How to achieve a homogeneous sensitivity in THz detector arrays M. Sakhno, J. Gumenjuk-Sichevska, F. Sizov Institute of Semiconductor Physics NASU, Kiev, Ukraine, e-mail: THz CMOS FPA principle Antenna FET • Advantages of Si FET THz Detectors Based on standard silicon technology with high level of integration Un-cooled Can be assembled into arrays for real time THz/mm wave imaging; Mechanically robust; Low costs at high volumes 2 Detector characterization NEP – noise equivalent power. Minimal power which can be detected by detector ' Goal S NEPmeas NEPel 2 1. Uniform NEP for different G A elements of the array 4 2. Minimal NEP • NEPel electrical NEP of detector itself • G the antenna gain 1. Maximal G and ηa • ηa matching between the 2. Uniform G and ηa antenna and the detector 3 System photograph (silicon FET array implementation) Printed antennas on finite electrically thick substrate Modelled system 4 System parameters 1 mm 1mm 10 mm a1 ,μm 10 a2 ,μ m 75.8 r,μm 164 d ,μm 20 φ,deg 104 The modeled system design: 8 antennas on a substrate of finite size. Antennas are positioned symmetrically relative to the substrate center Modeling using EMSS FEKO 5 Cut-off frequency of the first mode fc1 for infinite substrate f c1 c 4h r 1 f f c1 , Pozar, D.: Considerations for millimeter wave printed antennas. IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 31, 740–747 (1983) hcritical 0.25diel h, µm εr=2 εr=7 εr =12 50 1.5THz 0.612 THz 0.452 THz 140 0.536 THz 0.219 THz 0.162 THz 650 0.116 THz 0.047 THz 0.035 THz 6 Linear gain diagram for substrate thickness h=50 μm, f=300GHz f c1 f r 2 f c1 f r 7 f c1 f r 12 h diel 0.071 h diel 0.132 h diel 0.173 Each antenna was simulated and the results were combined on one picture to facilitate the comparison of different elements 7 Linear gain diagram for substrate thickness h=140 μm, f=300GHz f c1 f r 2 f c1 f r 7 f c1 f r 12 h diel 0.197 d diel 0.37 d diel 0.484 8 Linear gain diagram for substrate thickness h=650 μm, f=300GHz f c1 f f c1 f f c1 f r 2 h diel 0.920 h diel 1.72 r 7 r 12 h diel 2.25 9 Antenna pattern for different substrate relative permittivities Substrate thickness is h=140 μm f c1 f f c1 f 10 Dependence of the calculated total antenna gain G in the normal direction on the substrate permittivity 2 1 5 4 3 7 6 8 G1 G2 G3 G4 10 5 G, dBi 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 2 4 6 r 8 10 12 11 Calculated gain for normal direction for 1st th and 4 elements1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 5 0 G, dBi -5 -10 -15 1, =2 4, =2 1, =12 4, =12 -20 -25 -30 280 290 300 f, GHz 310 320 12 Antenna – transistor matching Antenna FET 1-μm Si MOSFET W/L = 20/2 (μm) RG = 150 Ω, RS = 50 Ω, Cp= 4 fF Ztr= (200 – j130) Ω at f = 300 GHz P Re Z ant Re Z tr a 4 2 Pmax Z tr Z ant 1 Z tr RS RG Z GS ,int jC p Sakhno, M., Golenkov, A., & Sizov, F. (2013). Uncooled detector challenges: Millimeter-wave and terahertz long channel field effect transistor and Schottky barrier diode detectors. Journal of Applied Physics, 114(16), 164503. doi:10.1063/1.4826364 13 Antenna-detector matching for different substrate thickness 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 • Optimal matching is not for electrically thinnest substrate • Matching coefficient variation is less than gain variation 14 System with the lens hl 4 3 2 1 al Angle for maximum gain 25 1 Modelled points Linear fit 20 2 15 3 10 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 Element number The angle of maximum gain versus the element position for the system with the lens (only the first four elements are shown because of the mirror symmetry). The substrate parameters are h=50 μm, r=2, the incident radiation frequency is 300 GHz 15 Conclusions • The substrate electric thickness in THz FPAs plays a crucial role in the frequency characteristics of the system • Electrically thick substrate makes NEP of elements non-uniform • Degradation of antenna pattern can be explained by excitation of substrate modes. • Critical substrate thickness is approximately 0.25 wavelength in dielectric • Simulation shows that Si CMOS system (substrate thickness h = 50μm and εr = 2) with the lens can operate as FPA 16 Acknowledgements • This work is partly supported by the SPS:NUKR.SFP 984544 Project and a joint grant 01-02-2012 from the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Russian Academy of Sciences. 17 Thank You ! 18