MIS 214 Course plan semester1-1435/1436 MIS 214 – Fundamental of database Systems Instructors: Instructors name L. Najla Bahamid Office Hour 11-1 on Sunday, Thursday 11-12 on Tuesday Office location : 2nd floor –MIS department – Abeer bin Humaid ( tutor ) E-mail nbahmaid@ksu.edu.sa Course URL: http://faculty.ksu.edu.sa/nbahmaid/MIS214/Forms/AllItems.aspx Prerequisite(s): MIS201-Introduction to Information Systems Course Objectives: By the end of this course, the students should be able to: Cover information systems design. Build logical solutions for different problems. Develop software solution for different problems. Use one of the database management systems to solve different applications. Course Main Topics: Principles of DB, Conceptual, logical, and physical data and modeling tools. Modelsmodels, for databases. Relational and object oriented; design tools Data dictionaries, repositories; domains, keys, and integrity constraints The structured query language(SQL); o data definition, queries, update, statements , and views in SQL Database design; functional dependencies, normal forms Enhanced Entity-Relationship Model Course References : 1. Fundamentals of Database Systems", Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe, Addison Wesley, The Latest Edition. 2. www.oracle.com Other useful references: -"DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS", by Raghu Ramakrishnan, JohannesGehrke, The Latest Edition. Prepared by : L. Najla Bahmaid MIS 214 Course plan semester1-1435/1436 -"MODERN DATABASE MANAGEMENT",by Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Mary B. Prescott, Fred R. McFadden, Prentice Hall, The Latest Edition Course Grading: Dues Quiz 1 ( 5 % ) Mid 1( 15 %) Mid 2( 15 %) Project ( 5% ) Homework ( 5 % ) Final lab ( 10 % ) Final ( 40 % ) Due date Marks Week 5 Week 7 Week 12 Week 14 Check course website Refer to MIS department Refer to MIS department 5 15 20 5 5 10 40 100 Total Week No. Lecture Lab 1 Course plan none 2 Introduction to the course contents Course plan Configuration of Oracle 10, Notepad++ Database Architecture Database languages Data models Database languages Training on oracle SQL environment Writing scripts by Notepad++ Saving of SQL file Run the script file in SQL Plus Users creation SQL COMPONENTs WITH EXAMPLE SCRIPTS Example of problem Definition of main features of the problem Identify main users Drawing users behavior diagram 3 4 The Relational Model (Part-1) Prepared by : L. Najla Bahmaid MIS 214 Course plan 5 6 • • • • • • • • • • 7 8 • • • • • • • Entity-Relationship Modeling (part-2) Oracle Data Types Data Definition Identifying Primary Key Constraints Identifying Foreign Keys Check Constraints Unique Constraints and Default Values Modifying Table Definitions Dropping Tables Viewing/enabling/disabling/ dropping Constraints Simple Queries Condition in the WHERE Clause Listing All Data in a Table Use of BETWEEN Use of IN Use of LIKE IS NULL and IS NOT NULL Expressions Involving NULL Use of DISTINCT Ordering of Rows Aggregate Functions o COUNT o SUM o AVG o MIN o MAX Other Oracle Built-in Functions Table names and Column names Oracle SQL plus Only facilities Saving Output and Using HOST Basic Insert Statement Inserting Data Using Queries Create Table Using Queries Prepared by : L. Najla Bahmaid semester1-1435/1436 Creation main tables Specify primary keys and foreign keys Identify types of relation Make the relation model Drawing ER diagram SCRIPTS (DDL) SCRIPTS (DML) SCRIPTS (DML) MIS 214 Course plan 9 semester1-1435/1436 • Data Definition Commands in Standard SQL • • • • • Advanced queries Use of GROUP BY Use of HAVING Use of AS – column alias Selecting from Multiple Tables (Joins) Outer Joins Outer Joins in Oracle SQL Nested Queries (1) Nested Queries (2) Use of IN EXISTS NOT EXISTS SCRIPTS (DML) Subqueries Subqueries versus Joins UNION, MINUS and INTERSECT Database functional dependencies o Normal forms Database functional dependencies o Normal forms Advance topics in database (EER) SCRIPTS (DML) Example scripts of creation view practice DML normal forms exercises normal forms exercises Advance topics in database (EER) Project Submission • • • • • • • 10 • • • 11 12 13 14 15 Revision Practice General Notes In case of any changes to the above schedule(s), students will be informed. Policies No makeup for Midterm exams unless you submit original papers that are stamped and accepted from head of Department. You should submit your Prepared by : L. Najla Bahmaid MIS 214 Course plan semester1-1435/1436 excuse no more than one week after the exam. If your excuse is accepted, you will be allowed to enter a comprehensive exam at the end of this semester. Your homework is not accepted after the due date. Each student is expected to do her own work on all of the course material. The penalty for cheating is a grade of zero. Attendance will be taken by the end of the class. If you are absent for a reason it is your responsibility to submit your sick leave by the next class Mobile is not allowed to be used in the class at all. Therefore, please keep it off during class time. You are not allowed to attend the final exam if you absent more than 13 hours and you will be considered as denied, a first probation will be issued if you reach 5 hours of absence and the second probation will be issued if you reach 9 hours of absence. Prepared by : L. Najla Bahmaid