AMTAS Business Meeting I Date: Saturday, 11/21/2013 Time: 5.30 pm Location: Jacksonville, Florida Meeting called by: Ethan Schmidt Facilitator: Agenda Item I: Introduction Ethan Schmidt Introductions Attendees: Presenter: Nicole Hahna (Advisor) Type of meeting: AMTAS Business Meeting Note taker: Diandra Russo Formatted by: Diandra Russo Ethan Schmidt (President) Dr. Kern Ellen Trammel (Vice-President) Melissa Heffner (Parliamentarian) Diandra Russo (Secretary) Kayla Hamilton (Treasurer) AMTAS members _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Minutes I. 1. 2. 3. 4. II. III. Call to Order Ethan called for a motion to call the meeting to order SER motioned MAR seconded Ethan called the meeting to order at 5.33 pm Reading/Approval of Agenda a. GLR motioned to bypass the reading of the agenda. i. MAR seconded. ii. The motion passed. Attendance a. Great Lakes Region i. The Great Lakes Region has 9 members in attendance. b. Mid-Atlantic Region i. The Mid-Atlantic Region has 14 members in attendance. c. Midwest Region i. The Midwest Region has 21 members in attendance. d. Northeast Region i. The Northeaster Region has members in attendance. e. Southeastern Region i. The Southeastern Region has 20 members in attendance f. Southwestern Region i. The Southwestern Region has 18 members in attendance. g. Western Region i. The Western Region has 1 member in attendance. h. New England Region i. The New England Region has 2 members in attendance. i. Recognition of all first-time national conference attendees. i. Welcome to all of the new attendees this year. IV. 1. Announcements World Federation of Music Therapy Students Jen Spidey & Julie Blyte Assembly of Delegates: 2011-2014 2014-2017: looking for new representatives,, call for nominations, through December 1st, music therapy educator, faculty, self nominations as well, f you are going to the world congress stay after the meeting. o Individual Membership: 3 year terms, fees 30$, entitles to individual benefits, membership directory, participate in research studies o Other membership category: As Student organizational members - member by default as AMTAS members you are automatically a member o Available resources available: Window to the world, experiences from around the world, CONNECT, info cards in 20 languages, international library of music (lullabies, etc…) o Opportunity: Assembly of Delegates: Term 2014-2017: Looking for new representatives,, call for nominations, through December 1st, music therapy educator, faculty, self nominations as well, if you are planning to go to the world congress stay after the meeting. o World Congress 2014: Pre Conference Training, Assembly of delegates roundtable, student poster session, Travel tips how to make it affordable, Julie told the AMTAS members how she loved the experience in SEOUL, Jen got involved through applying for a scholarship 2. Nicole Advisor: V. Thanks the AMTAS officers, to step up to their positions Nicole introduced SAAB Advisors: Andrew Knight (Midwestern Advisor): o Has been advisor for 5 years, he enjoys being advisor and is trying to increase membership, graduate student of Minnesota, he agrees with what Bill Davis how he loved the energy of the students Christine A. Routhier (New England Advisor): o New England Region, AMTAS member when she was student it is part of professional identity Natalie Mullis (Southeastern Advisor): o has been an advisor for 2 years Michelle Kennemer: (Southwestern Advisor) o Has been an advisor for a long time, remembers being a student and encourages students to find a niche within the field, let the passion guide you and get involved Amy Furman: Thank you to AMTAS Executive Board and to SAAB Advisors. “I hope you are excited about conference”, Amy worked in 4 different regions and had different jobs with different populations, it is a ticket to different things Nicole reminded the AMTAS members of the “Profession Packet”: Keep on being a member it is supporting the protection of the profession o It is not just discounts and conference, it is advocacy, support your organization, please let u know what you are doing, hope to see you next year! Reports 1. AMTAS Executive Board a) President (Ethan Schmidt) Was initially elected as the Vice President and stepped in as president in June Updated scholarship information on drop box Updated forms on dropbox to make transition between officers smoothly Collaboration with other AMTAS officers to fill the duties of the vacant positions Receiving and organizing scholarship information Coordinated Meetings b) President Elect (Vacant) c) Vice President (Ellen Trammel) Started serving in August Website: Added new tab for conference with information Will be updating the website throughout the conference: Blog for students and interns separately, Intern Podcast will be posted d) Secretary (Diandra Russo) Gathered personal contact information about SAAB members and compiled a directory to facilitate communication among SAAB members Facilitated conversation on social media sites, sharing news coverage and relevant music therapy information and other conference related issues Encouraged students to promote the Facebook & twitter page! Compiled and sent out AMTAS Publications: Spring & Fall Newsletter & the Musette Recorded Business Meeting Minutes and sent them out to the appropriate people e) Treasurer (Kayla Hamilton) Worked on the new budget proposal, which will be proposed during the Friday business meeting and voted on during the Saturday business meeting Took on president-elect duties and recruited students on to the standing committees f) Parliamentarian (Melissa Heffner) Melissa reformatted the bylaws and attended to consistencies within the bylaws and fixed content issues Bylaws is an organic document and always changing, according to the needs of the students Updated the “Parliamentarian” folder on drop box to make a smooth transition for the next officer g) Advisor: Nicole Hahna AMTAS Executive meetings once a month Coordinated the Gaston E. Thayer Award, encouraged students to apply for the Gaston award next year SAAB Board is submitting a proposal for changes to the Gaston E. Thayer Award Apply for scholarships 2. AMTAS Regional Representatives Great Lakes Region (Melissa Schumann) MY Musicians stands for Making Young Musicians. A grant provides funding to a music program in need. One school in the GLR region will receive up to $400 in instruments and equipment. A school may be nominated if it has grades K-12 and has not received money from the grant from a previous year. All submissions will be reviewed by Executive Board members of the Great Lakes Region American Music Therapy Association of Students (GLR AMTAS) and the recipient will be chosen upon group consensus. Reached out to all the colleges asking them to send in nominations o 3 schools are applicants that will be considered Passages: o 50-60 students in attendance o New board was elected entirely key note speaker o 3 scholarship for next year’s conference o they are also going to support music therapy organization at a university that promoted Music Therapy among the region Newsletter: o GLR is planning to create one, so all the school’s presidents know what they are doing, which will encourage higher participation during conference Mid-Atlantic (Logan Everhart) Past president had to resign 9th annual conference was in October Rock across the region: Asked each school to have advocacy project, incorporate Music Therapy back into community Midwestern (Andrew Knight & Rebecca Townsend) a) No changes in officer make up/contact information since their election in the spring. We have had conference calls to discuss our main project goal, a mini-conference exclusively for students in the region. This conference would be separate from Passages, the more scholarly event tied to the spring regional conference, and would be an in-person event to facilitate communication from students across our large region! Our board looks to finalize plans for this event soon, and be active in meeting and working in Jacksonville for the AMTA conference. Had passages during the regional conference Doing the same project as last year Fundraiser plans in order to send more students to conference A goal is to improve communication among schools in the region New England (Christine Routhier & Katie Olsen) Region is taking part in a variety of projects including a service trip to the Cayman Islands in January. Looking into sponsoring a number of local, short-term service projects, but these have not been finalized yet. Passages conference was November 9th, with 15 student presentations. The title for biggest 2013-2014 Project is Team Cayman’s Support Our Youth in which a group of six music therapy students from the region will be going down to the island for a week during January, which is Cayman’s national Support Our Youth month. There they will be working to support youth through a variety of programs through schools and hospitals throughout that week. A mentoring program, pairing students with professionals having similar professional interests, was developed by a Lesley graduate student and began at last year’s Passages conference. A follow-up presentation on the program was then offered at our annual NER conference in the spring. At the annual NER conference, six students, one graduating and one returning, were offered scholarships. These scholarships consisted of either a student or a professional membership to AMTA, depending on whether the student was graduating or returning. Changes in officers: President Elect was reelected, former president elect had to resign due to health issues b) South Eastern (Natalie Mullis & Freddy Perkins) Regional Project “drumSTRONG Challenge”, within the region every universities music therapy club will be encouraged to fundraise money on the respective campuses to donate to drumSTRONG, an organization that raises awareness and funds for cancer organizations globally through family friendly rhythm gatherings. This project will act as a fundraising challenge to see which university within the region can raise the most money. Implementation: In the beginning of January an email will go out to all the Southeastern music therapy club presidents and advisors announcing the project. The actual project will begin on March 1st, 2014. The fundraising challenge will end on November 1st, 2014. The music therapy clubs will be encouraged to develop creative fundraising ideas in order to help raise money. Each club president will keep a roster of all the money that is collected and report each month to the regional treasurer via email. At the end of each month emails will be sent out notifying each school of the progress being made amongst the region. All money will be submitted to the regional treasurer. At the end of the challenge, once the regional student executive board has calculated all funds shall be announced via email. The winning university shall receive a drumSTRONG djembe for their music therapy program. Created a Regional Facebook page to promote and facilitate communication c) Southwestern (Michelle Kennemer & Rebecca Cantrell) 3rd strong president in a row Increased communication with less active schools Internship directory from previous years is continued, which includes former students at the site Scholarships: Award will help out with students attending regional conference Fundraising: T-Shirts, rubber bracelets We have a joint regional conference with the Midwest region, and that went really well! Joint conference was incredibly successful due to networking opportunities twice a year (regional and national conference) Passages were part of the conference This year we will be finishing up last year’s project of creating an Internship Directory for the internships in our region. We have also decided to donate a portion of our proceeds from fundraising this year to a worthy group committed to music therapy. Internship Directory – we will compile the information for the last 3 interns at the internship sites in our region, so that seniors looking into internships can contact the past interns as well as the internship director to learn more about specific internships. d) Western Region (Judice Pinkerton & Candice Bain) Connections Project Description: WRAMTAS started a project in 2012 titled “Connections”, which aimed to forge connections between the students of the Western region. As the largest region of AMTAS, this has been an enormous challenge. Thus, the 2013-2014 project is to start an “Internship Spotlight” and to continue to establish the “Connections” project by increasing both interschool and professional networking. WRAMTAS has received approval to award a “First Time Attendee” conference registration scholarship for the 2014 WRAMTA conference in Portland, OR. 3 Virtual Master Classes scheduled to take place this Fall, and they will continue in the spring. Virtual Master presentation, distance learning, motivation for professionals they get CMTE Penpal Project Facilitate more natural connections, encourage and promote socialization The use of Instagram Posting pictures from each school in order to connect the big region 3. Unfinished Business No unfinished business 4. New Business Ethan thanked previous executive board for being incredibly supportive in this difficult transition Standing Committees: If you are elected. YOU MUST ATTEND!!!, you are the voice of the students, Marcus Hughes: Master level asked students to submit their inputs via E-Mail, will be shared on Facebook page a. Proposed By-law Changes: Melissa Heffner There were a lot of things wrong, Made two categories: o 1. Grammar, Formatting, Consistencies o 2. Content Melissa called for a motion to present the proposal for changes to the bylaws in a block of the two groups SWAMTAS motioned MARAMTAS seconded (Please refer to the following slides) i. First proposed change: Formatting, Grammar, Consistency ii. Second proposed change: Content PROPOSED CHANGES Part 1 Formatting, Grammar, Consistency PROPOSED CHANGES FO R M ATT I N G, G R A M M A R , C O N S I S T E N CY Location Current The… AMTAS… AMTAS…. AMTAS… Proposed Change Article II, Section 2 Section 2. a. b. c. Section 2. The… a. AMTAS… b. AMTAS… c. AMTAS… [to be like formatting in Article XII] Article XI Indented “Article XI.” Delete indent to align with other titles Article III, Section 1; Article XIII, Section 1; Article XIII, Section 3 “…AMTA bylaws” “…AMTA Bylaws” Article XI, Section 2 “…these by-laws, the AMTA by-laws, …” “…these Bylaws, the AMTA Bylaws,…” Article III, Section 3 “The membership year coincides with “The membership year coincides with the AMTA membership year, January the AMTA membership year, beginning 1 and ending December 31.” January 1 and ending December 31.” PROPOSED CHANGES FO R M ATT I N G, G R A M M A R , C O N S I S T E N CY Location Current Proposed Change Article IV, Section 1 “The Executive Officers of AMTAS will be annually elected according to the election procedures presented in these Bylaws, Article X.” “The Executive Officers of AMTAS will be annually elected according to the election procedures presented in Article X of these Bylaws.” Article IV, Section 4, Section 5, Section 6, Section 7, Section 8, Section 9 “…first general meeting of AMTAS…” “…first general business meeting of AMTAS…” Article IV, Section 7 “The Parliamentarian reviews the AMTAS Bylaws and presents recommended changes to be approved at the annual meeting…” “The Parliamentarian reviews the AMTAS Bylaws and presents recommended changes to be approved at the second general business meeting…” Article X, Section 1 “At the second AMTAS business meeting…” “At the second AMTAS general business meeting…” “…second general meeting.” Article XVII, Section 2 “…second general business meeting.” PROPOSED CHANGES FO R M ATT I N G, G R A M M A R , C O N S I S T E N CY Location Current Proposed Change Article IV, Section 10 “The AMTAS Executive Officers will act as a committee of whole to transact business between annual AMTAS meetings. All transactions of the Executive Officers will be reported in full at the next AMTAS general business meeting.” “The AMTAS Executive Officers will act as a committee of whole to transact business between general AMTAS business meetings. All transactions of the Executive Officers will be reported in full at the following AMTAS general business meeting.” Article IV, Section 4, Section 5, Section 6, Section 7, Section 8, Section 9; Article VI, Section 3; Article VII, Section 4; Article XI, Section 1; Article XI, Section 4 “…at National Conference.” “at the National Conference.” Article XI, Section 4 “…at conference…” “…at the National Conference…” iii. You have 24 hours to look at them. They will be voted on tomorrow night. PROPOSED CHANGES FO R M ATT I N G, G R A M M A R , C O N S I S T E N CY Location Current Proposed Change Article IV, Section 4, Section 6, Section 7, Section 8, Section 9; Article V, Section 4; Article VI, Section 2; Article IX, Section 1; Article X, Section 1; Article XI, Section 4, Section 6; Article XII, Section 2b Extra space Delete extra space Article X, Section 2 Page break inserted Delete unnecessary page break Article IV, Section 4 Article IV, Section 5 Semicolon No comma before last item in list No period Capital letter after colon Comma No comma Colon Add comma before last item in list Article IV, Section 8 Article IV, Section 9 Article XI, Section 4 Article XIII, Section 1 Add period at end of sentence Make lowercase to be consistent Delete unnecessary comma Add comma to separate short phrase PROPOSED CHANGES FO R M ATT I N G, G R A M M A R , C O N S I S T E N CY Location Current Proposed Change Article IV, Section President Elect 5; Article XI, Section 4, Section 6 President-Elect Article IV, Section 2, Section 4, Section 5, Section 6, Section 7, Section 8, Section 9; Article VI, Section 2; Article X, Section 1; Article XII, Section 1a Vice President Vice-President Article IV, Section “A vacancy in the office of the 4 President is filled by the President-Elect.” A vacancy in the office of President is filled by the President-Elect.” [delete “the” before “President”] PROPOSED CHANGES FO R M ATT I N G, G R A M M A R , C O N S I S T E N CY Location Current Proposed Change Article IV, Section 5 “President-Elect attends all AMTAS and SAAB meetings…” “The President-Elect attends all AMTAS and SAAB meetings…” Article IV, Section 8 “Secretary keeps minutes…” “The Secretary keeps minutes…” Article X, Section 1 “An outgoing officer and SAAB Advisor…” “An outgoing officer and the SAAB Advisor…” Article IV, Section 7 “…as detailed in Article XVI of these Bylaws.” “…as detailed in Article XVII of these Bylaws.” Article VIII, Section 1 “The Student Affairs Advisory Board (SAAB), as authorized in the AMTA Bylaws, Article IX, Section 3,...” “The Student Affairs Advisory Board (SAAB), as authorized in the AMTA Bylaws, Article IX, Section 4,…” Parliamentary Authority and Bylaw Amendment articles Article XVI -- Article XVI Article XVII PROPOSED CHANGES FO R M ATT I N G, G R A M M A R , C O N S I S T E N CY Location Current Proposed Change Article IV, Section 7, Section 8; Article VI, Section 2, Section 3; Article X, Section 1, Section 2; Article XI, Section 1, Section 5 “…the chair of the SAAB…” “…the chair of SAAB…” “…the SAAB Chair…” “…the SAAB Advisor…” “…the SAAB Chairperson…” Article VI, Section 3 “Within three weeks…” “Within three (3) weeks…” Article VII, Section 1 “…each of the 13 AMTA Standing Committees…” “…each of the thirteen (13) AMTA Standing Committees…” Article IV, Section “…his or her…” 6; Article VI, Section 3; Article XI, Section 1, Section 4 “…his/her…” PROPOSED CHANGES FO R M ATT I N G, G R A M M A R , C O N S I S T E N CY Location Current Proposed Change Article VII, Section 1 “There is at least one student representative appointed to each of the 13 AMTA Standing Committees: Government Relations,…Association Internship Approval, Continuing Education Committees.” “There is at least one Student Representative appointed to each of the thirteen (13) AMTA Standing Committees: Government Relations,… Association Internship Approval, and Continuing Education.” Article VII, Section 4 “…each Student Representative reports to the AMTAS about the issues…following his/her report to the AMTAS…” “each Student Representative reports to AMTAS about the issues…following his/her report to AMTAS…” Article VIII, Section 1; Article XIII, Section 2 “The SAAB serves…” “AMTAS will support the SAAB…” “SAAB serves… “AMTAS will support SAAB…” [delete “the” before acronym] Article V, Section 5 Article VII, Section 4 Article XII, Section 1a “…all members of the board.” “…in the AMTAS newsletter.” “…all members of the Board.” “…in the AMTAS Newsletter.” “…the AMTAS website.” “…the AMTAS Website.” PROPOSED CHANGES FO R M ATT I N G, G R A M M A R , C O N S I S T E N CY Location Current Proposed Change Article XI, Section “In the event that an officer is 2 found…” “In the event that an Executive Officer is found…” Article XI, Section “When the new officers move 4 into their roles…” “When the new Executive Officers move into their roles…” Article XI, Section “Whoever is elected for 4 President Elect…” “Whoever is elected as PresidentElect…” Article XIII, Section 3 “AMTAS annually administers the Regional Support Fund to a wellqualified region, whose process is described in Article III, Section 4 of the AMTA Bylaws.” [delete “as”] “AMTAS annually administers the Regional Support Fund to a well-qualified region, whose process is as described in Article III, Section 4 of the AMTA bylaws.” PROPOSED CHANGES Part 2 Content PROPOSED CHANGES CONTENT Location Current Article IV, Section “The President-Elect is 5 responsible for assistance relating to Board Members email accounts…” Article IV, Section 6, Section 7, Section 8, Section 9 Proposed Change “The President-Elect is responsible for assistance relating to Executive Officer email accounts…” “The President-Elect acts as a liaison between the Standing Committee Student Representative and Committee Chair.” “The President-Elect acts as a liaison between all Standing Committee Student Representatives and Committee Chairs.” The Vice President/ Parliamentarian/Secretary/ Treasurer serves as liaison among the…Regional Representative(s) and the AMTAS Board of Directors. Removing this duty from VP, Parliamentarian, Secretary, & Treasurer – no longer applicable PROPOSED CHANGES CO NTE N T Location Current Proposed Change Article IV, Section “In the absence of the President, Removing sentence – not 6 the Vice President assumes all applicable because of PresidentPresidential duties as outlined in Elect position Article IV, Section 4 of these Bylaws.” Article IV, Section 9 “The Treasurer is responsible for… developing a budget for the following membership year to be presented to the members of AMTAS at the first general business meeting and approved by the members at the second general business meeting.” Non-existent “The Treasurer is responsible for bringing all AMTAS materials to the National Conference to be given to the newly-elected Treasurer.” The issue was raised to make the articles gender neutral instead of his and her, the use of their, the individual After a discussion, MWR motioned to leave this issue to the next board, since this seems, to be an important issue. SER seconded Nicole suggested that the person running for the parliamentarian position should look into this and this might be someone who has an interest in the gender community. b. I. “The Treasurer is responsible for… developing a budget for the following membership year to be approved by the members of AMTAS at the second general business meeting.” Budget Proposal: Kalya Hamilton Kayla proposed the budget: a. Actuality: 10’437.27 b. Budgeted: $ 5,480.00 c. Surplus: $4,957,27 c. New Officer Nominations i. Nominations are opened tonight. ii. Each officer-included duty covered the duties of each role. iii. AMTAS Officers 1. President a. Sara Carney was nominated and accepts. b. Grant Howarth was nominated and accepts. c. Candice Bain was nominated and accepts d. Melanie Brison self-nominated. 2. President-Elect a. Dawn Stewart was nominated and accepts. b. Laura Wilson was nominated and accepts. 5. Vice President a. Cole Eisenmenger was nominated and accepts. b. Vienna Sa was nominated and accepts. 4. Parliamentarian a. Julia Stevens was nominated and accepts. b. Elizabeth Anstead was nominated and accepts. c. Veronica Payne was nominated and accepts. d. Melissa Heffner was nominated and declines. 5. Secretary a. Libbie Roberts was nominated and accepts. 6. Treasurer a. Audrey Manis was nominated and accepts. Good and Welfare a. b. 6. 3. 2014 Executive Board must stay after tomorrow’s Business meeting Tomorrow’s Meeting: 5:30-6:30 PM, River Terrace 3 – 3rd Floor Adjournment a. Ethan called for a motion to adjourn the meeting b. MARAMTAS motioned to adjourn the meeting. c. GLR Seconded d. The meeting was adjourned at 7.49pm