Minutes Full Corporation 7 May 2015 S81, FTC Prevent Strategy Prior to the meeting, Governors received a 30 minute briefing on the Prevent Strategy including an overview of the strategy, duties and responsibilities of Colleges and Governing Bodies, and how the College is responding to those duties. Mr Slack explained his role with BIS was to support colleges and universities in the East Midlands to fulfil their obligations under the new Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015. Colleges are now required to conduct a risk assessment and produce an action plan, which will be monitored by Ofsted. The revised Inspection Handbook due for publication on 12 June, would include details of how Ofsted will be inspecting colleges in terms of the Prevent duty. The action plan would be key for Governors in order to hold management to account. If Governors or staff have any concerns about an individual, a referral should be made as a safeguarding issue. Mr Slack explained the process following a referral, which would require continued involvement of the college, as individuals are encouraged to complete their studies whilst receiving support. The process is offered at no cost to the college, being fully funded through the Home Office. Following several questions from Governors, Mr Slack offered to provide a copy of his presentation for circulation. Mr Slack praised the college on the progress made in responding to the new requirements. The Chairman thanked Mr Slack for attending the meeting. GCSE English and Maths Referring to the GCSE English and maths resource, the Chairman requested that Governors watch the short video and feedback any comments. 15.61 Membership Ap Ab Mr L Allen Mr C Bows Mrs C Burn Mr J Connolly Mr A Elce Mr C Fitzpatrick Mr W Hanlon Mr I Knowles Ap Ap Ap Miss L Marsh Mr W Newill Cllr D Pressley Dr G Scott (Vice Chair) Mr S Smith Mr A Stott (Chair) Mrs K Wood In attendance: Ms J Dallinson Mr P Baylis Mr G Adams Ms D West Mr D Barnett Mr M Tolond 15.62 Clerk Assistant Principal Director of Finance and Resources HR Director Director of Quality Governance & Clerking Advisor Apologies for absence 1 Apologies were received from Dr Scott, Mrs Wood and Cllr Pressley. The Chairman reported that Mr Fitzpatrick had been granted a leave of absence for 6 months due to work commitments. 15.63 Declarations of Interests Mr Smith declared an interest in item 15.71; recommendations from Search Committee. 15.64 Minutes of the Meeting held 12 March 2015 The minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting and were signed by the Chairman. 15.64.1 Matters Arising Re 15.42: In response to a query from Mr Allen, the Principal confirmed that short term strategies were in place in terms of succession planning for key roles, and agreed to produce a brief document to provide assurances to the Board that the matter was being managed. Re 15.46.1: There had been no further progress on the Skills Bank project due to delays nationally with the ESF programme. Re 15.46: It was confirmed that the NFPC Open Day had received local and technical press coverage. 15.65 Confidential Minutes of the Meeting held 16 April 2015 The minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting and were signed by the Chairman. 15.65.1 Matters Arising There were no matters arising. 15.66 Teaching, Learning and Assessment The Assistant Principal presented the monthly report on key performance indicators. Whilst retention rates were holding up well at 95%, there was some concern over attendance rates, which were currently slightly above the target rate of 87%. Curriculum teams were focused on securing achievement rates, particularly in Functional Skills, to try to improve the previous year’s position, however it was acknowledged that there were still issues within this key area for Ofsted, which needed addressing. In response to a question from Mr Knowles, the Assistant Principal explained the activities taking place to try to improve attendance and increase the focus on Functional Skills. Mr Newill said lecturers need to make Functional Skills more vocationally relevant, however not all areas had yet managed to achieve this. 2 The national success rate tables (NSRT) recently published for 2013/14 indicated a decline in headline classroom based success rates for all colleges in the region, due to the inclusion of Functional Skills data. However, the reports reflected a greater decline for the College. Governors recognised the challenge for all colleges, but looked forward to further reports indicating the impact of the current improvement actions. 15.67 MiDES Reports and Feedback from External Observations Governors received a report on the external observation of teaching and learning, carried out by consultants during week commencing 23 March. The team had consisted of part-time Ofsted Inspectors, and the process had reflected as accurately as possible current Ofsted practice. Of the 96 observations undertaken during the week, a significant increase in grade 1 sessions had been achieved, but disappointingly, an increase in grade 3 observations compared to previous years. All staff had received individual action plans and those staff receiving grade 3 or 4 would receive additional support through CPD and coaching, and would be re-observed within 25 days. Good feedback had been received from Inspectors in terms of Prevent awareness. Following a question from Mr Knowles, it was confirmed that 2 of the 3 staff who were observed as grade 4 were no longer with the organisation. The Director of Quality presented a summary of the MiDES reports, which provide an in-year comparison with national participating colleges, based on ILR data submissions. Key areas from the reports released in March had been RAG rated and had been discussed in detail by SLT and the Strategic Quality Group. The full reports had been made available on the Governors section of BlackBoard. 15.68 Performance Against Funding Contracts The Director of Finance provided an update on performance against the College’s various funding contracts, which indicated the EFA 16-18 contract at 92%, 16-18 WBL slightly over contract at 105%, SFA adult funding at 94% and 19+ WBL at 98%. It was anticipated that any over delivery on WBL would be funded. The under performance in SFA adult would be placed with third parties where appropriate. 15.69 Commercial Activities The Chairman and Mrs Wood had visited Charnwood Training on 24 April. The visit had been very positive and Governors were happy with the progress being made. Mr Scorer would be asked to attend the June Board meeting to provide a report on the initial six months trading. Following the request at the previous meeting, Mr Adams had provided a monthly trading profile for Charnwood Training demonstrating the direction of travel in turnover. Mr Knowles requested a comparison to original expectations, which it was agreed would be provided after the year end. The Principal explained that whilst direct income levels had been considerably lower than anticipated, the acquisition had allowed the College access to funding and subcontractors that would not have been available otherwise. Mr Bows queried the reason for the unsuccessful tender to Star Pubs and Bars. Verbal feedback on the presentation had been very positive but the reason behind the decision was as yet unclear. 3 The NFPC turnover forecast for the year had been reduced by £80k, reflecting the recent downturn in the oil industry. Opportunities to access new markets continued to be explored. Responding to a question from Mr Allen, it was estimated about 50% of the revenue stream was currently generated by the oil and gas market. Mr Savage had been asked to provide a monthly analysis of income by sector, which would enable more accurate tracking. Mr Smith suggested the Board would welcome a brief presentation at a future meeting to further understand the business. 15.70 Principal’s Report The Principal updated Governors on key strategic developments. KPMG had been commissioned to undertake legal and financial due diligence for both colleges at a cost of £87k. The process would commence 11 May with a view to delivering the report by 22 June. As a result of the business planning process, a number of curriculum areas had been identified where resources were no longer matched to student numbers. A 30 day consultation process had therefore commenced affecting 44 members of staff covering 20.5 FTE posts at risk. It was expected that a number of staff would be redeployed in other areas, but around 12 redundancies were anticipated. The majority of proposals resulted from the reduction in student numbers in those areas over the last 3 years. In addition to the proposals set out in the report, the Principal informed Governors of further proposed changes. In response to concerns that progression tracking and individual target setting for learners was not consistent across all areas, a new role of Progress Tutor had been proposed. The team would support lecturers in tracking student progress and monitoring attendance, together with the provision of mentorship and support. With the increased focus on English and maths, and the decline in success rates as a result of Functional Skills, a review of that area had identified the need for a stronger leadership role. It was therefore proposed that the two existing Curriculum Leads be put at risk, to be replaced with a Programme Manager, with greater experience and capacity to deliver the necessary improvements. All proposals had been presented to Trade Unions earlier in the day and individual consultations would commence the following day. Lecturers had been informed of the proposed changes following the panel meeting with Trade Unions. Mr Newill said the process would require careful management in order to retain good staff. Mr Connolly had arranged to meet with Programme Managers again the following day, and planned to meet with each of the curriculum teams throughout the following week. In response to queries from Mr Allen, the Principal said several questions had been raised by staff following the merger announcement, however it had been made clear that the proposals were not about merger, but as a result of the normal business planning process. He also confirmed that the net effect of the redundancies would be in the order of around £300k after reinvestment in the Progress Tutor roles. It was hoped to have an outline budget available for discussion at the next meeting. Governors raised several questions on the proposals, including the risk that changes might impact on quality and outcomes. Following further 4 discussions, the Board gave their approval and full support to the process and changes proposed. The report was received. 15.71 Recommendations from Search Committee The Committee had met prior to the Board meeting to consider nominations for membership of the Strategic Board, and to review membership of the Audit Committee following Ms Needham’s resignation and Mr Fitzpatrick’s leave of absence. RESOLVED 15.71.1 That Dr Scott and Mr Smith be appointed to the Strategic Board, together with the Chairman and Principal and equivalent representation from Rotherham College RESOLVED 15.71.2 That subject to his agreement, Mr Darby be coopted to Audit Committee for an initial period of 8 months 15.72 Minutes of the Audit Committee Meeting held 3 March 2015 Mr Knowles as Chair of Audit Committee, presented the minutes from the March meeting. Mr Knowles had met with Internal Auditors to discuss concerns in terms of their performance, however did not feel it appropriate to re-tender at this stage due to the potential merger. The Committee would meet again in June and would revisit the situation. The minutes were received. 15.73 Equality and Diversity It was noted that equality screening on the proposed redundancies would be undertaken. 15.74 Governance Risk Governors noted the potential impact of current consultations on staff morale at a crucial time of year. The Senior Leadership Team would work with teams to ensure the focus on key areas was maintained. The consultation process would be progressed as quickly as possible in order to mitigate any anxieties. 15.75 Confidentiality The Principal’s report was deemed confidential, subject to review after 12 months. The report on the observation of TLA was deemed confidential due to the inclusion of individual grades. 15.76 Date and Time of remaining meetings for 2014/15 Tuesday 9th June 2015 at 6pm Thursday 2nd July 2015 at 6pm Thursday 23rd July 2015 at 6pm 5 Signed __________________________________ Chairman Date ____________________________________ 6