All Stars!

All Stars! team
Bob Turner’s Team
“The difference between ordinary
and extra ordinary is that little
What is “All Stars!”
 It is a discipline Mcdonalds team, which is
always ready to play very important role in
any dodgy situations with responsibility.
 It solves most of the current problems or
oncoming problems very easily.
 Such as, S.O.R, F.O.R, Mystery Shops,
labors, increasing store grades, sales and
• What is requirements to be part of “All Stars!”
• 1. hard working.
• 2. responsibility.
• 3. punctuality.
• 4. must know all three stations.
• 5. respect.
Structure of “All Stars!”
One Leader.
Two or three Co-leaders.
Every Co-leader has three Members.
How you can be “All Stars” leader?
Must have people skills.
Must completed BSM & Serve Safe.
Well known with all procedures and
QSC & V.
About Co-leader
Hard working.
Well known with all procedures and
QSC & V.
Intention of “All Stars!”
Help any hard situations of Mcdonalds.
Make all members same as manager by
training. Cost almost nothing.
All Stars member will be able to
participate to take BSM test without taking
any class.
They will be well trained in their store
within 6 or 12 months circulation.
Intention of “All Stars!”
It helps store improvement to have extra
experience crew members.
It can be look like a zone management
but it does very different way with certain
It does very details for store.
All Stars! Operations Improvement
our store current mystery shop
Shepherdstown- 85.42
Highest score for this year95.50(aug’06)
Lowest score for this year74.55(april’06)
Our goal is 85.42%~~>87.28%
2006 summary
All Stars! Operations Review
Code :Comments
A :B :C :D :E :F :G :H :-
What is rules &
Leader must call meeting every after two weeks.
Leader must set goal for every two weeks.
Leader must chose 6 or 12 months plan.
For 6 – months plan, “All Stars” member only
can miss two meeting. More than two absence
from meeting is automatic termination from
• For 12- months plan, no more than 5 days.
What is rules &
Every members has certain code( a, b,c…)
Leader and Co-leaders design a store map
and set code.
Code changes every two weeks during the
meeting by lottery.
Every members has to finish their code at
least two times a week.
What is rules &
Members do not have to finish their code
scheduled times.
They will be allowed to come any times of
the day ( only for 2-hours) and finish their
When members get codes, leader must
explain about their code work.
Leader must graded and rewarded
members (every months).
What is rules &
Co-leaders must observe about their own
members and make sure code finish
Every members make a hand note ( what
they finished) and give it to co-leaders.
Leader may chose to make two weekly
newspaper and it contains members
expresions, goals and destiny plan.