heads_update_aut14 - Hertfordshire Grid for Learning

The Hertfordshire Headteacher Updates
Future dates and venues
Hertfordshire County Council
The Hertfordshire Headteacher Updates
Autumn Term - 2014
Ofsted and DfE Updates
Gillian Cawley
Marcus Cooper
Hertfordshire County Council
Ofsted Update
Regional Update
The following safeguarding issues have been highlighted by
our regional HMI
Schools should:
• ensure their Single Central Record (SCR) includes the
prohibition order column and that teachers employed since
April 2014 are checked for a prohibition order.
• ensure administrative staff have a clear understanding of the
difference between a prohibition order and a DBS check.
• remember that failing to record the name/s of person/s that
carried out Single Central Record checks is no longer defined
as an administrative error
• remember that the SCR is a statutory check and if this has
any omissions this reflects upon leadership and
Hertfordshire County Council
Ofsted Update
September 2014 onwards
Hertfordshire County Council
Ofsted Update
Better inspection for all
This Ofsted consultation seeks views on
proposals for arrangements for the new
and more proportionate inspection of
maintained schools, academies, further
education (FE) and skills providers, nonassociation independent schools and
registered early years settings from
September 2015.
These proposals include:
• establishing a common inspection
• introducing short inspections for
maintained schools, academies and
FE and skills providers that were
judged good at their previous
Hertfordshire County Council
Ofsted Update
Clarification for schools
This guidance provides
clarification for schools on the
expectations of Ofsted during
inspections in relation to:
Hertfordshire County Council
lesson planning,
grading of lessons,
lesson observations,
pupils’ work,
evidence for inspection,
statutory provisions
Department for Education
What maintained schools must publish on line
• The School Information Regulations specify the information
required on a maintained school website.
• Increasingly Ofsted are enforcing this requirement.
• A list of the requirements is available from the DfE website.
• Schools are advised to ensure their website is fully
compliant with the requirements.
Hertfordshire County Council
Department for Education
This updated guidance (October
• sets out what schools and
colleges must do to safeguard
and promote the welfare of
children and young people
under the age of 18.
• replaces ‘Safeguarding
children and safer recruitment
in education’ (December
Hertfordshire County Council
Department for Education
The update provides
supplementary guidance for
Includes vital information on:
• Safeguarding requirements
• Childcare disqualification
• Disqualification by association
• Ofsted waiver
Hertfordshire County Council
Department for Education
This guidance provides:
• updated information on the
appropriate use of attendance
codes, including the ‘B’ code
• advice and guidance on the
school year and day
• frequently asked questions
relating to attendance issues
Hertfordshire County Council
Department for Education
Update – Assessment
Hertfordshire County Council
Department for Education
The Early Years Pupil Premium will:
• give all early years providers the
additional resources in order to
provide the best possible early
education to the most disadvantaged
• give guaranteed additional funding to
all providers who take the most
disadvantaged children; and
• together with the two-year-old
entitlement, it will encourage more of
the best providers to expand into
disadvantaged areas.
Hertfordshire County Council
Hertfordshire County Council
The Hertfordshire Headteacher Updates
Autumn Term - 2014
SEND Reforms
The School Offer
Debbie Orton, Head of ISL
Hertfordshire County Council
The School Role in The Local Offer
• Schools must co-operate with the LA in the
development and review of the Local Offer
• Schools contribute to the educational provision
in the LA’s Local Offer
• Schools’ contribution to the Local Offer also
involves taking part in wider strategic planning
in the local area (DSPL mechanism)
Hertfordshire County Council
School Offer (SEN Information Report)
• Schools must set out their ‘school offer’ in their
SEN Information Report and publish it on their
• The SEN Information Report is included in the
information that Ofsted expects to see
• Schools are expected to involve parents in its
ongoing development and review
Hertfordshire County Council
Guidance for Schools in Hertfordshire
• Para 6.79 in the SEND Code of Practice
specifies what must be included in the SEN
Information Report
• A Hertfordshire working group of parents,
headteachers, SENCOs and support services
helped to developed a template (and guidance)
that has been sent to all schools to assist them
Hertfordshire County Council
Working Group - Next Steps
• Disseminate completed examples of school
• Help develop LA statement of reasonable
expectations of all schools
• Help develop principles for partnership working
between parents and schools
• Consider ways to share practice, quality assure
and moderate school offers to refine and
improve over time – link to clusters /DSPL Area
Hertfordshire County Council
Hertfordshire County Council
The Hertfordshire Headteacher Updates
Autumn Term - 2014
Child Protection Conference Process Changes
Kim Burrowes
Lorraine Giles
Hertfordshire County Council
Child protection conference process changes
Hertfordshire County Council
Child protection conference process
The e-mail address for schools to send their
reports to are:
cpc.reports@hertscc.gcsx.gov.uk (secure
Hertfordshire County Council
Hertfordshire County Council
The Hertfordshire Headteacher Updates
Autumn Term - 2014
School Grants - HEF
Darren Tyler
Children’s Services Officer responsible
for HEF
Hertfordshire County Council
Hertfordshire Educational Foundation (HEF)
• Registered Charity 311025 established 1950
• Four types of awards - School Visits, Travel Scholarships, Sir George
Burns Fund and New Projects.
• School Visits and Travel Scholarships - To provide grants / awards /
bursaries' for Hertfordshire Children and Young People in need towards
the cost of school trips, educational trips and courses in the UK or
• Sir George Burns Fund - For young people with disabilities /
underprivileged who may need a special item of equipment or aid to
enable them to participate in educational activities.
• In 2007, Governors also decided to actively support opportunities to
enhance the life of young people who are ‘Looked After’.
Hertfordshire County Council
Hertfordshire Educational Foundation (HEF)
School visits
• Supports Primary School pupils taking part in educational visits.
• Grant must be matched funded by school and is limited to £50 per child.
• In 2013 200 awards totalling £10,000 were made and accepted by
pupils from 78 schools. to enable them to take part in visits within the
UK and France.
Sir George Burns
• Supports young people between the ages of 16-21 years of age who
have a disability or are underprivileged to:
• Purchase a special item of equipment or
• Take part in recreational and educational activities, or
• Take part in an expedition, short course or conference either within
the UK or abroad
• In 2013 22 underprivileged young people were awarded and accepted
grants totalling £2,585.
Hertfordshire County Council
Hertfordshire Educational Foundation (HEF)
Travel Scholarships
• Helps enable students aged between the ages of 17-21 to undertake
approved interesting courses and other educational activities abroad,
particularly where there is a benefit to the community they are visiting.
• In 2013 awards totalling £8,070 were made 11 young people to include:
• 4 month exchange to Marshal University, Western Virginia, USA as part
of a criminology degree.
• Volunteering to teach disadvantaged children and help build schools in
Guyana, South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe and Nepal.
• Visiting Honduras to take part in a conservation research programme.
Hertfordshire County Council
Hertfordshire Educational Foundation (HEF)
New Projects in 2013
• £5,650 for Children Looked After Outward Bound Course to Snowdonia.
• £3,000 to GB Youth Rafting Team in the World Rafting Championships
in New Zealand November 2013. They gained 2 Silvers and a Bronze
How to apply
Application forms and guidance for all grants are available on the
Hertfordshire Grid for Learning –
Hertfordshire County Council
Hertfordshire County Council
Head Teachers’ Update
Autumn Term - 2014
The Virtual School
Children Looked After
Priorities for 2014-15
Hertfordshire County Council
Virtual School Priorities for 2014-15
Raising Achievement of
Vulnerable Groups
• Track and improve the achievement and
progress of:
• Children with Disabilities (CWD)
• Children with Additional Needs:
Special Educational Needs (SEN),
Medical or Mental Health
• Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking
Minors (UASM)
• Children at a distance
• Black Minority Ethnic children
• Care leavers Post 16
• Continue to improve outcomes for young
people in BESD provision.
Improved Joint Working
• Continue to implement the
recommendations from ‘Education in Care
• Support the Education, Health and Care
planning process for Children Looked After.
• Offer advice and guidance on the
education of children and young people post
stronger linksCounty
with Children’s
Early Years providers, Herts for
Learning, FE Colleges and Universities.
Raise Achievement
through data analysis and
• Improve outcomes for children and
young people to achieve their best at
the end of all key stages and Post 16.
• Use data effectively from the Virtual
School Information Management system.
• Roll out the ePEP in conjunction with
scrutiny of Pupil Premium Plus
• Ensure effective use and positive
impact of Pupil Premium Plus in all
schools with Hertfordshire children.
•Improved analysis of engagement and
achievement Post-16 and Post-18.
• Collect and analyse Early Years data.
• Train and engage Early Years settings,
including Private, Voluntary and
Independent (PVI) settings and
Children’s Centres.
• Use data to inform the provision of a
range of targeted interventions.
•Use data to ensure every Child Looked
After where possible attends a good
Building capacity of
stakeholders and partners
• Strengthen local cluster groups of
Designated Teachers to build capacity and
develop peer support.
• Implement a systematic schedule of
Quality Assurance visits for schools
• Continue to train and update Governing
Bodies of their statutory responsibilities,
particularly for Pupil Premium Plus.
• Build capacity in stakeholders through
training and focus groups, especially
carers, social workers and colleagues in
Further and Higher Education (FE/HE).
•Improve stability for care leavers to
enable them to access and sustain FE.
• Develop a strategy to improve reading
and writing in all key stages, including
• Ensure the Governing Body effectively
monitors, supports and challenges the
work of the Virtual School
• Increase employment skills and work
readiness for care leavers and reduce
NEET (Not in Education, Employment or
• Promote the profile and aims of the
Virtual School to children and young
Current developments
The development of the ePEP
Training for schools and providers 2014/15
Quality assurance programme
The introduction of the Early Years Pupil
• The Employment Excellence Programme
Hertfordshire County Council
The Early Years Pupil Premium: 2015
The Virtual School Head Teacher will
oversee the allocation of the EYPP for
the following groups:
• Children that have been looked
after by the local authority for at
least one day;
• Children who are ‘Post –LAC’;
– have been adopted from care
– have left care through special
– children subject to a child
arrangement order setting out
with whom the child is to live
(formerly known as residence
Hertfordshire County Council
Hertfordshire County Council
The Hertfordshire Headteacher Updates
Autumn Term - 2014
DBS update on key changes and
Jane Boyce
HR Manager – Safe Staffing
Hertfordshire County Council
Retention of DBS certificates
• Since May 2013 DBS allowed certificates to be held on
• Keeping Children Safe in Education – DfE set 6 month
retention rule for schools
• Destroy DBS certificate once you have dealt with
• Retain as much information on risk assessment
• Record on SCR
Hertfordshire County Council
Children's Barred List Checks
• Proposed change to legislation in 2015
• New legal requirement that employees can’t start work in
regulated activity unless either a DBS or barred list check
carried out
• DBS will start charging for Children’s Barred List check
• Average DBS turnaround time for schools – 4 days
• Reason some checks take longer – often due to conviction
• Consider whether to rely on DBS check in future, rather
than carrying out Barred List check
Hertfordshire County Council
Hertfordshire County Council
The Hertfordshire Headteacher Updates
Autumn Term - 2014
Achieving Raising the Participation Age (RPA)
Juliet Whitehead, 14-19 Education and Skills
Andy Manson, Services for Young People
Hertfordshire County Council
Raising the Participation Age
From Summer 2013 participation age raised:
• For 16 year olds – to the end of the academic year in which
they are 17
From Summer 2015:
• For 17 year olds - to their 18th birthday
• To maximise number of young people in EET (education,
employment and training)
• Reduce number of young people who remain NEET (not in
education, employment and training)
• Support young people’s progression at 18.
Hertfordshire County Council
Local Authority Statutory Duties
Promote effective participation of 16 & 17 year olds in EET
to ensure that they fulfil duty to participate.
Collect information about all young people so that those not
participating, or NEET, can be identified and supported to
Make arrangements – i.e. tracking system - to identify those
not participating.
Secure sufficient suitable education and training provision
for all young people aged 13-19 (up to 25 for those with
LDA or EHC plan).
Make available to all young people aged 13-19 (up to 25
with LDD), support to participate.
Hertfordshire County Council
Hertfordshire Data
Hertfordshire County Council
Achieving Outcomes for Young People
• Deliver the statutory duty to secure independent and
impartial information, advice and guidance for all year 813’s.
• Target those who are NEET or at risk of becoming so.
• Track young people and ensure robust information sharing.
• Work with partners so that education and training provision
for 14 - 24 year olds reflects need and the emerging labour
• Develop best practice in existing and new initiatives e.g.
16-19 study programmes; traineeships.
• Use destination data to monitor progression outcomes.
Hertfordshire County Council
How are we are doing this?
• Providing a comprehensive menu of services for CEIAG
and work-related learning through Youth Connexions
• Keeping in touch with individual young people to provide
them with new opportunities and a support programme
• Share 16-18 activity data on a monthly basis
• Provide a business case to EFA to fill gaps and set up
alternative and new provision
• Co-ordinating a programme of CPD for all providers e.g.
master classes, curriculum reform
• Develop provision for progression - from KS4 to post-16
Hertfordshire County Council
Hertfordshire County Council