Chapter 8 Analysis

For the chapter in Lord of the Flies which you have been assigned, make notes on the following topics to summarize
the main elements of the chapter.
Plot – identify the main events that occur in the chapter that are
MOST significant
“You knew didn’t you? I’m part of you? Close, close, close! I’m
the reason why it’s no go? Why thing are what they are?” (147)
This interaction between Simon and the LOF is the climax of the
story. Unlike before when Simon says maybe it’s us, referring to
the beast. Now he is sure that the beast is something that exists
within each boy on the island it is NOT a physical entity. The
reality of the situation becomes overwhelming for Simon; it
frightens him that this inner evil lies within himself as well. He is
so shocked that he faints.
.When Jack attempts to get the boys to vote Ralph out as leader
and they refuse
This event is important to the novel, as it illustrates how Jack is
slowly prevailing the evil within him as all he wanted was
authority over the boys, so he could ultimately make their primal
needs hunting over being rescued.
.Jacks hunters make a kill ,and hold it over Ralph’s head and
demeans Piggy
This event is most, if not one of the most events that not only
occur in the chapter but the entire book. It explains in great detail
the killing of the pig, and illustrates the complete transition of
Jack and his hunters, from civilization to savagery. It also, depicts
loss of identity as they are no longer English schoolboys, but
savages. As well as, destruction of innocence and idealism
because by killing that pig the boys not only have tainted their
minds with evil, but lost all desire of being rescued.
Themes – write out quotations that significantly develop
important themes (civilization to savagery, loss of identity,
destruction of innocence and idealism, the power of fear,
power and authority, etc.)
“The two savages murmured” (144).
The author has stopped describing the boys as animals. They
have now completely lost their civilization under Jack’s power,
and are now savages. Loss of identity
“He giggled and flicked them while the boys laughed…”
The boys have lost their sense of morality and find Jack’s
barbaric behavior funny, rather than wrong and uncivilized.
Destruction of innocence
“I’m part of you” (147).
Simon then faints because he is afraid of this reality. He is
overwhelmed with his fear of having this evil within him,
seeing what it has done to the other boy
- Destruction of idealism and civilization to savagery: “I’m
going off by myself.” (pg 130) This quote is said by Jack and
ruins idealism as the ideal for the boys to survive is to work
together and stay united, Jack destroys that idea because he
leaves the group to set out on his own, later followed by other
boys. It is civilization to savagery because the democracy that
they’ve created to stay as a whole and civil, has changed and
concluded to savagery because as Jack leaves, many follow
and participate in the actions and doings of a savage.
- Loss of hope: “There’s no help, Piggy. Nothing to be done.”
(pg 131) This quote is said by Ralph and is a loss of hope
because Ralph lost hope in Jack coming back and reuniting
with the group. s. The power of fear
Character Development - write out any
significant quotations that reveal a change in
character. Indicate what the change is and how it is
relevant to the text.
“We’re going to forget the beast” (136).
Spoken by Jack.
This passage depicts Jack’s character as a liar. Jack unites his tribe
by giving them a common enemy, and god-like figure. There
enemy is the beast, whom they must kill to ensure their safety.
The god-like figure is also the beast, as you do not leave a
sacrifice or peace offering for your enemy. Jack preys on the boys
fears; he manipulates them into thinking their barbaric actions
will save them from the beast, of which they are all afraid.
Essentially he says ‘It is okay for us to be savage and barbaric
because we must kill the beast’. Jack’s power over the boys is
completely due to the beast; civilization quickly slips away from
them because of their fears. Jack is a liar because he is not
forgetting the beast at all; he is making the beast the center of
their being.
“So we can’t have a signal fire… We’re beaten”
This quotation is spoken by Ralph, and develops his character
because he has a change of mood and perspective on being
stranded on the island. In the beginning of the book he was very
enthusiastic and optimistic to the boys as he didn’t want to
frighten them, but in chapter eight he realizes without the signal
he has not only lost to Jack’s group of savages, but his internal
conflict of keeping the boys sane, and getting them rescued
Literary Devices and Symbols – identify and
write out sentences that contain
SIGNIFICANT devices that contribute to
mood, irony, or might act as foreshadowing,
The sow’s head on the stick or the LOF represents the inner
evil that lurks in the soul of all humans. It is becomes both a
physical demonstration of the “beastie,” but a Satanic figure
who evokes the evil and cruelty found within each boy. If you
carefully analyze the novel to the bible, you can see how the
LOF recalls the devil ,just as Simon recalls Jesus.
“They were just behind her when she staggered into an open
space where bright flowers grew and butterflies danced
round each other and the air was hot and still” (138).
The butterflies represent metamorphosis, which figuratively
symbolizes the process of transformation in the boys, from
innocent to savage and barbaric.