RP918 LAND ACQUISTION AND RESETTLEMENT ACTION PLAN (LARAP) SUMATRA 275 KV MAIN SUBSTATION PROJECT LAHAT - LUBUK LINGGAU – BANGKO - MUARA BUNGO KILIRANJAO February 11, 2011 PT.PLN PROYEK PEMBANGKIT DAN JARINGAN SUMATERA BAGIAN SELATAN. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: PROJECT DESCRIPTION CHAPTER 2: INVENTORY OF PEOPLE AND ASSETS AFFECTED CHAPTER 3: THE VALUE OF ASSETS AND COMPENSATION SCHEME CHAPTER 4: CONSULTATION AND DELIBERATION PROCESS CHAPTER 5: INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT CHAPTER 6: IMPLEMENTATION AND FINANCING SCHEDULE LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project LIST OF ANNEXES ANNEXES 1 : Nominative List of Land Compensation at GI Lahat ANNEXES 2 : Nominative List of Plant at GI Lahat Location ANNEXES 3 : Nominative List of Land Compensation for Tower ANNEXES 4 : Nominative List of Plant Compensation for Tower and ROW ANNEXES 5 : NJOP (Nilai Jual Objek Pajak) ANNEXES 6 : Land Market Price ANNEXES 7 : Photo Socialization Proces ANNEXES 8 : Minute of Metting and Present List Socialization LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project CHAPTER 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1.1 Existing Conditions and Project Plan The 150 kV Transmission Line, Lahat - Lubuk Linggau - Bangko - Muaro Bungo – Kiliranjao, is currently the only "back bone" electrical systems in Sumatra. To improve the security, reliability and compatibility of the power transmission lines, PT PLN (Persero) will upgrading the transmission to 275 kV. These efforts will increase the safety and reliability of the electric energy distribution capacity in Sumatra, especially in the above areas of transmission. Subprojects include the construction of Lahat substation, Lubuk Linggau substation, Bangko substation, Bungo Muaro substation and Kiliranjao substation as well as the expansion of the transmission lines from Lahat substation to Kiliranjao substation to 275 kV. 1.2 Project Location This transmission network location is in Sumatra where the network route through the provinces of South Sumatra, Jambi and West Sumatra, while the substations scattered along the path. a) Lahat substation Land for extension of Lahat substation is on the coffee plantations that are owened by local community. It is located in South Sumatra Province, Lahat Regency, Pagar Agung Sub Distric. b) Lubuk Linggau substation Lubuk Linggau substation is located in South Sumatra province, Musi Rawas Regency, Lubuk Linggau West Sub Distric. c) Bangko substation Bangko substation is located in Jambi Province, Merangin Regency, Bangko Sub District. d) Muaro Bungo substation LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project Muaro Bungo substation located in Jambi Province, Bungo Tebo Regency, Muaro Bungo Sub District. e) Kiliranjao substation Kiliranjao substation is located in West Sumatera Province, Regency Sijunjung, Sie Langsek Sub District. 1.3 Work Type Jobs for the construction of substation and upgrading of 275 kV of transmission lines include: 1. Upgrading Lahat -Kiliranjao transmission lines 150 kV to 275 kV; 2. Expansion of the Lahat substation; and 3. Relocation of the tower and Right of Way (ROW) for the in-out transmission lines around the substation. 1.4 The need for Land For upgrading 275 kV substation Lahat - Kilirinjao, the required land acquisition is 39,100 m2 which consists of: 1. Lahat substation : switchyard 31000m2 (200x155) and 2 tower (@ 30mx30m) 2. Lubuk Linggau substation : 3 tower (@ 30mx30m) 3. Bangko substation : 1 tower (@ 30mx30m) 4. Kiliranjao substation : 3 tower site (@ 30mx30m) Substation Lahat needs an area of 31,000 m2 of land for construction while the other substations do not need land acquisition. As for the relocation of in-out Transmission LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project Line, the required land acquisition 8,100 m2 for the nine towers around the substation. Thus the total requirement of 39,100m2 of land. For tower construction in the Muaro Bungo substation, land acquisition is not required since the land was owned by PT PLN. Relocation of 2,665 m transmission lines (ROW), consists of: 1. Lahat substasion: around 1180 m 2. Lubuk Linggau substation: around 740 m 3. Bangko substation around: 100 m 4. Kiliranjao substation around: 645 m With an ROW line width of 26 m, the total area affected by the ROW is approximately 69,290 m2. No land acquisition is required for the ROW. However, land owners will be compensated for utilization of land by transmission lines. Restrictions will apply to the vertical clearance of these land use depending on the height limits of stands (canopy trees and buildings). CHAPTER 2. INVENTORY OF PEOPLE AND ASSETS AFFECTED 2.1 Inventory Of People and Land Affected by the Project 2.1.1 Inventory Of People and Land Affected by the expansion Lahat Main Substasion The total requirement of land needed for the expansion of Lahat Substation is 31,000 m2. It consists of 12 fields / plots of land. All parcels of land to be released is agricultural land / plantation fields and gardens of private property. Data location, owner, area and type of land use that will be used for expansion of the Lahat Substation presented in Table 2.1 Tabel 2.1Data land to be used in the expansion of the Lahat Substation No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Land Needed Name of (m2) Owner 31000 Ristansi Husen Andi Nodi Rosali Sudar Ali Andi Mulyadi Location Village/Sub District Pagar Agung LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project Type Utilization Land of Area Regancy Lahat Total Area (m2) 1588,5 4506 2735 2962,27 1906,2 7661,83 4106 5567,58 Affected (m2) 1588,5 4506 2735 504,89 1906,2 6353,93 804,15 4442,24 Remaining (m2) 2457,38 1307,9 3301,85 1125,34 Note Land Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Expansion Lahat Substation 9 10 11 12 Surono Ibnu Suud Indahwan Marliansyah 3039,24 1680,06 8000 22500 3039,24 350,22 2904,63 2753,97 1329,84 5095,4 19746,03 Farm Farm Farm Farm 5 people have seen that all land affected by the project, even if such citizens are not citizens who are economically and politically is weak and people do not depend on income from the land. Choice of compensation form allows them to choose replacement land, but the initial consultation showed that they prefer cash as a substitute for the lost land. 2.1.2 Inventory of affected people and land at the project site location tower Land required for the relocation of 275 kV Lahat - Kiliranjao line transmission is 5,400 m2, which consists of five fields / plots of land. Most of the land to be released is agricultural land / plantation fields and gardens of private property. Data location, owner, area and type of land use that will be used for the relocation of transmission lines is presented in Table 2.2 Table 2.2Data land to be used in the relocation of 275 kV transmission lines Lahat - Kliranjaou No 1 2 3 4 5 Land Needed (m2) 900 900 1800 900 900 Name of Location Owner Sub District Rusaman Zainal Abidin H. Senanang Syam Sadia Type Utilization Land of Area Regency Pagar Agung Lahat Petanang Musi Rawas Bangko Merangin Total Area (m2) 25000 15000 15000 15000 15000 Affected (m2) 900 900 900 1800 900 Remaining (m2) 24100 14100 14100 13200 14100 Note Land Farm Farm Farm Farm Forest Tower in the near Substations 2.1.3 Inventory of land residents affected by ROW transmission lines Land below Right Of Way ROW will not be cleared, but the owner will be compensated according to Decree of the Minister of Mines and Energy No. 975.K/47/M.PE/1999 on alteration of Ministerial Regulation of the Minister of Mines and Energy No. 01.P/47/M.PE/1992 regarding right of way of high and extra higt voltage line for trasmitting electrical energy/SUTT and SUTET. This decree states that the land and buliding below SUTT and SUTET (at the Right Of Way) will get compensation in the form of money for amount equal 10% of the NJOP (Nilai Jual Objek Pajak) price. Given the compensation of 10% of the NJOP price is very small, consultations and negotiations with the affected people regarding land compensation are necessary. In this case, PLN agreed to pay compensation in accordance with the results of consultation between the LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project PLN, the government and affected people. Table 2.3 is data on land owners and the land inventory affected by transmission ROW. Table 2.3 Data of land area affected by ROW No Name of Location Type Utilization Land 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Owner Ramzi Muad Tono Melan No Name 1 No Name 2 Sueb Jebel Rusman No Name 3 Ras Lebi Rama Dedi Kosim Naim Mega Sub Distric Pagar Agung Pagar Agung Pagar Agung Pagar Agung Pagar Agung Pagar Agung Pagar Agung Pagar Agung Pagar Agung Pagar Agung Pagar Agung Pagar Agung Pagar Agung Pagar Agung Pagar Agung Pagar Agung Pagar Agung Regency Lahat Lahat Lahat Lahat Lahat Lahat Lahat Lahat Lahat Lahat Lahat Lahat Lahat Lahat Lahat Lahat Lahat Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 H. Senanang H. Husien Buyung Syam Herman Muis Rasul Petanang Petanang Petanang Petanang Petanang Petanang Petanang Musi Rawas Musi Rawas Musi Rawas Musi Rawas Musi Rawas Musi Rawas Musi Rawas Ladang Ladang Ladang Ladang Ladang Ladang Ladang Farm Affected Area (M2) 1170 390 650 1040 520 1430 4420 780 4550 3250 650 1950 4030 1300 1560 650 2340 5590 3458 1378 4316 1300 1950 1690 2.2 Status of ownership of land / building Ownership status of land owned by citizens of today is largely the inherited rights and the rest is a certified property. Evidenced of this status is in a signed letter acknowledgment that the rights are known by the local village chief. 2.3 Function of land / buildings affected by the project Most of the land to be released is agricultural land / plantation fields and gardens of private property. Complete data can be seen from Table 2.1 above. 2.4 Plants/Trees Affected by Project 2.4.1 Plants/Trees Affected by the Expansion of Lahat Substation Project The complete inventory of plants and trees affected by the expansion of the Lahat substation project will be released by March 2010. The Inventory of plants will be used LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project to settle torts in accordance with local goverment decree addressing plants compensation standards (South sumatera Governor Regulation Number 25 year 2009 on Guidelines for Compensation Value of Land Use and Plant Acquisition, Building In Due Thereon Exploration, Exploitation of State Owned Enterprises, Regional Owned Enterprises and Other Private Companies). Recapitulation of the type and number of plants / trees affected are presented in Table 2.3. Generally the results of these crops are not the main income of the affected land owners. The current inventory is conducted at the end of the period ending November 2009, there were 4,516 plants to be released. Table 2.3 Recapitulation and the number of plants affected by the expansion of Lahat Substation Project No Name of Owner Location Subdistric 1 2 3 4 5 Ristansi Pagar Agung Type Plants Regency Lahat Andi Hussin Surder Rosali LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project Clasiffication B Sub-Total Total BB Rambutan Durian Karet Jengkol Kapuk Alpukat 2 1 1 3 3 2 Rambutan Mangga Rambai Cimpedak Durian Duku Jengkol Kopi 20 2 3 6 8 4 20 783 Kopi Karet Durian Rambutan Jengkol Cimpedak Duku 439 Kopi Karet Rambutan Cimpedak Durian Bambu Jengkol 741 Bambu Mangga Kopi Durian Karet Duku Rambutan Rambai jengkol 4 1 147 6 10 30 154 10 5 25 4 25 1 184 10 7 3 2 110 5 1 13 1 5 2 1 11 3 3 2 22 20 2 3 6 8 4 50 783 876 439 154 10 5 50 4 1 663 741 184 10 7 3 2 110 1057 4 1 147 6 5 1 13 1 5 185 Kapuk 6 Surono 2 2 Kopi Karet Rambutan Jengkol Belimbing Petai Kapuk 433 433 108 8 9 1 1 8 568 108 8 9 1 1 8 7 Marliansyah Karet Kopi Kapuk Rambutan Bambu Belimbing Melinjo Mahoni Duku 30 379 10 3 2 1 1 1 7 78 108 379 10 3 2 1 1 1 7 512 8 Indahwan Karet Durian Petai Kapuk mangga Kopi Jengkol Rambutan 14 8 8 8 2 463 12 4 114 128 8 8 8 2 463 12 4 633 4516 TOTAL 2.4.2 Plants/Trees Affected By The Project On Tower Site Location The inventory of plants will be used to settle torts in accordance with local govermment decree addressing plants compensation standards, (South sumatera Governor Regulation Number 25 year 2009 on Guidelines for Compensation Value of Land Use and Plant Acquisition, Building In Due Thereon Exploration, Exploitation of State Owned Enterprises, Regional Owned Enterprises and Other Private Companies. Table 2.4 capitulation and the number of plants affected by tower site No Name of Owner Type of Plants Location Sub Distric Regency Classiffication B BB Sub Total Total Karet 1 Rusman Pagar Agung Lahat 65 65 65 15 59 15 59 15 Karet Trap 5 Karet 25 5 25 Trap Cempedak Kopi 20 1 60 20 1 60 Karet 2 3 4 Zainal Abidin H. Senanang Syam Pagar Agung Petanang Petanang Lahat Musi Rawas Musi Rawas 64 106 250 LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project 2.4.3 Plants / trees affected by the project in ROW According to the Ministerial Decree of Mining and Energy No 975.K/47/M.PE/199 on alternation of Ministerial Regulation of Mining and Energy 01.P/47/M.PE/1993 regarding right of way of high and extra high voltage line for trasmitting electrical energy/SUTT and SUTET, the affected plants at ROW (right of way) location which is higer than three meters tall (section 1, article 2) and have the possibility to grow high and endanger SUTT/SUTET (section 1, article 4, item 3) has the rigt to get compensation. The inventory of plants will be used settle torts in accorrorance with a local govermment decree addressing plant compensation standards, (South sumatera Governor Regulation Number 25 year 2009 on Guidelines for Compensation Value of Land Plant Acquisition, Building In Due Thereon Exploration, Exploitation of State Owned Enterprises, Regional Owned Enterprises and Other Private Companies). Based on the results of temporary inventory conducted in the period ending November 2009, there were 2,079 strong plants which will free space under the 275 kV transmission and meet the criteria for the indemnity granted to the owner in accordance with existing regulations. This also applies to plants that are on tower site location. Details of the owner, the type and number of plants affected by the exemption are provided in table 2.5 Table 2.5 Recapitulation and the number of plants affected by ROW No Name of Owner Sub Distric 1 2 3 Ramzi Muad Tono Name of Plant Location Pagar Agung Pagar Agung Pagar Agung LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project Regency Clasiffication B BB Sub Total Durian 4 4 Jengkol Akasia Bambu Singon Trap 2 11 8 10 2 2 11 8 10 Karet 2 Jati Mangga Durian 5 1 2 Jati 4 2 4 Karet Durian Cempedak Alpokat Rambutan 2 4 1 2 1 2 4 1 2 1 Lahat Total 37 2 2 Lahat 10 5 1 Lahat 17 4 5 6 7 Melan No Name 1 No Name 2 Sueb Pagar Agung Pagar Agung Pagar Agung Pagar Agung Mangga Bambu 2 1 Bambang 7 Karet Singon Jati 13 9 1 Karet 13 Singon Rambutan 2 1 Karet 37 Kapuk Durian Jengkol 1 1 1 Durian 8 1 8 Bambu Karet Singon Durian Singon Karet Cempedak Rambutan 2 12 9 15 10 80 1 5 2 12 9 15 10 80 1 5 2 1 7 Lahat 30 13 9 1 Lahat 13 2 16 1 37 Lahat 40 1 1 Lahat 142 Karet 8 Jebel Pagar Agung Lahat 15 15 5 5 3 70 12 1 2 1 1 3 70 12 1 2 1 1 4 4 66 Singon 20 Bambu 9 Rusman Pagar Agung Lahat Karet Singon Jengkol Mangga Cempedak Durian Rambutan 10 11 12 13 14 No Name 3 Ras Lebi Rama Dedi Pagar Agung Pagar Agung Pagar Agung Pagar Agung Pagar Agung LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project Jati 66 Durian Mangga Cempedak Singon 3 4 1 1 Mangga 1 Durian Singon 2 1 Singon 1 Karet Siru 20 3 Cempedak 3 Karet Singon Jengkol Durian Rambutan Petai 28 16 1 3 7 1 Mangga 1 Lahat 75 Lahat 3 4 1 1 1 2 Lahat 4 1 1 Lahat Lahat 94 24 20 3 3 28 16 1 3 7 1 1 59 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Kosim Naim Mega H. Senanang H. Husien Buyung Syam Herman Pagar Agung Pagar Agung Pagar Agung Petanang Petanang Petanang Petanang Petanang LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project Jengkol Karet Bambu 2 17 1 Jengkol 12 Durian Kapuk Petai Pelawi Cempedak Karet Randu 7 2 3 2 1 3 2 Durian 3 Jengkol Petai 1 1 Durian 16 1 16 Cempedak Bambu Karet Rambutan Tembesu 2 1 2 4 10 2 1 2 4 10 Karet 80 80 Trap Mangga Cempedak Jengkol Karet Trap 14 1 3 1 254 46 14 1 3 1 254 Karet 200 Trap Jengkol Cempedak 15 1 1 Karet 56 Trap Kemenyan Durian 16 1 2 Karet 66 Trap Kemenyan Bambu Karet Trap Cempedak Karet Trap Jati Kopi Langas 60 29 2 6 24 2 10 3 3 20 1 Karet 37 Trap Kopi 42 78 2 17 1 12 Lahat 32 Lahat 7 2 3 2 1 3 2 3 1 Lahat Musi Rawas Musi Rawas Musi Rawas Musi Rawas 5 35 399 46 200 217 15 1 1 56 16 1 75 2 66 226 60 29 2 6 24 2 10 3 3 20 1 37 Musi Rawas 157 42 78 23 24 Muis Rasul Petanang Petanang Karet 42 42 Trap Kopi Akasia Cempedak 52 83 1 2 52 83 1 Karet 43 Trap Kopi Mangga Durian 34 85 1 1 Musi Rawas 180 2 43 Musi Rawas 164 34 85 1 1 2.079 CHAPTER 3. VALUE OF ASSETS AND COMPENSATION SCHEME 3.1 Alternative Compensation The option of replacement for land to be used for expansion of the Lahat Substation and tower site location has been offered to affected persons. Option for compensation are as follows: 1. Replacement in form of land the same width and qualities 2. Replacement in form of cash money, according to the market value of assets affected 3. A combination of the forms described above 4. Forms of other compensation in accordance with the agreement residents. This is in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 36/2005, Article 13. These choices also represent an alternative compensation to be offered by PT. PLN (Persero). LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project 3.2 Land Price In deliberation to determine the amount of land compensation, PLN will use market prices as a reference. With reference to market prices, The affected land owners are expected to receive land with a value equivalent to the land previously owned. To assess the price of land, PLN will use Appraisal Team to deermine the price established by the local government. The results of land price forecasts issued by the appraisal team represent comensation prices used during negotiations between PLN, government and affeced persons. Harga Nilai Jual Obyek Pajak (NJOP) and the market price for the land affected by the project presented in the following table: Tabel 3.1 Information market pric and NJOP e of land in the project site Market Price (Rp)/m2 NJOP Price (Rp)/m2 300.000 36.000 Land Note: NJOP price from the documents SPPT for land tax payment & building (PBB) (attched) Market price from chief of distric Pagar Agung recommendation letters (attched) LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project 3.3 Plant Price at Tower Site The value of indemnity / compensation for crops affected by the ROW 275 kV project will be used to settle torts in accordance with local govermment plants compensation standards, (South Sumatra Governor Regulation Number 25 of 2009 on Guidelines for Compensation Value of Land Use and Plant Acquisition, Building In Due Thereon Exploration, Exploitation of State Owned Enterprises, Regional Owned Enterprises and Other Private Companies). This regulation is in reference to Presendential No 36 year 2005 and No 65 year 2006 regarding land provisioning for the implemenation of public importance development projects. In line with the existing regulations governing crop prices, PT. PLN (Persero) will continue to negotiate (through consultation) the price of compensation for plants of residents affected by the project. 3.4 Certification All land required for Lahat substation and tower site will be certified after the entire land acquisition process has been completed. This process will be the responsibility of PT PLN (Persero). The certification process will be done by the Notary appointed by PT. PLN (Persero). Land owners will get a certificate when the re-certification process has been completed, (within a maximum period of 12 months from when the owner submit a land certificate). 3.5 Compensation on Land at ROW Determination of value of individual land compensation at ROW to be based on Ministerial Decree of Ministerial of Mining and Energy no 975.K/47/M.PE/199 on alteration of Ministerial Regulation of Mining and Energy 01.P/47/M.PE/1992 regarding right of way high and extra high voltage line for transmitting electrical energy/SUTT and SUTT. As stated in that decree, compensation for the land and buildings for business activities SUTT/SUTET bases on optimazation land, the index function and use of bulidings, land status, and the price of land. The selection pattern of this approach is based on the LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project consideration that the land has a social function without neglecting the interests of individuals or group. This premise means that no transfer of rights to land and land owners are still able cultivate their land and get results. According to the Decree in order to obtain the legal basis of the price of land and buildings, the price of land and buildings may be based on current year tax (NJOP) on land and buildings. Given the compensation to be provided of 10% of tax (NJOP) rates is very small, consultations and negotiations with the community about the compensation for land will be necessary. In this case, PLN agreed to pay compensation in accordance with the results of consultation between the PLN, local government and the affected people. 3.6 Compensation on Plant at ROW The value indemnity / compensation for crops affected by the ROW 275 kV project will be used to settle torts in accordance with local govermment decree plant compensation standards (South Sumatra Governor Regulation Number 25 of 2009 on Guidelines for Compensation Value of Land Use and Plant Acquisition, Building In Due Thereon Exploration, Exploitation of State Owned Enterprises, Regional Owned Enterprises and Other Private Companies). This refers to Predensitial Regulation No 36 year 2005 and No 65 year 2006 regarding land provisioning for implemenation of public importance development project. Although there are existing regulations governing crop prices, PLN (Persero) will continue to negotiate (through consultation) with residents affected by the project. The owner of hard plants can fell the affected trees on their own and are allowed to make use it for themselves. This stipulation allows the affected people to enjoy a profit or benefit. If during stringing activties the seasonal plants in the ROW area are damaged, the contractor are obliged to compensate for loss at least to standard stated by related regency administration. A Clause concerning the replacement of these plants will be included in the contract of the contruction works and will be known by the people affected. LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project 3.7 Compensation on House/Structure at ROW Determination of value of compensation for house /structure at ROW are is based on Ministerial Decree of Mining and Enegy No 975.K/47/M.PE/1999 on the alteration of Ministerial Decree of Mining and Energy 01.P/47/M.PE/1992 regarding the right of way for high and extra hight voltage lines for transmitting electrical energy/ SUTT and SUTET. In this project, ROW line just past the land farm / plantations and no buildings along the ROW line. LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project CHAPTER 4. CONSULTATION PROCESS AND DELIBERATION PROCESS The Land acquisition and rehabilitation process was conducted in consultation and participation with all persons to be affected. Initial socialization on the project started with the brochure distribution and a public meeting. The meeting was organized by Unit for Social Affair of PT PLN (Persero) PIKITRING SBS, Proyek Pembangkit dan Jaringan Sumatra dan Bangka Belitung. This initial meeting was attended by all land owners (or representation of households) to be affected, local inhabitant in general and element of local village and sub-distric adminstration. The preliminary survey was then done by PLN to get the initial data on the affected assets. Consultation with peoples who assets affected have done (attached Minutes of Meeting). Then detail indentification and inventory of affected land and a census survey of affected persons will be conducted and withnessed by element of local village and sub district administration. After the above actitivities completed, PT PLN (Persero) will conducted the negogitation session with the affected persons. This session will be fasilitated and witnessed by element LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project of village and sub district administrasion before compensation paymen were made. Compensation payment will be then carried out in an open way and witnessed by element of local village and sub district administration. The consultation and with affected people should occur at least 3 times and be held at the Sub district office or the village / local village which will be facilitated and witnessed by the local village and sub district administration. All the consultation and inventory results, including minutes of negotiations will be documented and the affected assets owners will get copies. CHAPTER 5. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGMENT 5.1 The Main Institution Involved In accordance with regulation which prevail in the Republic of Indonesia, as well as PLN policies, the main institution involed in implementing LARAP are follows: 1. PT. PLN (Persero) headquater 2. PT. PLN (Persero) PIKITRING SBS 3. Unit of Land Acquisition of PT. PLN (Persero) Prokitring SSBB 4. Land Acquisition CommitteeLocal Goverment 5. Land prices Appraisal Team LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project 6. A local university as independent institution to do monitoring function and external evaluation. During the land acquisition process for the 275 kV project, a Land Acquisition Committe will be involed because land cleared for swicth yard substations is over three hectares. The Chief of subdistrict and villages in related location will be used only to facilitate the meetings, to socialize the project or negotiation between PT. PLN (Persero) and land owner for tower site placement and owner of land for Right of Way. 5.2 Complaints Handling Mechanisme Socialization and consultation process with of affected persons have designed by project initiator to prevent complaint in the future. However, complaints handling mechanism has been estabilshed so that every affected persons or local community can be tread. All complaints to be responded the first time by the related PT. PLN (Persero) Prokitring SSBB. Complaint can be put in writing and addressed to: PT. PLN (Persero) PIKITRING SBS Proyek Pembangkitan dan Jaringan Sumatera Selatan dan Bangka Belitung Cq. Manajer PROKITRING SSBB Jln Residen Rozak 2180, Sekojo Palembang, Sumatera Selatan. Base on the complaint received, PT. PLN (Persero) Prokitting SSBB will make an investigation and respond he complaint 10 (ten) working days, at the latest, after the complaint received. If affected persons is not satisfied with response of PT. PLN (Persero), affected persons have the right to deliver the complaints to the regent. If the above steps have been taken and affected persons are still not satisfied with the response from the regent, then affected persons have the right to extend a complaint to the court.These complaints mechanisms will be disclosed to the residents. LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project 5.3 Monitoring and Reporting Monitoring and Evaluation will be carried out both internally, by PT. PLN and externally, by thrid paty/independent institution (university/college). The thrid party will have to monitor the consultation/negotiation process and the payment execution for land acquistion during LARAP implementasi and after all construction process are completed in order to evalute whether the objective have been met. PT. PLN will report any progress on implementation of the LARAP and submit the results of monitoring and the implementaton of the LARAP to the World Bank every three months, complete with required supporting documents, including latest inventory result of each substation, minutes of negotiations, complaints records and its handling and other relevant information. Monitoring will be done until 6 months after completion of the implementation of land acquisition. PLN will keep communicating with the World Bank during the preparation of monitorning reports. CHAPTER 6. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE The implementation schedule of land and acquisition and the resttlement action plan for the Upgrading 275 kV Lahat – Kiliranjaou project have been prepared with guidelines as follow: 1. Land clearingand the cutting of trees must be completed during the preconstruction period or before any physical construction activites start. 2. The schedule must ensure that: LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project a) All affected persons have been informed of the exixitence of project inculding its potential impacts and the right of affected persons for payment of replacement/compensation. b) All affected persons have received payment of replacement/compensation on time in the period agreed between PT PLN (Persero) and affected persons. 3. No stringing activity is allowed when payment of compensation for land and ROW is not yet implemented. PT. PLN (Persero) is responbile for budgeting plan and financing for all land and plants acquisition activites at tower site location as well as at the ROW. The detail activities, including the responsible units, implementation schedule, expenses and financial recources are presented in the following table. LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE No 1 Activities Institutions Consultation with residents about the PT. PLN PIKITRING SBS Time Limit Cost Source of (Rp.) Funds January 2010 30,000,000 PLN Buget Identification / inventory of affected PT. PLN PROKITRING Febuary 2010 45,000,000 PLN Buget 1,000,000 PLN Buget April 2010 25,000,000 PLN Buget Deliberations on the form amount of PT. PLN PROKITRING May 2010 30,000,000 PLN Buget project and possible impacts PT. PLN PROKITRING SSBB PEMDA 2 people and assets SSBB PEMDA 3 Disseminating of identification inventory results and PT. PLN PROKITRING March 2010 SSBB PEMDA 4 Valuation of assets by the the apprisal TIM PENILAI team 5 compensation SSBB PEMDA LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project Note 6 Disseminating of consultation on the PT. PLN PROKITRING June 2010 form and amount of compensation results 1,000,000 PLN Buget 50,000,000 PLN Buget 50,000,000 PLN Buget SSBB PEMDA 7 Payment of compensation and execution PT. PLN PROKITRING August 2010 other assistance that was agreed 8 Land certification SSBB PT. PLN PROKITRING October 2010 SSBB PEMDA LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project Annex 1 Nominative List of Land Compensation for Lahat Substation No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Land Needed (m2) 31000 Name Location Village Ristansi Husen Andi Nodi Rosali Sudar Ali Andi Mulyadi Surono Ibnu Suud Indahwan Marliansyah LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project Pagar Agung Land Size Distric Lahat Total (m2) 1588,5 4506 2735 2962,27 1906,2 7661,83 4106 5567,58 3039,24 1680,06 8000 22500 Affected (m2) 1588,5 4506 2735 504,89 1906,2 6353,93 804,15 4442,24 3039,24 350,22 2904,63 2753,97 Land Value Remaining (m2) NJOP (Rp/m2) 2457,38 1307,9 3301,85 1125,34 1329,84 5095,37 19746,03 36.000 Land Market (Rp/m2) 300.000 Note Use Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Farm Expansion Lahat Substation Annex 2 Nominative List of Plant Compensation for Lahat Substation No Name Village 1 2 3 4 Ristansi Andi Hussin Surder Type of Plan Locasion Pagar Agung Pagar Agung Pagar Agung Pagar Agung LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project Distric Lahat Lahat Lahat Lahat Classification B Rambutan Durian Karet Jengkol Kapuk Alpukat Rambutan Mangga Rambai Cimpedak Durian Duku Jengkol Kopi Kopi Karet Durian Rambutan Jengkol Cimpedak Duku kopi Karet Rambutan Cimpedak Durian Bambu Jengkol BB Compenssation value B 2 1 1 3 2 20 2 3 6 8 4 20 783 439 10 3 30 126.025,00 306.000,00 264.340,00 264.340,00 264.340,00 264.340,00 2.000.000,00 2.000.000,00 126.025,00 29.500,00 29.500,00 154 10 5 25 4 25 2.000.000,00 264.340,00 126.025,00 264.340,00 58.139,00 58.139,00 1.000.000,00 29.500,00 184 10 7 3 2 10 184.483,00 63.910,00 184.483,00 1 741 BB 117.440,00 2.000.000,00 202.751,00 184.483,00 264.340,00 264.340,00 2.000.000,00 500.000,00 126.025,00 Sub - Total Total (Rp) 234.880,00 2.000.000,00 2.047.581,00 191.730,00 378.075,00 612.000,00 5.286.800,00 528.680,00 793.020,00 1.586.040,00 16.000.000,00 8.000.000,00 4.264.670,00 23.098.500,00 12.950.500,00 28.410.382,00 20.000.000,00 1.321.700,00 4.604.100,00 1.057.360,00 1.000.000,00 21.859.500,00 33.944.872,00 2.643.400,00 1.850.380,00 6.000.000,00 1.000.000,00 1.260.250,00 5.464.266,00 59.557.710,00 69.344.042,00 68.558.402,00 5 6 Rosali Surono Pagar Agung Pagar Agung Lahat Lahat 7 Marliansyah Pagar Agung Lahat 8 Indahwan Pagar Agung Lahat Bambu Mangga Kopi Durian Karet Duku Rambutan Rambai jengkol Kapuk Kopi karet Rambutan Jengkol Belimbing Petai Kapuk karet Kopi Kapuk Rambutan Bambu Belimbing Melinjo Mahoni Duku karet Durian Petai Kapuk mangga Kopi Jengkol Rambutan 4 1 147 6 500.000,00 264.340,00 29.500,00 2.000.000,00 5 1 13 1 5 2 433 184.483,00 2.000.000,00 264.340,00 264.340,00 126.025,00 200.000,00 29.500,00 108 8 9 1 1 8 30 379 10 3 2 1 1 1 7 14 8 8 8 2 463 12 4 70 114 184.483,00 264.340,00 126.025,00 264.340,00 264.340,00 200.000,00 202.751,00 29.500,00 200.000,00 264.340,00 500.000,00 264.340,00 264.340,00 2.000.000,00 2.000.000,00 202.751,00 2.000.000,00 264.340,00 200.000,00 264.340,00 29.500,00 126.025,00 264.340,00 184.483,00 184.483,00 2.000.000,00 264.340,00 4.336.500,00 12.000.000,00 922.415,00 2.000.000,00 3.436.420,00 264.340,00 630.125,00 400.000,00 12.773.500,00 19.924.164,00 2.114.720,00 1.134.225,00 264.340,00 264.340,00 1.600.000,00 18.996.340,00 11.180.500,00 2.000.000,00 793.020,00 1.000.000,00 264.340,00 264.340,00 2.000.000,00 14.000.000,00 23.869.576,00 16.000.000,00 2.114.720,00 1.600.000,00 528.680,00 13.658.500,00 1.512.300,00 1.057.360,00 26.254.140,00 38.075.289,00 50.498.540,00 60.341.136,00 378.093.525,00 LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project Annex 3 Nominative List of Land Compensation for Tower No 1 2 3 4 5 Land Needed (m2) 900 900 1800 900 900 Name Rusaman Zainal Abidin H. Senanang Syam Sadia LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project Location Village District Pagar Agung Lahat Lubuk Linggau Bangko Merangin Remaining(m2) 25000 Land Size Affected (m2) 900 15000 900 14100 Total (m2) 15000 15000 15000 900 1800 900 Land Value NJOP Market (Rp/m2) (Rp/m2) 24100 14100 13200 14100 Land Use Note Farm Farm 36.000 300.000 Farm Farm Hutan Tapak Tower di di dekat GI-GI Annex 4 Nominative List of Plant Compensation for Towers and ROW No Name Location Desa/Kelurahan Kabupaten 1 Ramzi Pagar Agung Lahat 2 Muad Pagar Agung Lahat 3 Tono Pagar Agung Lahat 4 Melan Pagar Agung Lahat 5 No Name 1 Pagar Agung Lahat 6 No Name 2 Pagar Agung Lahat 7 Sueb Pagar Agung Lahat LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project Type of Plants Classification B Durian Jengkol Akasia Bambu Singon Trap Karet Jati Mangga Durian Jati Karet Durian Cempedak Alpokat Rambutan Mangga Bambu Bambang Karet Singon Jati Karet Singon Rambutan Karet Kapuk Durian Jengkol Durian 4 2 11 8 10 2 2 5 1 2 4 2 4 1 2 1 2 1 7 13 9 1 13 2 1 37 1 1 1 8 BB Compensation B 2.000.000,00 63.910,00 1.500.000,00 500.000,00 1.500.000,00 1.500.000,00 187.189,00 2.000.000,00 264.340,00 2.000.000,00 2.000.000,00 187.189,00 2.000.000,00 264.340,00 264.340,00 264.340,00 264.340,00 500.000,00 1.500.000,00 187.189,00 1.500.000,00 2.000.000,00 187.189,00 1.500.000,00 264.340,00 187.189,00 126.625,00 2.000.000,00 63.910,00 2.000.000,00 Sub - Total BB Total (Rp) 8.000.000,00 127.820,00 16.500.000,00 4.000.000,00 15.000.000,00 3.000.000,00 374.378,00 10.000.000,00 264.340,00 4.000.000,00 8.000.000,00 374.378,00 8.000.000,00 264.340,00 528.680,00 264.340,00 528.680,00 500.000,00 10.500.000,00 2.433.457,00 13.500.000,00 2.000.000,00 2.433.457,00 3.000.000,00 264.340,00 6.925.993,00 126.625,00 2.000.000,00 63.910,00 16.000.000,00 46.627.820,00 14.638.718,00 18.460.418,00 28.433.457,00 5.697.797,00 9.116.528,00 94.307.428,00 8 Jebel Pagar Agung Lahat 9 Rusman Pagar Agung Lahat Pagar Agung Lahat 10 11 Ras Pagar Agung Lahat 12 Lebi Pagar Agung Lahat 13 14 Zainal Abidin Rama Pagar Agung Pagar Agung Lahat Lahat 15 Dedi Pagar Agung LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project Lahat Bambu Karet Singon Durian Singon Karet Cempedak Rambutan Karet Singon Bambu Karet Singon Jengkol Mangga Cempedak Durian Rambutan Jati Durian Mangga Cempedak Singon Mangga Durian Singon Singon Karet Siru Karet Cempedak Karet Singon Jengkol Durian Rambutan Petai Mangga 2 12 9 15 10 80 1 5 15 5 3 135 12 1 2 1 1 4 66 3 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 20 3 500.000,00 187.189,00 1.500.000,00 2.000.000,00 1.500.000,00 187.189,00 264.340,00 264.340,00 187.189,00 1.500.000,00 500.000,00 187.189,00 1.500.000,00 63.910,00 264.340,00 264.340,00 2.000.000,00 264.340,00 2.000.000,00 2.000.000,00 264.340,00 264.340,00 1.500.000,00 264.340,00 2.000.000,00 1.500.000,00 1.500.000,00 187.189,00 1.500.000,00 15 3 28 16 1 3 7 1 1 187.189,00 264.340,00 187.189,00 1.500.000,00 63.910,00 2.000.000,00 264.340,00 1.500.000,00 264.340,00 1.000.000,00 2.246.268,00 13.500.000,00 30.000.000,00 15.000.000,00 14.975.120,00 264.340,00 1.321.700,00 2.807.835,00 7.500.000,00 1.500.000,00 25.270.515,00 18.000.000,00 63.910,00 528.680,00 264.340,00 2.000.000,00 1.057.360,00 132.000.000,00 6.000.000,00 1.057.360,00 264.340,00 1.500.000,00 264.340,00 4.000.000,00 1.500.000,00 1.500.000,00 3.743.780,00 4.500.000,00 2.807.835,00 793.020,00 5.241.292,00 24.000.000,00 63.910,00 6.000.000,00 1.850.380,00 1.500.000,00 264.340,00 10.307.835,00 48.684.805,00 140.821.700,00 5.764.340,00 9.743.780,00 2.807.835,00 39.448.602,00 4.074.373,00 16 Kosim Pagar Agung Lahat 17 Naim Pagar Agung Lahat 18 Mega Pagar Agung Lahat 19 H. Senanang Petanang Musi Rawas 20 H. Husien Petanang Musi Rawas 21 Buyung Petanang Musi Rawas 22 Syam Petanang LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project Musi Jengkol Karet Bambu Jengkol Durian Kapuk Petai Pelawi Cempedak Karet Randu Durian Jengkol Petai Durian Cempedak Bambu Karet Rambutan Tembesu Karet Trap Karet Trap Mangga Cempedak Jengkol Karet Trap Karet Trap Jengkol Cempedak Karet Trap Kemenyan Durian Karet 2 17 1 12 7 2 3 2 1 3 2 3 1 1 16 2 1 2 4 10 59 5 80 14 1 3 1 254 46 200 15 1 1 56 16 1 2 66 63.910,00 187.189,00 500.000,00 63.910,00 2.000.000,00 126.625,00 264.340,00 1.500.000,00 264.340,00 187.189,00 1.500.000,00 2.000.000,00 63.910,00 264.340,00 2.000.000,00 264.340,00 500.000,00 187.189,00 264.340,00 2.000.000,00 187.189,00 1.500.000,00 187.189,00 1.500.000,00 264.340,00 264.340,00 63.910,00 187.189,00 1.500.000,00 187.189,00 1.500.000,00 63.910,00 264.340,00 187.189,00 1.500.000,00 1.500.000,00 2.000.000,00 187.189,00 127.820,00 3.182.213,00 500.000,00 766.920,00 14.000.000,00 253.250,00 793.020,00 3.000.000,00 264.340,00 561.567,00 3.000.000,00 6.000.000,00 63.910,00 264.340,00 32.000.000,00 528.680,00 500.000,00 374.378,00 1.057.360,00 20.000.000,00 11.044.151,00 7.500.000,00 14.975.120,00 21.000.000,00 264.340,00 793.020,00 63.910,00 47.546.006,00 69.000.000,00 37.437.800,00 22.500.000,00 63.910,00 264.340,00 10.482.584,00 24.000.000,00 1.500.000,00 4.000.000,00 12.354.474,00 22.639.097,00 6.328.250,00 54.460.418,00 55.640.541,00 60.266.050,00 39.982.584,00 235.682.243,00 Rawas 23 24 25 Herman Muis Rasul Petanang Petanang Petanang Musi Rawas Musi Rawas Musi Rawas Trap Kemenyan Bambu Karet Trap Cempedak Karet Trap Jati Kopi Langas Karet Trap Cempedak Kopi Karet 60 29 2 6 24 2 10 3 3 20 1 25 20 1 60 37 1.500.000,00 1.500.000,00 500.000,00 187.189,00 1.500.000,00 264.340,00 187.189,00 1.500.000,00 2.000.000,00 29.500,00 1.500.000,00 187.189,00 1.500.000,00 264.340,00 29.500,00 187.189,00 Trap Kopi Karet 42 78 42 1.500.000,00 29.500,00 187.189,00 Trap Kopi Akasia Cempedak Karet 52 83 1 2 43 1.500.000,00 29.500,00 1.500.000,00 264.340,00 187.189,00 Trap Kopi Mangga Durian 34 85 1 1 1.500.000,00 29.500,00 264.340,00 2.000.000,00 90.000.000,00 43.500.000,00 1.000.000,00 1.123.134,00 36.000.000,00 528.680,00 1.871.890,00 4.500.000,00 6.000.000,00 590.000,00 1.500.000,00 4.679.725,00 30.000.000,00 264.340,00 1.770.000,00 6.925.993,00 63.000.000,00 2.301.000,00 72.226.993,00 7.861.938,00 78.000.000,00 2.448.500,00 1.500.000,00 528.680,00 90.339.118,00 8.049.127,00 51.000.000,00 2.507.500,00 264.340,00 2.000.000,00 63.820.967,00 1.180.321.697,00 LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project Annex 5 NJOP (Nilai Jual Objek Pajak) LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project Annex 6 Land Market Price Annex 7 LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project Photo Socialization Proces LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project LAMPIRAN 8 Minute of Metting and Present List Socialization LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project LARAP Sumatra Main Substasion 275 kV Project