Removing Waste and Rework Improving Flow in Presurgery Testing April 19th, 2011 Vanessa Calderon, Shelby Neel Agenda What is Presurgery Testing at IMMC? What is Lean Six Sigma (LSS)? Project Timeline, Structure, and Roles Understanding the Current State Step-By-Step DMAIC Process Results Questions? Outpatient Surgery IMMC Presurgery Testing Area (PST) Focus 6 Month Process Improvement Project Strong Leadership Support PST (Pre surgery Testing) Information Needed for Day of Surgery History and Physical created within 30 days (Surgeon) Internist History and Physical (if requested) Orders for Surgery EKG Labs Diagnostic Tests Cardiac Records When Information Not Available Show Stopper Frustrating for All Options Call for Information day of Surgery Impossible to get info for 0700 start Delay Surgery Cancel Surgery What is Lean Six Sigma? Lean Six Sigma: Integrates the most powerful tools from Lean and Six Sigma Philosophies to remove waste from the customers perspective as well as reduce variation in quality and processes (Customer Centric and Data Driven Improvement) Six Sigma Lean Waste (Muda) Muda: Anything that adds time or cost to the process without adding value Value Stream (Mapping) Seven Wastes: Transport, Inventory, Motion, Waiting, Overproduction, Over processing (Rework), Defects DMAIC Framework Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control Variation and Defects Muda (Waste): 7 Wastes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Waste: Anything that adds cost without adding value; The 7 Wastes are: Transport – moving products that is not actually required to perform the processing Inventory – all components, work in process, and finished product not being processed Motion – people or equipment moving or walking more than is required to perform the processing Waiting – waiting for the next production or process step Overproduction – production ahead of demand Over Processing – the creation of unnecessary activity due to poor tool or product design Defects – the effort involved in inspecting for and fixing defects Value Stream Mapping Current State (Before Improvements): Must determine how things actually are – not how people perceive the process to be! This is achieved through observations and data gathering on activities, time studies, and interviews. Value Stream Mapping Issues (Areas of opportunity) Identified using “Kaizen Bursts” Value Stream Mapping Wastes and Rework Identified (Transportation, Walking, Rework, Non-Value Adding Activities such as phone calls) Value Stream Mapping Process Cycle Efficiency Determined (VA vs. NVA Time) – 40% DMAIC Project Framework Define Measure Analyze Improve Control Define the customer and their 'Critical To Quality' issues and expectations Define the business processes that are involved, the boundaries of the project Create a Value Stream and/or Process map Decide on the metrics 'Big Y', little y's and the x's Form a project team and develop a Project Charter Measure the existing process by gathering data from the process; Determine Baselines (starting points) so that you are able to see if improvements have a positive impact and the magnitude of the impact Analyze the data using critical statistical methods. Identify the gaps between existing and desired performance. Identify sources of variation Decide on the processes that will be improved Gather more data ('measure') if necessary Propose solutions Carry out pilot studies, design of experiments etc. to test and evaluate the proposed solutions Develop an implementation plan Implement systems and procedures to ensure the improvements are sustained Develop procedures, control plans, staff training etc. Project Background – Timeline (Ramp-up) Winter 2010: Explored Outside Consultant Work Early Winter 2010: Implementation of some student recommendations Fall 2009: ISU Industrial Engineering Student Projects Spring 2010: Decide on internal process improvement project; preparation begins Summer 2010: Project Team Forms and Kick’s Off to begin DMAIC Process; 40 hours of LSS training for Core Team Project Background – Timeline (DMAIC Project) June 2010: DEFINE (Charters Created, Operational Definitions and scope refined) June – August 2010: MEASURE (Observations and Data collected) August – October 2010: ANALYZE (Confirm root causes, Deep dive into results of data analysis and consider alternative routes of action) September 2010 – February 2011: IMPROVE (Small tests of change, trials, training) November 2010 – Present: CONTROL (monitor improvements, garner feedback, update training and reference materials, execute Transition Plan) Project Structure and Roles Steering Committee Core Team Team Leaders Staff / SME’s Steering Committee • Steers the project and makes decisions about goals and milestones • Makes strategic/directional and financial related decisions • Active involvement with roadblocks and overall progress • Recommend same people over life of the project (1-5% time spend) Core team • Manages and structures the project, develops and executes overall project plan • Communicates project deliverables and status to Steering Committee • Consists of key clinical process owners 1)MD’s 2) RN’s and 3) One project lead/manager that stays the same over the course of the project for continuity (50% - 100% time spend) Team Leaders • Dedicated Process leaders that organize, develop, and leads problem definitions, metrics, root cause analyses, solution development and testing, and final implementations • Delivers information and prepares recommendations SME, Subject Matter Experts (e.g. ORSOS expert) • Supply input, based on experience and expertise on a specific part of the project. • The required experts can change per phase. (5-10% time spend) Project Structure and Roles Amy Bethel, Eric Lothe, Kathie Nessa, Dennis McInerney, Dr. Mark Purtle, Dr. Steve Stephenson, Dr David Stubbs, Dr. Mark Sundet Physicians Team Leaders (RN’s, Techs, MD’s) Dr. Stubbs (Surgeon) Margie Higdon – IMMC OR (Surgery) Dr. Sundet (Anesth.) Leigh Ann Wachter /Chanel Hubby-CSP Douglas (Doug) Reed – ILH OR (All) Shelby Neel – IMMC PST Project Leaders / Process Improvement: Dennis McInerney/ (Industrial Engineers) Vanessa Calderon Steering Committee Core Team Margie H. Team Leaders Staff and SME’s Leigh Ann W./ Chanel Hubby Doug R. Shelby Neel Understanding the Issues of the Current State in PST What were we dealing with? Our Process Call the day before surgery requesting missing information for patients. H&P Orders Labs EKG Cardiac Information Issues Addressed Issues with Faxes Faxes deemed lost Sensitive Patient Info “Batching” or faxes means waiting needlessly for information or calling for something we already have! DCR Tracker Electronically converts fax to PDF-like document for viewing on computer screen rather than printing paper copy immediately Reduced but did not eliminate these issues (still batching and faxes claimed to be lost) We Understand Physician Offices are Busy Our calls disrupt their work flow Chart information may not be available the day surgery scheduled. Surgeons Many Surgeons (141) Many Offices (>100) Information comes to us randomly Required call before send information Problem with Current Work Process Information Not Always Available Day of Surgery Assessments Not Completed Labor Intensive for BOTH of us. Labor Intensive 3 Nurses Dedicated to PST Process Each Nurse Spends about 4 hours a day calling for information ~ 60 hours/week 1.5 FTE dedicated to calling for info. Financially Roughly $100,000 per year spent on nursing salary calling for information. Proportional amounts of financial strain on physician’s offices as well Ideally At time schedule surgery Orders H&P Labs EKG (if applicable) All pertinent chart information Two Main Issues Not getting required chart Information by day of surgery Pre-Assessments not getting completed (Requiring them to be done on the Day of Surgery which takes extra time and is a patient dissatisfier) Using the DMAIC Framework Define Measure Analyze Improve Control Define Measure (Call Tracker) Populates with special instructions specific to the Physician’s Case Data (Measure) Missing Chart Information on Day of Surgery Chart Complete on Day of Surgery 83% Missing Chart Information on Day of Surgery 17% Although 83% of information is received day before surgery, 17 out of 100 charts are still missing crucial information. Missing H & P by Specialty (Measure) Missing H&P's by Specialty 700 Missing H&P 60.0% Total Cases 600 50.0% 500 40.0% 400 30.0% 300 20.0% 200 10.0% 100 0 General Obstetrics & Neurosurg Orthopedic Gynocolog ery y 207 178 136 0.0% Urology Ear, Nose, Throat Gastroente Vascular Bariatrics rology Peds General Missing H&P 215 111 92 81 53 52 Total Cases 640 432 401 272 274 254 204 135 144 86 33.6% 47.9% 44.4% 50.0% 40.5% 36.2% 39.7% 39.3% 36.1% 50.0% % Missing Day prior to surgery missing 33% to 50% H & P by specialty. Problem with the process. 43 Completed Assessments (Measure) Assessments Completed Based on Call Tracker Data from Jan to June 2010 Sample Size 3,616 Charts Assessment Completed, 1649, 46% Assessment Not Completed, 1967, 54% Nurses spending a lot of time calling for missing information. Unable to get assessments completed. Calls to Physician’s Office (Measure) Calls to Physicians Office Based on Call Tracker data from Jan to June 2010 Based on 3,107 Charts Reviewed Total Number of calls to Office, 1140, 37% Total, 1967, 63% Based on 3,107 charts reviewed, there was 1,140 calls to offices. Missing Orders Day Prior to Surgery (Measure) Missing Orders Based on Call Tracker Data from Jan to June 2010; Sample Size 2,541 Signed Orders Missing, 574, 23% Signed Orders Present, 1967, 77% Day prior to surgery missing 23% of orders for surgery. Missing History and Physicals (Measure) Missing History and Physicals Based on Call Tracker Data from Jan to June 2010 Based on 3,024 Charts Reviewed Current H&P Missing, 1057, 35% H&P Present, 1967, 65% Day prior to surgery missing 35% of H & P’s. Time to Receive Faxes (Measure) PST: Time Needed to Complete Chart Checking Average Time to Check Chart 1 hour 42 minutes 7:12 PM Chart Finish Time 4:48 PM 2:24 PM 12:00 PM Chart Start Time Chart Finish Time 9:36 AM 7:12 AM 4:48 AM 2:24 AM 12:00 AM Start Time From time nurse starts Chart processing a chart in pre surgery area until they receive all information for surgery, is average of 1 hour 42 minutes. Assessment Length (Measure) Used data from Carecast timestamps to compare Day of Surgery Assessment reviews with and without pre-assessments completed Often found it didn’t save time overall, but did save a few minutes (5-10 min.) on the day of surgery. If we can eliminate the time to pre-assess, the overall time between pre-assessment and day of surgery will be reduced…Online Assessments! Surgery (Measure) Average Surgery scheduled at IMMC is 21 days prior to actual surgery date. This represents our lead time to collect the proper documentation and patient assessment. Analyze Value Stream Map / Process Map Data Spaghetti Diagrams Mapped Work Flow Root Cause Analysis 5 Y’s Problem Identification Issue Log’s Analyze (Vision) Getting Chart Information How ????? Online Assessment How????? Leadership Support Tell Our Story Analyze (Potential Solutions) Meeting with Offices Lackluster Response IT Solutions Roadblocks Work Smarter not Harder Online Assessment Company Denied Analyze What direction to go?? Became Detectives Started Testing Solutions Improve – Test of Change Process Flow Map Remove waste (rework) by eliminating repeat calls to same location. Scheduling asks for missing documents while confirming surgery Get Organized: What is 5S? Based on five Japanese words that begin with ‘S’, the 5S Philosophy focuses on effective work place organization and standardized work procedures. Sort – eliminate items not used in the process Set In Order - organize, identify and arrange everything in a work area Shine - regular cleaning and maintenance Standardize - make it easy to maintain - simplify and standardize Sustain -maintaining what has been accomplished Before/After Pictures (Drawers) BEFORE AFTER Before/After Pictures (Binders) BEFORE AFTER Before/After Pictures (Standard Work) NONE BEFORE AFTER Implementation Communication Sheet Front of Chart See what has been done at a glance Also helped PreOp and OR Test of Selected EMR Access Allscripts Selected Access (Only see certain parts of patient record) Learned of opportunity through OB Implementation Leadership Support Meeting with The Iowa Clinic (TIC) (Spearheaded by Dr. Stubbs) 40% Surgeries Goal Have selected access to their EMR Orders (60 days) H & P’s (60 days) Labs and Diagnostic Tests (1 year) Implementation (Allscripts) Great Collaboration – WIN-WIN! Just as Important to them as us Schedule Surgery Electronically Tasking (Request List of Documents Needed) Access Insurance Information Made orders available in Allscripts Implementation (Allscripts) Old versus New Process Add video Implementation (Online Patient Assessments) Online Assessment Patients enter their own health history information Work with PR Web Developer Learned of Possibilities through OB (again!) Developed own form Methodist West Iowa Lutheran Iowa Methodist Implementation (AutoPopulate Consents) Transcription = Rework = Waste! Eliminate transcription whenever possible. New Process: Future State Map •Smoothed Processes •Eliminated Rework by Assigning Tasks to one person whenever possible •One Piece Flow vs. Batching •Eliminate the need for excessive phone calls Results: Complete Documentation Measurable Objective Baseline Current Improve percentage of charts that have complete chart documentation from 83% to 90%. 83% 95.50% Delta Time Savings Financial Impact / Year Reduction of 12.50% 208.333333333333 hours per year About 10% of an FTE Results: Pre-Assessments Measurable Objective Baseline Current Improve percentage of preadmission history assessments completed from 53% to 90%. 46% 77% Delta Time Savings Financial Impact / Year Reduction of 31% 516.66 hours/year About 25% of an FTE Results: Reduced Phone Calls Measurable Objective Baseline Current Reduce percentage of charts requiring phone calls 37% 18% (since implementing new process giving list to scheduling and All Scripts) Delta Time Savings Financial Impact / Year Reduction of 19% 633.33hours/year About 30% of an FTE Results: Missing Orders Measurable Objective Baseline Current Reduce percentage of charts missing orders 23% 10.3% Delta Time Savings Financial Impact / Year Reduction of 12.7% 84.66 hours / year About 4% of an FTE Results: Missing H&Ps Measurable Objective Baseline Current Reduce percentage of charts missing H&Ps 35% 16.4% Delta Time Savings Financial Impact / Year Reduction of 18.6% 205 hours/year About 10% of an FTE Results: Time to Check Charts Measurable Objective Baseline Current Reduce the amount of time it takes to completely check a chart I hour 42 minutes 44 minutes Delta Time Savings Financial Impact / Year Reduction of 58 minutes 4000 hours / year About 2 FTEs Results: Time to Pre-Assess Patients Measurable Objective Baseline Current Reduce the amount of time it takes to pre-assess a patient 25 minutes 25 minutes Delta Time Savings Financial Impact / Year FUTURE (at current level of about 75%) 10 minute review for a reduction of 15 minutes 1875 hours / year About 90% of an FTE Results: Time to Fill out Consents Measurable Objective Baseline Current Reduce the amount of time it takes to fill out anesthesia and surgery consents 5 minutes 5 minutes Delta Time Savings Financial Impact / Year FUTURE (eliminate handwritten consents) 833.33 hours / year About 40% of an FTE Control: Transition Plan Transition Plan: Lays out our plans to monitor improvements and finish up action items left from project Transition Plan – PST (Shelby) Team Leader Name: Shelby Neel Project Area: PST/Pre-op Oversee Online Assessment Build Shelby Neel Mar-11 Useful Contact Info (Phone Numbers, Email Addresses) Update 3/10/2011 Drew Harden, Tonya Terrell, Kim Have been in contact Utterback, Jeff with builders; Access to site where Croonquist, Marian emailed again to see model being built Collison, Jennifer if we can view from web developer Perry progress Develop Work Flow with Online Assessment Apr-11 Access to Online Assessment; PST Standard Work Task Who's Responsible? (1 Person) End Date Shelby Neel Vanessa Calderon Trial Online Assessment Shelby Neel 5S PST Area (Update Notebooks, Clean drawers, check documents for relevance) Terri Springer Implement Auto Population of Consents Vanessa Calderon Printing Consents each day Kelly Drake Recurring Vanessa Calderon, Shelby Neel Drew Harden, Tonya Terrell, Kim Access to Online Utterback, Jeff Assessment, Access Croonquist, Marian to individuals to trial Collison, Jennifer form Perry April 30 2011 Ongoing First Wednesday of each month 15-Mar-11 Ongoing Resources Needed Daily Allscripts Monitoring Sheryl Sullivan Ongoing As Indicated Implementing Daily Huddle Sheryl Sullivan Ongoing Daily Determining Effectiveness of One Staff Sheryl Sullivan Ongoing Daily Access Surgery Schedule on Home Drive Vanessa Calderon April 30 2011 Revise Call Tracker Input Doctor Preferences into CallTracker Vanessa Calderon 31-Mar-11 Shelby Neel or Jenny Westberg April 30 2011 An Indicated 5S training, 5s Scorecard Medical Records, Access 2007, Crystal Reports, Outpt Report Access 2007, Crystal Reports, OUTPT Report Received link to work-in-progress site. Looks great. Will receive excel output file week of 3/28/2011. Looking into workflow - who will input data into Carecast or if that is necessary. Suggestion of having clerk input has been brought up Janet Freese has approved this as not a violation of policies. A request has been made to an orthopedic group as well as to other large gatherings of patients so we can gather feedback in a focus group in real time. Report to Sheryl Sullivan Vanessa Calderon, Al Hornocker, Shelby Neel Vanessa Calderon, Al Hornocker, Shelby Neel Update 3/25/2011 TBD Next Thursday and Friday Installed. Need to train Kelly. Installed. Need to train Kelly. *when people leave, she needs to call appropriate person to delete access Marilyn Backus Access to Allscripts Deann Shepherd Metrics Board, Access to Metrics, * Still looking into One Staff Sammy Jayakhumar staffing issues Not correct product looking into One Staff Karen Lutter something else Dedicated secure drive for Outpatient Vanessa Calderon, Surgery staff Shelby Neel Excel 2007 on PST computers Access to Call Tracker Excel File Vanessa Calderon, Shelby Neel Run Monthly Call Tracker Report Sheryl Sullivan Ongoing Monthly Call Tracker Data Vanessa Calderon Vanessa Calderon, Shelby Neel Trial Tasking with Allscripts in PST Shelby Neel April 30 2011 ONGOING Build Reports for Daily Huddle Build own staffing model using Arena (Look at Variation) Vanessa Calderon April 30 2011 Allscripts Excel 2007 on PST computers Deann Shepherd Shelby Neel Vanessa Calderon, Shelby Neel Shelby/Vanessa end of May Excel 2007 ON HOLD - ON HOLD Shelby has been approved for drive. Now just need to fill out some more paperwork. Suspended call tracker use - may move away from full data collection to simple spreadsheet. Call tracking may have done its job by now in the Completed 3/8/2011 data collection arena. Completed - will print out for use by staff as call tracker not being used. N/A Begun - Nurses are hesitant to use it but have gotten response in 20-30 minutes so they are very happy with it Many nurses very happy with All (the ones who have Scripts and are reporting things are used it) "much easier" Control & Results Current State Continue Seeking out Opportunities to Improve Amazing Results Instant Access to Surgery Documents by EndCustomer (Eliminating rework and over processing) Assessments being Completed Questions? Thank you to all those involved in making this project such a great experience for everyone.