Banks and Profit
Banking and Financial Services
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How Banks Make Money
Credit cards
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Interest – a fee paid for the use of money
Largest amount of income for banks
Amount of interest determined by:
Borrower credit
Market rates
The higher the credit rating . . .
the lower the interest rate
The lower the credit rating . . .
the higher the interest rate
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Short-termone year or
Longtermlonger than
ten years
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one to ten
Short-term Investments
Mature in less than one year
Treasury bills most common
Issued by the United States Treasury
Very low risk
Typically issued in terms such as one-, three-, and six-month terms as well as one
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Medium-term Investments
Can be one to ten years
Treasury notes are most common
Interest typically paid every six months
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Long-term Investments
Held for at least ten years
Bonds are most common
Savings bonds
Earn interest up to thirty years
• May not be transferred to another person
• Interest paid at maturity
Treasury bonds
Pays interest every six months
• Can be up to thirty years as well
• May be transferred
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Income from Fees
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Checking Account Fees
Monthly maintenance, or service, fees
NSF (Insufficient funds) fees for checks and debit cards
Stop payment fees
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ATM Fees
ATM = Automated Teller Machine – a machine that computerizes and
provides self-service banking
Fees for using another bank’s ATM
Fees for some basic banking services
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Safe Deposit Box Fees
Fees to lease a box
Fee for lost keys
Fee for late box rental payments
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Credit Card Fees
Can be annual fee to have the card
Fee for late payments
Fees for going over your credit limit
Cash advance fees
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Other Bank Fees
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Wire transfer fees
Online banking fees
Fees for money orders
Notary fees
Income from Insurance Services
Premiums – amounts
paid on a regular basis
to ‘purchase’ insurance
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 – allows banks to
sell insurance as well as investment products
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Life Insurance
Insurance protects against risk – the possibility of loss
Beneficiary – someone who receives a financial benefit from a life
insurance policy upon the death of the insured person
Types of life insurance:
Credit life – insurance that pays off loan balances upon the death of the insured
Mortgage life – similar to credit life but applies to paying off a mortgage loan as
opposed to other loans
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Property and Liability Insurance
Property (and casualty) insurance – insurance that covers the cost of
property that may be lost or damaged
Liability insurance – insurance that covers expenses incurred as the
result of a loss such as medical (for an injured person) and legal
Two most popular types:
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Liability – covers property and injuries of
another person if there is an accident
Collision – damage to your own vehicle
Comprehensive – covers other losses such as
theft, tree falling on your car, etc.
Covers loss or damage to home
and contents, could be from hail,
fire, flood and other perils
Property and Liability Insurance
For businesses:
Property covers damage or loss to property of a business especially property that
can affect the income of a business
Liability again covers expenses that are related to legal issues of a loss such as a
lawsuit, which can affect the value of a business
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Medical Insurance
Two most common types offered by banks:
Health – costs covered as a result of an accident or illness
Disability – replaces a portion of someone’s income if they are unable
to work as a result of accident, illness, or injury. Cost depends upon:
the percentage of income will be replaced, for example, the higher the % the
higher the premium
How long after the accident, illness, or injury the replacement income begins, for
example, the sooner the payments start, the higher the premium
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Trust Services
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What are Trust Services?
Trust – legal documents stating how a client’s assets are to be handled
Trustee – the person who receives fees for managing a client’s assets
Provided mostly by larger banks due to the expertise required
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Retirement planning
401 (k) – a retirement plan that is employer-sponsored but can be rolled over into a
retirement plan offered by a bank
Estate management:
Estate – the assets (property and possessions) of an individual
Planning an estate:
Preparing wills
• Determining how assets will be transferred upon a client’s death
Settling an estate:
Determining value of assets
• Paying taxes and other debts of an estate
• Distributing assets
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Credit Card
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Description of Business Services
Type of Service
Payroll, accounts payables and receivables, cash management
Purchases of major capital assets, financing of those assets
Armored car services, deposits, electronic funds transfers
Credit Card
Issuing credit cards, conducting credit services
Wire tranfers, data and reports necessary for businesses
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Investment Banking Services
Underwriting services
Investment underwriting – when a bank acts as an intermediary between a
company issuing new stock and the public who may want to buy shares
Spread – the difference between what the bank pays for the company’s shares and
what they sell the shares for to the public
Mergers and Acquisitions
Professionals assist in negotiating terms and determining value of businesses for a
Merger – when two or more companies combine to form a new company
Acquisition – when a company purchases or takes control of another company,
usually through purchasing the stock in the company
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International Banking
Services of banks that do business internationally
Services of foreign banks that conduct business in the U. S.
Edge Act corporations – investment banks chartered by the Federal
Reserve to perform certain international banking activities
Correspondent banks – an agent of a U. S. bank operating in another
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Independent Practice Assignments
Bank Fees Comparison Diagram Assignment #1 – Students will research, either online, or by
checking with local banks in their area, all of the fees that at least 3 banks charge their customers.
They will then create a Venn diagram where each of the banks are in a circle, the fees that are the
exact same for all three banks are in the middle overlapping section, any fees that are the same
between two banks are in the overlapping section for the two banks, and fees that are not the same
for any of the banks will remain in that particular bank’s circle.
International Banking Services Assignment #2 – Students will research, either online, or by
checking with local banks, to see what international banking services they offer. They will create a
flyer that displays all of the services offered, for example, currency conversion, traveler’s checks, and
other services. Include appropriate graphics. They should include this information for one bank as
well as the costs for the services.
Student Account Assignment #3 – Using the following web site, or they can go to any bank’s web
site and locate information for student accounts. In pairs students will review the different banking
services available to students. They will then create a ‘commercial’ (either a skit or video), intended
to market student accounts to the class, that states at least 5 features of the accounts in a creative
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