Yes to intercultural dialogue

Youth In Action »
Support programme
for the projects of young people
from 13 to 30 years old
And what about living for a
while abroad ?...
I would like to do
something useful before to
start working!
I have a great project
idea !!!
But how can I realize it
concretely ?
How do the young people
live in Austria, in Estonia, in
Romania, in Ireland?...
to promote young people’s active European citizenship;
to develop solidarity and promote tolerance among young people, in
particular in order to foster social cohesion in the European Union;
to foster mutual understanding between young people in different
to contribute developing the quality of support systems for youth
activities and the capabilities of the civil society organisations in the
youth field;
to promote European cooperation in the youth field.
Active European citizenship;
Participation of young people;
Cultural diversity
Inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities
Going abroad for 6 to 12 months  European Voluntary Service.
Implement, locally, in your country a European project  Youth
initiatives (national or transnational)
Impulse a youth participation project in my town participate in or
implement a democracy project.
Meet a group of young Europeans during 1 to 3 weeks 
participate in a youth exchange.
Get support to implement new projects at local or European level 
Training courses, seminars, feasibility visits, etc…
Budget: 885 millions Euros for seven years
YOUTH EXCHANGES. Action1.1 (or
3.1 with neighbouring countries )
• Aim : Meet other young Europeans 1 to 3 weeks to
share ideas and work on a thematic concept.
• Age: 13-25 years old (exception up to 30).
• Financing: Most of the costs are covered by the
European Union (70% of travel costs, lump sum per
day etc..)
an example of youth exchange organised by
Youth Express Network
When: from 21st of June to the 1st July 2007
Where: Yerevan, Armenia
Who: 40 participants from Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, France, Georgia,
Italy, Moldova and Turkey.
What: youth exchange using arts as a tool to promote diversity.
• Participants: young people aged from 18-30 (15-18 if
accompanied by a youth worker or a coach) and legally resident in
Programme countries.
•Duration : 3 to 18 months.
•Theme : art, culture, social inclusion, equal opportunities, health,
youth information……
• Financing: up to 8 000€ for a national, 10 000 € for a
Youth initiatives, an example: « SPLASH ! »
Environmental awareness theatre project
• The Project: Writing and broadcasting of a visual and
comic entertainment underlining the importance of the
water and the necessity of its conservation
• Public : all ages, all nationalities
• Budget : 41 200€ total budget (8 000€ by the Youth
Participants: young people aged from 13-30 and legally
resident in Programme countries.
Duration : 6 to 18 months
Theme: The youth democracy projects must have a thematic
concept like for instance : active participation, cultural
diversity, social inclusion, future of Europe etc..
Financing : 75% of the total eligible costs and up to
000 €
an example of Youth democracy project developed by
Youth Express Network
What : a preparation meeting , a conference and an evaluation
meeting about youth participation.
When : from April 2008 to July 2009
Where : STUTTGART, Germany ; STRASBOURG, France;
LODZ, Poland
For and with : 54 young people (14 -16 from France, Germany
and Poland), 3 NGO and 3 youth councils of 3 municipalities.
Action 2 : EVS : WHAT IS IT ?
 E like European : You can do your voluntary
service in most of European countries
 V like volunteer : on the spot, you are not a paid
worker. You will get pocket money (between 60 €
à 145 € per month).
 S like Service: doing an EVS, you are working
for an NGO or a public institution for the benefit
of the local community
Action 2 : EVS : WHAT IS IT ?
 The projects can be various! Social, environmental,
cultural …. A data base of accredited project exists:
Young people from
18 to 30 years old
A contract between the 3
Sending organisation
Hosting organisation
The Club des Jeunes l’Etage in Strasbourg
(France) hosts since 1998 EVS Volunteers.
Since more than10 years, young people from
Ireland, Denmark, Estonia, Italy, Spain,
Romania, came to Strasbourg to give a hand in
the hosting of young homeless people in
More specifically action 4.3 (and 3.1) :
Training and networking of those active in youth work and
Youth activities (NO AGE LIMIT !!!)
This action 4.3 (and 3.1) allow following projects:
1. Job shadowing
2. Feasibility visits
3. Evaluations meetings
4. Study visits
5. Partnership building activities
6. Seminar
7. Training course
8. Networking
Youth Express Networks projects
in Action 4.3 and 3.1
Job shadowing : in 2007 the “Club des Jeunes l’Etage” in
Strasbourg (France) hosted Marve, a Swedish social worker
during 3 weeks for a practical experience in a social
restaurant for young homeless people
Feasibility visit: In January 2007 Youth Express Network
organised a feasibility visit in MINSK (Belarus) in order to
prepare project involving Caucasus and Eastern countries.
Evaluation meeting: Roads of dialogue, in Mollina
September 2008 was evaluating projects that Y-E-N
organised in the frame of the European Year of Intercultural
Youth Express Networks projects
in Action 4.3 et 3.1
Seminar: the mobile seminar
Balkan Tour - Sunshine Bus
which brought 30 youth workers
through Croatia, BosniaHerzegovina and Montenegro
(June 2008)
Training course:
Youth Express Network organised
also in July 2008 a training
course Yes to intercultural
dialogue in Timisoara, Romania.
For more information : contact your National Agency
of the « Youth In Action» programme
Or visit the Education Audivisual and Culture
Executive Agency:
Merci, Mulţumesc, Obrigado,
Grazie, Thank you, Tack, Danke,
Gracias..... pour votre attention!