Name _______________________ Earth/Space Science Vocabulary Directions: Prepare the definitions for the following science words. Anemometer- spinning cups-measure wind speed. Axis –an imaginary line of spin through Earth’s center. Barometer- measures air pressure. Cardinal points or directions –north, south, east, west. Climate- weather over a long period of time. Condensation- vapor turns to liquid. Crescent moon – when a small part of the visible Moon can be seen. Erosion- movement of Earth materials. Evaporation- liquid turns to vapor First quarter moon – the right half of the visible Moon is illuminated. Freezing- liquid turns to solid. Vocab ES key Page 1 of 3 Full moon –entire visible Moon is illuminated. Hardness Test- which rocks scratch other rocks/objects. Humidity- amount of water vapor in the air. Igneous Rock- rocks formed-magma/lava cools. Melting- solid turns to liquid. Metamorphic Rock- rocks “changed” by heat and pressure. Mineral- pure materials that make up rocks. Mohs hardness scale- labels rocks-softest to hardest. Moonth- time for one Moon orbit around Earth. New Moon – when none of the visible Moon is illuminated. Noon-when the Sun is to the south, shadow points north. Orbit – the path an object takes as it revolves in a circular path around another object. Phase (Moon) – the changing appearance of the Moon as seen from the Earth. Vocab ES key Page 2 of 3 Pores- spaces between soil particles. Precipitation- rain, hail, sleet and snow. Revolve – move around an object in a circular way. Rotation – to spin in place. Sedimentary Rock- particles, in layers, cemented together by nature. Solar energy – a form of energy from the Sun. Solar system – the Sun with its nine planets and smaller bodies that move around the planets. Streak Test- dragging a rock across a porcelain tile to see the powder color. Third quarter moon –the left half of the visible Moon is illuminated. Weather-daily conditions: temperature, air pressure, wind speed etc. Weathering- the breakdown of Earth materials. Vocab ES key Page 3 of 3