KRISTEN JEPPSEN GROVES D A N C E A RT I S T • C M R 4 2 7 B O X 1 9 3 9 A P O , A E 0 9 6 3 0 U . S . A . PHONE +39 345.610.3953 • E-MAIL KRISTENJGROVES@GMAIL.COM EDUCATION Ohio State University M.F.A. in Choreography, June 2011 Brigham Young University Bachelor of Arts in Dance Education, April 2008 Music Minor: Harp Performance Columbus, Ohio Provo, Utah HONORS & AWARDS Women’s Coca-Cola Grant, $3,500; Baker-Tarpaga Dance Project, April 2011 OSU’s Graduate Teaching Award, $1,500; Ohio State University, April 2010 BETHA grant award, $35,000; research assistant for Shifting Traces, August 2010 Quarterly Funding Intiative awardee $1,000; research & choreography, January 2010 GTA Scholarship Award recipient; tuition and stipend; Ohio State University, September 2008 Phi Kappa Phi Artist Award, Brigham Young University, April 2008 William Simon Fellowship for Noble Purposes Semi-Finalist, August 2008 Best Female Performer, Best Choreography, BYU's Department of Dance, June 2008 Mary Lou Fulton Recipient $3,000; dance tuition scholarship, January 2008 Emerson & LeGene Lyman Scholarship Recipient $2,500; Brigham Young University, April 2007 Outstanding Teacher Award, Outstanding Student Award, BYU's Department of Dance, June 2007 Sterling Scholar Award in Dance, Bingham High School, January 2000 CHOREOGRAPHY Minim, Oct 2013 Commissioned, six minute work for 12 dancers. Wasatch Contemporory Dance Company’s “Creating the Canvas” concert at Covey Arts Center in Provo, Utah. Two to One, June 2013 Commisioned, six minute work for three dancers. Wasatch Contemporary Dance Company’s “American Dream” concert at Ragan Theater at Utah Valley University. Premiered 10 minute, multi-media piece for soloist, Artist, Interrupted “Home Front” Galla, Columbus, Ohio. Love Him Forever, December 2012 Commissioned duet for new musical “Threads” written and produced by singer/songwriter Michael McLean. As We Are, November 2012 Commisioned, 10-minute work for 15 dancers. DancEnsemble at Brigham Young University. Lost/Found, June 2012 Dance film premiered at Core Project’s “Going Dutch” performance at Links Halls in Chicago, Illinois. Il Ratto del Serraglio, May 2012 Choreographer for choir and soloists of Teatro Communale Orchestra and Choir’s presentation of Mozart’s opera performed at the Olympic Theater in Vicenza, Italy. Gray Matters, March 2012 Commissioned work for nine dancers for Orchesis Dance Company at Ohio Wesleyan University. The People’s Evolution, March 2012 Commissioned, 10 minute, multi-media work for six dancers, for DancEnsemble at Brigham Young University; Awarded Phi Kappa Phi Artist Award & Best Choreography; Presented at BYU's Hunger Banquet; April 2008, BYU's Senior Concert, Dec. 2007. Second Future, January 2012 Commissioned work for 20 dancers for Copper Hill’s Dance Company. Flight, May 2011 Five minute duet, Artist, Interrupted “Home Front” Galla. [ME]thod, April 2011 16 minute work for six dancers, M.F.A. concert, OSU’s Sullivant Theatre. Whiteness Revisited, August 2011 11 minute solo, a collaborative work with Baker-Tarpaga DanceProject. Presented at Atelier AEx Corps in Dakar, Senegal & at Action-Danse in Casablance, Mekes, & Rabat, Morocco. Solve, April 2010 Eight minute duet presented at Ohio State University Spring Concert. Duet for 3, May 2009 Nine minute work for three dancers presented at Ohio State University Spring Concert. Saya, August 2009 Commissioned work for Moutain View Drill Team,16 dancers. Jambalia, December 2009 Commissioned work for Copper Hills Dance Company, 20 dancers. Set-Reset, December 2008 Commisioned work Copper Hills Dance Company, 20 dancers. Boxed Out, May 2008 Five minute, site-specific work for Hillcrest Dance Company, 25 dancers. Wired, December 2007 Commissioned work for Copper Hills Dance Company. 20 dancers. Unexpectations, November 2006 Eight minute work for 16 dancers, presented at BYU’s DancEnsemble Concert. HIStory, April 2007 Three minute duet dancers at BYU's DancEnsemble Concert. Awakenings, April 2006 Six minute work for nine dancers for BYU's Kinnect, presented at public school venues in Utah, Nevada, New York. TEACHING & EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Dance Faculty, Adjunct, Brigham Young University Provo, Utah Advanced and Intermediate technique for majors, Fall 2012 Introduction to Dance, Fall 2012 Beginning dance for non-majors, Fall 2012 Artist, Interrupted: A Woman’s Art Collective Utah, Ohio, Washington D.C, & Kansas Founder and Co-director, Jan. 2011-current Dance Instructor, “Skies, Unlimited” Vicenza, Italy Performance & Composition, Contemporary Dance, and Hip-Hop, Nov. 2010-current Graduate Teaching Associate, Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio Methods & Materials: Dance Pedagogy, Winter 2010 Advanced Modern for majors, Winter 2011 Advance Jazz for majors, Spring 2011 Hip-Hop, Fall 2008-Spring 2011 Beginning Ballet, Fall 2008-Spring 2011 Media Manager & Dance Researcher Senegal, Mali, Kenya, & Morocco Video editor and co-researcher for “Shifting Traces: Dance and Technology in and outside of Africa.” June 2010-Apr. 2011 Editor InForm Dance Magazine, Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio Organized magazine format & design, edited content, and wrote articles for OSU’s dance magazine, Jan. 2010-July 2010 Graduate Research Assistant, Baker &Tarpaga Dance Project USA & Burkina Faso Edited grant writing, researched funding, organized travel and master classes. marketing & public relations, Sept. 09-June 2010 Government Affairs, Dance/USA Washington D.C. Advocated on Capitol Hill. Partnered with Performing Arts Alliance, the Performing Arts Visa Task-force, the Arts Education Working Group and the Cultural Advocacy Group to track legislation and draft correspondence for members and update content of government affairs information for art issues, June 09 -August 2009 Technique Instructor, Brigham Young University Provo, Utah Taught modern dance, Spring & Summer 2008 Student Teacher, Hillcrest High School Midvale, Utah Taught beginning-advanced modern dance, compostion & improvisation, and set work on 20 dancers, Jan. 08-May 2008 Methods of Teaching Creative Dance Instructor, Brigham Young University Provo, Utah Created new curriculum and taught elementary education majors creative dance pedagogy, Sept. 2006-Jan. 2007 K-12 Public School Creative Dance Instructor, BYU’s Kinnect Provo, Utah Taught core-curriculum based creative dance lessons to elementary ages children K-6, Jan. 2005-Apr. 2006 PUBLICATIONS & RESEARCH Constructions of Empathy: exploring perspectives & biases of empathic pedaggy in classrooms abroad, DaCi International Conference Journal, Fall 2012. Shifting Traces: Dance In and Out of Africa, co-researcher and writer. West Africa, December 2010 Intersecting Dance & Policy, presented at Dance Under Construction XII, UC Riverside, April 2010 My [ME]thod, OSU. Masters Thesis. 2010 A Perfect Pas de Duex: National Service & Dance, Dance/USA Journal, Fall Issue. 2009 PERFORMANCE EXPERIENCE Globe Trot, dance video collaboration with Bebe Miller Sept. 2013 Vicenza, Italy Artist, Interrupted, May 2011-current Columbus, Ohio & Chicago, Illinois Baker & Tarpaga Dance Project, Oct 2010-April 2011 Dakar, Senegal & Rabat, Morocco Bebe Miller's How to Remember, Riffe Capital Theatre, April 2010 Columbus, Ohio Susan Hadley's Blue Grass, Riffe Capital Theatre, April 2009 Columbus, Ohio Betsy Miller's From Here to There, dance film, February 2009 Columbus, Ohio Betsy Miller's Four Stories, Columbus Movement Movement, March 2009 Columbus, Ohio BYU’s Dancer’s Company, Onward Alone, March-July 2008 Utah, New Mexico, Texas Kinnect Dance Ensemble, January 06-June 2007 Utah, Nevada, New York