Step 4: Calculate the P

AP Statistics
Day 100
Return Chapter 18-19 Quiz
Write down something significant that happened in your lifetime
--Estimate the proportion of your lifetime that it took for that moment to occur
Hypothesis Testing 3 ways
1) Traditional Method
2) P-Value Method
3) Confidence Interval Method
Hypothesis Testing
-Step 1:
-Step 2:
-Step 3:
-Step 4:
-Step 5:
(Test of Significance)
State the hypotheses
Calculate the test statistic (z)
Calculate the critical value
Calculate the P-value
-Note: If using the traditional method, then p-value is not needed
-Note: If using confidence interval, then p-value is not needed
Make conclusions
Step 1: State the hypotheses
-Null Hypothesis (Ho): No Change in population
-Alternative Hypothesis (Ha or H1): Population differs from the null hypothesis
-Can be >, <, ≠
-Read Examples 10.30, 10.31, 10.32 from page 540 in old Statistics book
Step 2:
Calculate the test statistic (z)
-Can be for proportion (p-hat)
-Formula page
-Can be for mean z or t
-Formula page
-Can be for deviation
-Formula page
-Example page 505
Step 3: Critical Value
-The area of the density curve described by the alternative hypothesis (<, >, ≠)
Step 4:
Calculate P-Value
-P is probability value
-Value from back chart
Step 5: Make Conclusions
-Which is proven true Ho or Ha
-Compare P-Value to significance level
-If P Value is below alpha, then Ha is true
-If P Value is above alpha, then Ho is true
-Page 513/15-18
Hypothesis Testing (Test of Significance)
-Step 1: State the hypotheses
-Step 2: Calculate the test statistic (z)
-Step 3: Calculate the critical value
-Step 4: Calculate the P-Value
-Note: If using the traditional method, then p-value is not needed
-Note: If using confidence interval, then p-value is not needed
-Step 5: Make conclusions
9) Assignment
-Page 471/13,14