File - Michael J. Hartman



Multiple Regression Analysis

Michael Hartman and Gerald Stannard Jr.

Long Island University




** Data Analysis Project 2 **

** Multiple Regression Analysis **

** **


* STEP 1

* Stata session set up set more off cap set autotabgraphs on

*STEP 2 use "", clear

*Step 3 describe

*STEP 4 codebook, compact

*Step 5 tab pct4col

*Step 6 sum pct4col

*Step 7 tab1 pct4col enroll000 ppexp000 csize attend pass4 passregents medtchexp co

*Step 8 regress pct4col enroll000 ppexp000 csize attend pass4 passregents medtchexp co, beta

*Step 9 regress, level(90)

*Step 10 graph twoway (scatter pct4col ppexp000, msize(1)), legend(off) xlabel(0(5)26, format(%4.0f)) ylabel(0(5)100, format(%4.0f)) xtitle("% Grads Who Go to College in

Year after Graduation ") ytitle("Per Pupil Expenditures in $1000s")

*Step 11 graph twoway (scatter pct4col passregents, msize(1)), legend(off) xlabel(0(5)100, format(%4.0f)) ylabel(0(5)100, format(%4.0f)) xtitle("% Grads Who Go to College in

Year after Graduation ") ytitle("Avg Pass Rate Eng Math SocStud Regents")

*Step 12 estat vif



___ ____ ____ ____ ____ (R)

/__ / ____/ / ____/

___/ / /___/ / /___/ 12.1 Copyright 1985-2011 StataCorp LP

Statistics/Data Analysis StataCorp

4905 Lakeway Drive

College Station, Texas 77845 USA



979-696-4601 (fax)

Single-user Stata perpetual license:

Serial number: 30120594797

Licensed to: Gerald Stannard Jr.


. * STEP 1

. * Stata session set up

. set more off

. cap set autotabgraphs on


. *STEP 2

. use "", clear

. *Step 3

. describe

Contains data from

obs: 92

vars: 22 29 Feb 2012 12:35

size: 6,256



storage display value variable name type format label variable label


------------------------------------ district str25 %25s School District Name co byte %11.0g coval County enroll int %8.0g Enrollment enroll000 float %9.0g Enrollment in 1000s ppexp long %8.0g Per Pupil Expenditures ppexp000 float %9.0g Per Pupil Expenditures in $1000s povrate byte %8.0g Poverty Rate attend byte %8.0g Average Percent Attendance csize byte %8.0g Average Class Size medtchexp float %9.0g Median Teacher Workforce Experience in

Years passeng4 byte %8.0g 4th Grade Pass Rate Eng Regents passmat4 byte %8.0g 4th Grade Pass Rate Math Regents passeng8 byte %8.0g 8th Grade Pass Rate Eng Regents passmat8 byte %8.0g 8th Grade Pass Rate Math Regents passengr byte %8.0g English Regents Pass Rate passmathr byte %8.0g Math Regents Pass Rate passsocsr byte %8.0g Social Studies Regents Pass Rate


MULTIPLE REGRESSION ANALYSIS 4 gradrate byte %8.0g Graduation Rate pct4col byte %8.0g % Grads Who Go to College in Year after

Graduation pass8 float %9.0g Avg Pass Rate 8th Grade Eng & Math

Regents pass4 float %9.0g Avg Pass Rate 4th Grade Eng & Math

Regents passregents float %9.0g Avg Pass Rate Eng Math SocStud Regents



Sorted by:


. *STEP 4

. codebook, compact

Variable Obs Unique Mean Min Max Label


------------------------------------ district 92 92 . . . School District Name co 92 2 1.434783 1 2 County enroll 92 92 4627.261 249 17158 Enrollment enroll000 92 92 4.627261 .249 17.158 Enrollment in 1000s ppexp 92 91 16927.52 12799 25022 Per Pupil Expenditures ppexp000 92 91 16.92752 12.799 25.022 Per Pupil Expenditures in $1000s povrate 92 33 12.93478 0 89 Poverty Rate attend 92 8 94.93478 90 97 Average Percent Attendance csize 92 10 21.47826 16 25 Average Class Size medtchexp 92 12 11.15217 7 18 Median Teacher Workforce

Experience in Years passeng4 92 34 83.72826 52 99 4th Grade Pass Rate Eng Regents passmat4 92 21 93.38043 72 100 4th Grade Pass Rate Math Regents passeng8 92 42 66.97826 18 90 8th Grade Pass Rate Eng Regents passmat8 92 39 74.23913 23 93 8th Grade Pass Rate Math Regents passengr 92 31 87.5 30 100 English Regents Pass Rate passmathr 92 34 86.05435 21 99 Math Regents Pass Rate passsocsr 92 34 86.52174 24 100 Social Studies Regents Pass Rate gradrate 92 39 84.05435 33 100 Graduation Rate pct4col 92 43 63.26087 11 100 % Grads Who Go to College in Year after Graduation pass8 92 61 70.6087 22 91 Avg Pass Rate 8th Grade Eng &

Math Regents pass4 92 41 88.55435 64 99.5 Avg Pass Rate 4th Grade Eng &

Math Regents passregents 92 60 86.69203 25 99.66666 Avg Pass Rate Eng Math SocStud





. *Step 5

. tab pct4col

% Grads Who |

Go to |

College in |

Year after |

Graduation | Freq. Percent Cum.


11 | 1 1.09 1.09

31 | 2 2.17 3.26


38 | 2 2.17 5.43

41 | 3 3.26 8.70

45 | 5 5.43 14.13

46 | 1 1.09 15.22

48 | 1 1.09 16.30

49 | 2 2.17 18.48

50 | 2 2.17 20.65

51 | 3 3.26 23.91

54 | 3 3.26 27.17

55 | 5 5.43 32.61

56 | 5 5.43 38.04

57 | 1 1.09 39.13

58 | 1 1.09 40.22

59 | 2 2.17 42.39

60 | 2 2.17 44.57

61 | 2 2.17 46.74

62 | 3 3.26 50.00

63 | 3 3.26 53.26

64 | 2 2.17 55.43

65 | 2 2.17 57.61

66 | 2 2.17 59.78

67 | 3 3.26 63.04

69 | 3 3.26 66.30

70 | 2 2.17 68.48

71 | 2 2.17 70.65

73 | 3 3.26 73.91

75 | 3 3.26 77.17

77 | 2 2.17 79.35

78 | 2 2.17 81.52

79 | 3 3.26 84.78

82 | 1 1.09 85.87

84 | 1 1.09 86.96

85 | 2 2.17 89.13

86 | 1 1.09 90.22

87 | 1 1.09 91.30

88 | 2 2.17 93.48

89 | 1 1.09 94.57

90 | 2 2.17 96.74

91 | 1 1.09 97.83

95 | 1 1.09 98.91

100 | 1 1.09 100.00


Total | 92 100.00


. *Step 6

. sum pct4col

Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max


pct4col | 92 63.26087 16.19311 11 100


. *Step 7

. tab1 pct4col enroll000 ppexp000 csize attend pass4 passregents medtchexp co

-> tabulation of pct4col

% Grads Who |

Go to |

College in |



Year after |

Graduation | Freq. Percent Cum.


11 | 1 1.09 1.09

31 | 2 2.17 3.26

38 | 2 2.17 5.43

41 | 3 3.26 8.70

45 | 5 5.43 14.13

46 | 1 1.09 15.22

48 | 1 1.09 16.30

49 | 2 2.17 18.48

50 | 2 2.17 20.65

51 | 3 3.26 23.91

54 | 3 3.26 27.17

55 | 5 5.43 32.61

56 | 5 5.43 38.04

57 | 1 1.09 39.13

58 | 1 1.09 40.22

59 | 2 2.17 42.39

60 | 2 2.17 44.57

61 | 2 2.17 46.74

62 | 3 3.26 50.00

63 | 3 3.26 53.26

64 | 2 2.17 55.43

65 | 2 2.17 57.61

66 | 2 2.17 59.78

67 | 3 3.26 63.04

69 | 3 3.26 66.30

70 | 2 2.17 68.48

71 | 2 2.17 70.65

73 | 3 3.26 73.91

75 | 3 3.26 77.17

77 | 2 2.17 79.35

78 | 2 2.17 81.52

79 | 3 3.26 84.78

82 | 1 1.09 85.87

84 | 1 1.09 86.96

85 | 2 2.17 89.13

86 | 1 1.09 90.22

87 | 1 1.09 91.30

88 | 2 2.17 93.48

89 | 1 1.09 94.57

90 | 2 2.17 96.74

91 | 1 1.09 97.83

95 | 1 1.09 98.91

100 | 1 1.09 100.00


Total | 92 100.00

-> tabulation of enroll000

Enrollment |

in 1000s | Freq. Percent Cum.


.249 | 1 1.09 1.09

.679 | 1 1.09 2.17

.934 | 1 1.09 3.26

1.014 | 1 1.09 4.35

1.266 | 1 1.09 5.43

1.267 | 1 1.09 6.52

1.386 | 1 1.09 7.61

1.465 | 1 1.09 8.70

1.628 | 1 1.09 9.78



1.663 | 1 1.09 10.87

1.711 | 1 1.09 11.96

1.73 | 1 1.09 13.04

1.752 | 1 1.09 14.13

1.833 | 1 1.09 15.22

1.957 | 1 1.09 16.30

1.975 | 1 1.09 17.39

2.132 | 1 1.09 18.48

2.254 | 1 1.09 19.57

2.284 | 1 1.09 20.65

2.372 | 1 1.09 21.74

2.437 | 1 1.09 22.83

2.537 | 1 1.09 23.91

2.606 | 1 1.09 25.00

2.702 | 1 1.09 26.09

2.75 | 1 1.09 27.17

2.755 | 1 1.09 28.26

2.819 | 1 1.09 29.35

2.843 | 1 1.09 30.43

2.851 | 1 1.09 31.52

2.865 | 1 1.09 32.61

2.945 | 1 1.09 33.70

3.035 | 1 1.09 34.78

3.063 | 1 1.09 35.87

3.104 | 1 1.09 36.96

3.14 | 1 1.09 38.04

3.219 | 1 1.09 39.13

3.283 | 1 1.09 40.22

3.355 | 1 1.09 41.30

3.535 | 1 1.09 42.39

3.553 | 1 1.09 43.48

3.589 | 1 1.09 44.57

3.617 | 1 1.09 45.65

3.622 | 1 1.09 46.74

3.647 | 1 1.09 47.83

3.66 | 1 1.09 48.91

3.662 | 1 1.09 50.00

3.946 | 1 1.09 51.09

4.013 | 1 1.09 52.17

4.077 | 1 1.09 53.26

4.126 | 1 1.09 54.35

4.16 | 1 1.09 55.43

4.203 | 1 1.09 56.52

4.212 | 1 1.09 57.61

4.399 | 1 1.09 58.70

4.483 | 1 1.09 59.78

4.786 | 1 1.09 60.87

4.787 | 1 1.09 61.96

4.801 | 1 1.09 63.04

4.896 | 1 1.09 64.13

4.911 | 1 1.09 65.22

4.999 | 1 1.09 66.30

5.161 | 1 1.09 67.39

5.309 | 1 1.09 68.48

5.472 | 1 1.09 69.57

5.482 | 1 1.09 70.65

5.811 | 1 1.09 71.74

5.874 | 1 1.09 72.83

6.137 | 1 1.09 73.91

6.189 | 1 1.09 75.00

6.242 | 1 1.09 76.09

6.323 | 1 1.09 77.17

6.41 | 1 1.09 78.26



6.453 | 1 1.09 79.35

6.475 | 1 1.09 80.43

6.677 | 1 1.09 81.52

6.913 | 1 1.09 82.61

6.951 | 1 1.09 83.70

7.125 | 1 1.09 84.78

7.482 | 1 1.09 85.87

7.561 | 1 1.09 86.96

7.972 | 1 1.09 88.04

7.987 | 1 1.09 89.13

8.004 | 1 1.09 90.22

8.353 | 1 1.09 91.30

9.144 | 1 1.09 92.39

9.745 | 1 1.09 93.48

9.974 | 1 1.09 94.57

10.191 | 1 1.09 95.65

10.541 | 1 1.09 96.74

11.52 | 1 1.09 97.83

15.528 | 1 1.09 98.91

17.158 | 1 1.09 100.00


Total | 92 100.00

-> tabulation of ppexp000

Per Pupil |

Expenditure | s in $1000s | Freq. Percent Cum.


12.799 | 1 1.09 1.09

12.814 | 1 1.09 2.17

12.863 | 1 1.09 3.26

13.086 | 1 1.09 4.35

13.148 | 1 1.09 5.43

13.227 | 1 1.09 6.52

13.229 | 1 1.09 7.61

13.295 | 1 1.09 8.70

13.433 | 1 1.09 9.78

13.467 | 1 1.09 10.87

13.594 | 1 1.09 11.96

13.633 | 1 1.09 13.04

13.775 | 1 1.09 14.13

13.78 | 1 1.09 15.22

13.795 | 1 1.09 16.30

14.023 | 1 1.09 17.39

14.126 | 1 1.09 18.48

14.194 | 1 1.09 19.57

14.225 | 1 1.09 20.65

14.274 | 1 1.09 21.74

14.398 | 1 1.09 22.83

14.456 | 1 1.09 23.91

14.487 | 1 1.09 25.00

14.494 | 1 1.09 26.09

14.526 | 1 1.09 27.17

14.596 | 1 1.09 28.26

14.651 | 1 1.09 29.35

14.704 | 1 1.09 30.43

14.707 | 1 1.09 31.52

14.822 | 1 1.09 32.61

14.841 | 1 1.09 33.70

14.993 | 1 1.09 34.78

15.034 | 1 1.09 35.87

15.142 | 1 1.09 36.96



15.211 | 1 1.09 38.04

15.236 | 1 1.09 39.13

15.362 | 1 1.09 40.22

15.466 | 1 1.09 41.30

15.573 | 1 1.09 42.39

15.607 | 1 1.09 43.48

15.636 | 1 1.09 44.57

15.647 | 1 1.09 45.65

15.757 | 1 1.09 46.74

16.122 | 1 1.09 47.83

16.148 | 1 1.09 48.91

16.227 | 1 1.09 50.00

16.466 | 1 1.09 51.09

16.502 | 1 1.09 52.17

16.53 | 1 1.09 53.26

16.663 | 1 1.09 54.35

16.932 | 1 1.09 55.43

17 | 1 1.09 56.52

17.003 | 1 1.09 57.61

17.081 | 1 1.09 58.70

17.204 | 1 1.09 59.78

17.324 | 1 1.09 60.87

17.325 | 2 2.17 63.04

17.368 | 1 1.09 64.13

17.37 | 1 1.09 65.22

17.513 | 1 1.09 66.30

17.552 | 1 1.09 67.39

17.615 | 1 1.09 68.48

17.768 | 1 1.09 69.57

17.833 | 1 1.09 70.65

17.916 | 1 1.09 71.74

18.02 | 1 1.09 72.83

18.027 | 1 1.09 73.91

18.178 | 1 1.09 75.00

18.388 | 1 1.09 76.09

18.404 | 1 1.09 77.17

18.864 | 1 1.09 78.26

19.181 | 1 1.09 79.35

19.434 | 1 1.09 80.43

19.634 | 1 1.09 81.52

19.688 | 1 1.09 82.61

19.917 | 1 1.09 83.70

21.038 | 1 1.09 84.78

21.296 | 1 1.09 85.87

21.664 | 1 1.09 86.96

21.695 | 1 1.09 88.04

21.705 | 1 1.09 89.13

21.91 | 1 1.09 90.22

22.245 | 1 1.09 91.30

22.301 | 1 1.09 92.39

22.419 | 1 1.09 93.48

22.529 | 1 1.09 94.57

23.162 | 1 1.09 95.65

24.063 | 1 1.09 96.74

24.654 | 1 1.09 97.83

24.981 | 1 1.09 98.91

25.022 | 1 1.09 100.00


Total | 92 100.00

-> tabulation of csize

Average |



Class Size | Freq. Percent Cum.


16 | 1 1.09 1.09

17 | 1 1.09 2.17

18 | 4 4.35 6.52

19 | 4 4.35 10.87

20 | 12 13.04 23.91

21 | 19 20.65 44.57

22 | 26 28.26 72.83

23 | 17 18.48 91.30

24 | 7 7.61 98.91

25 | 1 1.09 100.00


Total | 92 100.00

-> tabulation of attend

Average |

Percent |

Attendance | Freq. Percent Cum.


90 | 1 1.09 1.09

91 | 2 2.17 3.26

92 | 2 2.17 5.43

93 | 6 6.52 11.96

94 | 22 23.91 35.87

95 | 19 20.65 56.52

96 | 33 35.87 92.39

97 | 7 7.61 100.00


Total | 92 100.00

-> tabulation of pass4

Avg Pass |

Rate 4th |

Grade Eng & |

Math |

Regents | Freq. Percent Cum.


64 | 1 1.09 1.09

66 | 1 1.09 2.17

71 | 1 1.09 3.26

72.5 | 1 1.09 4.35

73 | 1 1.09 5.43

73.5 | 1 1.09 6.52

78 | 1 1.09 7.61

78.5 | 3 3.26 10.87

79.5 | 1 1.09 11.96

80 | 1 1.09 13.04

81.5 | 1 1.09 14.13

82.5 | 2 2.17 16.30

83 | 3 3.26 19.57

83.5 | 1 1.09 20.65

84 | 3 3.26 23.91

84.5 | 1 1.09 25.00

85 | 1 1.09 26.09

85.5 | 2 2.17 28.26

86 | 2 2.17 30.43

86.5 | 1 1.09 31.52

88 | 6 6.52 38.04

89 | 2 2.17 40.22

89.5 | 3 3.26 43.48



90 | 5 5.43 48.91

90.5 | 6 6.52 55.43

91 | 4 4.35 59.78

91.5 | 3 3.26 63.04

92 | 4 4.35 67.39

92.5 | 6 6.52 73.91

93 | 2 2.17 76.09

93.5 | 2 2.17 78.26

94 | 1 1.09 79.35

94.5 | 5 5.43 84.78

95 | 2 2.17 86.96

95.5 | 2 2.17 89.13

96 | 1 1.09 90.22

96.5 | 4 4.35 94.57

97 | 1 1.09 95.65

98 | 1 1.09 96.74

99 | 2 2.17 98.91

99.5 | 1 1.09 100.00


Total | 92 100.00

-> tabulation of passregents

Avg Pass |

Rate Eng |

Math |

SocStud |

Regents | Freq. Percent Cum.


25 | 1 1.09 1.09

39.33333 | 1 1.09 2.17

49 | 1 1.09 3.26

57 | 1 1.09 4.35

66.66666 | 1 1.09 5.43

67 | 1 1.09 6.52

69 | 1 1.09 7.61

72 | 1 1.09 8.70

74 | 1 1.09 9.78

75.33334 | 1 1.09 10.87

76 | 1 1.09 11.96

77.33334 | 1 1.09 13.04

77.66666 | 1 1.09 14.13

78 | 1 1.09 15.22

79 | 1 1.09 16.30

79.33334 | 1 1.09 17.39

79.66666 | 1 1.09 18.48

80.66666 | 1 1.09 19.57

82 | 1 1.09 20.65

82.33334 | 1 1.09 21.74

82.66666 | 1 1.09 22.83

83 | 1 1.09 23.91

83.33334 | 1 1.09 25.00

83.66666 | 1 1.09 26.09

84.33334 | 1 1.09 27.17

85 | 1 1.09 28.26

85.33334 | 2 2.17 30.43

85.66666 | 1 1.09 31.52

86 | 1 1.09 32.61

86.33334 | 1 1.09 33.70

86.66666 | 2 2.17 35.87

87 | 1 1.09 36.96

87.33334 | 2 2.17 39.13

88 | 2 2.17 41.30



88.33334 | 2 2.17 43.48

88.66666 | 3 3.26 46.74

89 | 1 1.09 47.83

90 | 1 1.09 48.91

90.33334 | 1 1.09 50.00

90.66666 | 2 2.17 52.17

91 | 1 1.09 53.26

91.33334 | 2 2.17 55.43

91.66666 | 1 1.09 56.52

92 | 2 2.17 58.70

92.33334 | 6 6.52 65.22

92.66666 | 2 2.17 67.39

93.33334 | 2 2.17 69.57

93.66666 | 1 1.09 70.65

94 | 3 3.26 73.91

94.33334 | 3 3.26 77.17

94.66666 | 2 2.17 79.35

95 | 4 4.35 83.70

95.33334 | 3 3.26 86.96

95.66666 | 3 3.26 90.22

96 | 1 1.09 91.30

96.66666 | 3 3.26 94.57

97.33334 | 2 2.17 96.74

98.66666 | 1 1.09 97.83

99 | 1 1.09 98.91

99.66666 | 1 1.09 100.00


Total | 92 100.00

-> tabulation of medtchexp

Median |

Teacher |

Workforce |

Experience |

in Years | Freq. Percent Cum.


7 | 3 3.26 3.26

8 | 11 11.96 15.22

9 | 14 15.22 30.43

10 | 12 13.04 43.48

11 | 10 10.87 54.35

12 | 18 19.57 73.91

13 | 9 9.78 83.70

14 | 6 6.52 90.22

15 | 3 3.26 93.48

16 | 4 4.35 97.83

17 | 1 1.09 98.91

18 | 1 1.09 100.00


Total | 92 100.00

-> tabulation of co

County | Freq. Percent Cum.


Suffolk Co. | 52 56.52 56.52

Nassau Co. | 40 43.48 100.00


Total | 92 100.00


. *Step 8



. regress pct4col enroll000 ppexp000 csize attend pass4 passregents medtchexp co, beta

Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 92

-------------+------------------------------ F( 8, 83) = 19.24

Model | 15503.6188 8 1937.95235 Prob > F = 0.0000

Residual | 8358.12034 83 100.700245 R-squared = 0.6497

-------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.6160

Total | 23861.7391 91 262.216914 Root MSE = 10.035


pct4col | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| Beta


enroll000 | .0302549 .4037618 0.07 0.940 .0056507

ppexp000 | 2.082902 .5055581 4.12 0.000 .4054772

csize | .2630747 .7725277 0.34 0.734 .0272997

attend | 1.570267 .91467 1.72 0.090 .1369906

pass4 | .2538726 .2337281 1.09 0.281 .1113964

passregents | .7451234 .1280158 5.82 0.000 .560986

medtchexp | -1.3152 .5588814 -2.35 0.021 -.2003755

co | 1.073157 2.573468 0.42 0.678 .0330332

_cons | -200.811 83.39689 -2.41 0.018 .



. *Step 9

. regress, level(90)

Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 92

-------------+------------------------------ F( 8, 83) = 19.24

Model | 15503.6188 8 1937.95235 Prob > F = 0.0000

Residual | 8358.12034 83 100.700245 R-squared = 0.6497

-------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.6160

Total | 23861.7391 91 262.216914 Root MSE = 10.035


pct4col | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [90% Conf. Interval]


enroll000 | .0302549 .4037618 0.07 0.940 -.6413706 .7018805

ppexp000 | 2.082902 .5055581 4.12 0.000 1.241946 2.923857

csize | .2630747 .7725277 0.34 0.734 -1.021963 1.548113

attend | 1.570267 .91467 1.72 0.090 .0487862 3.091747

pass4 | .2538726 .2337281 1.09 0.281 -.1349154 .6426606

passregents | .7451234 .1280158 5.82 0.000 .5321793 .9580675

medtchexp | -1.3152 .5588814 -2.35 0.021 -2.244855 -.3855457

co | 1.073157 2.573468 0.42 0.678 -3.207602 5.353916

_cons | -200.811 83.39689 -2.41 0.018 -339.5351 -62.08694





. *Step 10

. graph twoway (scatter pct4col ppexp000, msize(1)), legend(off) xlabel(0(5)26, format(%4.0f)) ylabel(0(5)100, format(%4.

> 0f)) xtitle("% Grads Who Go to College in Year after Graduation ") ytitle("Per Pupil

Expenditures in $1000s")



. *Step 11

. graph twoway (scatter pct4col passregents, msize(1)), legend(off) xlabel(0(5)100, format(%4.0f)) ylabel(0(5)100, format

> (%4.0f)) xtitle("% Grads Who Go to College in Year after Graduation ") ytitle("Avg

Pass Rate Eng Math SocStud Regents")

. *Step 12

. estat vif

Variable | VIF 1/VIF


pass4 | 2.49 0.401233

ppexp000 | 2.30 0.435703

passregents | 2.20 0.454311

medtchexp | 1.72 0.582081

csize | 1.52 0.656663

attend | 1.51 0.662773

co | 1.49 0.672539

enroll000 | 1.35 0.742098


Mean VIF | 1.82



The New York State Report Card is an important part of the Board of Regents effort to

16 raise learning standards for all students ( Abrams, 2005 ). It provides information to the public on student performance and other measures of statewide performance. Knowledge gained from the report card can be used to improve instruction and services to students.

State assessments are designed to help ensure that all students reach high learning standards. They show whether students are getting the foundation knowledge they need to succeed at the elementary, middle, and commencement levels and beyond. The State requires that students who are not making appropriate progress toward the standards receive academic intervention services. Although the literature suggests that future oriented cognition of students shape their ultimate educational attainments, the underlying variables through which this occurs remain uncertain (Beal & Crockett, 2010).

Results and Discussion

The purpose of this study is to determine how multiple factors within school districts affect the rate at which its graduates enroll in four-year colleges in the year immediately after high school graduation. A set of selected variables from the 2004-05 New York State Education

Department school district report cards and other data available from are used as the data source to address a set of seven research questions to be identified. When students select advanced coursework in high school, there is an expectation that such courses will better prepare them for college and result in higher standardized test scores, greater probability of getting into college, and better performance while attending college (Sadler & Tai, 2007). The study’s findings indicate that the percentage of districts’ graduates who go to college in the year after graduation reflects a range from 11% to 100% ( M = 63.26, SD = 16.19).

Regression Model


A multiple regression analysis was conducted on a set of selected variables from the


2004-05 New York State Education Department school district report cards and other data available from

to address a set of seven research questions concerning school district factors that affect the rates in which their students enroll in four-year colleges immediately after high school graduation.

The regression model shown Table 1 presents an analysis of all of the factors addressed in the research questions in this study. That model is highly statistically significant ( F

(8, 83)


19.24, p < .001) and explains about 65% of the variance in districts’ college-going rates ( R



.649, Adjusted R


= .616). The regression equation may be shown as : pct4col = -120.81 + .03

(enroll000) + 2.08 (ppexp000) + .26 (csize) + 1.57 (attend) + .25 (pass4) + .75 (passregents) + -

1.32 (medtchexp) + 1.07 (co).

[Insert Table 1 about here.]

The analysis of the Variable Inflation Factors (VIF) indicates that the model satisfies the regression assumptions related to Multicolinearity. All of VIFs are < 10 and the mean VIF for all variables = 1.82.

Research Question 1

There is insufficient evidence ( p = .946) to conclude that the size of a district, operationalized by its total enrollment, affects its college going rate in the year immediately after high school graduation.

Research Question 2

Budgetary investments (operationalized as expenditures variable per student) has a highly statistically significant (p < .001) influence on districts’ college-going rates and represent the second most important factor addressed in this study (ß = .405). Holding constant the effect of

MULTIPLE REGRESSION ANALYSIS the other factors considered in the study, for every $1,000 in per pupil expenditures, the percentage of students enrolling in a four-year college tends to increase by about 2.083% ( B =


2.083). The scatterplot shown in Figure 1 visually depicts the relationship between the collegegoing rate (pct4col) and per pupil expenditures in thousands of dollars (ppexp000).

[Insert Figure 1 about here.]

Research Question 3

Average class size ranged from 16 to 25 students ( M = 21.48, SD = 1.68). Holding the other variables in the model constant, average class size is not a significant predictor of district’s college enrollment rates. There is insufficient evidence ( p = .734) to conclude that average class sizes affect districts’ college-going rates.

Research Question 4

Average percentage of attendance ranged from 90 to 97%, ( M = 94.93, SD = 1.41).

There is insufficient evidence ( p = .09) to conclude that the percentage of average daily attendance affects a district’s college going rate in the year immediately after high school graduation.

Research Question 5

The average passing rate on the final Regents exams is a highly statistically significant ( p

< .001) predictor of a district’s college-going rate and is the single-most important factor (ß

=.561) considered in the analysis. As the results reflect, the percentage of students enrolling in four-year colleges after high school graduation tends to increase by about 0.745% for each percent of passing rate on the final Regents exams. Figure 2 reflects the relationship between districts’ final Regents passing rates and their college-going rates.

[Insert Figure 2 about here.]


The regression analysis further indicates that the 4th Grade Regents exam is not a statistically significant ( p =2.81) predictor of college-going rates after other factors (including

19 the final Regents exam passing rate) are taken into account. This should not be interpreted to indicate that the 4 th

grade exam is unimportant in understanding a district’s college-going rate.

Rather, this reflects the shared variance between pass4 and passregents ( r = .68, p < .001).

Essentially, pass4 and passregents are both indicators of the same effect.

Research Question 6

The median number of years of teaching experience across all teachers in the district ranged from 7 to 18 years ( M = 11.15, SD = 2.47). The median years of teaching experience in a district is a statistically significant ( p = .03) predictor of the college-going rate of its students, after holding all other variables in the model constant. For each additional year of a district’s median teaching experience, the rate at which its graduates enroll in four-year colleges in the year following high school tends to decrease by about 1.32%. This is the third most important factor (ß = -0.19) considered in the study.

Research Question 7

The county independent variable is dichotomous and categorizes the observations into the respective Suffolk and Nassau Counties. Of the 92 participating school districts, Suffolk County represented 52 (56.50%) and Nassau County represented 40 (43.50%). Holding the other variables in the model constant, local culture (as operationalized by county location) is not a significant predictor of district’s college enrollment rates. There is insufficient evidence ( p =

.678) to conclude that average class sizes affect districts’ college-going rates.

Summary and Conclusion


This study found that the most important factors associated with the determination of a

20 school district's college going rate are its academic quality (and achievement), its budgetary investments, and its teaching workforces. District size, class sizes, daily attendance, and county location do not appear to affect the districts' successes in sending their graduates to four-year colleges in the year immediately after graduation. This study has a number of implications for additional research with regard to the determination and understanding of what constitutes academic quality, the fundamental reasons for attaining a college education relative to rewards, effectiveness with regard to budgetary investments for various school districts, and the correlation of teaching experience to teaching effectiveness as it relates to the percentage of high school graduates attending college. Limitations of the study involve the lack of data submission by some school districts and the fact that, from a national perspective, the study was only representative of one state.




Abrams, D. (2005) 2004-05 New York State Statewide Report Cards. University of State of New

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Beal, S. J., & Crockett, L. J. (2010). Adolescents’ occupational and educational aspirations and expectations: Links to high school activities and adult educational attainment.

Developmental Psychology , 46 , 258-265. doi:10.1037/a0017416

Sadler, P. M., & Tai, R. H. (2007). Weighting for recognition: Accounting for advanced placement and honors courses when calculating high school grade point average. NASSP

Bulletin , 91 , 5-32. doi:10.1177/0192636506298726


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Table 1

Regression Predicting

% Grads Who Go to College in Year after


Enrollment in 1000s

Per Pupil Expenditures in $1000s

Average Class Size

Average Percent Attendance

Avg Pass Rate 4th Grade Eng & Math Regents

Avg Pass Rate Eng Math SocStud Regents

Median Teacher Workforce Experience in Years





Std. Err.







































[90% Conf.





















Figure 1. Scatter plot of percentage of students who go to college in year after graduation vs. per pupil expenditures in 1,000’s of dollars.


Figure 2 . Scatter plot of percentage of students who go to college in year after graduation vs. average pass rate English Math Social Studies Regents.
