Uploaded by Daniel Lorenzo

Spanish Family Tree Project: Instructions & Rubric

Nombre: _____________________________________________________
Proyecto - Árbol Genealógico
Instructions: Your task is to create a poster with a family tree. On a separate piece of paper, you will write
information about each family member. This information will later be glued to the back side of your family tree
poster. See the requirements below for what must be included in the writing. You will turn in both the family tree
project and the descriptions of your family members for 50 points and will present your project to your classmates
in small groups. This project is due at the beginning of the period in block one (11/03 and 11/04).
Make a design of your family tree on large construction paper. You may bring photos of your family members to add to your tree, or draw
them, or simply write their names artfully in your tree. Be creative!
You must include at least 3 generations of family members, and include yourself. Family members must be in sequential order.
Grandparents should be at the top of your tree, and you and your sisters/brothers should be towards the bottom of your tree.
For every member of the family tree, you need to neatly write on a separate piece of paper the following information. Then glue it to the
back of your family tree.
-The person’s name
-The person’s relationship to you,
-The person’s age,
-2 physical description and 2 personality traits.
-2 likes and 2 dislikes
Por ejemplo: mi mamá (my mom)
Ella es mi madre. Ella se llama Anne. (name, relationship)
Ella tiene 75 años. (age)
Ella es baja y morena. (physical description)
Ella es muy simpática y buena. (two personality traits)
Le gusta ver la tele y le gusta jugar deportes. (2 likes)
No le gustan las ovejas y no le gusta bailar. (2 dislikes)
Use your vocabulary pages as references as you write and use the sentence frames on the back for help.
Do not try to make complicated sentences with words that you do not know. Stick to your vocabulary as much as possible. When you
present your project, if you do not know what a word means, your classmates will not know what it means either. You want your
classmates to understand you when you present.
Use Google translate ONLY for words that are EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that you cannot say simply with the vocabulary that you
already have.
All the requirements are met and then some. I show an extensive use noun/adjective agreement,
subject/verb agreement, correct use of gustar. I show extensive use of vocabulary words learned in
class (hobbies, adjectives and descriptions, family words, etc.). My spelling and accents are accurate.
There are no errors.
I have completed all of the requirements of the task
and then some. My project looks beautiful.
All aspects of 3.0 and some aspects of 4.0
All aspects of 3.0 and some aspects of 4.0
All the requirements are met. My spelling and accents are mostly accurate. I show mostly correct use
of noun/adjective agreement, subject/verb agreement, and correct use of gustar, I use a good amount
of vocabulary words learned in class (hobbies, adjectives and descriptions, family words, etc.).. My
spelling and accents are accurate. There are only minor errors.
I have completed all of the requirements of the task.
My project looks nice.
All aspects of 2.0 and some aspects of 3.0
All aspects of 2.0 and some aspects of 3.0
I have made an attempt to meet the requirements. There might be Spanglish present for words I do
not know. There might be a lot of Google Translate present. There may be several errors with
grammar I have learned in class such as noun/adjective agreement, subject/verb agreement, or
correct use of gustar. I have some vocabulary words present that I have learned in class.
I might have forgotten a section. My project might
appear to be done quickly or is sloppy.
All aspects of 1.0 and some aspects of 2.0
All aspects of 1.0 and some aspects of 2.0
I have made a minimal attempt to meet the requirements. I have little or no correct use of
noun/adjective agreement, subject/verb agreement, or correct use of gustar. I have little to no
vocabulary present that I have learned in class.. There may be so many mistakes in grammar and
spelling that it is confusing to the reader to understand what is going on. There may be a lot of
Spanlish or heavy use of Google translate.
My project is missing sections or pictures. The bare
minimum was done just to turn something in. My
project might appear to be incomplete or sloppy.
No attempt was made (left blank), or all project is written in English
No project turned in
4.0 – 100%
3.5 – 95%
3.0 – 90%
2.5 – 80%
2.0 – 70%
1.5 – 65%
1.0 – 60%
*** Heavy Google Translate/Native speaker help will result in a DO OVER.
él/ella es mi _______________________________________________. (relación a ti – relationship to you)
él/ella se llama ____________________________________________. (nombre – name)
él/ella tiene _________________________ años. (edad – age)
él/ella es _____________________ y ____________________. (descripción física – physical description)
él/ella es _____________________ y ____________________. (personalidad – personality)
Le gusta(n) ____________________ y le gusta(n)____________________________________. (likes)
No le gusta(n)_________________________y no le gusta(n) _________________________. (dislikes)