Submission for the First PRIME Doctoral conference LEVY Rachel PhD student in the BETA : Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée ULP CNRS UMR 7522, Université Strasbourg I 61 avenue de la Forêt Noire 67085 Strasbourg Cedex FRA NCE Number of year since starting the doctorate : 3 years Supervisor o the PhD : Jean Alain Heraud The role of University-Industry relationships at the regional level: Application to University Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg Abstract: Universities and other research institutions are usually considered to be one of the principal factors affecting the innovative potential of a nation or a region. Therefore, we want to look at the role and the impact of the University on its region (and particularly in the region qualified as “regional innovation system”). At the same time, we consider that one University is not only a part of a region, but also a member of a large national system of innovation. In that context, we try to analyse the impact of the regional innovation system, in particular the local industrial tissue, on the university research teams. In other words, this paper aims to address the following research question: is the proximity between the University and its partners an essential factor on the productivity of an University and a region? We have tried to answer to these different questions, by examining the case of the largest scientific University (University Louis Pasteur) of Alsace region : one of the most successful French region in term of science and innovation,. More precisely, we have looked for the geographic localisation of the industrial partner of this University, and compare these industrial partner of the University with the industrial clusters existing in Alsace region. We also, try to find that kind of element and particularly the localisation : could influence the density of collaboration of an industrial partner of the university. Key-Words: University-Industry relationships, cluster, regional systems of innovation.