Generator Interconnection Agreement Generating Facility Data For Reciprocating Engine Required Prior to Initial Synchronization Generating Facility Name: Maximum Net Export Capability requested at POI: Gross Generation Capability: MW (Gross Generation – Station Service) MW Station Service Load (Including Losses): MW and Mvar Generating Facility Owner: Generating Facility Substation GPS coordinates: Latitude and Longitude (decimal degrees) Complete this data form and provide final design data sheets from vendor which show the following information (the vendor data sheets must be provided) and Single Line Diagrams of facility: 1. Generator Machine Data: a. Generator base MVA (impedance base for data below): MVA b. Rated power factor of generator: c. Generator rated voltage: kV d. Generator Dynamic Model: GENSAL/GENROU e. Inertia (wK2), including prime mover: lbs-ft2 or kW sec/kVA All applicable reactance values (unsaturated): f. 1) Xd 2) Xq 3) X'd 4) X'q 3) X2 4) Xo 5) X''d 6) Xlm Saturated reactance values: g. 1) X'd 2) X"d All applicable time constants (seconds): h. 1) T'do i. 2) T"do 3) T'qo 4) T"qo Provide all Saturation diagrams for the generator. Armature winding sequence resistance data: j. 1) R0 2) R1 3) R2 k. Neutral Grounding Resistor (if applicable): (Ohms) Final design specifications which are a function of either 1) the generator design or 2) the generator design and the supporting plant auxiliary system l. Maximum gross power output of turbine at 95 degree ambient temperature: MW m. Minimum gross power output of turbine at 95 degree ambient temperature: MW Page 1 of 4 Dated: 3/20/2016 Generator Interconnection Agreement Generating Facility Data For Reciprocating Engine Required Prior to Initial Synchronization n. Maximum gross power output of turbine in the range of 50-70° ambient temperature: MW o. Minimum gross power output of turbine in the range of 50-70° ambient temperature: MW p. Maximum reactive production at maximum MW output at 95° ambient and rated voltage: MVAR q. Maximum reactive absorption at maximum MW output at 95° ambient and rated voltage: MVAR r. Attach a copy of the unit capability curve at rated voltage and indicate which curve is appropriate for a 95° ambient day. If necessary to accurately represent expected operating capability on a 95° ambient day, indicate a sufficient number of unit operating points on the manufacturer supplied unit capability curve. s. Generator Cooling (Open air, TEWAC, Hydrogen, etc.): t. Generator High/Low voltage limits = / kV (or pu) 2. Generator Step-up Transformer Data: a. Attach transformer test reports showing ratings, impedances, available taps, etc. b. GSU tap is set to . Page 2 of 4 Dated: 3/20/2016 Generator Interconnection Agreement Generating Facility Data For Reciprocating Engine Required Prior to Initial Synchronization 3. Voltage Ride-Through Capability. Provide voltage ride-through time duration settings (per-unit voltage set point and corresponding ridethrough time), reflecting the settings for the plant level controller. An example of a voltage ridethrough time duration curve for applicable units is provided below for reference. POI Voltage (pu) Southern Balancing Area Voltage Ride-Through Time Duration Curve PRC-024-1 - Attachment 2 1.3 1.25 1.2 1.15 1.1 1.05 1 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Time (sec) Page 3 of 4 Dated: 3/20/2016 Generator Interconnection Agreement Generating Facility Data For Reciprocating Engine Required Prior to Initial Synchronization 4. Frequency Ride-Through Capability. Provide frequency ride-through capability settings (frequency set point and corresponding ridethrough time), reflecting the settings for the plant level controller. An example of a frequency ridethrough time duration curve for applicable units is provided below for reference. Southern Balancing Area Generator Frequency Ride-Through Capability Curve PRC-024-1 - Attachment 1 63 62 Frequency (Hz) 61 60 59 58 57 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Time (sec) Page 4 of 4 Dated: 3/20/2016