
Discover Biology, 5th Ed. Anu Singh-Cundy & Michael Cain, WW Norton & Co, Inc, NY ©
Chapter 5, The Chemistry of Life, pp 111-141.
1 acid; 2 amino acid; 3 atom; 4 atomic mass number; 5 atomic number; 6 ATP; 7 base;
8 biomolecule; 9 buffer; 10 carbohydrate; 11 cellulose; 12 chemical bond; 13 chemical
compound; 14 chemical formula; 15 chemical reaction; 16 cohesion; 17 covalent bond;
18 denaturation; 19 disaccharide; 20 DNA; 21 double bond; 22 electron; 23 electron shell;
24 element; 25 enzyme; 26 evaporation; 27 fatty acid; 28 functional group; 29 glucose;
29.5 gylcogen, continued
1 hydrophilic compound that releases H+ when dissolved in water
2 monomers from which proteins are built
3 smallest unit of an element still possessing distinctive characteristics of said element
4 the sum of an element’s proton and neutrons
5 the total number of protons in an element’s nucleus
6 adenosine triphosphate; the most universal of the energy carriers in a cell
7 hydrophilic compounds that accept H+ from aqueous solutions
8 molecules found in living cells
9 substances that prevent dramatic changes in pH
10 class of biomolecules with a general formula (CH2O)n including sugars & starches
11 plant polysaccharide of glucose that builds strong fibers for structural support
12 the sharing or transfer of valence electrons that causes 2 atoms to associate with each other
13 substance containing atoms of 2 or more different elements in fixed ratios
14 representation of atomic composition of chemical compounds, molecules, & salts
15 process of breaking chemical bonds &/ or creating new chemical bonds
16 attractive forces that bind the same types of atoms or molecules
17 the sharing of 2 or more valence electrons between or among atoms
18 the destruction of a protein’s 3-dimensional structure, resulting in loss of protein activity
19 biomolecule made of 2 covalently joined monosaccharides
20 deoxyribonucleic acid; biomolecule of 2 polynucleotide chains twisted in a double helix
21 force of attraction between 2 atoms sharing two pairs of valence electrons
22 subatomic particle with a negative charge found orbiting the atomic nucleus
23 defined volumes of space in which 1 or more electrons are found orbiting atomic nuclei
24 pure substances with unique chemical & physical properties made of 1 type of atom
25 bimolecular catalyst made of either protein or RNA
26 process in which molecules, with increased kinetic energy, transition from liquid to gas state
27 lipid monomer with a long hydrophobic hydrocarbon chain capped by a polar carboxyl group
28 clusters of covalently bonded atoms with distinctive chemical properties
29 monosaccharide, C6H12O6, found in nearly every cell as a key energy source within the cell
29.5 main storage polysaccharide in animal cells; is stored inside liver and skeletal muscle cells
30 heat capacity; 31 hormone; 32 hydrogen bond; 33 hydrophilic; 34 hydrophobic; 35 ion;
36 ionic bond; 37 isotope; 38 lipid; 39 macromolecule; 40 matter; 41 molecule; 42 monomer;
43 monosaccharide; 44 neutron; 45 nitrogenous base; 46 nonpolar molecule; 47 nucleic acid;
48 nucleotide; 49 nucleus; 50 organic molecule; 51 peptide bond; 52 pH scale; 53 phosphate
group; 54 phospholipid; 55 phospholipid bilayer; 56 plasma membrane; 57 polar molecule;
58 polymer; 59 polypeptide; 60 polysaccharide; 61 primary structure; continued…
30 amount of heat energy required to raise 1 mole of substance 1o C without changing its phase
31 signaling molecules secreted by cells affecting activity of other cells at < mM concentrations
32 weak electrical attraction between H atom in 1 molecule with a partial (+) charge to an atom
with a partial (-) charge on other molecule
33 “water loving”; molecules that associate with water
34 “water fearing”; molecules that are excluded from water
35 an atom or molecule with an acquired electrical charge due to losing or gaining electrons
36 mutually attractive force between atoms of opposite charge
37 atoms of the same element with different # of neutrons, and therefore, different masses
38 hydrophobic macromolecules composed of long hydrocarbon chains or rings
39 large covalently bound organic polymers
40 anything that has mass and takes up space
41 assemblage of atoms in which 2 or more atoms share their valence electrons
42 small molecules that serve as repeating units in a macromolecule
43 “one sugar”; the simplest sugar molecules with the ratio of (CH2O)n, where n = 3-7
44 subatomic nuclear particle with a mass of 1 amu and no charge
45 a nitrogen-containing base, such as purines (adenine & guanine) or pyrimidines (cytosine,
thymine, & uracil)
46 substance in which electron sharing is largely symmetrical
47 class of macromolecules composed of nucleotides
48 nitrogenous base attached to a sugar-phosphate backbone forming monomers of nucleic acid:
(deoxy)adenosine, (deoxy)guanosine, deoxy thymidine, (deoxy)cytidine, and uridine
49 dense, central core of atom containing 1 or more protons and neutrons
50 biomolecules containing 1 or more carbon-hydrogen bonds
51 covalent linkage between amine group of 1 amino acid & the carboxyl group of another
52 the negative log of the H ion concentration ranging from 0 – 14; - log [H+] = log 1 / [H+]
53 polyatomic ion consisting of a phosphorous atom covalently bound to 4 oxygen atoms
54 molecules made of 2 fatty acids joined to a glycerol head bearing a phosphate group
55 double-layer sheet in which polar phosphate heads face aqueous solutions, tucking their lipid
hydrophobic tails inwardly
56 outer boundary of cell acting as selectively permeable barrier that regulates passage in/ out
57 substance in which electron sharing is largely asymmetrical/ unequal
58 macromolecule containing monomers as building blocks
59 polymer made of linear chains of covalently bonded amino acids
60 large polymer built by linking many monosaccharides
61 the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide
62 product; 63 protein; 64 proton; 65 quaternary structure; 66 radioisotope; 67 reactant; 68 RNA;
69 salt; 70 saturated fatty acid; 71 secondary structure; 72 soluble; 73 solute; 74 solution;
75 solvent; 76 sterol; 77 sugar; 78 surface tension; 79 tertiary structure; 80 triglyceride;
81 triple bond; 82 unsaturated fatty acid
62 all newly formed substances in a chemical reaction
63 polymer of many amino acids linked in a specific sequence, functioning in storage, structure,
transport, & as catalysts
64 positively charged subatomic particle of 1 atomic mass unit found in the nucleus
65 level of organization in which proteins composed of multiple polypeptide chains must achieve
in order to function
66 isotopes with unstable nuclei that decay into simpler forms, releasing high-energy radiation
67 substances in chemical reactions that are used/ changed/ rearranged into different substances
68 ribonucleic acid
69 compounds consisting of charged atoms held exclusively through ionic bonds
70 fatty acids in which all carbon atoms are linked via single covalent bonds
71 protein’s 3-dimensional pattern achieved by regional interactions among its amino acids
72 of or referring to a chemical that will dissolve/ mix in water or another solvent
73 the substance that is dissolved in a medium
74 a homogeneous mixture of a dissolved substance and the medium in which it is dissolved
75 the medium in which a substance is dissolved
76 lipids composed of 4 hydrocarbon rings fused together
77 carbohydrates typically perceived as “sweet” to our taste buds; names usually end in “-ose”.
78 the force that tends to minimize the surface area of a liquid at the air-liquid boundary
79 protein’s specific 3-dimensional shape achieved by interactions among distantly placed
segments of its polypeptide chain
80 lipid in which 3 fatty acids are covalently bound to glycerol
81 an attraction between nuclei of 2 atoms in which 3 pairs of electrons are shared
82 fatty acids in which at least 2 carbons are linked to each other via a double covalent bond