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After a while after finding by our country of independence it found also economic independence. In the
country the principles of the international business, new terms were created.
When Abbos Gamzayev from Tashkent a few years ago settled to work as the marketing manager at
Uztex Toshkent joint venture, his acquaintances were surprised. They asked it that it for a profession
and what its duties.
A. Gamzayev began to explain to them that work of the manager shares on tens directions, proceeding
from the specialization and requirements each enterprise defines its tasks, the marketing manager is
engaged in studying of needs of consumers and a choice of the perspective market.
Today in an explanation of similar terms already there is no need. With development of our country all
spheres of our life are improved. The thinking and outlook of people change. According to the structural
transformations which are carried out in economy also the nomenclature of positions is updated.
Instead of corresponding to former times, become obsolete and outdated positions there are new. Such
new specialties as the commercial director, the finance director, the project manager on work with
clients and to purchases, the foreign economic relations manager, the brand manager, the ekauntmanager, the broker, the recruiter, the promoter, the acquirer, the impresario, the merchandiser, the
media buyer, the online-editor, the online-seller are popularized.
At such enterprises as "Uztex Toshkent", "Eurotex", "Uztex Chirchiq", "Uztex Shovot" functioning in
Uztex group of companies, modern positions, methods of corporate management are introduced. It
serves as an important factor of the effective organization of work, providing an order and discipline and
development of the company. As a result consistently outputs and export grow.
In our country ranks of the similar companies spread. Comprehensively the enterprises founded on the
foreign capital and foreign methods of corporate management develop.
The president Islam Karimov in the report at the cabinet council of Ministers devoted to results of social
and economic development of the country in 2014 and to the most important priority directions of the
economic program for 2015 paid special attention to value of this form of ownership. I noted that the
close attention is demanded by a basic change of the principles and approaches in a corporate
management system, introduction of modern international standards of corporate management by
production, external economic and investment processes.
The decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About measures for introduction of modern
methods of corporate management in joint-stock companies" of April 24 of the current year serves as
the guide to action in the work which is carried out in this direction. According to the decree the reforms
directed on broad attraction of direct foreign investments, increase of efficiency of activity of joint-stock
companies, ensuring their openness and appeal to future investors, introduction of modern methods of
corporate management, strengthening of a role of shareholders in strategic management of the
enterprises are carried out.
In this document measures for carrying out certification of an administrative board of joint-stock
companies from shares of the state regarding knowledge by them modern methods and the principles
of corporate management, management and marketing, possession of information and communication
technologies and their application are provided in manufacturing execution system. Following the
results of this certification it is necessary to carry out work on attraction on vacant posts new, it is
modern the conceiving, highly skilled heads conforming to modern requirements, and also foreign
– Corporate management is system which copes taking into account interests of all persons involved in
activity of the company, such as shareholders, managers, creditors, partners, clients, workers, – the CEO
of the Center for management of the state assets at the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan
on privatization, demonopolization and development of the competition Ismat Nusurov speaks. – They
participate in adoption of the relevant decisions concerning the company and company management.
The corporate management system is important in increase of output and quality of production,
profitability level, effective use of the money, strengthening of efficiency of work, attraction of financial
resources necessary for financing of investment and innovative projects. The decree of the President of
our country promotes improvement of system on the basis of the international experience, to
introduction of modern methods of corporate management in joint-stock companies.
Development of corporate management is connected also with privatization by means of transformation
of the state property to joint-stock companies. As a result of similar measures in our country over 1000
joint-stock companies are created. Their actions have more than one million citizens. The large
enterprises making a worthy contribution to growth of gross domestic product of the country function in
the form of joint-stock company that testifies that development of the sphere of corporate
management is important.
According to the head of the Vienna center of reforming of system of financial statements Henri Fortin,
decrease in the state participation in economy and stimulation of private sector development are actual
tasks in the majority of the states of the world. According to him, implementation in Uzbekistan
carefully thought over strategy for privatization of the state property and possession of managers of
profound knowledge is served as an important factor of ensuring success of this process.
In our country the number of the enterprises organized with participation of the foreign capital and
foreign methods of corporate management increases. Today in Uzbekistan more than four thousand
enterprises organized with participation more than ninety state investors successfully work. These
companies are known as in Uzbekistan, and abroad. The majority of the enterprises created in the
territory of Uzbekistan on the basis of foreign methods of corporate management together with leading
companies of the world, such as "GM Uzbekistan", "Sam Auto", "JV MAN Auto – Uzbekistan", "General
Motors Powertrain Uzbekistan" – from their number.
According to Uzavtosanoat joint stock company, today in the similar companies specialized on
automotive industry more than 23 thousand people work. Activity of the skilled workers specializing in
various directions of management promotes further increase of production efficiency, stable
development of national economy.
According to article IV of the charter of the IMF, the resolution on strengthening of corporate
management and privatization which is recently adopted by official bodies more than 1500 objects
which are in property of the state is positively estimated. Specialists of fund noted that in 2015
economic growth, as expected, will still be high thanks to the programs of modernization of the industry
and infrastructure which are recently accepted in Uzbekistan, and also programs for privatization and
corporate management which will promote structural reforms and decrease in a share of the state in
For widespread introduction of a modern corporate management system in all branches and spheres of
economy various international conferences and meetings are held. In this direction the exchange of
opinions and experience with the leading administrative experts is carried out.
Experts of South Korean stock exchange and the Korea Investment and Securities company with huge
interest approach the work which is carried out in Uzbekistan on development of a corporate
management system. The head of the department of South Korean stock exchange Steve Daychun Kim
noted that our country dynamically develops from year to year in this direction. In particular, use of
shareholders and future investors of information on joint stock companies is expanded, the norms
concerning establishment of joint stock companies, placement of shares of societies by means of the
mass offer are consolidated.
As a result of similar aspirations in our country modern methods of corporate management take root
more widely. It will increase efficiency of use production, investment, material, financial and a
manpower. As a result our enterprises will steadily develop, and life of the people will be more safe.
Manzurov's nadir, UzA.