GDSP General Meeting Minutes 1_21_14 approved

Great Divide Ski Patrol
January 21, 2014 General Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm
Attendees: Bill Ballinger, Casey Redder, Jaime Larese, Wayne Delzer, Amy Pezo, Herb Hastings, Chris Smith, Mike Bishop,
Lisa Applebee, Jim Whaley, Don Paul, Bob Person, Bill Heineke, Amie Butler, Tom Reid, Steph Knisley, JoAnn Thun, Mike
Marlow, Ed Pryor.
Patrollers excused from the meeting: Chuck Ball, John Fradette, Don Skaar, and Tara Wilson.
Presentation: Dave Webster, St. Pete’s Ambulance.
Discussed article on “clearing the spine” in NSP magazine covered- good flow chart in article.
Case review of recent Great Divide head trauma injury.
General Meeting
1. Approval of minutes- not presented for approval.
2. Treasurer’s report- not presented for approval.
3. Mountain report/update
a. Night party volunteers needed for 1/23- Narrate Church and 2/1- Carroll college.
4. Patrol representative report/update
a. Nominating committee (3)
i. Tom asked for volunteers. Chuck Ball, Wayne Delzer, and Chris Smith were appointed.
b. Awards committee
i. Need three people for this committee. Don Skaar , Don Paul, and Mike Marlow volunteered.
c. Supplies and equipment update
i. Discussion of additional equipment and toboggans.
ii. There are 8 loaded toboggans across the hill.
iii. Discussion of AED cabinets and placement.
iv. Discussion of what each patroller is to carry while on duty, specifically what types of airway.
v. Great Divide bought batteries for the radios, which GDSP will pay for.
vi. Question of ownership of toboggans, radios, etc.
vii. Motion from Wayne Delzer: GDSP should reimburse, up to $98, any patroller who completes a 14
day schedule, or who served as an OEC, OET, and/or Avalanche trainer during the 2013-2014
season. Motion seconded by Mike Bishop.
1. Discussion
a. Do something for trainers, people who do all their duty days, and do this
retroactively this year.
b. Discussion of number of duty days required.
c. Discussion of scholarships and how to reward those with an 8 day schedule.
d. Great Divide wants to incentivize 14-day patrollers, as 8 day schedules are
reserved for special cases.
e. Timeline- this is a motion for just this season.
Submitted by Steph Knisley, 2/16/14
2. Amendment from Jim Whaley: Reimburse the $98 fees for anyone who spends 14 days
on the hill patrolling and/or training candidates. This amendment was accepted by
3. Amendment from Amie: reimburse patrollers less than the $98, possibly $50.
4. Motion to table the discussion by Amie, seconded by Herb. Motion did not carry.
5. Motion called to question by Mike Bishop. Seconded by Whaley. Passed by 2/3 vote.
6. Vote on the original motion, as amended by Jim. 10 against/19 for, 4 abstention. The
amended motion carried.
viii. Chris Smith volunteered to work with people on recruitment and retention, bring ideas to the
next meeting. Eric Gomes and Bill Ballinger also volunteered.
d. Youth connections
i. In the past, donate $400 and unused coupons—discuss at the next meeting
e. Training
i. Discussion of how much money is allocated towards training.
ii. Discussion of having trainings/trainers at Great Divide vs. traveling to trainings
iii. Winter tip off- Snowbowl or Yellowstone club in 2015
f. Patrolling duties
i. Everybody run through revenge- X course on meadow, also terrain parks.
g. Website
i. Talk to Marlow/Tom about ideas.
ii. Give Steph ideas for updating GDSP info
h. Banquet
i. Toboggan check offs
j. Lewis and Clark fundraiser- 5-8pm on 1/28
Advisor/committee reports
a. Advisors: OEC, OET
b. Committees: nominations, awards, etc.
Old business
New business
Other- topics not discussed at the meeting (for the good of the order)
Motion to adjourn meeting at 8:50pm by Mike Marlow, seconded by Mike Bishop. Meeting adjourned at 8:50pm.
Submitted by Steph Knisley, 2/16/14