K-8 DEP - Iredell-Statesville Schools

Iredell-Statesville Schools
AIG Local Plan
Staff Information Meeting
State Definition of an AIG Student
These students:
Perform or show potential to perform at higher levels of
accomplishment when compared with others of their age,
experience, or environment.
Exhibit high performance capability in intellectual areas,
specific academic fields, or both.
Require differentiated educational services beyond those
ordinarily provided by the regular education program.
Come from a variety of cultural and economic backgrounds.
NC AIG Standards,
reflected in the AIG Local Plan
Student Identification
Differentiated Curriculum & Instruction
Personnel & Professional Development
Comprehensive Programming within
the Total School Community
Program Accountability
Three Questions You May Be Thinking…
How do I support the high-achieving students
in my classroom, even though some are not
identified as AIG?
What can I tell parents about the processes
for AIG identification and what services are
What do I do once I have AIG-identified
students in my classroom?
How do I support the high-achieving students in
my classroom, even though some are not
identified as AIG?
Professional Achievement Classes (PAC) in I-SS
Use the personnel resources you have on your
AIG School Coordinator
Differentiation Specialist
Instructional Facilitator
Blended Learning Coach
GPS Team
Other Teachers with Gifted Professional Development
District Resource Room at ADR
How do I support the high-achieving
students in my classroom, even though
some are not identified as AIG?
If you have a student who is consistently scoring
95% or above on classroom data points, talk to the
GPS team about going through the process of
recommending that student for identification.
The GPS team will look at classroom data and work
samples for K-2 students
The GPS team will look at school data for 3-12 students
The referral process does not guarantee testing or
AIG placement.
Differentiated Core Instruction:
Tier I of Responsiveness to Instruction (RTI)
Differentiated core instruction provided to all
Differentiation of content, process, product,
pacing, and/or environment
Use of research/evidence based strategies
Use of blended learning
What can I tell parents about the processes for
AIG identification?
Grades 3-12
Grades K-2
Ability and achievement
test scores 95th percentile
or higher
Tested on an individual
basis based upon the
referral approved by the
GPS team
Testing can only be done
once in K-2
Criteria is higher due to
the fact only two are used
Ability (CogAT/90th %ile or
higher), Achievement
(EOG/93rd %ile or higher)
Final grades (93% or
Qualifying scores need to
be in the same subject
There continue to be
multiple pathways for
identification (portfolios,
alternative assessments,
Iowa Acceleration Scale).
Special Placement for Newly-Identified
Students for 2013-2014
North Carolina administered the new EOG/EOC
assessments aligned with the CC standards in May 2013.
Since the assessments are new, the results will not be
available until November 2013. We will identify students
using the new EOG/EOC scores in November 2013.
Cluster groups for this year’s 4th grade were created using
grade and CogAT criteria.
We will still look to see if new students can be indentified in
4th-12th grades using final grades, CogAT scores, and the
previous year’s EOG/EOC scores.
All GPS Teams will look at new EOG/EOC scores in
November 2013 to make new AIG identifications.
Students who are not yet identified will not complete a DEP
until after they are identified with EOG/EOC scores later in
the year.
What can I tell parents about the portfolio
processes for AIG identification?
Students are given the option in 5th, 7th, and 10th grades to
complete a portfolio when they have two of three criteria for
Parents are notified and sign permission for the portfolio
Portfolios should include five exemplary work samples
completed at school in the area of consideration
Students and teachers reflect on each sample. The portfolio
includes a teacher recommendation
Portfolios are evaluated by the portfolio screening committee
using a rubric for scoring
Passing portfolio scores take the place of the missing
criterion for identification
What can I tell parents about the processes for AIG
identification and what services are provided?
Level I Students - AIG certified students transferring from another
Level II Students K-2 - AIG students meeting the 95th %ile or
higher aptitude and 95th %ile or higher achievement requirements
Level II Students 3-12 - AIG students meeting the 93rd %ile or
higher achievement/93 % or higher final grades/90th %ile or
higher CogAT requirements
Level III Students - AIG students qualifying for subject
advancement - 99% in aptitude/achievement/grades in that
specific subject area
Level IV Students - AIG students qualifying for grade
advancement - 99% in both reading and math in aptitude,
achievement and grades; Iowa Acceleration Scale, principal
observations, Director of AIG consultation required
* A screening list of potential students is kept at each school and
updated regularly to reflect current data.
What can I tell parents about the
processes and services that are
provided for AIG students?
Differentiated Education Plan (DEP)
What can I tell parents about the processes for
what service levels provide?
Level I
_Regular education classroom
_Flexible grouping
_Differentiated services
_Differentiation Specialist
Level II
_All Level I options
_Cluster classroom
_Classroom teacher trained in
gifted practices and strategies
_Differentiation Specialist direct
and indirect contact
Level III
_All Level II options
_Subject advancement
_Dual enrollment
Level IV
_All Level II options
_Grade advancement
DEP Ownership
The DEP is part of each student’s AIG folder.
The GPS team is in charge of keeping track
of all of the paperwork in this folder. We work
together as a school team to ensure all
documents are completed and updated as
needed. The AIG Department is required by
the state to audit the folders for accuracy and
completeness twice each school year to
ensure services are being provided at every
What can I tell parents about the
processes for what services are offered?
International Baccalaureate (IB): MMIB, NVIB, SIHS
Visual and Performing Arts Center (VPAC): SHS
Provides technology-enriched curriculum for students who
simultaneously earn a high school degree & an associate’s degree
James Iredell AP Academy (SHS):
Students have the opportunity to complete a challenging five-year
program that includes a fine arts endorsement on the high school
diploma, as well as an associate’s degree
Collaborative College for Technology & Leadership (CCTL)
Schools committed to a high quality, challenging, international
education for all students
Students complete a rigorous course of study that requires them to take
a minimum of seven Advanced Placement classes
NC School of Science and Math virtual courses
• Students in 5th grade and 8th grade have the opportunity to visit schools to
see different school and course offerings.
What can I tell parents about the
processes for what services are offered?
Advanced: All Middle Schools
Honors: All High Schools
Curriculum sponsored by College Board that offers high school
students undergraduate courses
International Baccalaureate (IB): MMIB, NVIB, & SIHS
Advanced level courses that offer students a deeper curriculum at
a faster pace
Advanced Placement (AP): All High Schools
Advanced level courses that offer students a deeper curriculum at
a faster pace
Programmes committed to a high quality, challenging,
international education for all students
North Carolina Virtual Public School (NCVPS): BMS, LMS,
NIMS, TMS & All High Schools
Provides students with expanded academic options through
online courses
Enrichment Opportunities
Science Fair
Math Expo
NC School of Science and Math
NC Governor’s School
NC Summer Ventures
ISS Summer Enrichment Camps
Local university sponsored
Additional competitions through
individual schools
NCASA Scholastic Cup competitions
(Quiz Bowl, Twelve, The Quill, Art
Showcase, Show Choir; Mathcounts)
Spelling Bee
Odyssey of the Mind
Battle of the Books
On the Horizon….
International Baccalaureate Career-related
Certificate (IBCC) 2014–2015
Credit by Demonstrated Mastery 2014–2015
The process by which LEAs shall, based upon a body-ofevidence, award a student credit for a particular course without
requiring the student to complete classroom instruction for a
certain amount of seat time
NCDPI is developing implementation guidelines for this NC State
Board of Education policy
Mastery will be demonstrated through a multi-phase assessment
including a standard examination and an artifact
CDM will be available to students in grades 6-12
What do I do once I have AIG-identified
students in my classroom?
All teachers working with gifted students should:
 have state licensure in gifted education,
 be actively pursuing state licensure in gifted education,
 have completed the four local AIG Professional Achievement
Courses (PAC),
~ or ~
 be actively working toward completion of the local AIG PAC
The ISS-AIG Department can help teachers financially who
are interested in pursuing a state license in gifted education.
I-SS Professional Achievement Classes (PAC)
Elementary Fall 2013
PAC 2 - Differentiation and Management - Course 12070
PAC 3 - Differentiation and Assessment - Course 12075
Elementary Spring 2014
PAC 2 - Differentiation and Management - Course 12081
PAC 3 - Differentiation and Assessment - Course 12079
PAC 4 - Differentiation and Strategies - Course 12069
Middle/High Fall 2013
PAC 2 - Differentiation and Management - Course 12071
PAC 3 - Differentiation and Assessment - Course 12074
Middle/High Spring 2014
PAC 2 - Differentiation and Management - Course 12078
PAC 3 - Differentiation and Assessment - Course 12080
PAC 4 - Differentiation and Strategies - Course 12068
Institutes of Higher Education offering
AIG Licensure and/or
Graduate Programs in Gifted Education
Appalachian State
Barton College
Campbell University
Duke University
East Carolina University
Elon University
High Point University
Mars Hill College
Meredith College
Methodist College
NC Central University
UNC-Pembroke (online)
Western Carolina
Wingate University
General Questions??
Thank You!
Thank you for attending.
Please add plus/delta/issue bin items on the chart.
This presentation will be available on the
District AIG Website
(click on departments, curriculum, AIG)
Have a great school year!