NWC EMSS Paramedic Education Program

NWC EMSS Paramedic Education Program - ALS Run Critique
Instructions: Attach the ePCR, ECG rhythm strip, 12L ECG, and capnography waveform obtained in the field (if applicable)
to this form. Submit to designated hospital RN/EMSC/educator - prior to phase meeting. This information is obtained under
the auspices of Continuous Quality Improvement and is therefore protected against discovery by the Medical Studies Act.
Date of call:
Provider agency:
Pt initials:
 Simulated
 Actual
 member
 leader
Student: Write a brief explanation of the PATHOPHYSIOLOGY that caused the patient's chief, associated complaints,
signs & symptoms, You are encouraged to use text/class notes. (May continue on separate sheet of paper.)
Attach drug card(s), using format provided.
Over (reverse side for preceptor & HEMSC use)
NWC EMSS Paramedic Education Program - ALS Run Critique (page 2/2 for preceptor/educator use)
Preceptor: Evaluate each skill PERFORMED by the student in the space before the skill
4 = Performs competently with no coaching
3 = Performs competently with minimal coaching
2 = Performs hesitantly; skills adequate but must be prompted to intervene
1 = Does not perform to standards; recommend further practice
Patient assessment
Pulse oximetry
3 lead ECG application
Hemorrhage control
Glucose reading
12L ECG application
Tourniquet application
Drug administration
Non-Invasive OP/NPA
Rhythm interpretation
Called OLMC report
Pacing (TCP)
Heat/cold application
Completed ePCR
Oxygen via NC/NRM
Pleural decompression
Oxygen via BVM
Spine motion restrict.
Oxygen via CPAP
Use of ResQPod
Intubation S / U
IV access S / U
Limb splints
King LTSD S / U
EZ-IO access S / U
Cricothyrotomy S / U
IV Fluid administration
OB delivery
Preceptor Rating
(Put a check mark in the box that reflects your rating for each)
H-EMSC/Educator Rating
 Explanation acceptable and student could support knowledge during interview
 Explanation acceptable but student could NOT support during interview; remediation recommended
 Explanation needs completion/revision
Drug Cards
Drug cards attached, acceptable and student can answer questions about the drug(s) during interview
Drug cards acceptable but student could NOT support during interview; remediation recommended
Drug cards need completion/revision: List drug(s) to be redone
Assessment & Treatment
Care was consistent with SOPs – accept run for internship records
Care was NOT consistent with SOPs – accept run for scope of experience, but not for internship records
What alternative assessment/interventions may have been indicated? (see notes below)
Comments/Coaching notes:
_____________________ Initials Preceptor
Initials Hospital EMSC/Educator