Second Law of Thermodynamics - Entropy Chapter 7 So far… We have studied the second law by looking at its results We don’t have a thermodynamic property that can describe it In this chapter we will develop a mathematical definition for entropy Entropy is a quantitative measure of disorder How does the second law relate to disorder? Disorder naturally increases, just like water flows down hill and gases expand Natural processes proceed spontaneously toward disorder Disorder Cleaning your room takes a lot of effort Messing it up is much easier Disorder Dissolving sugar in water increases disorder Sugar dissolves spontaneously Sugar and water don’t separate spontaneously Energy It takes the same amount of energy to clean your room as to mess it up. It takes the same amount of energy to dissolve sugar as to separate it. We all know that these are not equivalent, reversible, processes. Understanding Entropy What is it? That’s hard to put your hands around It’s a measure of disorder It’s a measure of how concentrated energy is The units of entropy are J/K We actually can define entropy about as well as we can define energy (Not well at all) Remember – we define energy as the ability to do work Rudolf Clausius German Physicist Developed the concept of entropy biography/Clausius.html Clausius Inequality Two part system Reversible Cyclic Device (heat engine) Piston Cylinder Device Consider an energy balance for the entire system Ein Eexit Ec QR Wrev Wsys dEc Wc Wrev Wsys QR Wc dEc If the heat engine is completely reversible then… Q Q QR TR Q T QR TR Q T This is based on Chapter 6, where we said that heat transfer rate in a reversible system is proportional to the temperature That means that we can rewrite the energy balance, and solve for the net work (the work of the combined system. QR Wc dEc Wc TR Q T dEc That means that we can rewrite the energy balance, and solve for the net work (the work of the combined system. Wc TR Q T dEc To find the total net work we need to integrate over time Wc TR Q T 0 dEc Why is this a cyclic integral? But we know that it is impossible for a system to exchange heat with only one reservoir, and produce work!! Wc TR Q T That means Wc can’t be positive, but it can be zero or negative!! Wc TR Q T 0 Since TR is always positive… Q T 0 This is called the Clausius inequality It is equal to 0 for the reversible case, and is less than 0 for the irreversible case Can we prove that it is 0 for the reversible case? If the “system” is reversible, we can run it backwards. If it produces negative work going one way, it will produce positive work going the other way But we know you can’t exchange heat with only one reservoir, and produce work!! Therefore, for a reversible system, the cyclic integral must be 0!!! Q 0 T rev What kind of properties have cyclic integrals equal to 0? Consider a piston cylinder device When you have gone through a complete cycle, the volume is back to where it started The cyclic integral is 0 The cyclic integral of a property is 0!!! Qnet S , the entropy T int,rev Remember, only the cyclic integral is equal to 0 Consider a cycle composed of two processes Arbitrary 2 Reversible 1 Specific Volume Process 1 (from state 1 to state 2) is reversible Process 2 (from state 2 back to state 1 is arbitrary Arbitrary 2 Reversible 1 Specific Volume 2 1 Since the process is a cycle, the total change in entropy is 0 The change in entropy from state1 to 2 is The change in entropy from state 2 to 1 is Qnet S1 S2 0 T rev So, the definition of a change in entropy becomes…. Arbitrary 2 S2 S1 2 1 Reversible 1 Specific Volume Qnet T rev Or… Qnet dS T rev 6-2 The Entropy Change Between Two Specific States The entropy change between two specific states is the same whether the process is reversible or irreversible Entropy is a “state function” S2 S1 2 1 Qnet T rev Consider an adiabatic reversible process… Q 0 So… S=0 A reversible, adiabatic process is isentropic!! But what if the process isn’t reversible? S 2 S1 2 1 Qnet T irreversible S S 2 S1 2 1 Sgen depends on the process Qnet S gen T Sgen is always positive or 0 What kind of things cause a system to be irreversible? Friction Unrestrained gas expansion Mixing of two fluids Etc These factors plus heat transfer all cause entropy to be generated Consider an isolated system Because it is isolated, there is no heat transfer or work 0 S 2 S1 2 1 Qnet T Entropy always increases in an isolated system The equality holds if all the processes inside the system are reversible S 0 Now consider the universe It can be considered to be an isolated system!! Suniverse S system S surroundings 0 Or… S gen S system S surroundings 0 This is the second law of thermodynamics, expressed mathematically!! You can consider any system to be isolated, if you draw your system boundaries out far enough Sgen is always greater than 0 for real systems Stotal S gen S system S surroundings 0 Hopefully you have a better feel for entropy now How do you calculate entropy changes for real systems? If it’s reversible adiabatic, S=0 If it’s isothermal heat transfer S 2 S1 2 1 Qrev Qnet T T rev If it’s not an ideal gas, just look it up on the property tables Entropy is a property The entropy of a pure substance is determined from the tables, just like any other property Some Remarks about Entropy Processes can occur in a certain direction only, not in any direction such that S gen 0 Entropy is a non-conserved property, and there is no such thing as the conservation of entropy principle. The entropy of the universe is continuously increasing. The performance of engineering systems is degraded by the presence of irreversibilities, and entropy generation is a measure of the magnitudes of the irreversibilities present during that process. Isentropic Processes The entropy of a fixed mass can be changed by Heat transfer Irreversibilities If the entropy does not change, it is isentropic Engineering Devices Many engineering devices are essentially adiabatic Most devices perform best when irreversibilities are eliminated Isentropic model serves as an idealization of a real process These devices work best when they are isentropic Assuming a device is isentropic simplifies calculations The assumption that a process is isentropic, gives us a connection between the inlet and outlet conditions – just like assuming constant volume, or constant pressure Property Diagrams Involving Entropy S Qint,rev T Qint,rev TdS 2 Qint,rev TdS 1 This area has no meaning for irreversible processes Consider some special cases of the Ts diagram Isothermal Process 1 2 Isentropic Process 1 Q=0 Q 2 Entropy Entropy T-s Diagram for the Carnot Cycle Temperature 1 Isentropic compression Isothermal expansion W=Qin-Qout Qin 2 Isentropic expansion 3 4 Isothermal Qout compression Entropy Mollier Diagrams (h-s Diagrams) For adiabatic, steady flow devices, h is a measure of work, and s is a measure of irreversibilities Mollier Diagram for Steam, see Appendix A-10 Summary We developed a definition for entropy based on the Clausius inequality Qnet S , the entropy T int,rev Summary We showed that the change in entropy is related to a reversible process S2 S1 2 1 Qnet T rev But that entropy is a state function Summary A reversible, adiabatic process is also isentropic The opposite statement is not true Many engineering devices are adiabatic and work best when they are reversible An isentropic model is often used to determine the best results we can obtain from an engineering device