The most extraordinary country to explore.


The most extraordinary country to explore

Made by: Marenich Sergei 5 a form

Teacher: Miroshnichenko R.S.


1) The upside down world .

2) Climate of Australia.

3)Extraordinary collection of animals.

Sometimes Australia is called “the upside down world” .

Because Australia lies in the Southern

Hemisphere, where winter comes in July and summer begins in December.

During the Christmas holidays people often sunbathe on the beach or swim and surf in the ocean. Australia is the hottest place in the

Southern Hemisphere. In

July the usual temperatures are from 20

* to 30* C above zero or higher

Most parts of Australia do not receive enough rain.

Only one sixth of the continent – a bolt of land along the north, east, and south coasts- is comfortably humid. This narrow belt of land is the place where summers are warm and sunny and winters are mind.

Most of the dry land is uninhabited, which explains Australia`s small populationabout 18 million people.

Australia has an extraordinary collection of birds and animals. Many of them are found only there. Early explorers were so surprise by the emu and the kangaroo that they describe the continent as the land where birds “ran instead of flying and animals hopped instead of running”

Australia is the home of two of the worlds most primitive mammals- the duckbill or platypus and the echidna or spiny anteater.

The kangaroo is perhaps the best known of

Australia s animals. There are more than 40 different kinds of kangaroos in Australia, in many different colours and sizes.

The big red kangaroo and the grey kangaroo may be as tall as a grown-up man

Some kangaroos are about the size of a large dog.

The smallest kangaroo is the rat kangaroo


Another well-known

Australia s animal is the koala that resembles a teddy bear .

It spends most of its life in eucalyptus trees and eats only the leaves of these trees.

Among other animals found in Australia is the dingo, a wild dog which is yellowish brown and has a bushy tail

The emu,

Australia s largest bird is a good runner.

Another curious bird is the kookaburra that is often called the “laughing jackass”.

Other Australian birds are graceful lyrebirds, and the great white cockatoo .

Brilliantly coloured parrots. The great white cockatoo.

Two animals were brought to the country by the Europeans and have become wild in

Australia. These are the buffalo, brought from India and the European rabbit

Buffaloes were brought to the north coast as wark animals early in the

19 th century. They escaped and multiplied and now inhabit the swampy river valleys around


Rabbits were brought more than 100 years ago.

There are now so many of them in Australia that sheep farmers have constant wars against the rabbits because they destroy so much grass

No matter how far from Europe Australia can be, many people who are fond of travelling world like to visit this land because it is such an extraordinary place to explore
