Los Apuntes: GUSTAR 4.3 Me

Los Apuntes: GUSTAR
Me llamo_________________________
1. What phrases are used to talk about what people like TO DO?
I like
You (familiar) like
He, She, You (formal) like
We like
You all (familiar) like
You all (formal), They like
2. La Práctia: Un Repaso
1. I like to run. _______________________________________________________________________
2. You (familiar) like to play soccer. ______________________________________________________
3. We like to eat hamburgers. __________________________________________________________
4. You all (familiar) don’t like to do homework.
5. They don’t like to wear blue shirts.
3. When talking about THINGS people like, change the form of gustar to match the NOUN. Look at the
examples below. Circle the noun and indicate if it is singular or plural.
Singular or Plural Noun?
a. Me gusta el chocolate.
b. Te gustan las enchiladas.
c. A ella le gusta el pan.
d. Nos gustan los pasteles.
How does the verb gustar change when the noun is plural? __________________________________
Does the form of gustar match the subject or the noun? ____________________________________
4. La Práctica: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of gustar.
1. A mi ________________________________ el café.
2. A nosotros ______________________________ las ensaladas.
3. A ti ___________________________ la limonada.
4. A ella ____________________________ las clases de matemáticas y español.
5. A vosotros ___________________________ el arroz.
5. Más Práctica: Use new 4.3 vocab!
1. I like (the) desserts.
2. We like (the) steak.
3. She likes the green shoes.
4. They like (the) salads.
5. You (familiar) like the restaurants.