THE RISE AND EXPANSION OF ROME CHAPTER 2 FROM CITY, TO KINGDOM, TO REPUBLIC, TO EMPIRE THE RISE AND EXPANSION OF ROME Lesson 1 HOMEWORK REVIEW QUESTIONS ① Define & use in example: republic, Augustus, empire, emperor, Pax Romana, Christianity ② Timeline: rise & expansion of Roman Empire + important dates ③ Main Idea: why was Rome’s geography favorable? ④ Main Idea: describe the Roman Republic. ⑤ Main Idea: describe the Pax Romana. ⑥ Main Idea: describe the beliefs of Christianity. ⑦ Critical Thinking: What challenges do you think came with governing an empire as large and diverse as Rome? WORDS TO KNOW Series (n.) Acre (n.) Def: unit of area equal to 4,840 square yards; ¾ of football field Ex: He had 16 acres of farmland. Establish (v.) Ex: They established a new set of classroom rules Def: to begin or set up; to create Def: a number of similar people or things in a row or following one another Ex: Education is a long series of failures and successes. Contain (v.) Ex: They contained the lion in a cage. Def: to hold back; restrain THE ORIGINS OF ROME Rome = modern-day Italy 500-700 BC: home to the Latins, Greeks, Etruscans Latins built Rome along Tiber River: Seven Hills of Rome ENVIRONMENT “Favorable” = cool, rainy winters = acres of productive farmland Apennines Mt. range = 1) Protection from harsh weather 2) Protection from foreign invaders Tiber River = busy & prosperous trade network ROME AS KINGDOM 8th century BC: Rome became a kingdom Early kings related to Etruscans (powerful group from North) Last King = Tarquin the Proud Ruled harshly Effect: Romans revolted in 510 BC Refused to be ruled by King again Instead, decided to based government on “will of the people” Lucius Tarquinius Superbus 500 YEARS OF REPUBLIC ① Republic: citizens have voice (all free-born males); wealth & noble families have louder voice; women had no voice and few rights ② Laws to protect basic liberties ③ Two leaders: consuls limited power by Senate (lawmaking body): act as check to consul power ④ Well-organized, powerful army = more territory Senatus Populusque Romanus (The Senate and People of Rome) ROMAN EXPANSION OVER THE ITALIAN PENINSULA From 500 BC – 218 BC THE PUNIC WARS •First Punic War (264-241 BC) defeated Carthage (North African civilization, called by the Romans Punici [Phoenecians]) •Outcome = Rome gains control of Sicily and the Mediterranean, Carthiginian General Hamilcar swears revenge THE PUNIC WARS •Second Punic War (218201 BC) •The son of Hamilcar, Hannibal, is a brilliant military leader •Defeats Roman armies again, and again… but can’t force Rome to surrender (he defeats its armies, they raise another army) •Outcome = Roman leader Scipio Africanus invades Iberia (Spain), then Africa. Carthage is forced to lose Iberia, and pay a huge amount of $ for 50 years THE PUNIC WARS •Third Punic War (149146 BC) •Rome finishes the job and destroys Carthage once and for all. The ruins of Carthage DECLINE OF THE REPUBLIC Rome grows larger & more populated = problems maintaining order & stability Class tensions (lower vs. middle vs. upper) = Civil War 45 BC General Julius Caesar took power, becomes sole ruler (dictator) = end of Roman Republic 44 BC: Caesar assassinated = power struggle “Et tu, Brute?” END OF REPUBLIC, BEGINNING OF EMPIRE • Caesar’s adopted son Octavian takes power, takes title Augustus or “divine one.” • Other names for this new office: Imperator, Princeps, Caesar … in English, all mean Emperor • But never king! • Reigned from 27 BC to 14 AD (41 years) Pax Romana: new era of great growth ROME AS EMPIRE (IMPERIUM ROMANUM) Empire: group of different cultures/territories led by a single all-powerful Emperor (or ruler) Augustus: careful, brilliant leader; created a strong govn’t Pax Romana: period of peace and prosperity AD 14: Augusts died 2nd century AD: Roman Empire reached largest size Two million square miles 50,000 miles or roads: connect Spain to Mesopotamia 60-100 million people under Roman rule; Germans, Africans, Greeks, Jews, Egyptians, and more THE RISE OF CHRISTIANITY Big empire = hard to control Christianity: based on the teachings of Jesus (believed to be son of God) Jesus: born in Judea (6-4BC); was a Jew (religion: Judaism) Judaism and Christianity: monotheistic (belief in one god) Rome up to this point had been polytheistic (believing in many gods) Teachings: Love thy neighbor Love your enemies Idea of heaven Jesus had many followers = threat to power and authority of Roman & Jewish leaders They arrested and executed Jesus Followers spread Jesus’ teachings across Roman empire; refused to worship Roman gods ROME DIVIDES INTO EAST AND WEST Despite difficulties, Rome continued for 200 years Diocletian; 51st Emperor A.D 284-305 Restored order; ruled with “iron fist” Divided Rome into East & West = easier to govern Called the Tetrarchy – the rule of four There would be 2 Emperors, and 2 Caesars (subEmperors) Diocletian: Emperor of the East Maximian: Emperor of the West Constantius: Caesar of Gaul and Britannia Galerius: Caesar of Dalmatia and Thrace INVASION & CONQUEST Late 300s: Germanic peoples and other groups begin pushing into Roman lands Reasons for invasion: ① Looking for better land ② Join in Rome’s wealth ③ Some groups fleeing Huns, fierce invaders from Asia (who would later invade Rome themselves) 476: Germanic tribes conquer Rome; this date marks the fall of the Western Roman Empire CONSTANTINE AND CHRISTIANITY Next: Constantine A.D 313: declared end of Christian persecution Effect: Christianity grows A.D 330: moved capital of Rome to Greek city of Byzantium, later renamed: Constantinople Effect: shift in power from the western part of the empire to the east END OF THE EMPIRE 486: Clovis, king of Franks, conquered Gaul (modern-day France) founds large and powerful kingdom Western Rome = dead Eastern Empire (Byzantine Empire) continues for another 1,000 years