1. Recall the leadership styles of the Leadership Compass (North

1. Recall the leadership styles of the Leadership Compass (North, South, East, and West). In a 1-2
paragraph response, name the leadership style that fits you best at work. Please provide one
example from your work that illustrates this leadership style, and at least two advantages to this
leadership style in your own work. Also describe at least two things that are challenging about this
style, and how these challenges might affect your ability to work well with others.
Rubric for Question 1:
10 points – The student did ALL of the following:
1) identified their leadership style at work from the Leadership Compass
2) provided a specific example from their work that illustrates their leadership style
3) described at least 2 challenges AND 2 advantages to their leadership style
5 points – The student PARTIALLY completed at least one of the following tasks:
1) identified their leadership style at work from the Leadership Compass
2) provided a specific example from their work that illustrates their leadership style
3) described at least 2 challenges AND 2 advantages to their leadership style
0 points – The student did not provide a response to any questions, or identified a leadership
style that was not described in the Leadership Compass.
The leadership compass that fits me best is SOUTH. I love to understand listening people and try to
understand their problem and give priority to their wishes but when it only carries goodness to them. I
trust in my own emotions and feeling but I believe and willing to listen my peers statement. Then I judge
these, if seems my peers statements weigh better then I replace them with mine.
I rather would collaborative then competitive to my colleagues. I see them as my partner to achieve our
goals. As I mentioned in previous assignment in this course I effectively used professional relationship
to achieve established goals that can bear betterment to patients.
Example: A patient visits ER complaining lower abdominal pain and numbness to lower parts of body or
legs. Primary health care provider prescribed MRI and some kind of blood tests but nothing is found.
Patient seems good at arguing to doctors. ER suggests to stay hospital but patient do not stay and
doctor seem irritated to this patient because of patient’s words. Here I play situational leader though I
am clinical pharmacist and I supposed to be team member only. I convinced patient to stay hospital for
at least three days and convinced doctor to observe patient using my professional relationship.
Challenges: 01. Having difficulty to say “NO”
I could not directly to NO to my team members because I was a situational leader when no one seems to
take leadership. In such case, if I said NO directly it could affect our shared goal to patient.
To handling this challenge I took different strategy. I rather try making them understand such approach
could affect patient or our goal than directly saying NO.
Challenge 02: it’s a difficult situation when one of team members develops anger toward each other or
specific person. As I am clinical pharmacist so I am not the person who is going to develop treatment
approach its doctor who can make it but I can provide him information or suggest things.
I used my personal relationship with my team members to lessen their anger toward specific member.
And sometimes I let them remember the importance what we are doing in hospital.
Recall the team membership styles discussed in the module (alienated, passive, exemplary,
conformist, pragmatist). In a one paragraph response, name which membership style you identify
with in most situations and describe why you chose this style.
Recall that an exemplary team member applies constructive critical thinking and actively engages
with the team and its leader. List 3 things you can do as an exemplary team member to maximize
effective collaboration and provide safe, high quality patient care.
Rubric for Question 2:
10 points – The student identified and provided rationale for his/her predominant membership
style, and listed 3 aspects of exemplary team membership.
5 points – The student did not identify their predominant membership style OR did not list 3
aspects of exemplary team membership.
0 points – The student did not identify a predominant membership style AND did not list 3
examples of exemplary team membership.
I chose the “exemplary” team membership style and I assume it best suits me. I chose this because in
this style I can apply my constructive critical thinking to my leaders and members. If they agree to my
thinking they often took my thinking as a part of goals. Sometimes they do not take but offer discussion
why it will not work. That is good for my learning.
Three aspects of exemplary team membership approach:
01. Allow constructive critical thinking: such thinking can help us when a complex problem arises in
clinical setting.
02. Active interaction:
03. Supporting thinking if they agree:
3. Think of a situation, either in or out of a healthcare setting, where collaboration was poor.
Consider the tools discussed in this module: situational awareness, inquiry and advocacy, and
giving/receiving feedback skills. Choose one tool and describe how you would apply this tool to
improve collaboration in the specific situation.
Rubric for Question 3:
10 points – The student chose one tool listed and thoroughly discussed how they would have
applied it to a situation in which poor collaboration occurred.
5 points – The student did not choose a tool listed OR did not describe how they would have
applied it to a situation with poor collaboration.
0 points – The student did not provide a specific tool nor did they describe how they would have
applied it to a situation with poor collaboration.
So in first question I exampled a situation where poor communication was a big issue. As I’ve mentioned
I played here a situational leader, I had to apply a strategy to overcome poor communication. First thing
I did is making aware of my team members about patient situation and patient too. I listened with other
team members what patient expects from us as patient cannot pay for longer stay in hospital. We
talked back to patient and clearly explained treatment issues. Doctor was experienced much than other
team members so listened doctor very actively and suggest our thinking to him, he responded well.