IAPB 9th General Assembly Sight First – Lions’ Vision for All New Directions - Sight First Program, South Asia By Prof.Dr.S.Chandrashekar Shetty Chief Sight First Technical Advisor India and Srilanka September 19, 2012 Mission Statement The Mission of the Lions ‘SIGHTFIRST’ program is to build comprehensive eye care systems to fight the major causes of blindness and care for the blind or visually impaired. The program funds, high quality sustainable projects that deliver eye care services, develop infrastructure, train personnel and / or provide rehabilitation and education in underserved communities History of Sight First – India Lions Aravind Institute of Community Ophthalmology (LAICO), Madurai Construction of new Eye Hospitals Capacity building of existing Eye Hospitals Establishment of Satellite Eye Centers and Vision Centers Cataract Surgery Campaigns/Programs History of Sight First – India Manpower Management Training for capacity building of existing / start-up eye hospitals Re-orientation Training for Lions Eye Hospitals for Capacity Enhancement Management of Diabetic Retinopathy in the Community LCIF/Vision-2020 Paediatric Team Training Sight First - India LCIF/Vision-2020 Training for Eye care Managers Johnson & Johnson/LCIF Sight for Kids program Tele-ophthalmology program for control of Childhood blindness Sight First - India Sight First has awarded 288 grants for India since 1991 Established over 100 Lions Eye Hospitals throughout India Financial Support to 2.11 million cataract surgeries since 1991 LCIF has invested over US$ 43 million towards eye care in India Lions Aravind Institute of Community Ophthalmology AECS - LCIF Consultancy for Capacity Building The Manpower & Management Development program was originally started to enhance the capacity of Lions Club supported eye hospitals in India in eye care delivery and to build their long term financial viability through patient revenues. Consultancy: Supporting organizational development Selection of the Hospital Needs Assessment (Data Collection) Vision Building & Developing Strategic Action Plans Implementation & Follow-up Support Monitoring & Feedback Supporting the eye hospitals to enhance their performance Lions Hospitals supported by LAICO Project Name Lions SF 369 Country No. of Hospitals India 40 Bangladesh 1 India 29 Bangladesh 2 Africa 4 Nepal 4 Lions New India Sri Lanka Africa Bangladesh 38 3 2 2 LCIF/ Lavelle Africa 2 Total 127 Lions SF 741 Consultancy for Capacity Building Lions Club International Foundation (LCIF) Collaboration & support now extended to: Sight Savers International, UK (SSI) CBM International, Germany (CBM) Seva Foundation, USA International Eye Foundation, USA WHO Consultancy for Capacity Building ORBIS International, USA Dark & Light, Netherlands IAPB-ZEISS Lavelle Fund for the Blind Inc., USA Right to Sight-International, Ireland Direct Requests from Individual Eye Hospitals & Foundations LAICO’s Partners till Date 273 eye hospitals from 27 countries Lions Eye Hospitals: 127 (46%) Impact of capacity building process NO OF SURGERIES (Performance report from 90 Hospitals) 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 197,214 Workshop 133,649 Surgeries 12 Months 12 Months Before After Before After Moving to next level: To work with 73 Lions Eye Hospitals in India during next 2 years SF 1588: Hospitals Multiples Aspirers Achievers South East West 12 13 12 10 16 3 North Total 5 42 2 31 Needing special attention 4 6 5 2 17 Total 26 35 20 9 90 Management of Diabetic Retinopathy in the Community Pilot Project-SF-742 Project Period- 5 years Supported by Lions Aravind Institute of Community Ophthalmology Lions Aravind Diabetic Retinopathy Project : Madurai and Coimbatore Project period– 5 years Project Objectives & Strategies – Create Awareness – Community Outreach – Tertiary Care – Training – Model Development Diabetic Retinopathy Project Sankara Nethralaya Diabetic Retinopathy Project Project period – 3 years A PROJECT OF LIONS CLUB OF MADRAS CENTRAL LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL Project Area Tiruvallur Vellore Chennai Kanchipuram Tiruvannamalai Villupuram L.V.Prasad Eye Institute Capacity Development Project for Management of Diabetic Eye Disease Andhra Pradesh Project period – 2005-2008 Objectives: To build capacity of 18 Eye Hospitals (Primary, Secondary & Tertiary) in the state of Andhra Pradesh for the management of diabetic retinopathy through an approach with incorporating the following components Project Inauguration-Oct 15, 2005 Diabetic Retinopathy Pilot Project – West-Bengal SF 1513/MD 322 - 8 eye hospitals Project Period – 2008-2011 Johnson & Johnson/LCIF Sight for Kids Program City/State No. of children screened Spectacles given 300,000 8,000 Cochin, Kerala 4,287,261 22,950 Hyderabad, Andhrapradesh 550,202 10,384 Kolkata, West Bengal 766,227 19,063 5,903,690 60,397 Mumbai, Maharashtra TOTAL New Directions - Sight First Program Continue to support Capacity Building of Existing Eye Hospitals Capacity Building of existing eye hospitals for comprehensive Eye Care services. Emphasis on control of Diabetic Retinopathy and uncorrected refractive error Capacity Building for low-vision and rehabilitation services New Directions - Sight First Program: Operational and Epidemiological Research Building comprehensive Eye Care systems To discontinue Sight First Cataract Subsidy More strategic investments towards underserved area/community New Directions - Sight First Program: Importance of internal revenue generation, financial viability and sustainability of SF Eye hospitals Importance of data collection and monitoring Networking of Lions Eye Hospitals for crosslearning Area specific Sight First Programs in South Asia Thank you…