Vocabulary Collection Directions

Collection Dates:_______________
AP LANGUAGE: Vocabulary Word Collection
Directions: As you read through articles and books, you will be expected to gather your own vocabulary list. You will need to do this on your own- do not work with
other people to create your list; these words should be words that you choose. Collect a minimum of 30 words (basically a word a day) or more and complete a
collection of words over the course of the month.
What you need to do:
Gather words from a variety of readings- not just one or two. Choose challenging words that represent new knowledge and/or words that are essential
to understanding the text from which it comes.
Do NOT wait to do this the night before it is due. I will sometimes ask you for words you have collected during the month- be ready!
HANDWRITE this and carry it with you always- maybe create a bookmark with it.
Make it neat- I must be able to read it.
Write your name at the top of the page and the vocabulary collection dates.
Use the following format:
Number each entry and skip a line between entries
WORD: Record the word
SOURCE: Title, author
ORIGINAL SENTENCE: Copy the sentence from which it came- the full sentence.
DEFINITION: Define the word- use a dictionary or use an online dictionary
NEW SENTENCE: Use the word in a sentence you create. The meaning of the word needs to be apparent from the sentence.
You may use your own format or the following format:
Original Sentence:
New Sentence:
Source (Title, author)
Page number: