Books About Patterns
Aker, Suzanne. What Comes in 2’s 3’s and 4’s?
Dee, Ruby. Two Ways to Count to Ten.
Emberley, Barbara. Drummer Hoff.
Ernst, Lisa Campbell. Sam Johnson and the Blue Ribbon Quilt.
Flournoy, Calerie. The Patchwork Quilt.
Freschet, Bernice. The Ants Go Marching.
Geringer, Laura. A Three Hat Day.
Giganti, Paul, Jr. Each Orange Had 8 Slices.
Hamm, Diane Johnston. How Many Feet in the Bed?
Hoberman, Mary Ann. All My Shoes Come in Twos.
Jonas, Ann. The Quilt.
Kalan, Robert. Jump, Frog, Jump.
Keenan, Sheelia. The Trouble with Pets.
Losi, Carol A. The 512 Ants on Sullivan Street.
Numeroff, Laura Joffe. If You Give A Mouse a Cookie.
Numeroff, Laura Joffe. If You Give a Moose a Pancake.
Paul, Whitford Paul. Eight Hands Round.
Wood, Audrey. The Napping House.
Books About Money
Adams, Barbara. The Go-Around Dollar
Arnold, Caroline. What Will We Buy?
Asch, Frank. Good Lemonade
Axelrod, Amy. Pigs Will Be Pigs
Berenstain, Jand and Stan. The Trouble with Money
Briers, Audrey. Money
Cribb, Joe. Money
DeRubertis, Barbara. Dana’s Lucky Penny
Gretz, Susanna. Teddy Bears Go Shopping
Hoban, Lillian. Arthur’s Funny Money
Hoban, Russel. A Bargain for Frances
Hoban, Tana. 26 Letters and 99 Cents
Hutchins, Pat. Don’t Forget the Bacon
Kimmel, Eric. Four Dollars and Fifty Cents
Maestro, Betsy and Giulio. Dollars and Cents for Harriet
Martin, Bill. Ten Pennies for Candy
Mathis, Sharon. The Hundred Penny Box
Math Literature Books/HISD Mathematics Department 5
Merrill, Bob. How Much Is That Doggie in the Window?
Merrill, Jean. The Toothpaste Millionaire
Murphy, Stuart. The Penny Pot
Nelson, JoAnne. The Magic Money Machine
Richards, Kitty. It’s About Time Max
Schwartz, David. If You Made a Million
Silverstein, Shel. “Smart” in Where the Sidewalk Ends
Slater, Teddy. Max’s Money
Viorst, Judith. Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday
Williams, Vera. A Chair for My Mother
Zenelman, Nathan. How the Second Grade Got $8,205.50 …
Books About Measurement
Adams, Pam. Ten Beads Tall
Allen, Pamela. Who Sank the Boat?
Axelrod, Amy. Pigs Go to Market
Axelrod, Amy. Pigs in the Pantry
Branley, Franklyn. How Little, How Much: A Book about Scales
Brett, Jan. The Mitten
Briggs, Raymond. Jim and the Beanstalk
Caple, Kathy. The Biggest Nose
Clement, Rod. Counting on Frank
Dahl, Roald. Esio Trot
Hennessy, B. G. The Dinosaur Who Lived in my Backyard
Hoban, Tana. Is It Large? Is It Small?
Kellogg, Steven. Much Bigger Than Martin
Leedy, Loreen. Mapping Penny’s World
Leedy, Loreen. Measuring Penny
Lionni, Leo. Inch by Inch
Luig, Bettina. Fattest, Tallest, Biggest Snowman Ever
Maestro, Betsy. Temperature and You
Mahy, Margret. Jam
Morimoto, Junko. The Inch Boy
Most, Nernard. The Littlest Dinosaur
Murphy, Stuart. Betcha!
Murphy, Stuart. Super Sand Castle Saturday
Murphy, Stuart. Room for Ripley
Myller, Rolf. How Big Is a Foot?
Nelson, JoAnne. How Tall Are You?
Nesbit, E. Melisande
Planet, Dexter. How Big Is Pepperoni?
Pluckrose, Henry. Capacity
Pluckrose, Henry. Length
Russo, Marisabina. The Line Up Book
Wells, Robert E. How Do You Lift a Lion?
Wells, Robert E. Is a Blue Whale the Biggest Thing There Is?
Wells, Robert E. What’s Faster than a Speeding Cheetah?
Wells, Robert E. What’s Smaller than A Pygmy Shrew?
Books About Fractions
Dennis, J. Richard. Fractions Are Parts of Things
Emberley, Ed. Ed Emberley’s Picture Pie: A Book of Circle Art
Math Literature Books/HISD Mathematics Department 6
Gomi, Taro. Sharing
Khalsa, Dayal Kaur. How Pizza Came to Queens
Kushkin, Karla. The Philharmonic Gets Dressed
Lionni, Leo. Pezzettino
Mathews, Louise. Gator Pie
McMillan, Bruce. Eating Fractions
Mpncure, Jane Belk. How Many Ways Can You Cut a Pie?
Pomerantz, Charlotte. The Half-Birthday Party
Books About Geometry
Barrett, Peter and Susan. The Circle Sarah Drew
Barrett, Peter and Susan. The Square Ben Drew
Brown, Marcia. Listen to a Shape
Carle, Eric. Draw Me a Star
Eberts, Marjorie and Margret Gisler. Pancakes, Crackers, and Pizza
Emberley, Ed. The Wings on a Flea: A Book About Shapes
Falwell, Cathryn. Shape Space
Feldman, Judy. Shapes in Nature
Flournoy, Valerie. The Patchwork Quilt
Froman, Robert. Angles Are as Easy as Pie
Gardner, Beau. What Is It?
Grifalconi, Ann. The Village of Round and Square Houses
Hill, Eric. Where’s Spot?
Hoban, Tana. Circles, Triangles and Squares
Hoban, Tana. Round and Round and Round
Hoban, Tana. Shapes and Things
Hoban, Tana. Shapes, Shapes, Shapes
Paul, Ann Whitford. Eight Hands Round: A Patchwork Alphabet
Petty, Kate and Lisa Kopper. What’s That Shape?
Pluckrose, Henry. Shape
Tompert, Ann. Grandfather Tang’s Story
Wylie, Joanne, and David Wylie. A Fishy Shape Story
Yenawine, Philip. Shapes
Books About Computation
Aker, Suzanne. What Comes in 2’s, 3’s, and 4’s?
Anno, Mitsumasa. Anno’s Counting House
Anno, Mistsumasa. Anno’s Mysteroius Multiplying Jar
Bang, Molly. Ten, Nine, Eight
Barrett, Judi. What’s Left?
Bate, Lucy. Little Rabbit’s Loose Tooth
Becker, John. Seven Little Rabbits
Bogart, JoEllen. 10 for Dinner
Brenner, Barbara. Annie’s Pet
Buringham, Paul. Pigs Plus: Learning Addition
Callmenson, Stephanie. Ten Furry Monsters
Chalmers, Mary. Six Dogs, Twenty-three Cats, Forth-five Mice And One Hundred Sixteen
Christelow, Eileen. Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
Coats, Laura. Ten Little Animals
DePaola, Tomie. Too Many Hopkins
Dunbar, Joyce. A Cake for Barney
Math Literature Books/HISD Mathematics Department 7
Ehlert, Lois. Fish Eyes
Farber, Norma. Up the Down Elevator
Gackenbach, Dick. A Bag Full of Pups
Giganti, Paul Jr. Each Orange Had Eight Slices
Giganti, Paul Jr. How Many Snails?
Gisler, David. Addition Annie
Hutchins, Pat. 1 Hunter
Hawkins, Colin. Adding Animals
Hawkins, Colin. Take Away Monsters
Hulme, Joy. Sea Squares
Hutchins, Pat. The Doorbell Rang
Maestro, Guilio. One More and One Less
Mathews, Louise. Bunches and Bunches of Bunnies
Mathews, Louise. The Great Take-Away
Moore, Inga. Six Dinner Sid
Morozzumi, Atsuko. One Gorilla
Murphy, Stuart. Animals on Board
Murphy, Stuart. A Fair Bear Share
Murphy, Stuart. Divide and Ride
Murphy, Stuart. Elevator Magic
Murphy, Stuart. Ready, Set, Hop!
Pinczes, Elinor J. One Hundred Hungry Ants
Pinczes, Elinor J. A Remainder of One
Slater, Teddy. Two Tickets to Ride
Tafuri, Nancy. Have You Seen My Ducklings?
Trivett, John. Building Tables on Tables
Books About Place Value
Alder, David. Base Ten.
Anderson, Lonzo and Adrienne Adams. Two Hundred Rabbits.
Asch, Frank. Popcorn.
Charlip, Remy. Thirteen.
Estes. Eleamor. The Hundred Dresses.
Gag, Wanda. Millions of Cats.
Geisel, T. A. The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins.
Fanaatz, David. Captain Swifty Counts to 50.
Hoban, Tana. Count and See.
Howard, Katerine. I Can Count to 100.
Lottridge, Celia Baker. One Watermelon Seed.
Matthew, Louise. Bunches and Bunches of Bunnies.
Myrick, Jean. Ninety-Nine Pockets.
Petie, Haris. Billions of Bugs.
Pittman, Helena. A Grain of Rice.
Schartz, David. How Much Is a Million?
Sharmat, Marjorie. The 329th Friend.
Sitomer, Mondel and Harry. Zero Is Not Nothing.
Sloat, Teri. From One to One Hundred.
Zaslavsky, Claudia. Zero! Is It Something? Is It Nothing?