Florida Online Instructional Materials Review

Florida Online
Instructional Materials
Review Training
Table of Contents
Overview of Florida's Instructional Materials Adoption Process
 Where and How
 After Registration
Evaluation of Instructional Materials
 Policies and Ares of Review
 Rating Scale
 How to Access and Evaluate
 How to use Online Evaluation Tool
Additional Resources and Contact Information
Instructional Materials Adoption Process
* Recent Changes
Statute changes for 2013 are detailed in the following memo:
Reviewer Registration
Open the hyperlink and select the register link
Select State Instructional Materials Reviewer under account type and complete the
required registration information.
Please be sure to retain your Login Name and Password; you will need to access the
IM Review Portal upon your account being activated.
All notifications regarding the instructional materials review process will be sent via email, hence please be sure to provide an accurate e-mail address.
The entire evaluation process is conducted online with the evaluation rubric and
access to the samples all available through this website. There is no required travel
and no hardcopy samples will be sent to you.
After Registering
What happens next:
- You will receive an email notification that your registration has been submitted to
the Office of Instructional Materials(IM).
- Your account will be flagged as “pending“ until account reviewed, affidavit
received and activated by the Office of IM.
*Please note that you will not be able to log into the system until staff reviews your
registration information & affidavit.
- After your account has been activated, you will receive an email notification.
You will receive an additional email notification when IM have been assigned to
you for evaluation.
- You will receive an email notification with a link to your reviewer training
presentation and Quick Reference Guide. Upon completion of reviewing both
items, you are ready and permitted to start your evaluation.
Evaluating Instructional Materials
Evaluation Policies
Do not share access information for online instructional materials.
While reviewing the instructional materials, you may not have any direct or indirect
pecuniary interest in the business or profits of any person engaged in manufacturing,
publishing, or selling instructional materials designed for use in the public schools.
You may not accept any emolument or promise of future reward of any kind from any
publisher or manufacturer of Instructional materials or his or her agent or anyone
interested in, or intending to bias your judgment in any way in the selection of any
materials to be adopted.
It is unlawful to discuss matters relating to instructional materials submitted for
adoption with any agent of a publisher or manufacturing of instructional materials,
either directly or indirectly, except during the period when the publisher or
manufacturer is providing a presentation for the reviewer during his or her review of
the instructional material submitted for adoption.
Evaluation Areas of Review and Rating Scale
Areas of Review –
* State Instructional Materials Reviewers have three (2) priorities in evaluation
mathematics instructional materials.
* Standards
* Content
* State Instructional Materials Reviewers have five (5) priorities in evaluation
English, Language Arts (ELA) instructional materials.
*Non-Negotiables * Alignment to Florida's Specification *Presentation
*Learning * Content and Overall/Recommendation
Special Note: When you begin the evaluation only the Non-Negotiable items will be accessible. The reminder
of the evaluation will become available, if the materials meet the criteria laid forth in the Non-Negotiables. If not, the
materials is not recommended and requires no further evaluation.
Rating Scale - In the Benchmark and Content areas of review you will evaluate how well
the instructional material meets state evaluation criteria using the following rating scale:
* Excellent ( Highest Rating)
* Good
* Poor
* Very Poor ( Lowest Rating)
Evaluation Rating
As a state instructional materials reviewer you will only evaluate the success of the
instructional material in meeting the established evaluation criteria. Publishers are
responsible for developing materials according to the specifications put forth by the
Florida Department of Education and must be evaluate based on these specifications.
In the Overall and Recommendation areas of review you will evaluate if the
instructional material meets the state requirements for instructional material using the
following rating scale: Rate - Yes or No
As a State Instructional Materials reviewer, it is your responsibility to make a
recommendation either for or against adoption of the materials.
Each item has a comments section for reviewers to note any strengths,
weaknesses, concerns, issues, and/or to provide examples. Comments are
strongly encouraged as justification and can provide valuable feedback for
publishers and school districts.
 Learner Expectations: What a student should know or be able to do.
(Each instructional material being evaluate has a set of standards (in ELA and mathematics)/benchmarks (in
other content areas) defined by the current Florida Standards.)
 Florida Standards: Define the topics, knowledge, and abilities that Florida students
are expected to have and master at the end of each grade level course.
 College Board Advances Placement Course Standards: Defines the topics,
knowledge, and themes that advance placement courses should cover.
Florida Standards and course descriptions can be found at:
Standards Example
General Course Information
Some of the standards
contained in the course. Note
that a course may contain
standards from other content
College Board Advanced
Placement Standards
 AP courses are developed by a committee composed of college faculty and AP
teachers to cover the breadth of information, skills, and assignments found in the
corresponding college courses.
 AP course descriptions can be found at:
http://apcental.collegeboard.com/a pc/public/course/descriptions/index.html
 Alignment with Curriculum: Content must be aligned with current Florida Standards or
the College Board Advance Placement Curriculum Framework for the subject area.
 Level of Treatment: The level of complexity or difficult of content must be appropriate
for the standards/benchmarks, student abilities, and grade level, as well as for time
periods allowed for teaching.
 Expertise for Content Development: Expertise in the content area must be reflected in
the authors, reviewers, and sources that contributed to the development of the
 Accuracy: Content must be accurate in historical context and contemporary facts and
 Currentness: Content must be up-to-date for the academic discipline and the context
in which the content is presented.
 Authenticity: Content should include problem-centered connections to life in a context
that is meaningful to students.
 Multicultural Representation: Portrayal of gender, ethnicity, age, work situations, and
various socials groups must include multicultural fairness and advocacy.
 Humanity and Compassion: Portrayal of the appropriate care and treatment of people
and animals must include compassion, sympathy, and consideration of their needs
and values. It must exclude pornography and inhumane treatment.
 In the Overall and Recommendation areas of review you will evaluate if the
instructional material meets state requirements for instructional materials.
 If the answer to any questions in the Overall/Recommendation area of review is no,
the instructional material should not be recommended for adoption.
 Florida expects that instructional material recommended for adoption will have overall
ratings of Excellent or Good. Instructional materials with the overall rating for Fair,
Poor, or Very Poor are not expected to be recommended for adoption.
 The Commissioner of Education will receive a report which includes all evaluations
and recommendations. The Commissioner has the final authority as to which
materials become state-adopted.
Using the Evaluation Tool
In a web browser, go to http://www.fldoe.org/bii/instruct_mat/
Using the Evaluation Tool
The Office of Instructional Materials webpage will open
Using the Evaluation Tool
Scroll down the IM page to the Instructional Materials Evaluation column and select the
Online Evaluation System link.
Using the Evaluation Tool
The IM Review Portal will open (Online Evaluation Tool Portal )
Enter your Username and Password
Reviewer Main Menu will open – Select: Items for Review
Using the Evaluation Tool
The Assigned Items For Review page will open. This webpage will display and list
your items assigned to you for review.
The status for each bid will change depending on completion.
Using the Evaluation Tool
Select the link under the Instructional Materials column to start the evaluation.
Evaluation Tool - Online Instructional Materials
This page has the links for all the online sample instructional materials.
All links under the Major Tools section should be reviewed: Sample of materials,
special instructions, written correlations, presentation and publisher questionnaire.
Some sample materials may be posted in one link and others may have multiple
links. Please review thoroughly.
Evaluation Tool - Online Instructional Materials
At the bottom of the page is the list of Areas of Review. ELA has 5 areas of review
and Mathematics has 2 areas of review. All sections must be reviewed and rated.
Evaluation Tool - Online Instructional Materials
Comments are desired for each specific benchmark question on which you are rating.
List any strengths, weaknesses, issues and/or concerns to support your rating.
Evaluation Tool - Online Instructional Materials
Please save you answers often and before proceeding to another section. Upon
completion of a section of review, a checkmark will post noting completion.
Evaluation Tool - Online Instructional Materials
When all Areas of Review are complete, the Recommendation link will become active.
Select, score each section and save; record saved successfully will post.
Evaluation Tool - Online Instructional Materials
The scale of scoring:
3 Exceeds Criteria
2 Meets Criteria
1 Partially Meets Criteria
0 Does Not Meet Criteria
As a State Reviewer, it is your responsibility to make a recommendation for or against adoption of
the materials based upon the criteria in the evaluation.
Florida expects:
 Instructional materials recommended for adoption will have overall rating of Exceeds Criteria
or Meets Criteria.
 Instructional materials with the overall rating of Partially Meets Criteria or Does Not Meet
Criteria are not expected to be recommended for adoption.
Important Information: The Florida Instructional material adoption is not a competitive process. As
such, you should evaluate materials on how well they meet the expected criteria and not on how
they compare to other materials.
There is not a limit to the number of titles that can be adopted, recommending one program does
not hinder another programs chances of being adopted.
Evaluate the materials on how well they meet the established criteria and standards in the
evaluation, not on your opinion of the criteria and standards. Publishers are responsible for
developing materials which meet the requirements outlined in the state-issued specifications.
After the final recommendation either for or against adoption of the materials, this evaluation is
complete. Please proceed to your next evaluation.
Additional Resources / Contact Information
Be sure to review the Quick Reference Guide for Mathematics and ELA Instructions
for Accessing Florida Department of Education’s Online IM Review Portal
For assistance with the evaluation tool please contact:
Katrina Figgett, Director
Genevieve English-Charles, Program Specialist IV
Phone: 850.245.0785
Phone: 850.245.0315
Ritu Badaya, Program Specialist IV
Phone: 850.245.9931
Thank you for your
contribution to the
Florida 2013-2014
Materials Adoption