INTRODUCTION TO CORPORATE FINANCE Laurence Booth • W. Sean Cleary Prepared by Ken Hartviksen CHAPTER 9 The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) Lecture Agenda • • • • • • • Learning Objectives Important Terms The New Efficient Frontier The Capital Asset Pricing Model The CAPM and Market Risk Alternative Asset Pricing Models Summary and Conclusions – Concept Review Questions – Appendix 1 – Calculating the Ex Ante Beta – Appendix 2 – Calculating the Ex Post Beta CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9-3 Learning Objectives 1. 2. What happens if all investors are rational and risk averse. How modern portfolio theory is extended to develop the capital market line, which determines how expected returns on portfolios are determined. 3. 4. How to assess the performance of mutual fund managers How the Capital Asset Pricing Model’s (CAPM) security market line is developed from the capital market line. 5. How the CAPM has been extended to include other riskbased pricing models. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9-4 Important Chapter Terms • Arbitrage pricing theory (APT) • Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) • Capital market line (CML) • Characteristic line • Fama-French (FF) model • Insurance premium • Market portfolio • Market price of risk • Market risk premium • New (or super) efficient frontier • No-arbitrage principle • Required rate of return • Risk premium • Security market line (SML) • Separation theorum • Sharpe ratio • Short position • Tangent portfolio CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9-5 Achievable Portfolio Combinations The Two-Asset Case • It is possible to construct a series of portfolios with different risk/return characteristics just by varying the weights of the two assets in the portfolio. • Assets A and B are assumed to have a correlation coefficient of -0.379 and the following individual return/risk characteristics Asset A Asset B Expected Return 8% 10% Standard Deviation 8.72% 22.69% The following table shows the portfolio characteristics for 100 different weighting schemes for just these two securities: CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9-6 Example of Portfolio Combinations and Correlation You repeat this procedure down until you have determine the portfolio characteristics The first for all 100 The second combination portfolios. portfolio simply99% assumes Next plot1% the in A and in assumes returns onthe a B. Notice you invest graph (see in the increase solely inthe next slide) return and decrease Asset Ain portfolio risk! Asset A B Expected Return 8.0% 10.0% Portfolio Components Weight of A Weight of B 100% 0% 99% 1% 98% 2% 97% 3% 96% 4% 95% 5% 94% 6% 93% 7% 92% 8% 91% 9% 90% 10% 89% 11% Standard Deviation 8.7% 22.7% Correlation Coefficient -0.379 Portfolio Characteristics Expected Standard Return Deviation 8.00% 8.7% 8.02% 8.5% 8.04% 8.4% 8.06% 8.2% 8.08% 8.1% 8.10% 7.9% 8.12% 7.8% 8.14% 7.7% 8.16% 7.5% 8.18% 7.4% 8.20% 7.3% 8.22% 7.2% CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9-7 Attainable Portfolio Combinations for a Two Asset Portfolio 12.00% Expected Return of the Portfolio Example of Portfolio Combinations and Correlation 10.00% 8.00% 6.00% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% Standard Deviation of Returns CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9-8 Two Asset Efficient Frontier • Figure 8 – 10 describes five different portfolios (A,B,C,D and E in reference to the attainable set of portfolio combinations of this two asset portfolio. (See Figure 8 -10 on the following slide) CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9-9 Efficient Frontier The Two-Asset Portfolio Combinations 8 - 10 FIGURE A is not attainable B,E lie on the Expected Return % efficient frontier and are attainable A B E is the minimum C variance portfolio (lowest risk combination) C, D are E D Standard Deviation (%) CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) attainable but are dominated by superior portfolios that line on the line above E 9 - 10 Achievable Set of Portfolio Combinations Getting to the ‘n’ Asset Case • In a real world investment universe with all of the investment alternatives (stocks, bonds, money market securities, hybrid instruments, gold real estate, etc.) it is possible to construct many different alternative portfolios out of risky securities. • Each portfolio will have its own unique expected return and risk. • Whenever you construct a portfolio, you can measure two fundamental characteristics of the portfolio: – Portfolio expected return (ERp) – Portfolio risk (σp) CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 11 The Achievable Set of Portfolio Combinations • You could start by randomly assembling ten risky portfolios. • The results (in terms of ER p and σp )might look like the graph on the following page: CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 12 Achievable Portfolio Combinations The First Ten Combinations Created ERp 10 Achievable Risky Portfolio Combinations Portfolio Risk (σp) CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 13 The Achievable Set of Portfolio Combinations • You could continue randomly assembling more portfolios. • Thirty risky portfolios might look like the graph on the following slide: CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 14 Achievable Portfolio Combinations Thirty Combinations Naively Created ERp 30 Risky Portfolio Combinations Portfolio Risk (σp) CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 15 Achievable Set of Portfolio Combinations All Securities – Many Hundreds of Different Combinations • When you construct many hundreds of different portfolios naively varying the weight of the individual assets and the number of types of assets themselves, you get a set of achievable portfolio combinations as indicated on the following slide: CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 16 Achievable Portfolio Combinations More Possible Combinations Created ERp E is the minimum variance portfolio Achievable Set of Risky Portfolio Combinations The highlighted portfolios are ‘efficient’ in that they offer the highest rate of return for a given level of risk. Rationale investors will choose only from this efficient set. E Portfolio Risk (σp) CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 17 Achievable Portfolio Combinations Efficient Frontier (Set) ERp Achievable Set of Risky Portfolio Combinations E Efficient frontier is the set of achievable portfolio combinations that offer the highest rate of return for a given level of risk. Portfolio Risk (σp) CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 18 The New Efficient Frontier Efficient Portfolios 9 - 1 FIGURE Efficient Frontier ER B A MVP Risk CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) Figure 9 – 1 illustrates three achievable portfolio combinations that are ‘efficient’ (no other achievable portfolio that offers the same risk, offers a higher return.) 9 - 19 Underlying Assumption Investors are Rational and Risk-Averse • We assume investors are risk-averse wealth maximizers. • This means they will not willingly undertake fair gamble. – A risk-averse investor prefers the risk-free situation. – The corollary of this is that the investor needs a risk premium to be induced into a risky situation. – Evidence of this is the willingness of investors to pay insurance premiums to get out of risky situations. • The implication of this, is that investors will only choose portfolios that are members of the efficient set (frontier). CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 20 Risk-free Investing • When we introduce the presence of a risk-free investment, a whole new set of portfolio combinations becomes possible. • We can estimate the return on a portfolio made up of RF asset and a risky asset A letting the weight w invested in the risky asset and the weight invested in RF as (1 – w) CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 21 The New Efficient Frontier Risk-Free Investing – Expected return on a two asset portfolio made up of risky asset A and RF: [9-1] ER p RF w (ER A - RF) The possible combinations of A and RF are found graphed on the following slide. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 22 The New Efficient Frontier Attainable Portfolios Using RF and A 9 - 2 FIGURE ER A [9-3] pA w A ) - RF [9-2] E(R ER P RF P A RF This means you can 9 – 2 Equation Rearranging 9 achieve any illustrates -2 where w=σ portfolio what you can p / σA and combination see…portfolio substituting in along the blue risk increases Equation 1 we coloured line in direct get an simply by to proportion equation for a changing the the amount straight line relative weight invested with a in the of RFasset. and A in risky constant the two asset slope. portfolio. Risk CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 23 The New Efficient Frontier Attainable Portfolios using the RF and A, and RF and T 9 - 3 FIGURE Which risky portfolio would a rational riskaverse investor choose in the presence of a RF investment? ER T A RF Portfolio A? Risk CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) Tangent Portfolio T? 9 - 24 The New Efficient Frontier Efficient Portfolios using the Tangent Portfolio T 9 - 3 FIGURE ER T A RF Risk CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) Clearly RF with T (the tangent portfolio) offers a series of portfolio combinations that dominate those produced by RF and A. Further, they dominate all but one portfolio on the efficient frontier! 9 - 25 The New Efficient Frontier Lending Portfolios 9 - 3 FIGURE ER Lending Portfolios T A RF Portfolios between RF and T are ‘lending’ portfolios, because they are achieved by investing in the Tangent Portfolio and lending funds to the government (purchasing a T-bill, the RF). Risk CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 26 The New Efficient Frontier Borrowing Portfolios 9 - 3 FIGURE ER Lending Portfolios Borrowing Portfolios T A RF The line can be extended to risk levels beyond ‘T’ by borrowing at RF and investing it in T. This is a levered investment that increases both risk and expected return of the portfolio. Risk CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 27 The New Efficient Frontier The New (Super) Efficient Frontier 9 - 4 FIGURE Capital Market Line ER B2 T B A2 RF A σρ CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) This is now called Clearlythe RFnew with (or super) T (the market The optimal efficient frontier portfolio) offers risky portfolio of risky a series of (the market portfolios. portfolio portfolio ‘M’) combinations Investors can that dominate achieve any those produced one of these by RF and A. portfolio combinations Further, they by borrowing or dominate all but investing in RF one portfolio on in thecombination efficient with the market frontier! portfolio. 9 - 28 The New Efficient Frontier The Implications – Separation Theorem – Market Portfolio • All investors will only hold individually-determined combinations of: – The risk free asset (RF) and – The model portfolio (market portfolio) • The separation theorem – The investment decision (how to construct the portfolio of risky assets) is separate from the financing decision (how much should be invested or borrowed in the risk-free asset) – The tangent portfolio T is optimal for every investor regardless of his/her degree of risk aversion. • The Equilibrium Condition – The market portfolio must be the tangent portfolio T if everyone holds the same portfolio – Therefore the market portfolio (M) is the tangent portfolio (T) CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 29 The New Efficient Frontier The Capital Market Line The CML is that set of superior The optimal portfolio risky portfolio combinations (the market that are ‘M’) portfolio achievable in the presence of the equilibrium condition. CML ER M RF σρ CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 30 The Capital Asset Pricing Model What is it? – An hypothesis by Professor William Sharpe • Hypothesizes that investors require higher rates of return for greater levels of relevant risk. • There are no prices on the model, instead it hypothesizes the relationship between risk and return for individual securities. • It is often used, however, the price securities and investments. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 31 The Capital Asset Pricing Model How is it Used? – Uses include: • Determining the cost of equity capital. • The relevant risk in the dividend discount model to estimate a stock’s intrinsic (inherent economic worth) value. (As illustrated below) Estimate Investment’s Risk (Beta Coefficient) i COVi,M σ M2 Determine Investment’s Required Return ki RF ( ERM RF ) i Estimate the Investment’s Intrinsic Value D1 P0 kc g CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) Compare to the actual stock price in the market Is the stock fairly priced? 9 - 32 The Capital Asset Pricing Model Assumptions – CAPM is based on the following assumptions: 1. All investors have identical expectations about expected returns, standard deviations, and correlation coefficients for all securities. 2. All investors have the same one-period investment time horizon. 3. All investors can borrow or lend money at the risk-free rate of return (RF). 4. There are no transaction costs. 5. There are no personal income taxes so that investors are indifferent between capital gains an dividends. 6. There are many investors, and no single investor can affect the price of a stock through his or her buying and selling decisions. Therefore, investors are price-takers. 7. Capital markets are in equilibrium. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 33 Market Portfolio and Capital Market Line • The assumptions have the following implications: 1. The “optimal” risky portfolio is the one that is tangent to the efficient frontier on a line that is drawn from RF. This portfolio will be the same for all investors. 2. This optimal risky portfolio will be the market portfolio (M) which contains all risky securities. (Figure 9 – 4 illustrates the Market Portfolio ‘M’) CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 34 The Capital Market Line 9 - 5 FIGURE ER CML ERM M ERM RF k P RF P M RF σρ The CML is that setThe of achievable market portfolio The portfolio CMLishas the combinations optimal standard risky that deviation portfolio, are possible of it contains portfolio when investing all returns risky securities in as only the two and lies independent assets tangent (the(T) market on variable. the efficient portfolio and frontier. the risk-free asset (RF). σM CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 35 The Capital Asset Pricing Model The Market Portfolio and the Capital Market Line (CML) – The slope of the CML is the incremental expected return divided by the incremental risk. [9-4] Slope of the CML ER M - RF M – This is called the market price for risk. Or – The equilibrium price of risk in the capital market. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 36 The Capital Asset Pricing Model The Market Portfolio and the Capital Market Line (CML) – Solving for the expected return on a portfolio in the presence of a RF asset and given the market price for risk : [9-5] ERM - RF E ( RP ) RF P σM – Where: • ERM = expected return on the market portfolio M • σM = the standard deviation of returns on the market portfolio • σP = the standard deviation of returns on the efficient portfolio being considered CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 37 The Capital Market Line Using the CML – Expected versus Required Returns – In an efficient capital market investors will require a return on a portfolio that compensates them for the risk-free return as well as the market price for risk. – This means that portfolios should offer returns along the CML. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 38 The Capital Asset Pricing Model Expected and Required Rates of Return 9 - 6 FIGURE Required Return on C ER Expected return on A CML A C Required return on A RF B Expected Return on C σρ CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) C is an A B a portfolio overvalued that undervalued offers portfolio. andExpected expected portfolio. return equal is less Expected tothan the return required the required is greater return. return. than the required Selling pressure will return. cause the price to Demand fall and the foryield to Portfolio rise until A expected will increase equals the driving required up the price, and return. therefore the expected return will fall until expected equals required (market equilibrium condition is achieved.) 9 - 39 The Capital Asset Pricing Model Risk-Adjusted Performance and the Sharpe Ratios – William Sharpe identified a ratio that can be used to assess the riskadjusted performance of managed funds (such as mutual funds and pension plans). – It is called the Sharpe ratio: [9-6] Sharpe ratio ER P - RF P – Sharpe ratio is a measure of portfolio performance that describes how well an asset’s returns compensate investors for the risk taken. – It’s value is the premium earned over the RF divided by portfolio risk…so it is measuring valued added per unit of risk. – Sharpe ratios are calculated ex post (after-the-fact) and are used to rank portfolios or assess the effectiveness of the portfolio manager in adding value to the portfolio over and above a benchmark. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 40 The Capital Asset Pricing Model Sharpe Ratios and Income Trusts – Table 9 – 1 (on the following slide) illustrates return, standard deviation, Sharpe and beta coefficient for four very different portfolios from 2002 to 2004. – Income Trusts did exceedingly well during this time, however, the recent announcement of Finance Minister Flaherty and the subsequent drop in Income Trust values has done much to eliminate this historical performance. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 41 Income Trust Estimated Values Table 9-1 Income Trusts Estimated Values Median income trusts Equally weighted trust portfolio S&P/TSX Composite Index Scotia Capital government bond index Return σ Sharpe β 25.83% 29.97% 8.97% 9.55% 18.66% 8.02% 13.31% 6.57% 1.37 3.44 0.49 1.08 0.22 0.28 1.00 20.02 P Source: Adapted from L. Kryzanowski, S. Lazrak, and I. Ratika, " The True Cost of Income Trusts," Canadian Investment Review 19, no. 5 (Spring 2006), Table 3, p. 15. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 42 Diversifiable and Non-Diversifiable Risk • CML applies to efficient portfolios • Volatility (risk) of individual security returns are caused by two different factors: – Non-diversifiable risk (system wide changes in the economy and markets that affect all securities in varying degrees) – Diversifiable risk (company-specific factors that affect the returns of only one security) • Figure 9 – 7 illustrates what happens to portfolio risk as the portfolio is first invested in only one investment, and then slowly invested, naively, in more and more securities. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 43 The CAPM and Market Risk Portfolio Risk and Diversification 9 - 7 FIGURE Total Risk (σ) Unique (Non-systematic) Risk Market (Systematic) Risk Market or systematic risk is risk that cannot be eliminated from the portfolio by investing the portfolio into more and different securities. Number of Securities CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 44 Relevant Risk Drawing a Conclusion from Figure 9 - 7 • Figure 9 – 7 demonstrates that an individual securities’ volatility of return comes from two factors: – Systematic factors – Company-specific factors • When combined into portfolios, company-specific risk is diversified away. • Since all investors are ‘diversified’ then in an efficient market, no-one would be willing to pay a ‘premium’ for company-specific risk. • Relevant risk to diversified investors then is systematic risk. • Systematic risk is measured using the Beta Coefficient. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 45 The Beta Coefficient What is the Beta Coefficient? • A measure of systematic (non-diversifiable) risk • As a ‘coefficient’ the beta is a pure number and has no units of measure. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 46 The Beta Coefficient How Can We Estimate the Value of the Beta Coefficient? • There are two basic approaches to estimating the beta coefficient: 1. Using a formula (and subjective forecasts) 2. Use of regression (using past holding period returns) (Figure 9 – 8 on the following slide illustrates the characteristic line used to estimate the beta coefficient) CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 47 The CAPM and Market Risk The Characteristic Line for Security A 9 - 8 FIGURE Security A Returns (%) 6 2 -6 -4 -2 0 0 2 4 6 -2 -4 8 Market Returns (%) 4 The The slope plotted of the points regression are the line coincident is beta. rates of return earned The line on of the investment best fit is andknown the market in finance portfolioasover the characteristic past periods. line. -6 CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 48 The Formula for the Beta Coefficient Beta is equal to the covariance of the returns of the stock with the returns of the market, divided by the variance of the returns of the market: [9-7] COVi,M i , M i i 2 σM M CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 49 The Beta Coefficient How is the Beta Coefficient Interpreted? • The beta of the market portfolio is ALWAYS = 1.0 • The beta of a security compares the volatility of its returns to the volatility of the market returns: βs = 1.0 - the security has the same volatility as the market as a whole βs > 1.0 - aggressive investment with volatility of returns greater than the market βs < 1.0 - defensive investment with volatility of returns less than the market βs < 0.0 - an investment with returns that are negatively correlated with the returns of the market Table 9 – 2 illustrates beta coefficients for a variety of Canadian Investments CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 50 Canadian BETAS Selected Table 9-2 Canadian BETAS Company Abitibi Consolidated Inc. Algoma Steel Inc. Bank of Montreal Bank of Nova Scotia Barrick Gold Corp. BCE Inc. Bema Gold Corp. CIBC Cogeco Cable Inc. Gammon Lake Resources Inc. Imperial Oil Ltd. Industry Classification Beta Materials - Paper & Forest Materials - Steel Financials - Banks Financials - Banks Materials - Precious Metals & Minerals Communications - Telecommunications Materials - Precious Metals & Minerals Financials - Banks Consumer Discretionary - Cable Materials - Precious Metals & Minerals Energy - Oil & Gas: Integrated Oils 1.37 1.92 0.50 0.54 0.74 0.39 0.26 0.66 0.67 2.52 0.80 Source: Research Insight, Compustat North American database, June 2006. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 51 The Beta of a Portfolio The beta of a portfolio is simply the weighted average of the betas of the individual asset betas that make up the portfolio. [9-8] P wA A wB B ... wn n Weights of individual assets are found by dividing the value of the investment by the value of the total portfolio. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 52 The CAPM and Market Risk The Security Market Line (SML) – The SML is the hypothesized relationship between return (the dependent variable) and systematic risk (the beta coefficient). – It is a straight line relationship defined by the following formula: [9-9] ki RF ( ERM RF ) i – Where: ki = the required return on security ‘i’ ERM – RF = market premium for risk Βi = the beta coefficient for security ‘i’ (See Figure 9 - 9 on the following slide for the graphical representation) CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 53 The CAPM and Market Risk The Security Market Line (SML) 9 - 9 FIGURE ER ki RF ( ERM RF ) i TheSML SMLis The uses usedthe to beta predict coefficient requiredas the measure returns for of relevant individual risk. securities M ERM RF βM = 1 β CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 54 The CAPM and Market Risk The SML and Security Valuation 9 - 10 FIGURE ki RF ( ERM RF ) i ER SML Expected Return A A Required Return A B RF βA βB β CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) Similarly, Required A is an B returns is an are forecast using undervalued overvalued this equation. security security. because its expected You can see Investor’s willthat sell return is greater thelock to required in gains, than the required return but theon selling any return. security iswill pressure a function Investors cause the ofwill market its systematic ‘flock’ price to tofall, A and risk bid (β) andthe up causing market price the factors (RF causing expected expected return and to market return rise until topremium fall it equals till it for risk) equals the required the required return. return. 9 - 55 The CAPM in Summary The SML and CML – The CAPM is well entrenched and widely used by investors, managers and financial institutions. – It is a single factor model because it based on the hypothesis that required rate of return can be predicted using one factor – systematic risk – The SML is used to price individual investments and uses the beta coefficient as the measure of risk. – The CML is used with diversified portfolios and uses the standard deviation as the measure of risk. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 56 Challenges to CAPM • Empirical tests suggest: – CAPM does not hold well in practice: • Ex post SML is an upward sloping line • Ex ante y (vertical) – intercept is higher that RF • Slope is less than what is predicted by theory – Beta possesses no explanatory power for predicting stock returns (Fama and French, 1992) • CAPM remains in widespread use despite the foregoing. – Advantages include – relative simplicity and intuitive logic. • Because of the problems with CAPM, other models have been developed including: – Fama-French (FF) Model – Abitrage Pricing Theory (APT) CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 57 Alternative Asset Pricing Models The Fama – French Model – A pricing model that uses three factors to relate expected returns to risk including: 1. A market factor related to firm size. 2. The market value of a firm’s common equity (MVE) 3. Ratio of a firm’s book equity value to its market value of equity. (BE/MVE) – This model has become popular, and many think it does a better job than the CAPM in explaining ex ante stock returns. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 58 Alternative Asset Pricing Models The Arbitrage Pricing Theory – A pricing model that uses multiple factors to relate expected returns to risk by assuming that asset returns are linearly related to a set of indexes, which proxy risk factors that influence security returns. [9-10] ERi a0 bi1 F1 bi1 F1 ... bin Fn – It is based on the no-arbitrage principle which is the rule that two otherwise identical assets cannot sell at different prices. – Underlying factors represent broad economic forces which are inherently unpredictable. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 59 Alternative Asset Pricing Models The Arbitrage Pricing Theory – the Model – Underlying factors represent broad economic forces which are inherently unpredictable. [9-10] ERi a0 bi1 F1 bi1 F1 ... bin Fn – Where: • • • • ERi = the expected return on security i a0 = the expected return on a security with zero systematic risk bi = the sensitivity of security i to a given risk factor Fi = the risk premium for a given risk factor – The model demonstrates that a security’s risk is based on its sensitivity to broad economic forces. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 60 Alternative Asset Pricing Models The Arbitrage Pricing Theory – Challenges – Underlying factors represent broad economic forces which are inherently unpredictable. – Ross and Roll identify five systematic factors: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. • Changes in expected inflation Unanticipated changes in inflation Unanticipated changes in industrial production Unanticipated changes in the default-risk premium Unanticipated changes in the term structure of interest rates Clearly, something that isn’t forecast, can’t be used to price securities today…they can only be used to explain prices after the fact. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 61 Summary and Conclusions In this chapter you have learned: – How the efficient frontier can be expanded by introducing riskfree borrowing and lending leading to a super efficient frontier called the Capital Market Line (CML) – The Security Market Line can be derived from the CML and provides a way to estimate a market-based, required return for any security or portfolio based on market risk as measured by the beta. – That alternative asset pricing models exist including the FamaFrench Model and the Arbitrage Pricing Theory. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 62 Estimating the Ex Ante (Forecast) Beta APPENDIX 1 Calculating a Beta Coefficient Using Ex Ante Returns • Ex Ante means forecast… • You would use ex ante return data if historical rates of return are somehow not indicative of the kinds of returns the company will produce in the future. • A good example of this is Air Canada or American Airlines, before and after September 11, 2001. After the World Trade Centre terrorist attacks, a fundamental shift in demand for air travel occurred. The historical returns on airlines are not useful in estimating future returns. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 64 Appendix 1 Agenda • The beta coefficient • The formula approach to beta measurement using ex ante returns – – – – – Ex ante returns Finding the expected return Determining variance and standard deviation Finding covariance Calculating and interpreting the beta coefficient CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 65 The Beta Coefficient • Under the theory of the Capital Asset Pricing Model total risk is partitioned into two parts: – Systematic risk – Unsystematic risk – diversifiable risk Total Risk of the Investment Systematic Risk Unsystematic Risk • Systematic risk is non-diversifiable risk. • Systematic risk is the only relevant risk to the diversified investor • The beta coefficient measures systematic risk CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 66 The Beta Coefficient The Formula Beta Covariance of Returns between stock ' i' returns and the market Variance of the Market Returns [9-7] COVi,M i , M i i 2 σM M CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 67 The Term – “Relevant Risk” • What does the term “relevant risk” mean in the context of the CAPM? – It is generally assumed that all investors are wealth maximizing risk averse people – It is also assumed that the markets where these people trade are highly efficient – In a highly efficient market, the prices of all the securities adjust instantly to cause the expected return of the investment to equal the required return – When E(r) = R(r) then the market price of the stock equals its inherent worth (intrinsic value) – In this perfect world, the R(r) then will justly and appropriately compensate the investor only for the risk that they perceive as relevant… – Hence investors are only rewarded for systematic risk. NOTE: The amount of systematic risk varies by investment. High systematic risk occurs when R-square is high, and the beta coefficient is greater than 1.0 CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 68 The Proportion of Total Risk that is Systematic • Every investment in the financial markets vary with respect to the percentage of total risk that is systematic. • Some stocks have virtually no systematic risk. – Such stocks are not influenced by the health of the economy in general…their financial results are predominantly influenced by company-specific factors. – An example is cigarette companies…people consume cigarettes because they are addicted…so it doesn’t matter whether the economy is healthy or not…they just continue to smoke. • Some stocks have a high proportion of their total risk that is systematic – Returns on these stocks are strongly influenced by the health of the economy. – Durable goods manufacturers tend to have a high degree of systematic risk. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 69 The Formula Approach to Measuring the Beta Cov(k i k M ) Beta Var(k M ) You need to calculate the covariance of the returns between the stock and the market…as well as the variance of the market returns. To do this you must follow these steps: • Calculate the expected returns for the stock and the market • Using the expected returns for each, measure the variance and standard deviation of both return distributions • Now calculate the covariance • Use the results to calculate the beta CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 70 Ex ante Return Data A Sample A set of estimates of possible returns and their respective probabilities looks as follows: Possible Future State of the Economy Probability Boom Normal Recession 25.0% 50.0% 25.0% Possible Possible Returns on Returns on the Stock the Market 28.0% 17.0% -14.0% 20.0% 11.0% -4.0% CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) Since the beta relates the stock By observation returns to the market returns, you can see the the greater range range is much of stock returns greater for the changing in the stock than theas same direction market and they the market indicates the beta move in the will be direction. greater same than 1 and will be positive. (Positively correlated to the market returns.) 9 - 71 The Total of the Probabilities must Equal 100% This means that we have considered all of the possible outcomes in this discrete probability distribution Possible Future State of the Economy Probability Boom Normal Recession 25.0% 50.0% 25.0% Possible Possible Returns on Returns on the Stock the Market 28.0% 17.0% -14.0% 20.0% 11.0% -4.0% 100.0% CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 72 Measuring Expected Return on the Stock From Ex Ante Return Data The expected return is weighted average returns from the given ex ante data (1) (2) Possible Future State of the Probability Economy (3) (4) Possible Returns on the Stock (4) = (2)*(3) Boom 25.0% 28.0% Normal 50.0% 17.0% Recession 25.0% -14.0% Expected return on the Stock = 0.07 0.085 -0.035 12.0% CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 73 Measuring Expected Return on the Market From Ex Ante Return Data The expected return is weighted average returns from the given ex ante data (1) (2) Possible Future State of the Probability Economy (3) (4) Possible Returns on the Market (4) = (2)*(3) Boom 25.0% 20.0% Normal 50.0% 11.0% Recession 25.0% -4.0% Expected return on the Market = 0.05 0.055 -0.01 9.5% CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 74 Measuring Variances, Standard Deviations of the Forecast Stock Returns Using the expected return, calculate the deviations away from the mean, square those deviations and then weight the squared deviations by the probability of their occurrence. Add up the weighted and squared deviations from the mean and you have found the variance! (1) (2) Possible Future State of the Probability Economy Boom Normal Recession 25.0% 50.0% 25.0% (3) (4) Possible Returns on the Stock (4) = (2)*(3) 0.28 0.17 -0.14 Expected return (stock) = (5) Deviations (6) (7) Squared Deviations Weighted and Squared Deviations 0.16 0.0256 0.05 0.0025 -0.26 0.0676 12.0% Variance (stock)= Standard Deviation (stock) = 0.07 0.085 -0.035 CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 0.0064 0.00125 0.0169 0.02455 15.67% 9 - 75 Measuring Variances, Standard Deviations of the Forecast Market Returns Now do this for the possible returns on the market (1) (2) Possible Future State of the Probability Economy Boom Normal Recession 25.0% 50.0% 25.0% (3) (4) Possible Returns on the Market (4) = (2)*(3) 0.2 0.11 -0.04 Expected return (market) = (5) Deviations (6) (7) Squared Deviations Weighted and Squared Deviations 0.105 0.011025 0.015 0.000225 -0.135 0.018225 9.5% Variance (market) = Standard Deviation (market)= 0.05 0.055 -0.01 CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 0.002756 0.000113 0.004556 0.007425 8.62% 9 - 76 Covariance From Chapter 8 you know the formula for the covariance between the returns on the stock and the returns on the market is: n [8-12] _ _ COV AB Prob i (k A,i ki )( k B ,i - k B ) i 1 Covariance is an absolute measure of the degree of ‘comovement’ of returns. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 77 Correlation Coefficient Correlation is covariance normalized by the product of the standard deviations of both securities. It is a ‘relative measure’ of co-movement of returns on a scale from -1 to +1. The formula for the correlation coefficient between the returns on the stock and the returns on the market is: [8-13] AB COV AB A B The correlation coefficient will always have a value in the range of +1 to -1. +1 – is perfect positive correlation (there is no diversification potential when combining these two securities together in a two-asset portfolio.) - 1 - is perfect negative correlation (there should be a relative weighting mix of these two securities in a two-asset portfolio that will eliminate all portfolio risk) CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 78 Measuring Covariance from Ex Ante Return Data Using the expected return (mean return) and given data measure the deviations for both the market and the stock and multiply them together with the probability of occurrence…then add the products up. (1) (2) (3) Possible Future State of the Economy Prob. Possible Returns on the Stock Boom 25.0% Normal 50.0% Recession 25.0% 28.0% 17.0% -14.0% E(kstock) = (4) (4) = (2)*(3) 0.07 0.085 -0.035 12.0% (5) (6) (7) Deviations Possible from the Returns on mean for the Market (6)=(2)*(5) the stock 20.0% 11.0% -4.0% E(kmarket ) = 0.05 0.055 -0.01 9.5% (8) "(9) Deviations from the mean for the market (8)=(2)(6)(7) 16.0% 10.5% 5.0% 1.5% -26.0% -13.5% Covariance = CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 0.0042 0.000375 0.008775 0.01335 9 - 79 The Beta Measured Using Ex Ante Covariance (stock, market) and Market Variance Now you can substitute the values for covariance and the variance of the returns on the market to find the beta of the stock: Beta CovS, M VarM .01335 1.8 .007425 • A beta that is greater than 1 means that the investment is aggressive…its returns are more volatile than the market as a whole. • If the market returns were expected to go up by 10%, then the stock returns are expected to rise by 18%. If the market returns are expected to fall by 10%, then the stock returns are expected to fall by 18%. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 80 Lets Prove the Beta of the Market is 1.0 Let us assume we are comparing the possible market returns against itself…what will the beta be? (1) (2) (3) Possible Future State of the Economy Prob. Possible Returns on the Market Boom 25.0% Normal 50.0% Recession 25.0% 20.0% 11.0% -4.0% E(kM) = (4) (5) (6) Possible Returns `M, M on the Market (6)=(2)*(5) M Cov Beta (4) = Var (2)*(3) 0.05 0.055 -0.01 (6) (7) (8) Deviations from the mean for the stock Deviations from the mean for the market (8)=(2)(6)(7 ) .007425 1.0 .007425 20.0% 11.0% -4.0% 9.5% E(kM) = 0.05 0.055 -0.01 9.5% 10.5% 10.5% 1.5% 1.5% -13.5% -13.5% Covariance = 0.002756 0.000113 0.004556 0.007425 Since the variance of the returns on the market is = .007425 …the beta for the market is indeed equal to 1.0 !!! CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 81 Proving the Beta of Market = 1 If you now place the covariance of the market with itself value in the beta formula you get: Cov MM .007425 Beta 1 .0 Var(R M ) .007425 The beta coefficient of the market will always be 1.0 because you are measuring the market returns against market returns. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 82 How Do We use Expected and Required Rates of Return? Once you have estimated the expected and required rates of return, you can plot them on the SML and see if the stock is under or overpriced. % Return E(Rs) = 5.0% R(ks) = 4.76% SML E(kM)= 4.2% Risk-free Rate = 3% BM= 1.0 Bs = 1.464 Since E(r)>R(r) the stock is underpriced. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 83 How Do We use Expected and Required Rates of Return? • • The stock is fairly priced if the expected return = the required return. This is what we would expect to see ‘normally’ or most of the time in an efficient market where securities are properly priced. % Return E(Rs) = R(Rs) 4.76% SML E(RM)= 4.2% Risk-free Rate = 3% BM= 1.0 BS = 1.464 CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 84 Use of the Forecast Beta • We can use the forecast beta, together with an estimate of the riskfree rate and the market premium for risk to calculate the investor’s required return on the stock using the CAPM: Required Return RF βi [E(k M ) RF] • This is a ‘market-determined’ return based on the current risk-free rate (RF) as measured by the 91-day, government of Canada T-bill yield, and a current estimate of the market premium for risk (kM – RF) CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 85 Conclusions • Analysts can make estimates or forecasts for the returns on stock and returns on the market portfolio. • Those forecasts can be analyzed to estimate the beta coefficient for the stock. • The required return on a stock can then be calculated using the CAPM – but you will need the stock’s beta coefficient, the expected return on the market portfolio and the risk-free rate. • The required return is then using in Dividend Discount Models to estimate the ‘intrinsic value’ (inherent worth) of the stock. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 86 Calculating the Beta using Trailing Holding Period Returns APPENDIX 2 The Regression Approach to Measuring the Beta • You need to gather historical data about the stock and the market • You can use annual data, monthly data, weekly data or daily data. However, monthly holding period returns are most commonly used. • Daily data is too ‘noisy’ (short-term random volatility) • Annual data will extend too far back in to time • You need at least thirty (30) observations of historical data. • Hopefully, the period over which you study the historical returns of the stock is representative of the normal condition of the firm and its relationship to the market. • If the firm has changed fundamentally since these data were produced (for example, the firm may have merged with another firm or have divested itself of a major subsidiary) there is good reason to believe that future returns will not reflect the past…and this approach to beta estimation SHOULD NOT be used….rather, use the ex ante approach. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 88 Historical Beta Estimation The Approach Used to Create the Characteristic Line In this example, we have regressed the quarterly returns on the stock against the quarterly returns of a surrogate for the market (TSE 300 total return composite index) and then using Excel…used the charting feature to plot the historical points and add a regression trend line. 2005.1 19.0% 7.0% 2004.4 -16.0% -4.0% The regression line is a line of ‘best 2004.3 8.0% 16.0% fit’ that describes the inherent 2004.2 relationship-3.0% between the-11.0% returns on 2004.1 34.0% 25.0% the stock and the returns on the market. The slope is the beta coefficient. Ch a r a c te r istic L in e (Re gr e ssio n ) 30.0% 25.0% Returns on Stock The ‘cloud’ of plotted points Period HPR(Stock) HPR(TSE 300) represents ‘diversifiable or company 2006.4 1.2% specific’ risk-4.0% in the securities returns 2006.3 -16.0% that can be eliminated from-7.0% a portfolio through diversification. Since 2006.2 32.0% 12.0% risk can 2006.1company-specific 16.0% 8.0%be eliminated,-22.0% investors don’t require 2005.4 -11.0% compensation 2005.3 15.0%for it according 16.0% to Portfolio Theory. 2005.2Markowitz 28.0% 13.0% 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% -40.0% 0.0% -20.0% -5.0%0.0% 20.0% 40.0% -10.0% -15.0% Returns on TSE 300 CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 89 Characteristic Line • The characteristic line is a regression line that represents the relationship between the returns on the stock and the returns on the market over a past period of time. (It will be used to forecast the future, assuming the future will be similar to the past.) • The slope of the Characteristic Line is the Beta Coefficient. • The degree to which the characteristic line explains the variability in the dependent variable (returns on the stock) is measured by the coefficient of determination. (also known as the R2 (r-squared or coefficient of determination)). • If the coefficient of determination equals 1.00, this would mean that all of the points of observation would lie on the line. This would mean that the characteristic line would explain 100% of the variability of the dependent variable. • The alpha is the vertical intercept of the regression (characteristic line). Many stock analysts search out stocks with high alphas. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 90 Low R2 • An R2 that approaches 0.00 (or 0%) indicates that the characteristic (regression) line explains virtually none of the variability in the dependent variable. • This means that virtually of the risk of the security is ‘company-specific’. • This also means that the regression model has virtually no predictive ability. • In this case, you should use other approaches to value the stock…do not use the estimated beta coefficient. (See the following slide for an illustration of a low r-square) CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 91 Characteristic Line for Imperial Tobacco An Example of Volatility that is Primarily Company-Specific Returns on Imperial Tobacco % Characteristic Line for Imperial Tobacco • High alpha • R-square is very low ≈ 0.02 • Beta is largely irrelevant Returns on the Market % (S&P TSX) CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 92 High R2 • An R2 that approaches 1.00 (or 100%) indicates that the characteristic (regression) line explains virtually all of the variability in the dependent variable. • This means that virtually of the risk of the security is ‘systematic’. • This also means that the regression model has a strong predictive ability. … if you can predict what the market will do…then you can predict the returns on the stock itself with a great deal of accuracy. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 93 Characteristic Line General Motors A Positive Beta with Predictive Power Returns on General Motors % Characteristic Line for GM (high R2) • Positive alpha • R-square is very high ≈ 0.9 • Beta is positive and close to 1.0 Returns on the Market % (S&P TSX) CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 94 An Unusual Characteristic Line A Negative Beta with Predictive Power Returns on a Stock % Characteristic Line for a stock that will provide excellent portfolio diversification • Positive alpha (high R2) • R-square is very high • Beta is negative <0.0 and > -1.0 Returns on the Market % (S&P TSX) CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 95 Diversifiable Risk (Non-systematic Risk) • Volatility in a security’s returns caused by companyspecific factors (both positive and negative) such as: – a single company strike – a spectacular innovation discovered through the company’s R&D program – equipment failure for that one company – management competence or management incompetence for that particular firm – a jet carrying the senior management team of the firm crashes (this could be either a positive or negative event, depending on the competence of the management team) – the patented formula for a new drug discovered by the firm. • Obviously, diversifiable risk is that unique factor that influences only the one firm. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 96 OK – lets go back and look at raw data gathering and data normalization • A common source for stock of information is • You will also need to go to the library a use the TSX Review (a monthly periodical) – to obtain: – Number of shares outstanding for the firm each month – Ending values for the total return composite index (surrogate for the market) • You want data for at least 30 months. • For each month you will need: – – – – Ending stock price Number of shares outstanding for the stock Dividend per share paid during the month for the stock Ending value of the market indicator series you plan to use (ie. TSE 300 total return composite index) CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 97 Demonstration Through Example The following slides will be based on Alcan Aluminum (AL.TO) Five Year Stock Price Chart for AL.TO CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 99 Spreadsheet Data From Yahoo Process: – Go to – Use the symbol lookup function to search for the company you are interested in studying. – Use the historical quotes button…and get 30 months of historical data. – Use the download in spreadsheet format feature to save the data to your hard drive. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 100 Spreadsheet Data From Yahoo Alcan Example The raw downloaded data should look like this: Date Open High Low Close Volume 01-May-02 57.46 62.39 56.61 59.22 753874 01-Apr-02 62.9 63.61 56.25 57.9 879210 01-Mar-02 64.9 66.81 61.68 63.03 974368 01-Feb-02 61.65 65.67 58.75 64.86 836373 02-Jan-02 57.15 62.37 54.93 61.85 989030 03-Dec-01 56.6 60.49 55.2 57.15 833280 01-Nov-01 49 58.02 47.08 56.69 779509 CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 101 Spreadsheet Data From Yahoo Alcan Example The raw downloaded data should look like this: Date 01-May-02 01-Apr-02 The day, month and year Open 57.46 62.9 High 62.39 63.61 Low 56.61 56.25 Close Volume 59.22 753874 57.9 879210 Opening price per share, the highest price per share during the month, the lowest price per share achieved during the month and the closing price per share at the end CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) of the month Volume of trading done in the stock on the TSE in the month in numbers of - 102 board 9lots Spreadsheet Data From Yahoo Alcan Example From Yahoo, the only information you can use is the closing price per share and the date. Just delete the other columns. Date 01-May-02 01-Apr-02 01-Mar-02 01-Feb-02 02-Jan-02 Close 59.22 57.9 63.03 64.86 61.85 CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 103 Acquiring the Additional Information You Need Alcan Example In addition to the closing price of the stock on a per share basis, you will need to find out how many shares were outstanding at the end of the month and whether any dividends were paid during the month. You will also want to find the end-of-the-month value of the S&P/TSX Total Return Composite Index (look in the green pages of the TSX Review) You can find all of this in The TSX Review periodical. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 104 Raw Company Data Alcan Example Date 01-May-02 01-Apr-02 01-Mar-02 01-Feb-02 02-Jan-02 01-Dec-01 Issued Capital 321,400,589 321,400,589 321,400,589 321,400,589 160,700,295 160,700,295 Cash Closing Price Dividends for Alcan per Share AL.TO $0.00 $59.22 $0.15 $57.90 $0.00 $63.03 $0.00 $64.86 $0.30 $123.70 $0.00 $119.30 Number of shares doubled and share price fell by half between January and February 2002 – this is indicative of a 2 for 1 stock split. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 105 Normalizing the Raw Company Data Alcan Example Date 01-May-02 01-Apr-02 01-Mar-02 01-Feb-02 02-Jan-02 01-Dec-01 Issued Capital 321,400,589 321,400,589 321,400,589 321,400,589 160,700,295 145,000,500 Closing Price for Cash Alcan Dividends Adjustment AL.TO per Share Factor $59.22 $0.00 1.00 $57.90 $0.15 1.00 $63.03 $0.00 1.00 $64.86 $0.00 1.00 $123.70 $0.30 0.50 $111.40 $0.00 0.45 Normalized Normalized Stock Price Dividend $59.22 $0.00 $57.90 $0.15 $63.03 $0.00 $64.86 $0.00 $61.85 $0.15 $50.26 $0.00 The adjustment factor is just the value in the issued capital cell divided by 321,400,589. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 106 Calculating the HPR on the stock from the Normalized Data Date 01-May-02 01-Apr-02 01-Mar-02 01-Feb-02 02-Jan-02 01-Dec-01 Normalized Stock Price $59.22 $57.90 $63.03 $64.86 $61.85 $50.26 Normalized Dividend $0.00 $0.15 $0.00 $0.00 $0.15 $0.00 HPR HPR 2.28% -7.90% -2.82% 4.87% 23.36% ( P1 P0 ) D1 P0 $59.22 - $57.90 $0.00 $57.90 2.28% Use $59.22 as the ending price, $57.90 as the beginning price and during the month of May, no dividend was declared. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 107 Now Put the data from the S&P/TSX Total Return Composite Index in Date 01-May-02 01-Apr-02 01-Mar-02 01-Feb-02 02-Jan-02 01-Dec-01 Normalized Normalized Stock Price Dividend $59.22 $0.00 $57.90 $0.15 $63.03 $0.00 $64.86 $0.00 $61.85 $0.15 $50.26 $0.00 HPR 2.28% -7.90% -2.82% 4.87% 23.36% Ending TSX Value 16911.33 16903.36 17308.41 16801.82 16908.11 16881.75 You will find the Total Return S&P/TSX Composite Index values in TSX Review found in the library. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 108 Now Calculate the HPR on the Market Index HPR Date 01-May-02 01-Apr-02 01-Mar-02 01-Feb-02 02-Jan-02 01-Dec-01 ( P1 P0 ) P0 16,911.33 - 16,903.36 16,903.36 0.05% Normalized Normalized Stock Price Dividend $59.22 $0.00 $57.90 $0.15 $63.03 $0.00 $64.86 $0.00 $61.85 $0.15 $50.26 $0.00 HPR 2.28% -7.90% -2.82% 4.87% 23.36% Ending TSX HPR on Value the TSX 16911.33 0.05% 16903.36 -2.34% 17308.41 3.02% 16801.82 -0.63% 16908.11 0.16% 16881.75 Again, you simply use the HPR formula using the ending values for the total return composite index. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 109 Regression In Excel • If you haven’t already…go to the tools menu…down to add-ins and check off the VBA Analysis Pac • When you go back to the tools menu, you should now find the Data Analysis bar, under that find regression, define your dependent and independent variable ranges, your output range and run the regression. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 110 Regression Defining the Data Ranges Date 01-May-02 01-Apr-02 01-Mar-02 01-Feb-02 02-Jan-02 01-Dec-01 Normalized Normalized Stock Price Dividend $59.22 $0.00 $57.90 $0.15 $63.03 $0.00 $64.86 $0.00 $61.85 $0.15 $50.26 $0.00 HPR 2.28% -7.90% -2.82% 4.87% 23.36% Ending TSX HPR on Value the TSX 16911.33 0.05% 16903.36 -2.34% 17308.41 3.02% 16801.82 -0.63% 16908.11 0.16% 16881.75 The dependent independentvariable variableis isthe thereturns returnsonon the the Stock. Market. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 111 Now Use the Regression Function in Excel to regress the returns of the stock against the returns of the market SUMMARY OUTPUT R-square is the coefficient of determination = 0.0028=.3% Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.05300947 R Square 0.00281 Adjusted R Square -0.2464875 Standard Error 5.79609628 Observations 6 ANOVA df Regression Residual Total Intercept X Variable 1 Beta Coefficient is the XVariable 1 SS MS 1 0.3786694 0.37866937 4 134.37893 33.5947321 5 134.7576 F Significance F 0.011271689 0.920560274 CoefficientsStandard Error t Stat 59.3420816 2.8980481 20.4765686 3.55278937 33.463777 0.10616821 P-value Lower 95% 3.3593E-05 51.29579335 0.920560274 -89.35774428 Upper 95% Lower 95.0%Upper 95.0% 67.38836984 51.2957934 67.38837 96.46332302 -89.3577443 96.46332 The alpha is the vertical intercept. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 112 Finalize Your Chart Alcan Example • You can use the charting feature in Excel to create a scatter plot of the points and to put a line of best fit (the characteristic line) through the points. • In Excel, you can edit the chart after it is created by placing the cursor over the chart and ‘right-clicking’ your mouse. • In this edit mode, you can ask it to add a trendline (regression line) • Finally, you will want to interpret the Beta (X-coefficient) the alpha (vertical intercept) and the coefficient of determination. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 113 The Beta Alcan Example • Obviously the beta (X-coefficient) can simply be read from the regression output. – In this case it was 3.56 making Alcan’s returns more than 3 times as volatile as the market as a whole. – Of course, in this simple example with only 5 observations, you wouldn’t want to draw any serious conclusions from this estimate. CHAPTER 9 – The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 9 - 114 Copyright Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by Access Copyright (the Canadian copyright licensing agency) is unlawful. Requests for further information should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. The purchaser may make back-up copies for his or her own use only and not for distribution or resale. The author and the publisher assume no responsibility for errors, omissions, or damages caused by the use of these files or programs or from the use of the information contained herein. CHAPTER 19 – Equity and Hybrid Instruments 19 - 115