Tobacco 101 Barry Sharp, MSHP, CHES Texas Department of State Health Services Tobacco = Problem Nationally – One person dies every 72 seconds from a tobacco related cause. Texas – One person dies every 22 minutes from a tobacco related cause. 1,140 youth take up smoking every day; one third of them will die from their habit. Tobacco = Problem In Comparison, – Every two and a half days, tobacco’s death toll on Americans equals the number of deaths from the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. – In 2006, alcohol-related car wrecks claimed the lives of 1,677 Texans. Tobacco kills more Texans each month. Texas Preventable Deaths, 2001 Tobacco Use Overweight/Obesity Alcohol Auto Accidents Drugs Suicide DWI Homicide AIDS Fire 24,899 18,649 11,132 3,736 2,851 2,214 1,607 1,405 1,052 218 Tobacco use will remain the leading cause of preventable illness and death in this Nation and a growing number of other countries until tobacco prevention and control efforts are commensurate with the harm caused by tobacco use. David Satcher, MD, PhD Former U.S. Surgeon General Reducing Tobacco Use, A Report Of the Surgeon General - 2000 Tobacco 101 Prevalence Tobacco – Products & Chemistry The Tobacco Industry Health Effects Tobacco Laws Pro-Health Initiatives The Awareness Class Best Practices for Schools Tobacco’s Human Toll 9.5% middle school students smoke. 24.7% of high school students smoke. 18.1% of adults smoke. Deaths in Texas from smoking: – 24,200 adults each year – 503,000 youth alive today will die prematurely from smoking – 2,660 to 4,720 adults, children and babies die from diseases caused by secondhand smoke and pregnancy smoking Tobacco’s Economic Toll Texas Economic costs: – – – – – $1.6 billion in Medicaid $5.83 billion overall health costs $10.3 million in fire loss $11.7 million in highway trash cleanup $6.44 billion in lost productivity State and federal tax burden from smokingcaused government expenses - $630 per household Each pack of cigarettes sold costs the United States $10.28 in health care related costs and lost productivity. Big Tobacco’s Spending $13.36 billion – tobacco industry marketing expenditures nationwide in 2005. $884.7 million – estimated portion spent in Texas for marketing in 2005. – $37.63 for every Texas resident – $28.05 every second $254,500 – political contributions, ‘01-’06 – 1 of 2 U.S. Senators from Texas – 23 of 32 U.S. Representatives from Texas Middle School Tobacco Use 35 30 25 Any Tobacco Cigarettes Smokeless Cigars Pipes 20 15 10 5 0 1998 1999 2001 2006 High School Tobacco Use 45 40 35 30 Any Tobacco Cigarettes Smokeless Cigars Pipes 25 20 15 10 5 0 1998 1999 2001 2006 Boys vs. Girls 60 50 40 1998 1999 2001 2006 30 20 10 0 Middle School Boys Middle School Girls High School Boys High School Girls Tobacco Use by Race 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1998 White MS 1999 Black MS 2001 Hispanic MS 2006 Asian MS Tobacco Use by Race 50 40 30 20 10 0 1998 White HS 1999 Black HS 2001 Hispanic HS 2006 Asian HS Tobacco Use by DSHS Region 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. 1/2 3 4/5 6 7 8 9/10 11 1998 MS 1999 MS 2001 MS 2006 MS Tobacco Use by DSHS Region 50 40 30 20 10 0 Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. 1/2 3 4/5 6 7 8 9/10 11 1998 HS 1999 HS 2001 HS 2006 HS Tobacco Use by Grade 50 40 30 20 10 0 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade 1998 1999 2000 2001 2006 Texas Synar Rates Federal Tobacco Sales Inspection 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 How Youth Get Tobacco Methods used by middle school students: – – – – Gave someone else money to purchase Borrowed from someone willing to share Stole (often from parents) Other (i.e. Internet) Methods used by high school students: – – – – Gave someone else money to purchase Borrowed Bought in store & not asked for ID Other (i.e. Internet) Youth Cessation More than half of youth smokers: – Tried to quit in the past 12 months – Want to completely stop smoking – Tried to quit at least twice About 8 of 10 current youth smokers: – Think they would be able to quit smoking if they wanted. Nicotine Naturally occurring addictive substance. Created by nature as an insecticide. (Commercial use banned by EPA.) Enters the blood stream and travels to brain in less than 10 seconds. Affects brain cells responsible for memory and mood control. Stays active for 20 - 40 minutes. Nicotine Immediate Effects: – Increased heart rate – Blood vessels constrict – Lower skin temperature – “Head rush” Long-term Effects: – High blood pressure – Blockage of blood vessels – Reduced effectiveness of immune system – Wrinkling of skin Effects on the Brain Dopamine – pleasure, appetite suppression Norepinephrine – arousal, appetite suppression Acetylcholine – arousal, cognitive enhancement Vasopressin – memory improvement Serotonin – mood modulation, appetite suppression Beta-endorphin – reduction of anxiety and tension What do tobacco companies think of kids? Philip Morris: “Today’s teenager is tomorrow’s potential regular customer….” RJ Reynolds: “…the 14-18 year old group is an increasing segment of the smoking population. RJR-T must soon establish a successful new brand in this market .…” What do tobacco companies think of kids? Brown & Williamson: “Kool’s stake in the 16- Lorillard Tobacco: “The base of our business is U.S. Tobacco: “Cherry Skoal is for somebody to 25-year-old population segment is such that the value of this audience should be accurately weighted and reflected in current media programs . . . all magazines will be reviewed to see how efficiently they reach this group.” the high school student.” who likes the taste of candy, if you know what I’m saying.” Tobacco Marketing Tobacco companies spent $13.36 billion on U.S. advertising in 2005. – $25,419 per minute – $423.64 per second DSHS marketing budget for 2006 – $1.5 million for settlement area – $730,000 for statewide media $4.24 per minute (total for both campaigns) 7 cents per second (total for both campaigns) Tobacco Marketing During the 22-minute interval between the deaths of Texans from tobacco-related causes, the tobacco industry will spend more than $37,000 in Texas to make their products appealing in order to replace their dying customers. How’s that as a reward for customer loyalty? Tobacco Marketing 16000000 14000000 12000000 10000000 8000000 6000000 4000000 2000000 0 Expenditures (Dollars in Thousands) 1963 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 U.S. Cigarette Consumption (In billions of individual cigarettes) 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 1963-2005 Does Marketing Work? 81.3 percent of youth (12-17) smokers prefer Marlboro, Camel and Newport – three heavily advertised brands. Marlboro, the most heavily advertised brand, constitutes almost 50 percent of the youth market but only about 40 percent of smokers over age 25. Youth recall seeing tobacco ads almost 3:1 over adults. Marlboro Man - Altria Most successful and longest running campaign in tobacco advertising history. Honored by AdWeek as one of the top campaigns of the past century. Campaign originated in early 1960s. Images of masculinity and rugged individualism appeal to adolescents struggling to define themselves. Originally marketed as a woman’s cigarette. Joe Camel – R.J. Reynolds Introduced in 1988. Voluntarily removed from market in 1997. During campaign, Camel’s share of the children’s cigarette market increased from less than 1% to more than 32% by 1993. Joe Camel was as familiar to 6year-olds as Mickey Mouse. Internet Marketing In 2000, there were 40 web sites selling tobacco. By 2002, the number ballooned to 200 U.S. and 200 foreign web sites. Most sellers fail to pay taxes. Most do not enforce or ignore age requirements. Texas and Maine regulate tobacco sales over the Internet; New York and Connecticut ban it completely. Health Effects – Short Term Shortness of breath Smell in hair and clothes Discolored teeth and skin Avoided by non-smokers Financial costs (Pack/day = $1,700+) Health Effects – Long Term Cancers of the lung, larynx, oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, bladder, pancreas, uterine, cervix and kidney Heart Disease Cerebrovascular Accidents (stroke) Chronic Bronchitis Emphysema Cessation Smoking cessation is more cost effective than other commonly provided clinical preventive services, including mammography, colon cancer screening, PAP tests, treatment of mild to moderate hypertension and treatment of high cholesterol. Benefits of Quitting Begin within 20 minutes of quitting. Within 1 year, risk of heart disease is half that of a smoker. Within 5 years, risk of cancers of lung, mouth and esophagus are half that of a smoker. Within 15 years, risk of heart disease is that of a non-smoker. Withdrawal Symptoms Withdrawal Symptoms can include: – Nervousness – Irritability, anger and frustration – Lack of concentration – Depression – Increased appetite and weight gain – Insomnia, restlessness The Texas Tobacco Players Texas Department of State Health Services – Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services Tobacco settlement initiative Statewide programs for prevention & control Synar inspections Alcohol, tobacco and other drugs prevention & treatment Comptroller of Public Accounts – Cigarette & tobacco retailer permits/taxes – Enforcement & criminal investigation – Grants to law enforcement agencies Texas Department of State Health Services Tobacco Staff Region 1 – Panhandle – Sherri Scott, Canyon Region 6/5 – Southeast Texas – Debbie Melecio, Houston Region 8 – South Texas – Rick Meza, San Antonio Region 4/5 – East Texas – Lana Herriman & Dreka Strickland, Tyler – Sylvia Barron & Lance Starzyck, Temple Region 2/3 – North Texas – Betty Boenisch, Arlington Region 7 – Central Texas Region 9/10 – West Texas – Becky Zima & Sandra Herrera, El Paso Region 11 – Rio Grande Valley – Martha Gonzalez, Harlingen Legislative Interventions While prevention is always the best method, and is a key focus of the Texas Department of State Health Services and other anti-tobacco advocates, kids are still using tobacco products. The Texas Legislature in the 1990s passed two major bills aimed at curbing tobacco abuse by minors. Tobacco at Schools Education Code, Section 38.006 (passed 1995) The board of trustees of a school district shall: 1) Prohibit smoking or using tobacco products at a school-related or school-sanctioned activity on or off school property; 2) Prohibit students from possession of tobacco products at a school-related or schoolsanctioned activity on or off school property. 3) Ensure that school personnel enforce the policies on school property. Selling Tobacco Health & Safety Code, Section 161.081-161.087 Tax Code, Sections 154.111, 154.121, 154.1142-154.1143, 154.504, 155.0592 – 155.0593 ( Passed 1899, Modified 1989, 1997) Maintains existing penalty for store clerks who sell tobacco to a minor. Photo identification to verify anyone under the age of 27. Specified signage to include language that it is both illegal to sell to a minor and for minors to purchase tobacco. Selling Tobacco (cont’d.) Restricts vending machines and self service sales to places not open to those under the age of 18. Prohibits the giveaway of free samples and coupons to anyone under 18. Prohibits the sales of cigarettes of less than 20 per package. Requires a fee for a retail permit to sell tobacco. Penalty for violations is $500 to $1,000, suspension or revocation of permit. Requires employers to train employees on tobacco laws. Advertising Tobacco Health & Safety Code, Section 161.122 (Passed 1997) Outdoor advertising is prohibited within 1,000 feet of a church or school. (Measured along roadways/property lines from sign.) Cigarette advertising is in limbo due to Supreme Court ruling in Lorrilard Tobacco Co. et al v. Reilly, Attorney General of Massachusetts, et al. Texas Tobacco Settlement prohibits tobacco billboards since June 24, 1998. Minor Possession Health & Safety Code, Section 161-252-161.254 (Passed 1997) Possession and consumption of tobacco products is Class C misdemeanor. Consequences: – Fine of up to $250; – 8-hour tobacco awareness class; – 8-12 hours of community service; – 6 month loss or delay of driver’s license. Additional Efforts Texas Tobacco Settlement Initiative – Comprehensive tobacco prevention and control effort in Southeast Texas Community coalition building and technical assistance – TDH regional staff throughout the state State level partnerships with other stakeholders agencies seeking synergistic outcomes through collaborative efforts Recent Developments Increase in the state cigarette tax to $1.41 per pack Increased compliance with youth tobacco laws (7.2% Synar buy rate for 2006) Increased number of local secondhand smoke ordinances across state Statewide smoking ban proposed (but not passed) 2006 U.S. Surgeon General’s report on involuntary exposure to secondhand smoke New Direction th From the 80 Legislature Create competitive statewide grant program allowing health departments and school districts in communities statewide to apply for funds. Dedicate $3 million in tobacco settlement funds to the Texas Education Agency for tobacco education in schools statewide. Dedicate $1 million for smokeless tobacco prevention in rural communities. Produce resource list identifying best practice and evidence-based interventions for use by organizations receiving state appropriated funds. New Direction DSHS and grantees must use only best practice or evidence-based tobacco prevention, cessation, and enforcement interventions. DSHS or its contractor must notify Comptroller’s tobacco law enforcement grantees and local sheriff’s departments in writing when Synar violations occur during the annual survey. DSHS must prepare a report on the progress of the program to the legislature. Texas Youth Tobacco Awareness Program Goal is behavior modification, not punishment Intended for 14-17 year olds Program delivered in 8 hours in four two-hour sessions over two weeks Small Class size, 20 participants maximum (10-12 ideal) Sessions are activity oriented Risk Reduction Secondary prevention – Gain knowledge and skill with each session Awareness and behavioral disruption – Challenges participants to make changes in tobacco use behaviors – Meets mandate of Senate Bill 55 Focus is on long-term cessation TYTAP Students About 20% of the youth say their primary supplier of tobacco is their parents. They also state that parents can be a big help in quitting. Social support is essential for youth desiring to quit. They need encouragement and understanding from a variety of social sources. TYTAP Students Many youth are engaging in a variety of risky behaviors, not just tobacco use. Drawings and writings in the workbooks indicate a substantial number are involved in poly-drug use, including alcohol & illegal drugs. Some have indicated suicide fantasies and evidence of depression. How does enforcement affect your community? A study of tobacco enforcement in Illinois showed: – Enforcing tobacco laws led to a decrease in youth tobacco abuse and retail sales. – Enforcing tobacco laws led to a decrease in other drug offenses. – Enforcing tobacco laws led to a decrease in overall juvenile crime. Guidelines for School Health Programs CDC’s Guidelines for School Health Programs to Prevent Tobacco Use and Addiction. – Prohibit tobacco use at all school facilities and events. – Encourage and help students and staff to quit using tobacco. – Provide developmentally appropriate instruction in grade K-12 that address social and psychological causes of tobacco use. Guidelines for School Health Programs CDC’s Guidelines continued: – Provide developmentally appropriate instruction in grade K-12 that address social and psychological causes of tobacco use. – Part of a coordinated school health program. – Reinforced by community efforts. Guidelines for School Health Programs Policy: Develop and enforce school policy developed in collaboration with all stakeholders. – Prohibit tobacco use – Prohibit tobacco advertising – Students receive instruction – Access to cessation programs – Help violators quit rather than punish Guidelines for School Health Programs Instruction: Short & long term negative physiologic and social consequences, social influences, peer norms and refusal skills. – Decrease social acceptability – Understand why people start and identify more positive activities – Developed skills in assertiveness, goal setting, problem solving and resisting pressure from media and peers. Guidelines for School Health Programs Curriculum: Provide prevention education in grade K-12 – Instruction should begin in elementary and intensify in middle/junior high when exposure to older students increases initiation rates. – Reinforce throughout high school years. Guidelines for School Health Programs Training: Provide program-specific training on tobacco use prevention for teachers. The training should include reviewing curriculum, modeling instructional activities, and providing opportunities to practice implementing lessons. Well trained peer leaders can be an important adjunct to teacher-led instruction. Guidelines for School Health Programs Family Involvement: Involve parents or families in supporting school-based programs to prevent tobacco use. – Promote discussions at home about tobacco use by assigning homework and projects that involve families. – Encourage parents to participate in community efforts to prevent tobacco use and addiction. Guidelines for School Health Programs Tobacco-Use Cessation Efforts: Support cessation efforts among students and school staff who use tobacco. Schools should provide access to cessation programs that help students and staff stop using tobacco rather than punishing them for violating tobacco use policies. Guidelines for School Health Programs Evaluation: Assess the tobacco use prevention program at regular intervals. Schools can use CDC’s Guidelines for School Health Programs to Prevent Tobacco Use and Addiction to assess whether they are providing effective policies, curricula, training, family involvement and cessation. Summary Tobacco by itself is a dangerous, addictive and deadly substance. Youth tobacco use is tied to a number of major short and long term health hazards, including substance abuse. Enforcement can lead to getting youth help with tobacco abuse and other health threats. Solutions involve all community partners and institutions coming together in a collaborative and comprehensive approach. Questions? Discussion? All Tobacco Deaths Are Preventable Barry Sharp, MSHP, CHES