Transfer Pathways to Baccalaureate Completion October 1, 2015 Minnesota State Colleges and Universities The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system is an Equal Opportunity employer and educator. Purpose Under this plan the two-year college and university faculty will come together to create transfer pathways. The process will facilitate communication and collaboration among faculty in the same discipline at different institutions to ensure that the transfer pathways align lower-division and upper-division curricula and enhance students’ ability to prepare for and complete baccalaureate degrees. plan offers the opportunity to streamline transfer for all students who intend to prepare for the bachelor’s degree by completing an associate degree at a two-year college. 2 Goals 1.1. Students are the primary and fundamental focus of the planning process (see figure below) 1.2. Maintaining a quality education for students is the core of the transfer pathways. 1.3. Student success will be facilitated by the transfer pathways. 1.4. Pathways to baccalaureate degrees are clear and easy for students to follow. 1.5. Students can save money and reduce debt by eliminating the number of repeat classes required when they transfer and having a clear path to reach the baccalaureate degree. 1.6. Students can complete degrees in a minimum timeframe (Two years for an associate degree and four years for a baccalaureate degree) but with the understanding part time completion is available 1.7. Student will be able to enter the workforce sooner and with less debt. 1.8. Transfer students who meet admission/program application requirements will be given the same opportunities/same consideration as direct entry students. 1.9. The transfer process will be streamlined for the institutions and create clarity for students. 1.10. The potential to positively impact enrollment and retention is strong. 3 Timeline and Process for Creating Pathway September - October 2014 Review Legislative Mandate, intention and implications for MNSCU Information reviewed to determine direction for pathway . 4 Determine intended outcomes Determine information needed to proceed Determine Stakeholders Review of current Baccalaureate requirements Review of MNSCU transfer data Development of preliminary concepts Timeline and Process for Creating Pathway November - December 2014 Review of other state transfer pathways California, Arizona, Colorado, Pennsylvania, New York, Oregon, Kentucky Met via web with California, Pennsylvania and Kentucky Develop 1st Draft of Pathway Created Communication Plan for Stakeholders . 5 Created Consultation Plan and Timeline Consultation Plan and Timeline CONSULTATIONS TIMELINE . 6 ACTIVITY Draft to SME (Transfer Oversight Committee) Review feedback from TOC Committee determines draft 2 Draft 2 Developed Additional Stakeholder Feedback - All bargaining units (MSCF, MSUAASF, IFO, MAPE, MMA, AFSCME) - Student organizations (MSCSA, MSUSA) - CAOs - Deans - Request to share with faculty (and students?) - CSAOs - ASA Council Chairs for distribution - Registrars listserv - Transfer specialists listserv - Advisors listserv (?) - Leadership Council - Vice Chancellors - Draft Plan posted to CTF Blog with link to survey - CTF team conveners: all MSCSA January Student Conference MSUSA January Student Conference Students Meeting with Chancellor MSCF Meet and Confer IFO Meet and Confer Invite SMEs for final draft discussion APC Team discusses feedback received; decides on final elements of report Write final draft Final draft to Vice Chancellor / CTF Steering Cmte Final team discussion after board/steering cmte feedback Final Edits Board packet Board meeting Legislature (hand-delivered to HE, Finance) Distribution to All START 12/12/2014 12/18/2014 12/18/2014 12/18/2014 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/05/2015 01/08/2015 01/08/2015 01/16/2015 01/16/2015 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 02/02/2015 02/12/2015 02/13/2015 02/24/2015 03/17/2015 03/19/2015 03/19/2015 END 12/18/2014 12/18/2014 12/18/2014 12/31/2014 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/20/2015 01/10/2015 01/09/2015 01/16/2015 01/16/2015 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 01/30/2015 02/11/2015 02/12/2015 02/23/2015 02/24/2015 03/18/2015 03/19/2015 03/19/2015 Proposed pathways associate degree structure Proposed Model Common set of general education/MnTC Goal Areas across the discipline Broad Elective Courses/Additional MnTC Goals Credit Range 30 9-12 Discipline Specific Courses/Major Courses 9-12 Remaining Credits* 6-12 Total Credits 60 *The remaining 6-12 credits gives room for flexibility in course credits (lab credits, variances, in courses between campuses, or other campus requirements. 8 Phase 1 Transfer Pathways Suggested Disciplines 9 Degree Discipline Reason for Selection AA Psychology Popular Major for both direct entry and transfer students AS Biology Sequential Courses/Pre-requisites AS Business Program accreditation requirements AFA Theatre Performing art and has the complete MnTC Transfer Pathways Teams (TPT) 14-20 members 1/3 discipline university faculty 1/3 discipline college faculty 1/3 college and university staff who are integral in the transfer process PLUS two students, one university and one college Appointed through bargaining unit and student association processes 10 Transfer Pathway Coordination Team (TPCT) Faculty Co-Chairs Individuals who work closely with transfer Academic officers Deans from Phase 1 disciplines Students Additional faculty from each Phase 1 discipline Chancellor or designee responsible for the formation of this team 11 TPCT members: MSCSA: Kevin Parker MSUSA: Cara Luebke MSCF: Kent Quamme, Anne Byrd, Glen Merrick, Eve Willadsen-Jensen, Darci Stanford MAPE: Joshua Foss, Laura Bebinger, Tamara Arnott IFO: Paul Hustoles, Laurie Blunsom, Gregg Marg, Julie Maxson, Louise Mills MSUAASF: Shirley Murray, Ashley Schafer, Jolene Richardson College and University Administrators: Julie Guelich, Don Carlson, Chuck Paulson, Charla Miertschin, Brenda Flannery, Mary Ward System Office: 12 Lynda Milne, Jane Reinke, Louise DiCesare The Plan’s Timeframe • Fall 2015 Project Launch • Develop framework /guidelines for the TPTs to work Meetings Phase 1 • Spring 2016 • Develop the four initial transfer pathways • Identify the additional 20-25 pathways to be developed Phase 2 • Fall 2016 • Develop the next initial 10-12 transfer pathways • Implement campus curriculum change processes to adopt the four new pilot pathways Phase 3 • Spring 2017 • Develop the next 11-13 transfer pathways • Phase 2 Campus curriculum changes in process Phase 4 • Fall 2017 • Implement ongoing processes to maintain and expand the pathways • Full implementation of the Phase 1 pilot transfer pathways • Phase 2 and 3 Campus curriculum changes in process Phase 5 • Spring 2018 • Full implementation of the Phase 2 pilot transfer pathways • Phase 3 Campus curriculum changes in process Phase 6 • Fall 2018 • Implement ongoing processes to maintain and expand the pathways • Full implementation of the Phase 3 pilot transfer pathways 13 Summer 2015 14 •Prepare for TCPT •Share vision, plan Prepare for the Coordinating Team (TPCT) Appointed through bargaining unit and student association processes Charge Create ways to familiarize TPTs with transfer degree goals Develop common principles for how they will work Developing a common consultation plan Finalize expectations about group process 15 Communicating a Shared Vision Students complete associate degrees before transfer; come in ready to major Associate degrees are aligned with all related MnSCU bachelor degree options Degree alignment and course equivalence are based in learning outcomes, not “coverage” Students get a guarantee that this form of transfer will work. Minnesota Transfer Curriculum is reconsidered in each program and across disciplines More students are successful at two-year colleges and at the universities 16 Fall 2015 17 • TCPT develops framework, guidelines for TPTs • Four pilot pathways agreed upon • Four Transfer Pathway Team members identified Spring 2016 18 • Four pilot pathways developed • Identify additional 25~ Transfer Pathway fields Fall 2016 19 • 4 Phase 1 Transfer Pathways: campus curriculum work continues • 10-12 Phase 2 Transfer Pathways campus curriculum work begins • Ongoing processes implemented to maintain, expand pathways Spring 2017 20 • 10-12 Phase 2 Transfer Pathway Teams campus curriculum work begins • 11-13 “Phase 3” Transfer Pathway Teams develop pathways Fall 2017 21 • 10-12 Phase 2 Transfer Pathways: campus curriculum work continues • 11-12 Phase 3 Transfer Pathways campus curriculum work begins • Four Phase 1 pathways in full implementation • Ongoing processes implemented to maintain, expand pathways Spring 2018 22 • 10-12 Phase 2 Transfer Pathways in full implementation • 11-13 Phase 3 Transfer Pathway curriculum work continues Fall 2018 23 • 11-13 Phase 3 Transfer Pathways in full implementation • Implement ongoing processes to maintain and expand pathways Are we ready for this collaboration? Plan Vision Structure and path Connection to priorities People Prepared Informed Culture Values Narrative / story Sensemaking and learning Plans for helping others learn 24 Questions or Comments? Please contact: Lynda Milne 651-201-1887 . 25 30 7th St. E., Suite 350, St. Paul, MN 55101-7804 (651) 201-1800 | (800) 456-8519 | +1 (651) 556-0596 Consumers with hearing or speech disabilities may contact us via their preferred Telecommunications Relay Service The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system is an Equal Opportunity employer and educator.