Feudalism Good or Bad Rubric

Name:! !
Feudalism: Good or bad?
Find 2 pieces of evidence from the article that
explain why feudalism was “good.”
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Find 2 pieces of evidence from the article that
explain why feudalism was “bad.”
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Do you think Feudalism helped Western Europe prosper (do well) or did it hurt
it? In a well written argumentative writing piece. Support your answer with
multiple pieces of evidence from the text.
Criteria for success
• a topic sentence with a clear claim
• proper evidence based terms, transition words and phrases,
• at least 3 quotes
• supporting details for your quotes, and
• conclusion that reinforces your topic sentence.
Grading Rubric
The Substance of the Work
An exemplary job (20 – 18 points) is when a student has:
• A clear thesis and gives strong separate reasons, using specific facts to support his/
her claim. The student must also be creative and do an exemplary job proving their
topic sentence and acknowledge the opposing claim.
A distinguished job (17 – 16 points) is when a student has:
• A clear claim, but one of the reasons is not as clear or as strong as the exemplary
essay. The student must also be creative and accurately proving their claim
A novice job(15 – 14 points) is when a student has:
• A claim, but it may not be as clear as the exemplary or distinguished essays. The
student needs more specific facts to support his/her opinions. Some important details
about are missing.
A beginning job (13 – 12 points) is when a student has:
• A mixed claim The essay may contain facts, but the facts don’t support the main
points or they may be incorrect.
A job that misses the point (11 – 0 points) is when a student has:
• May have a claim but that’s it. The facts fail to address the question and the essay
is confusing.
The Mechanics of the Work
1. Are there spelling or grammar errors?
2. Does the student capitalize those words that need to be capitalized?
3. Does the student write in complete sentences and not have any run-on sentences or
4. Does the student have a separate introductory paragraph stating the claim?
5. Does the student start a new paragraph every time he/she states a new idea?
6. Does the student have a conclusion paragraph at the end?
The Substance of the Work
___________ / 20!
The Mechanics of the Work ___________ / 5
Total Points
________ / 25