Brain Research Handout

Cornell Notes
Lecture, reading/chapter/novel/article during
class, power point, movies (if need to collect
Brain Research and the Value
of Questions
Essential Question: How does
Brain Research support a growth
mindset and how is asking questions
an important part of developing a
growth mindset?
Class: _________________ Period: ________
Date: ____________________________
Questions/Main Ideas:
How the Brain Works
The brain feels like _______________, weighs about
_________________________ and is made up of
______________ and _____________.
The brain uses ______ % of the body’s energy.
How is information processed by the
The brain’s basic building blocks are known as
__________________. We have ________ billions of these,
each with __________________ to other neurons.
There are ____________ of neural connections (or
pathways) within the brain.
_________________ is passed along these “roads” through
a series of chemical messages and electrical impulses.
Neuroplasticity: the ability of the
brain to change and grow by creating Your brain is your most ______________ organ; a power
new connections and pathways
station that connects every ______________, movement,
between neurons.
and _______________.
The brain can, and does __________ throughout our lives.
It is __________________________, like plastic.
What does “rewiring” mean?
If you think of your brain as a giant grid, there are many
pathways that light up as you move, think, and feel. Some
of these roads are well traveled. These are our
______________, our regular or established ways of
thinking and doing. The more we use these pathways, the
more they are strengthened.
If we start thinking of things differently, or learn a new task,
or choose a different emotion, we start carving out a new
road. If we keep traveling that road, our brains begin to use
that pathway ________. This process of rewiring the brain,
by forming new connections and weakening old ones is
The good news is, we all have the ability to ____________
and _________________ by rewiring our brains.
Questions are the New Answers
With repeated and directed attention towards your desired
change, you can ____________________ your brain.
Questions are more valuable than
How are questions a survival skill?
At the root of innovation (a new idea, method, or invention)
is a _________________________________.
In Silicon Valley they say “Questions are the
Questions are a _____________________ skill for all of us.
Why are questions important?
Questioning enables us to _________________ our
thinking around what
How can I think of more and better _______________________________.
We really need great questions to know what to _______
with all that ______________________ and find our way to
the next answer.
One problem in our school system is that teachers can not
answer good questions, even if they _________________.
The direction we need to move in the school system is to
allow and encourage kids to ________________________.