Name______________________________ AP LANGUAGE



AP LANGUAGE: Vocabulary and Sentence Style Collection

Directions: As you read through articles and books, you will be expected to gather your own words and sentence style examples from material read for this course.

You will need to do this on your own- do not work with other people to create your list; these words and sentences should be self-selected because you see importance in them for the writer and for you.

Collect a minimum of 15 words and 15 sentences you admire for style (basically a word/sentence a day). You will then gather this information into a “collection.”

You need to SPAN reading- you should not choose all 15 words from one source or even just two.

What you need to do:

Label the top of the collection with the dates of collection

Gather words or sentence from a variety of readings- not just one or two. Choose challenging words that represent new knowledge and/or words that are essential to understanding the text from which it comes.

Do NOT wait to do this the night before it is due. I will sometimes ask you for words you have collected during the month- be ready!

HANDWRITE this and carry it with you always- maybe create a bookmark with it.

Make it neat- I must be able to read it.

Write your name at the top of the page and the vocabulary collection dates.

Include the following for WORDS: (you need 15 of these)

Number each entry and skip a line between entries

WORD: Record the word

SOURCE: Title, author

ORIGINAL SENTENCE: Copy the sentence from which it came- the full sentence- no “…”

DEFINITION: Define the word- use a dictionary or use an online dictionary

EXPLAIN why this word is IMPORTANT to the reading.

Include the following for SENTENCES: (you need 15 of these)

Number each entry and skip a line between entries

SENTENCE: Record the complete sentence or sentence combination- yes, I know this might take time, but that is the point. As you write you are seeing the style moves made by the writer.

SOURCE: Title, author

EXPLAIN the CRAFT and why you admire it: Explain what the writer did rhetorically- the HOW along with what the sentence means.
