What’s the Diel with this Signal? Jason Albright Nathaniel Gustafson Michaeline Nelson Bianca Rodríguez-Cardona Chris Shughrue Funded by NSF and DOD Award Number 1005175 Water Height (m) Diel Fluctuations in stream height 8 9 10 Days in July, 2010 11 12 13 Which Areas Contribute? Evapotranspiration Solar Radiation Air Temp VPD Q Soil Moisture Sap Flow Volume from S.G. • Q = P – ET + ∆S Significance • Use discharge to approximate ET • Interesting eco-informatics question because looks at watershed as a complete system Eco-informatics conceptual model Observed Diel Empirical Model Analytical Model Questions • What factors are principally responsible for creating diel signals? • How are ET induced signals affected by base-flow levels and watershed characteristics? • Are diel fluctuations synchronized across a watershed? • Does channel morphology influence diel fluctuations? • What are the mechanisms for the influence of ET on diel fluctuations? Watershed 1 • 95.9ha area • Clear cut in the 60’s – Red Alder • Most steam reaches are alluvial deposits Watershed 2 • 60.3ha area • Old Growth – Western Hemlock and Douglas Fir • Channel mostly bedrock What factors are principally responsible for creating diel signals? What we have to work with • Abundant data available through HJ Andrews • Lots of collaboration, local knowledge • Personally ‘familiar’ with 2-3 watersheds WS Max signal amplitude 1 0.055 cfs 2 0.005 cfs 10 0.005 cfs 9 0.003 cfs 8 0.001 cfs Stream network length slope Air temp soil type Data Effective Riparian area** Process Diel Solar strength* Snowmelt (mm/day) WS Snow content Radia’n EvapoTranspiration (mm/day) WS groundwater content Temporal Drainage parameters Parameters WS property Measured Estimated *Diel Strength = amplitude of diel signal in cfs ** (Riparian) area contributing to diel signal, m2 Diel signals Overview of a year Summertime ~.05cfs Temperature vs. Solar Radiation What we’re seeing • Diel signal ≈ Solar Radiation – Conditional: WS has enough ground-water Another fun metric Another fun metric Mack Creek WS1 http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3407/4617034064_e46e675a86.jpg Early summer signal? Discharge spike with that signal? Snowmelt! Temp helpful What we’re seeing • Diel signal ≈ Sol.Rad. via ET in summer – Conditional: WS has enough ground-water • Temperature -> Snowmelt signals in spring – IF snow is present and melting What we’re seeing • Diel signal ≈ Sol.Rad. via ET in summer – Conditional: WS has enough ground-water • Temperature -> Snowmelt signals in spring – IF snow is present and melting • Watersheds may have neither, one, or both Stream network length slope Air temp soil type Data Effective Riparian area** Process Diel Solar strength* Snowmelt (mm/day) WS Snow content Radia’n EvapoTranspiration (mm/day) WS groundwater content Temporal Drainage parameters Parameters WS property Measured Estimated *Diel Strength = amplitude of diel signal in cfs ** (Riparian) area contributing to diel signal, m2 How are ET induced signals affected by base-flow levels and watershed characteristics? Watershed 1: July 1 -July 7, 2000 - 2009 Watershed 1: 2009 Watershed 10: 2009 Watershed 9: 2009 How are ET induced signals affected by base-flow levels and watershed characteristics? 1. WS1, WS9, and WS10 show signals that correlate with air temperature, while WS2, WS3, WS6, WS7 and WS8 signals don’t correlate 2. WS1 phase shifts are correlated to precipitation and height of base flow. 3. WS1 time lags behave different from WS9 and WS10. Are diel fluctuations synchronized across a watershed? • Cap. Rod graph 8 9 10 11 Days in July, 2010 Data provided by Tom Voltz 12 13 Are diel fluctuations synchronized across a watershed? Yes: staff gage, capacitance rod, wells and stream in phase Does channel morphology influence diel fluctuations? Staff Gages in WS2 Bedrock channel staff gage (July 7-8, 2010) Bedrock channel staff gage (July 14-15, 2010) Change in Stage Height= 0.2- 0.3 cm Alluvial channel staff gage (July 7-8, 2010) Alluvial channel staff gage (July 14-15, 2010) Change in Stage Height= 0.6 - 3.5 cm Does channel morphology influence diel fluctuations? Yes: signal in alluvial reaches is stronger than bedrock reaches What are the mechanisms for the influence of ET on diel fluctuations? A Mathematical Model for Stream Bank Outflow Equations Modeling Saturated Flow: h h 2 2 x z k 2 2 Piezometric Head: pw (x,z) h(x,z) z g Conservation of Mass: q Darcy’s Law: q k h Combining Darcy’s Law and Conservation of mass: k h h k 2 Equations Modeling Saturated Flow: h h k max 2 2 x z 2 2 h h k min 2 2 x z 2 2 Boundary Conditions: h(0,z H) H h(x,z) z h(x,Z) Z h (X,z) 0 x h (x,0) 0 z Solution to the Boundary Value Problem: Z h(x,z) Z G( , ) (0,z Z) h(0,z Z)dz 0 x Z X G( , ) (x,z Z)dxdz) 0 0 k Piezometric Distribution: Applications: Model Outputs: Q 2q l Q Qmax Qmin Physical Data: Q Qmax Qmin Water Table Geometry and Discharge: q( ) k h Assuming the diel signal is local and additive over channel length, does sap flow in the vegetated alluvial channel account for observed diel fluctuations at the stream gage? Diel Signal and Channel Lithology Objective: • Compare diel signal at stream gage to water lost to trees growing in the channel: – 1) approximating water loss from different combinations of channel reaches using LiDAR tree data – 2) comparing these estimates to observed water loss to transpiration Methods: Channel Classification Allometric Conversions • Chapman-Richards function (Richards, 1959) H 1.37 1 b2 ln 1 b0 DBH b1 where: DBH = diameter at breast height (cm) H = tree height (m) b0, b1, b2 = species-specific coefficient (Garman, 1995) Allometric Conversions • Douglas Fir Sapwood Area (Turner, 2000) SW c 1 ed DBH 2 DBH 2 DBH ib ib SBA SW 2 2 Where: SW = sapwood width DBHib = DBH(1- 0.11) SBA = sapwood area (m2) c, d = species-specific coefficients Allometric Conversions • Red Alder – Used liner relationship derived from data in Moore, 2004 SBA 0.302443 DBH - 0.03433 • For both species: – Volume of water per tree per day = SBA x Sap flux density – Sum volumes for trees in combinations of reaches Methods: Observed Water Loss Results Results Interpretation • Overestimation implies too many trees are being included – Low flow zones upstream? • Best approximations exclude bedrock channels and include all alluvial channels • Solely vegetation in channel is capable of producing the entire diel signal Novel Findings • Solar radiation is correlated to the amplitude of the diel signal. • Air temperature and discharge time lags depend on watershed and antecedent precipitation. • Diel signals exist and are in phase up the stream network. • Alluvial stage height fluctuations are greater than bedrock stage height fluctuations. • Vegetated alluvial channel area can produce the measured diel fluctuations observed at stream gage. References • • • • • • • Barnard, H.R., Graham, C.B., Van Verseveld, W.J., Brooks, J.R., Bond, B.J., and McDonnell, J.J. 2010. Mechanistic assessment of hillslope transpiration controls of diel subsurface flow: a steady-state irrigation approach. Ecohydrology. 3: 133–142 Bond, B.J., Jones, J.A., Phillips, N., Post, D., and McDonnell, J.J. 2002. The zone of vegetation influence on baseflow revealed by diel patterns of streamflow and vegetation water use in a headwater basin. Hydrol. Process. 16: 1671–1677 Clark, J. 2007. Models for Ecological Data: An Introduction. Oxford University Press. Garman, Steven L., Acker, Steven A., Ohmann, Juliet L., Spies, Thomas A. 1995. Asympytotic Height-Diameter Equations for Twenty-Four Tree Species in Western Oregon. Forest Research Laboratory, Oregon State University. Research Contribution 10 Moore, G.W., Bond, B.J., Jones, J.A., Phillips, N., and Meinzer, F.C. 2004. 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