Chapter 2 Suffixes Suffix -ac -ad -al -algesia -algia -ant -ar -ary -ase -asthenia -ate -betes -blast Example card/i/ac cephal/ad con/genit/al an/algesia dent/algia malign/ant muscul/ar integument/ary amyl/ase neur/asthenia exud/ate dia/bêtes oste/o/blast -cele -centesis -cide -clasis -cle -crit -cusis -cuspid -cyst -cyte -derma -desis -dipsia -drome -dynia -ectasis -ectomy -edema -emesis -er -esis cyst/o/cele amni/o/centesis sperm/i/cide oste/o/clasis aur/i/cle hemat/o/crit presby/cusis bi/cuspid blast/o/cyst neur/o/cyte xer/o/derma arthr/o/desis poly/dipsia syn/drome ot/o/dynia bronch/i/ectasis vas/ectomy papill/edema hyper/emesis radi/o/graph/er enur/esis -gen -genesis -genic -gram -graph -graphy -ia -iatry muta/gen spermat/o/genesis path /o/genic dactyl/o/gram radi/o/graph mamm/o/graphy a/lopec/ia pod/iatry DEFINITION/MEANING pertaining to (example = pertaining to the heart) pertaining to (example = pertaining to the head) pertaining to (example = pertaining to presence at birth) condition of pain pain, ache forming pertaining to (example = pertaining to the muscles) pertaining to (example = pertaining to the skin or a covering) enzyme weakness use, action, having the form of, possessing to go immature cell, embryonic cell, germ cell (NOTE: germ does not refer to bacteria but rather to a cell that produces other cells) hernia, tumor, swelling surgical puncture to kill a break, crushing, breaking up small (example = literally means “small ear”) to separate hearing point bladder, sac cell skin binding thirst a course pain, ache dilatation, dilation, distention, stretching, expansion surgical excision, surgical removal, resection swelling vomiting relating to, one who condition (example = condition of involuntary emission of urine; bedwetting) formation, produce formation, produce formation, produce a weight, mark, record instrument for recording, to write, record recording condition (example = condition of loss of hair; baldness) treatment (example = treatment of diseases and disorders of the foot) -ic norm/o/cephal/ic -ician obstetr/ician -icle -ide -ile -ion -ior ventr/icle radi/o/nucl/ide pen/ile in/fect/ion anter/ior -ism embol/ism -ist cardi/o/log/ist -itis -ive -ize -kinesis -lepsy -lexia -liter -logy -lymph -lysis -malacia -mania -megaly -meter -metry -mnesia -noia -oid -ole burs/it is un/respons/ive an/esthet/ize hyper/kinesis narc/o/lepsy dys/lexia milli/liter gynec/o/logy peri/lymph lip/o/lysis oste/o/malacia pyro/mania acr/o/megaly audi/o/meter pelvi/metry a/mnesia para/noia ster/oid bronchi/ole -oma -opia -opsy -or -ose -osis -ous carcin/oma presby/opia bi/opsy turg/or grandi/ose hyper/hidr/osis edemat/ous -oxia -pathy hyp/oxia retin/o/pathy pertaining to (example = pertaining to a normal appearance of the head as used in the objective description during a physical examination) physician, specialist (example = physician who specializes in treating the female during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum) small (example = literally means “little belly”) having a particular quality pertaining to (example = pertaining to the penis) process pertaining to (example = pertaining to a surface or part situated toward the front of the body) condition (example = condition in which a blood clot obstructs a blood vessel) physician, one who specializes (example = physician who specializes in the study of the heart) inflammation nature of, quality of to make, to treat or combine with motion, movement seizure diction, word, phrase liter study of clear fluid, serum, pale fluid destruction, separation, breakdown, loosening, dissolution softening madness enlargement, large instrument to measure, measure measurement memory mind resemble, like, similar small opening (example = one of the smaller subdivisions of the bronchial tubes) tumor, mass, fluid collection sight, vision to view one who, a doer pertaining to (example = pertaining to a feeling of greatness) condition of (example = condition of excessive sweating) pertaining to (example = pertaining to an abnormal condition in which the body tissues contain an accumulation of fluid) oxygen disease, emotion -penia -pepsia -pexy -phagia -phasia -pheresis -phil -phobia -plasia -plasm -plasty -plegia -pnea -ptosis -ptysis -rrhage -rrhaphy -rrhea -rrhexis -scope -scopy -spasm -stasis -staxis -stomy -therapy -thermy -tic thromb/o/cyt/o/penia dys/pepsia gastr/o/pexy a/phagia dys/phasia plasma/pheresis bas/o/phil acr/o/phobia hyper/plasia neo/plasm rhin/o/plasty hemi/plegia sleep a/pnea blephar/o/ptosis hem/o/ptysis hem/o/rrhage my/o/rrhaphy rhin/o/rrhea hyster/o/rrhexis ophthalm/o/scope lapar/o/scopy my/o/spasm meta/stasis bronch/o/staxis ile/o/stomy therm/o/therapy hydro/thermy cyan/o/tic -tome -tomy -tripsy -trophy -ula -ule derma/tome myring/o/tomy lith/o/tripsy hyper/trophy mac/ula pust/ule -um -uria -us -y epi/thel/i/um hemat/uria de/cubit/us cardi/o/pulmonar/y lack of, deficiency, abnormal reduction, decrease to digest surgical fixation to eat, to swallow to speak, speech removal, remove attraction fear formation, produce, development a thing formed, plasma surgical repair paralysis, stroke, palsy breathing drooping, prolapse, sagging, falling down spitting, to spit to burst forth, bursting forth suture flow, discharge rupture, breaking instrument for examining to view, examine, visual examination tension, spasm, contraction (usually involuntary) control, stop, stand still dripping, trickling new opening treatment heat pertaining to (example = pertaining to an abnormal condition of the skin and mucous membranes caused by oxygen deficiency in the blood) instrument to cut incision crushing nourishment, development small (example = small spot or discolored area of the skin) small (example = small, elevated, circumscribed lesion of the skin that is filled with pus) tissue, structure urination, condition of urine pertaining to, structure (ex = pertaining to a bedsore) process, condition, pertaining to (ex = pertaining to the heart and lungs) TERM abrasion WORD PARTS abaway from ras to scrape off -ion process anesthetize anesthet arousal -ize arous asymmetrical -al a- asystole comatose dysarthria symmetric -al asystole comat -ose -- epithelium epithel/i -um exogenous ex(o)gen grandiose gynecold hypertrophy infection irregular -ous grand/i -ose gynec -old hyper-trophy infect -ion irregul -ar MEANING/DEFINITION process of scraping away from a surface, such as skin or teeth, by friction. An abrasion may be the result of trauma, such as a “skinned knee” or from a therapy, such as dermabrasion of the skin for removal of scar tissue. It can also occur from the wearing down of a tooth from mastication (chewing) without, lack to induce a loss of feeling or sensation with the administration of of an anesthetic feeling, sensation to make alertness, to pertaining to a state of alertness rise pertaining to lack of, unequal in size or shape; without proportion of the body or parts of without the body; different in placement or arrangement about an axis symmetry pertaining to without literally means without contraction of the heart; a life-threatening cardiac condition characterized by the absence of electrical and contraction mechanical activity in the heart a deep sleep pertaining to a state of deep sleep (coma) pertaining to -difficult articulation of speech, resulting from interference in the control over the muscles of speech, usually caused by damage to a central or peripheral motor nerve upon, above structure that covers the internal and external organs of the body and the lining of vessels, body cavities, glands, and organs; it is the nipple layer of cells forming the outermost layer of the skin and the tissue, surface layer of mucous and serous membranes structure out pertaining to originating outside the body or an organ of the body or produced from external causes, such as a disease caused by a formation, bacterial or viral agent foreign to the body produce pertaining to great pertaining to a feeling of greatness; in psychiatry, it refers to a pertaining to person’s unrealistic and exaggerated concept of self-worth, importance, wealth, and ability female to resemble a female resemble excessive literally means excessive nourishment; the increase in the size of an nourishment organ, structure, or the body caused by an increase in the size of cells rather than the number of cells; also called overgrowth to infect process whereby a pathogenic microorganism invades the body, reproduces, multiplies, and causes disease process not pertaining to not being regular rule pertaining to nasolabial palpate steroid trauma turgor nas/o labi -al palp -ate ster -oid -- nose lip pertaining to touch use, action solid resemble -- turg -or swelling one who pertaining to the nose and lip to use the hands or fingers to examine by touch; to feel literally means resembling a solid substance; applies to any one of a large group of substances chemically related to sterols physical injury or wound caused by external force, violence, or a toxic substance; also refers to psychological injury resulting from a severe emotional shock, which can cause disordered feelings and/or behavior generally refers to the expected resiliency of the skin caused by the outward pressure of the cells and interstitial fluid; an evaluation of the skin turgor is an essential part of physical assessment