AIMS English Literary Society

Summer Break Task 2015
Class 1
So you want to be a Writer!
Book Reading Competition
Read books and be the member of
Avail the vacations; create stories, poems,
interesting incidents, funny jokes and
AIMS English Literary Society
Read books and write reviews on the given
template. The writers of maximum number
of reviews will be rewarded with
certificates, prizes and membership of the
AIMS English Literary Society
Note: At least two reviews are compulsory
as vacation task for every one
Best writers will be given prominent
designations in
AIMS English Literary Society
along with certificates and prizes.
Selected stories will be uploaded in emagazine.
Creative writing
 My first day of Ramazan……… (when I got up, when I prayed, what preparation we did for
aftari, what was special in aftari, and what we did after aftari)
 On this Eid I will………………. (tell us that how and where you will celebrate your eid and
what special you will do on this Eid)
 Yummmmmm! My favourite food is………… (what is your favourite food?, why you like
it, do you know the things needed to make it?, do draw the picture it)
Text Reading
 Complete the reading of story “ Lisa Goes to London”
 Revise all work done in note book for a test after vacation
Instructions: Do all the given work on a separate notebook.
1. Write & learn tables of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
2. Make 20 sums of horizontal addition and solve them.
3. Make 20 sums of 1 digit vertical addition by yourself and solve them.
4. Make 20 sums of 2 digit vertical addition by yourself and solve them.
5. Do following pages of book on note book.
6. (Page No. 6,7,8,28,29,30,40,43,44,73,75)
7. Write number names (1-60)
8. Write ordinal numbers with spelling.
9. Make 20 sums of horizontal subtraction and solve them.
Activities & Creative work.
 Make shapes of (cube, cuboids, sphere, and cone) with play dough/clay.
 Write about mathematical things that you see on TV.
 Make a chart of good deeds you did in one week and add them.
 Make a chart of bad deeds you did in one week and try to subtract them from your life.
Presentation and work of student on a Science Summer Activity Booklet/file.
Collection/pasting of different types of seeds, leaves and flowers.
Pasting of cutouts (fun facts, inventions, pictures related to Science activities etc) from
children magazine and newspaper.(V-shine Magazine, The Globe)
Paste the pictures of animals having no leg, two legs, four legs and many legs. Write few
sentences about these animals.
(Ref page # 29 of Science Textbook)
Paste the pictures of Healthy and Junk food and write the benefits and harms of these foods.
Make different vegetables prints with the help of paint colours.
Draw the diagram of seed germination and label its parts.
 Keep a record of few moments of your summer break and share it with your classmates by
filling the given Performa (for two weeks only)
Creative Writing:
(Write atleast one paragraph of creative writing for each topic on separate sheets)
 Select your favourite animal and write few sentences about it. Why do you like it the most?
 Frog and Bird have become friends. They have never visited each other’s houses before.
They want to visit each other’s house soon. Record the conversation between Frog and Bird
how they will tell each other about their homes.
 Read the Chapter # 2,4 and 5. Write the meanings of difficult words.
 Do learn difficult words by writing syllables of difficult words (forming the whole or a part
of a word)(e.g carbohydrates : car-bo-hy-drate)
 Do revise all the syllabus of 1st term (that you have done in the class).
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Summer Break Task 2015
Class 2
So you want to be a Writer!
Book Reading Competition
Read books and be the member of
Avail the vacations; create stories, poems,
interesting incidents, funny jokes and
AIMS English Literary Society
Read books and write reviews on the given
template. The writers of maximum number of
reviews will be rewarded with certificates,
prizes and membership of the AIMS English
Literary Society
Note: At least two reviews are compulsory as
vacation task for every one
Best writers will be given prominent
designations in
AIMS English Literary Society
along with certificates and prizes.
Selected stories will be uploaded in
Creative writing
 My first day of Ramazan……… (when I got up, when I prayed, what preparation we did for
aftari, what was special in aftari, and what we did after aftari)
 On this Eid I will………………. (tell us that how and where you will celebrate your eid and
what special you will do on this Eid)
 A visit to the restaurant ………… (write about a visit of yours to any restaurant or hotel, tell
that who were with you, what did you eat over there, why you were there)
Text Reading
Complete the reading of story “ The Wizard of Oz”
 Revise all work done in note book for a test after vacation
Instructions: Do all the given work on a separate notebook.
Write and learn from 2 – 9
Page No. 23, 24
Page No. 28, 30, 31, 33
Write numbers names From 200 → 220 , 550 → 570
Make 10 sums of 2 digit addition with carry
Make 10 sums of 3 digit addition with carry
Question No. 9 of Page No. 13 and all questions of Page No. 38
Make 10 sums of 2 digits (with conversion)
Make 10 sums of 3 digits subtraction converting hundreds and tens
 Word Problems Question No. 5, Page No. 17
Complete this grid with the digits 1 to 6 to make the sum correct. Perform each mathematical
operation in the
order shown, from left to right, e.g. 1 + 2 x 3 is treated as (1 + 2) x 3 = 9
Activities & Creative work.
 Make a chart of good deeds you did in one week and add them.
 Make a chart of bad deeds you did in one week and try to subtract them from your life.
 Write about mathematical things that you see on TV.
Note: there is no ÷ 1, and at no point is a decimal or fraction used
Presentation and work of student on a Science Summer Activity Booklet/file.
Collection / pasting of different plants and flowers.
Paste birds, mammals and other animals having scales and shell on their bodies e.g
Pasting of cutouts (fun facts, inventions, pictures related to Science activities etc)
from children magazine and newspaper.(V-shine Magazine, The Globe).
 Draw and paste land and aquatic habitat by pasting different animals.
 Draw the diagram of seed growth and label its parts.
 Keep a record of few moments of your summer break and share it with your classmates by
filling the daily routine Performa.
 Make a weather report twice a week (temperature, humidity, rainy, cloudy, sunny etc) for the
month of July.(source: newspaper , news channel and other )
Creative Writing:
 Define water pollution? How can we make water clean?
 The Queen Bee is retiring. She needs to teach the new Queen Bee about her tasks. Create a job
description for the Queen Bee’s position
 Read the Chapter # 2,3 and 8. Write the meanings of difficult words.
 Do learn difficult words by writing syllables of difficult words (forming the whole or a part
of a word) (e.g: pho-to-syn-the-sis)
 Do revise all the syllabus of 1st term (that you have done in the class).
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Summer Break Task 2015
Class 3
So you want to be a
Book Reading Competition
Read books and be the member of
AIMS English Literary Society
Read books and write reviews on the given
template. The writers of maximum number
of reviews will be rewarded with
certificates, prizes and membership of the
AIMS English Literary Society
Note : At least two reviews are compulsory
as vacation task for every one
Avail the vacations; create stories, poems,
interesting incidents, funny jokes and
Best writers will be given prominent
designations in
AIMS English Literary Society
along with certificates and prizes.
Selected stories will be uploaded in
Creative writing
 I like Ramazan because…………….
 On this Eid I will………………
 My favourite teacher is…………
Text Reading
Complete the reading of story “ The Cantervile Ghost”
 Revise all work done in note book for a test after vacation
Instructions: Do all the given work on a separate notebook
Q #.1: Write the given numbers of page #29(Q.4.) in thousands, hundred, tens and units/ones
Q #.2: Write the given numbers on page # 32 in expanded form. 6732, 9245, 4962, 1432, 8632, 5978,
3948, 2798, 3092
Q #.3: Write the given numbers in word form. 5736, 8225, 4026, 9434, 6292, 5978.
Q #.4: Change the given expanded form of numbers into standard form.
(9000+300+40+6), (6000+100+20+2), (7000+200+90+3), (4000+200+90+8), (5000+700+50+0),
Q #.5: Write predecessors and successors of the given numbers. 4962, 1432, 9434, 6292, 3098, 9876,
Q #.6:Fill in the blanks.
First 1 digit number is ___________ Largest 1 digit number is ________Last 2 digit number
Smallest 2 digit number is ________Last 3 digit number is__________ Smallest 3 digit number
Largest 3 digit number is ________First 4 digit number is___________ Last 4 digit number
Q #.7: Solve Word Problems ( Addition): Page # 47
Q #.8: Add the sums: (Page # 44, 45)
Q #.9 Solve Word Problems: (Subtraction Page # 61)
Q # 10: Tables, Learn and write the tables 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13,14, 15 .
Q # 11: Do page no 70, 73. Q # 12.Make a chart of good deeds you did in one week and add them.
Activities & Creative work.
 Make a chart of bad deeds you did in one week and try to subtract them from your life.
 Write about mathematical things that you see all around.
Presentation and work of student on a Science Summer Activity Booklet/file.
Collect/ Paste different flowering and non-flowering plants.
Pasting of cutouts (fun facts, inventions, pictures related to Science activities etc) from
children magazine and newspaper.(V-shine Magazine, The Globe).
Make a flow chart of different organisms(with the help pictures) by classifying them into
Write sources of water and air pollution with the help of diagrams and pictures.
 Keep a record of few moments of your summer break and share it with your classmates by
filling the daily routine Performa.
 Draw/ Make a model of life cycle of butterfly.
 Draw the diagram of internal parts of flower and label its parts.
Creative Writing
You are a caterpillar. Write a journal about your day to day experiences as you go through
metamorphosis into a butterfly
 Read the Chapter #2, 3 and 4. Write the meanings of difficult words.
 Do learn difficult words by writing syllables of difficult words (forming the whole or a part
of a word) e.g hydrogen: hy-dro-gen
 Do revise all the syllabus of 1st term (that you have done in the class).
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Summer Break Task 2015
Class 4
So you want to be a Writer!
Book Reading Competition
Read books and be the member of
Avail the vacations; create stories, poems,
interesting incidents, funny jokes and
AIMS English Literary Society
Read books and write reviews on the given
template. The writers of maximum number
of reviews will be rewarded with certificates,
prizes and membership of the AIMS English
Literary Society
Note: At least two reviews are compulsory
as vacation task for every one
Best writers will be given prominent
designations in
AIMS English Literary Society
along with certificates and prizes.
Selected stories will be uploaded in
Creative writing
 I like Ramazan because…………….
 One Aftari which I enjoyed most in this Ramazan……
 How I celebrated my Eid………
Text Reading
Complete the reading of story “Captain Grant’s Children”.
 Revise all work done in note book for a test after vacation
Instructions: Do all the given work on a separate notebook
Task 1
Make a Pakistani value chart having first three periods.
Make an International value chart having first three periods.
Take any random 6 digit number and place it in Pakistani value chart.
Take any random 6 digit number and place it in an International value chart.
Task.2. Solve page # 7
 Take any five 6-digit numbers in Pakistani periods and write their names.
 Take any five 6-digit numbers in international periods and write their names.
Think and write:
 The smallest 6-digit number.
 When we add together the smallest and the biggest 5-digit number.
 The biggest 6-digit number.
 The difference between the biggest and smallest 6-digit number.
 The smallest 5-digit number.
 The greatest 5-digit number
Unit Addition
1) Adding 5-digit & 6-digit numbers (Page # 11)
Unit Subtraction
(Hint: the greater number should be written above)
Subtraction: 5-digit & 6-digit numbers
Task 5 Solve page # 12.
Unit Multiplication
Task 6:Solve page # 19 & 21. Write and learn by heart table 2-15
Task 7: Unit Division
Activities & Creative work.
 Make a chart of bad deeds you did in one week and try to subtract them from your life.
 Make a chart of good deeds you did in one week and add them.
 Write about mathematical things that you see in your room.
 Write about how long one minute is.
 If I were one centimeter high…
 How you can use place numbers in real life?
Presentation and work of student on a Science Summer Activity Booklet/file.
Keep a record of few moment of your summer break and share it with your classmates by
filling the daily routine Performa.
 Paste a real flower having both male and female parts of the flower. Identify at least six
different parts (petal, sepal, pistil, stamen, pedicel etc) by labeling them.
 Pasting of cutouts (fun facts, inventions, pictures related to Science activities etc) from
magazine and newspaper. (V-shine Magazine, The Globe).
 How sound travels to reach the ears of the person. Explain it with the help of labeled
 Draw the harmful effects of global warming with the help of diagram.(Ref page # 81)
 Draw the labeled diagram of internal structure of ear (page # 30 of science textbook)
Creative Writing
 Write few paragraphs on the theme “Science as a Nature”.
 Someone has taken all of the rabbits in the world out of the food chain. Write a news report
describing what is happening to the rest of the world now that the rabbits are gone.
 Keep a record of few moments of your summer break and share it with your classmates by
filling the daily routine Performa.
 Display some household products(on chart paper) that are labeled as ozone-friendly with the
help of diagram.(ref page # 77 of Science textbook)`
 Write reviews of at least two Science books.
 Read the chapter # 2, 3 and 9 and write down the meanings of difficult words.
 Do learn difficult words by writing syllables of difficult words (forming the whole or a part
of a word)e.g protoplasm : pro-to-plasm
 Do revise all the syllabus of 1st term (that you have done in the class).
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Summer Break Task 2015
Class 5
So you want to be a Writer!
Book Reading Competition
Read books and be the member of
Avail the vacations; create stories, poems,
interesting incidents, funny jokes and
AIMS English Literary Society
Read books and write reviews on the given
template. The writers of maximum number of
reviews will be rewarded with certificates,
prizes and membership of the AIMS English
Literary Society
Note : At least two reviews are compulsory as
vacation task for every one
Best writers will be given prominent
designations in
AIMS English Literary Society
along with certificates and prizes.
Selected stories will be uploaded in
Creative writing
 Ramazan is a blessing………….
 One Aftari which I enjoyed most in this Ramazan……
 How I celebrated my Eid………
Text Reading
 Complete the reading of story “The man in the iron mask”.
 Revise all work done in note book for a test after vacation
Instructions: Do all the given work on a separate notebook.
Question No. 1 Make charts of Pakistani Place Value System and International Place Value System.
Question No. 2. Solve page # 11, 14, 15
Question No. 3. Solve Addition Page No. 19; Question No.1, 2, 3)
Question No. 4. Subtraction (Page No. 20; Question No. 1, 2, 3, 4)
Question No. 5. Multiplication (Page No. 25,26)
Question No. 6. Division (Page No.27,28 )
Question No. 7. Write and learn by heart table 2-15
Activities & Creative work.
1) Make a chart of good deeds you did in one week and add them.
2) Make a chart of bad deeds you did in one week and try to subtract them from your life.
3) Write about mathematical things that you see in your house.
Presentation and work of student on a Science Summer Activity Booklet/file.
Keep a record of few moments of your summer break and share it with your classmates by
filling the daily routine Performa.
 Pasting of cutouts (fun facts, inventions, pictures related to Science activities etc) from
magazine and newspaper.(V-shine Magazine, The Globe)
 What are the harmful effects of deforestation? How can you contribute to make the
environment clean (hint:planting more trees).
Creative Writing
 Write Autobiography of tree.
Choose your favourite tree; write name, location, fruit etc
Effects on the health (benefits and harms)
Importance and risks of gases at night time.
Islamic linkage
 Today you are a raindrop! Create a diary telling about your adventures as you experience the
water cycle
 Keep a record of few moments of your summer break and
share it with your classmates by filling the daily routine
Make hydrologic cycle on the (piece of) chart paper with
the help of cotton, grains and other required material.
Make a model of the Earth, showing the core, the mantle
and the crust by using recycled materials.
 Write reviews of at least two Science books.
 Read the chapter # 2,3 and 4 and write down the meanings of difficult words.
 Do learn difficult words by writing syllables of difficult words (forming the whole or a part
of a word)e.g cytoplasm : cy-to-plasm
 Do revise all the syllabus of 1st term (that you have done in the class).
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Summer Break Task 2015
Class 6
So you want to be a Writer!
Book Reading Competition
Read books and be the member of
Avail the vacations; create stories, poems,
interesting incidents, funny jokes and
AIMS English Literary Society
Read books and write reviews on the given
template. The writers of maximum number of
reviews will be rewarded with certificates,
prizes and membership of the AIMS English
Literary Society
Note : At least two reviews are compulsory
as vacation task for every one
Best writers will be given prominent
designations in
AIMS English Literary Society
along with certificates and prizes.
Selected stories will be uploaded in
Creative Writing
 Ramazan is a blessing………………..
 One Aftari which I enjoyed most in this Ramazan……
 How I celebrated my Eid………
Read chapters 11,12,13,14,15,16,17 from reader “The Riddle of Rajah’s Ruby”, create two
questions from each and answer them. Do it vigilantly, it will be the part of terminal exams.
Make two Ramazan and Eid greeting cards with a beautiful message from your side for Muslim
 Revise all work done in note book for a test after vacation
Instructions: Do all the given work on a separate notebook
Solve Ex.2a,Ex.2b,Ex.2c,Ex.2d,Ex.3a,Ex.3b,Ex.3c,Ex.3d.
Review exercise of chapter 2 (Q#1 – 5 ).
Write squares and cubes of numbers 1-20.
Write and learn by heart table 2-20.
Activities & Creative work.
1) Create magazine [Write amazing math puzzles, math tricks, Interesting
information/facts of math in your magazine.]
Make a chart of good deeds you did in one week add and multiply by 10, 50, 70, 100.
Make a chart of bad deeds you did in one week and try to subtract them from your life.
Write about mathematical things that you see on electronic media.
Write few lines about history of mathematics.
Presentation and work of student on a Science Summer Activity Booklet/file.
Keep a record of every moment of your summer break and share it with your classmates
by filling the daily routine Performa.
 Collect the information about the following science inventions and write their benefits.
 Bomb detecting Plants (link:
Glass Nanobots Absorb Toxins/ pollutants( link:
Pasting of cutouts (fun facts, inventions, pictures related to Science activities etc) from
magazine and newspaper (V-shine Magazine, The Globe).
 Draw the diagram of vernier caliper (ref page # 34 of textbook)
Creative Writing
 Write two paragraphs about “Science has improved our lives”.
 Natural disasters happen every year. Which natural disaster do you think is the most
powerful? Be sure to include evidence to support your answer.
 Keep a record of few moments of your summer break and share it with your classmates by
filling the daily routine Performa.
 Write reviews of at least two Science books.
 Imagine any new science invention of your own. Draw a picture and write few paragraphs
about it. Write benefits and harms of your unique scientific invention.
 Read the chapter # 1,2 and 3 and write down the meanings of difficult words.
 Do learn difficult words by writing syllables of difficult words (forming the whole or a
part of a word) e.g cytoplasm : cy-to-plasm
 Do revise all the syllabus of 1st term (that you have done in the class).
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Summer Break Task 2015
Class 7
So you want to be a Writer!
Book Reading Competition
Read books and be the member of
Avail the vacations; create stories, poems,
interesting incidents, funny jokes and
AIMS English Literary Society
Read books and write reviews on the given
template. The writers of maximum number of
reviews will be rewarded with certificates,
prizes and membership of the AIMS English
Literary Society
Note : At least two reviews are compulsory
as vacation task for every one
Best writers will be given prominent
designations in
AIMS English Literary Society
along with certificates and prizes.
Selected stories will be uploaded in
Creative Writing
 Ramazan, the month of Allah (S.W.T) how muslims celebrate it all around the world (do add
some picture to this writing showing aftaris in different countires)
 Good things which I did in this Ramazan
 On this Eid the thing I enjoyed most…………….
Read chapters 11,12,13,14,15 from reader “The Riddle of Hollow Tree”, create two questions from
each to answer them . Do it vigilantly, it will be the part of terminal exams.
Make two Ramazan and Eid greeting cards with a beautiful message from your side for Muslim
 Revise all work done in note book for a test after vacation.
Instructions: Do all the given work on a separate notebook
Mathematics D-1
Exercise (15b)
solve all parts of question ( 3,5,6,7,9,10)
Complete the table related to sum of interior angle of convex polygon given in book
Exercise (15c)
Solve all parts of question (2,3,5,8,10,11,12)
Review Exercise 15 (D-1)
Solve all parts of question (2,3)
Solve question number ( 5 , 6,7,8,9,10,11,12)
Mathematics D-2
Exercise (7a) Question no 1 ( b, c, e, h ,j)Question no 2(a, c, e, f, i)Question no 3(b, d, e, f, g, h)
Question no 4(a, c, e, h, I, j)
Exercise (7b) Question no 1 (a, b, d, f, h, i)Question no 2(b, c, e, f, g, j, h)Question no 3(a, c, e, f, g,
I ,j)
Exercise (7c) Question no 1(a, c, e, g, i.) Question no 2(c, d, f, g, i, j) Question no 3(a, c, h, i, j)
Question no 4. Question no 5. Question no 8( b, c)
Exercise (7d)
Question no 1 (b, c, d, e, h, i). Question no 2(b, c, e, f, i). Question no 3(b, f, I, j)
Presentation and work of student on a Science Summer Activity Booklet/file.
Keep a record of every moment of your summer break and share it with your classmates by
filling the daily routine Performa.
Make different things by using recycle material (like paper plate, glass, plastic bottles etc)
 Pasting of
cutouts (fun facts,
inventions, pictures
related to Science
activities etc) from magazine and newspaper.(V-shine Magazine, The Globe)
 Collect the information about the following science inventions and write their benefits.
 Bomb detecting Plants (link:
Glass Nanobots Absorb Toxins/ pollutants( link:
 Draw the diagram of skeletal system of human body (Ref page#22 of textbook)
Creative Writing
 You have been asked to interview Isaac Newton about his scientific laws. Record your
questions and his answers
 Keep a record of few moments of your summer break and share it with your classmates by
filling the daily routine Performa.
 Imagine any new science invention of your own. Draw a picture and write few paragraphs
about it. Write benefits and harms of your unique scientific invention.
 Write reviews of at least two Science books.
 Read the chapter # 1,2 and 3 and write down the meanings of difficult words.
 Do learn difficult words by writing syllables of difficult words (forming the whole or a part
of a word) e.g: chromatography: chro-ma-tog-ra-phy
 Do revise all the syllabus of 1st term (that you have done in the class).
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Summer Break Task 2015
Class 8
So you want to be a Writer!
Book Reading Competition
Read books and be the member of
Avail the vacations; create stories, poems,
interesting incidents, funny jokes and
AIMS English Literary Society
Read books and write reviews on the given
template. The writers of maximum number of
reviews will be rewarded with certificates,
prizes and membership of the AIMS English
Literary Society
Note: At least two reviews are compulsory as
vacation task for every one
Best writers will
designations in
be given prominent
AIMS English Literary Society
along with certificates and prizes.
Selected stories will be uploaded in
Creative Writing
 Ramazan, the month of Allah (S.W.T) how muslims celebrate it all around the world(do add
some picture to this writing showing aftaris in different countires)
 Good things which I did in this Ramazan
 On this Eid the thing I enjoyed most…………….
Read chapters 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 from reader “The Rubadub Mystery”, create two
questions from each to answer them. Do it vigilantly, it will be the part of terminal exams.
Make two Ramazan and Eid greeting cards with a beautiful message from your side for Muslim
 Revise all work done in note book for a test after vacation
Instructions: Do all the given work on a separate notebook.
The following questions should be done
 Exercise # 2 a,2b,2c,2d,
 Review Exercise # 2 , Questions 1-10
 Ch#4 (Ex 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e, 4f, 4g)
Activities & Creative work.
 Make a chart of good deeds you did in one week and add them.
 Make a chart of bad deeds you did in one week and try to subtract them from
your life.
 Write about mathematical things that you see in your house
Presentation and work of student on a Science Summer Activity Booklet/file
Draw Figure # 1.18 (Ref page # 13 of Science Textbook)
o Figure # 1.23(Ref page # 18 of Science Textbook)
o Figure # 1.27(Ref page # 21 of Science Textbook)
o Figure # 2.2 (Ref page # 30 of Science Textbook)
o Figure # 2.8 (Ref page # 35 of Science Textbook)
o Figure # 2.9 (Ref page # 36 of Science Textbook)
o Figure #2.13 (Ref page # 39 of Science Textbook)
o Figure # 5.7(Ref page # 116 of Science Textbook)
o Figure # 5.5 (Ref page # 115 of Science Textbook)
o Figure # 5.10(Ref page # 120 of Science Textbook)
 Draw tables of Vitamins (Ref page # 8)
o Its function
o Deficiency problems
o Food sources
 Draw table of minerals (Ref page # 9)
o Its function
o Food sources
 Make a list Of Science tidbits from all the chapters of the book.
 Make a list of endangered species and write the characteristics and reasons.
 Make MCQs from each chapter (almost 20 in number)
 Write autobiography of wheat/grain.
 Do memorize all the questions of the syllabus.
Presentation and work of student on a Science Summer Activity Booklet/file
 Draw on chart paper
a)shadow formed by
i. Point source of light
ii. Extended source of light (ref page # 225)
b) Refraction in human eye (ref page # 239)
 Activity:
o Mix different colours and paste on chart papers (page # 246 fig 10.5)
 Make 25 MCQs form chapter # 8, 9.
 Do memorize all the questions of the syllabus.
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