Level 2 Business Studies externals 2.1 ~ internal operations (AS 90843) Coverage as indicated in Curriculum Guide, and fleshed out Organisational structure Production process Growth strategies Management and leadership Organisational culture Financial information Internal controls Corporate social responsibility and philanthropy Maori concepts Types and features of organisational structure – the various ways a large business can be structured How organisational structure may affect decision-making, communication, efficiency and competitiveness of the business Organisational charts Decentralisation of decision-making Productivity and efficiency, lean production, economies of scale, capacity issues Increasing productivity efficiency Impact of globalisation Growth strategies and their benefits Internal goals and objectives, e.g. product diversification, innovation External, e.g. acquisition/mergers; vertical and horizontal integration How a large business should be organised, co-ordinated and controlled Management vs leadership; characteristics of successful managers and leaders Leadership styles – advantages and disadvantages Importance of having a strong organisational culture if the management and leadership of a large business is to succeed Types of organisational culture – power, task, role, person Changing business culture For controlling, reporting and decision-making Purpose of income statement, statement of cash flows, balance sheet Breakeven analysis, costing methods, budgets, ratio analysis, variance analysis, annual accounts Asset management Accuracy of data Adherence to management policy Why businesses are expected to exercise social responsibility to their community and to the environment Triple bottom line Tikanga - custom, obligations S McVeigh, Team Solutions 1 (comprehensive explanations in Curriculum Guide Putake – origin or reason for being Turanga - The positioning/anchor of the business Kaitiakitanga – Guardianship of natural resources Rangatiratanga - Exercise of leadership, authority, guardianship and ownership rights Exam Coverage Organisational structure Production process Growth strategies Management and leadership 2011 … has a tall organisational structure. Explain the characteristics of this type of structure Fully explain how a tall organisational structure can create problems for a business in relation to chain of command, span of control Discuss the impact of … decentralising their decisionmaking – explain one advantage; fully explain how … might decentralise the decision-making in this business; justify the decision to decentralise the decision-making as an appropriate course of action 2011 Explain the term productivity Fully explain why international free trade and globalisation have increased the importance of improved productivity for businesses in relation to competitiveness and efficiency Discuss the impact on … on operating above normal capacity for a long period of time; explain one benefit of operating above normal capacity; fully explain the disadvantages of operating above normal capacity, and the likely consequences of these for customer service 2012 Why would …. choose product diversification as a growth strategy? Explain link between product diversification and market share in relation to existing product range, sales and profit growth Fully explain why it is important for product diversification to match the company’s vision in relation to company reputation, brand loyalty Discuss which product diversification option (two given) would be better for overall growth – state option chosen and explain its suitability; fully explain one advantage and disadvantage of the option; justify why the option would be more appropriate 2012 Describe leadership style that best suits …(resource S McVeigh, Team Solutions 2 Organisational culture Financial information Internal controls Social responsibility Maori concept material) Explain the skills & attributes and personal values of an effective leader Fully explain benefits of a CEO knowing every employee in terms of staff loyalty, motivation and job satisfaction Discuss impact of good leadership in context of business studied … example of good leadership, effect of good leadership on customers, justify why good leadership important in long term 2011 Explain the term budget Fully explain how budgeting can help … with planning in relation to budgeted figures, resourcing. Discuss the effects of variances on …; explain one advantage to … of using variance analysis; fully explain two ways in which the business could correct the large negative budget variance in the bakery department’s budget within the financial year; justify the better way to correct the variance 2011 Explain another way in which … could demonstrate CSR in the community Fully explain the similarities between a business exercising CSR and a philanthropist, in relation to citizenship and community development Fully explain and justify why a large business [you have studied] might choose to exercise CSR; include the effects on customers of the named business, and one short and one long-term consequence for the named business. 2012 – kaitiakitanga (definition given) Explain one way in which … would practise kaitiakitanga in their daily operations Fully explain how kaitiakitanga influences … decisions in relation to natural resources, processing operations Fully explain why there may be an increase in the number of businesses practising kaitiakitanga in relation to company values and business success Discuss the impact of practising kaitiakitanga for … by explaining one immediate effect of kaitiakitanga for …; fully explaining why consumers would be more likely to purchase products produced by … if the company practises kaitiakitanga; justifying with reasons and the long-term consequences for … the decision to practice kaitiakitanga S McVeigh, Team Solutions 3 2.2 ~ external factors (AS 90844) Coverage as indicated in Curriculum Guide, and fleshed out Supply chain Trade unions and employer associations Economic sustainability Political influences Social influences Technological influences Enterprise culture Ethical expectations and issues Maori concepts (comprehensive explanations in Curriculum Guide Components and the effects of a change to one part of the supply chain on the other parts Supply chain problems Impact of supply chain on revenue, profit, customers Functions of unions – collective bargaining, protection of members’ interests, pressure group Negotiation and industrial action Role of employer organisations Constructive relationships between unions and employer associations How economic sustainability is measured How sustainability affects competitiveness Sustainable business practices Impact of globalisation; multinational corporations Government deregulation; free trade Specific political issues relevant to business such as: 90 day trial period, Kiwisaver, cashing in a week’s holiday, changing tax rates, increasing minimum wage Change in demographics e.g. ageing population Business responses to social trends and consumer attitudes Development of new technologies and impact on businesses – manufacturing, tertiary industries Benefits and costs of new technologies; impacts on personnel, productivity, customers, profit Innovation and risk-taking Rewards of successful enterprise Advantages; costs of high ethical standards, e.g. reduced profitability Promoting high ethical standards, e.g. ethical selling techniques, high safety standards, high product standards, social responsibility, environmental concern, animal rights Business code of ethics Tikanga - custom, obligations Putake – origin or reason for being Turanga - The positioning/anchor of the business Kaitiakitanga – Guardianship of natural resources Rangatiratanga - Exercise of leadership, authority, guardianship and ownership rights S McVeigh, Team Solutions 4 Exam Coverage Supply chain Trade unions and employer associations 2011 Explain the term supply chain Fully explain how value may be added at different stages of the supply chain, in relation to production processes, distribution channels Discuss how the loss of their … could impact on … supply chain; explain one effect on … supply chain; fully explain the impact on … sales revenue; fully explain one flow-on effect for … customers 2012 Explain why an employee might choose to join a trade union Fully explain concerns that the Union of Meat Processors may have regarding the changes at …, in relation to redundancies and restructuring and changes to working conditions Fully explain the methods that a trade union has to address workers’ issues and concerns, in relation to collective bargaining, legal representation and strikes Discuss how the Union and … could work together to ensure benefits for both the employer and its employees; explain the actions that the Union could take to affect change that benefits its members; fully explain how … could use the Union to best communicate the changes in the workplace; justify with reasons the maintenance of a good working relationship between the workers and the employer, in terms of the benefits for each party 2012 Explain the business term employer association Fully explain the role of an employer association in relation to lobbying, networking opportunities, business information and advice Fully explain why Meat Manufacturers NZ would encourage its members to improve health and safety standards, in relation to productivity and industry reputation Discuss why a large business [you have studied] should belong to an employer association; explain how membership could assist with daily operations of the named business; fully explain how membership could lead to survival and future growth; justify with reasons continued membership of the employer association with reference to the reputation of the named business within its industry S McVeigh, Team Solutions 5 Economic sustainability Political influences Social influences Technological influences Enterprise culture 2011 Explain the term economic sustainability Fully explain how … is economically sustainable in relation to production, distribution Fully explain and justify why … should operate in an economically sustainable manner; include the effect of operating in an economically sustainable manner on the relationship between … and its suppliers; the effect on consumers of … operating in an economically sustainable manner; consequences for the recruitment, retention and motivation of … staff 2011 Explain one possible benefit that … could gain from current trends in consumer attitudes towards health Fully explain the difference between a social trend and a belief, in relation to attitudes and culture Fully explain and justify why it is important for a large business [you have studied] to consider social trends and consumer attitudes when making decisions; include one way the business has increased sales by responding to changing social trends and consumer attitudes; one impact on the business other than increasing sales, the consequences of not responding to social trends and consumer attitudes when making business decisions 2012 Explain the role technology plays in a business Fully explain two benefits of the new automated meat processing technology for …, in relation to meat processing time, worker productivity Fully explain two costs to … associated with creating and using this new technology, in relation to research and development costs, employee-related costs Discuss the long-term effects of this new technology on the meat processing industry in NZ; explain one way in which the new technology could help NZ exports; fully explain how the new technology could set the standard for NZ meat quality in the industry; justify with reasons how the adoption of the new technology could contribute to the growth of the NZ meat processing industry 2011 Explain the term enterprise culture Fully explain the importance of having an enterprise culture in NZ, in relation to risk-taking, innovation Fully explain and justify the impact on … of having a strong enterprise culture; include how this culture could affect decision-making in the business; the benefits of … S McVeigh, Team Solutions 6 of a strong enterprise culture Ethical expectations/issues 2.3 ~ critical problems (AS 90845) Coverage as indicated in Curriculum Guide, and fleshed out Business acquisition Human resource issues Investment decisions Failure of internal controls Global trends Technology issues Ethical issues Why merge with another firm – fast method of achieving business growth, economies of scale, market power, integration synergies, break into new markets, to asset strip Poorly executed merger or takeover Poor decision-making re employment Loss of key personnel; how planning and a succession plan can overcome this Recruitment, training, discipline, administration of staff Raising capital finance – the options in relation to business sustainability Share issues or capital expenditure Fraud, carelessness, negligence Issues such as poor security over assets, spending limits not being observed, inaccurate data, lack of job descriptions, poor staff performance Changes in consumer awareness or buyer behaviour greater choice empowers the customer which can be at the expense of business Global recession and credit crunch A high degree of specialisation in the international supply chain has increased product quality and lowered costs for many New Zealand businesses. But it has made the chain more vulnerable – problems with one specialised component maker can disrupt production further down the chain. Iwi protocol such as kaitiakitanga conflicting with business operations Cost of setting up and installing new technology - hardware costs, programming, training Competitive disadvantage caused by failure to adopt a new technology Rapid pace of technological change and impact on capital investment Security issues Ethical responsibilities towards customers – duty of care S McVeigh, Team Solutions 7 Maori concepts (comprehensive explanations in Curriculum Guide problems such as: dishonest/error-prone staff, inadequate systems or cost-cutting, inadequate or dangerous premises Ethical responsibilities towards employees: unfair treatment or unjustified dismissal, unsafe/unhealthy workplace conditions, privacy issues, breakdowns in employment relations Ethical responsibilities towards shareholders and investors: not declaring a potential liability, overstating profit or understating debt Ethical responsibility towards the environment and community Tikanga - custom, obligations Putake – origin or reason for being Turanga - The positioning/anchor of the business Kaitiakitanga – Guardianship of natural resources Rangatiratanga - Exercise of leadership, authority, guardianship and ownership rights Exam Coverage Business acquisition Human resource issues 2011 Explain how an external audit can be a useful source of information for a business Discuss how the issues with human resources have contributed to the safety problem that … faces; describe two human resource factors, issues or situations that caused the safety problem; fully explain how each factor, issue or situation contributed to the problem Discuss solutions for … that would address the causes you wrote about in part b; explain at least two appropriate solutions; fully explain how each solution would deal with the causes; explain and justify why it could be better to implement both solutions together to solve the problem, rather than using only one solution. 2012 Explain the importance of key personnel in any organisation Discuss the reasons for the loss of key personnel at …; describe two factors that have caused the human resource problem; fully explain how each factor has contributed to this problem Discuss solutions for … that would address the causes you wrote about in part b; explain two appropriate solutions; S McVeigh, Team Solutions 8 Investment decisions Failure of internal controls Global trends Technology issues fully explain how each solution would deal with the causes; justify with reasons why one solution would be better than the other to solve the solution 2011 Explain why investment expenditure is important for a business Discuss the causes of the investment decision problem that … faces; describe two factors, issues or situations that caused the investment decision problem; fully explain how each factor, issue or situation contributed to the problem Discuss solutions for … that would address the causes you wrote about in part b; explain at least two appropriate solutions; fully explain how each solution would deal with the causes; explain and justify why it could be better to implement both solutions together to solve the problem, rather than using only one solution 2012 Explain why it is important for an organisation to have strict policies and procedures Discuss the issues leading to the fraud and dishonesty problem that … had to deal with; describe two factors that have caused the fraud and dishonest problem; fully explain how each factor has contributed to the problem Discuss solutions for … that would address the causes you wrote about in part b; explain two appropriate solutions; fully explain how each solution would deal with the causes; justify with reasons why one solution would be better than the other to solve the problem 2011 Explain one way in which global trends impact on a company’s success. Discuss the causes of the tourism problem that is affecting …; describe two factors, issues or situations that caused the problems; fully explain how each factor, issue or situation contributed to the problem Discuss solutions for … that would address the causes you wrote about in part b; explain at least two solutions; fully explain how each solution would deal with the causes; explain and justify why it could be better to implement both solutions together to solve the problem, rather than using only one solution 2012 Explain why customers may prefer to use their mobile phone for banking services Discuss the causes of the technology problem that … faces; describe two factors that have caused the S McVeigh, Team Solutions 9 technological problem; fully explain how each factor has contributed to the problem Discuss solutions for … that would address the causes you wrote about in part b; explain two appropriate solutions; fully explain how each solution would deal with the causes; justify with reasons why one solution would be better than the other to solve the problem Ethical issues S McVeigh, Team Solutions 10