SBS Technical Services - College of Social and Behavioral Sciences



SBSTech (SBS Technical Services) provides innovative, reliable and accessible technology support, and a wide variety of computing, multimedia and data management services and hardware resources to faculty, staff and students in the College of Social & Behavioral Sciences to effectively meet individual, departmental, school and college goals as a learning and research community.


Your Description Goes Here

New Faculty Welcome Liaison

David Fletcher (ITSA Sr.)

Telephone: (520) 621-1596

Office: University Services Building, 302



Instruction and

Research computing (1)

IT resources at the University of Arizona

Type of accounts

– UAConnect email system

• Automatically created when NetID is created

• Web access to email at

• Email clients can be used to access UAConnect email

– U-System computing

• Access for Unix resources

• Websites, utilities, compilers, and software applications

– High performance computing and High throughput computing

• Research purposes

• Data storage and management

• Consulting services

Instruction and

Research computing (2)

OSCR instructional and multimedia computer labs

Gear-to-go free rentals of still and video cameras, sound and lighting equipment, etc.

No charge or low cost software

– Software can be installed on university-owned computers

– Some software can be installed on home computers - check the license agreement.


Classroom Technology Services (CTS)

Maintains equipment in centrally scheduled classrooms

Rents audio/visual equipment

Office of Instruction and Assessment (OIA) instructional technology

– D2L course management system (626-6804)

– Panopto lecture capture software (through D2L)

– Adobe Connect online meeting system

Qualtrics survey system

Turnitin plagiarism detection (through D2L)

Confluence (wiki program for faculty and staff)

Data management resources at UA library

Instruction and

Research computing (3)

IT resources through SBS Tech

SBSTech through CATNet

– Login for faculty and staff computers connected to the UA network

– Individual and shared file storage space (X drive, S drive and box)

– Box@UA can store public, internal and confidential information (FERPA included).

But not used for Regulated information (e.g. credit card and HIPAA)

Research computing support for grant applications - Involving SBSTech early in grant writing and other research planning activities will help you identify and plan for the technology resources you need.

– Recommendations and pricing

• Hardware

• Software

– Data management and storage plan


Application software development and maintenance / Database (wiseAdvising, Swift, GAS, E-com, UA Vitae, etc.)

Website development and maintenance (College/units/research/grants/conference/events… personal (UITS/OIA))

User profile update ( )

Video tutorials ( )

Instruction and

Research computing (4)

Instructional computing labs

– Marshall 480 (course fees required)

– SAL (ENR2 S-547, course fees required) for School of Geography and Regional


– Majors Lab (ENR2 S-545)

– English (CC 319)

– Collab (Comm 307) for Communications

Department graduate student labs

– DASL (Soc Sci 115)

– Cave (Douglass 112) for Linguistics

– Comm 210 for Communications

– SirlsLab for iSchool

– English Grads & Adjuncts (CC236)

Panopto video recording and live streaming support of events

TicketDog technical support request system

Information Security (1)

The Chief Information Officer (CIO) and the University Information Security Officer

(UISO) are responsible for establishing and enforcing information security policy and supporting standards and procedures.

Deans, Directors, and Department Heads have the management authority and are expected to take appropriate actions to comply with information technology and security policies.

SBSTech has responsibility for implementation of security policy within the college of SBS.

Security policy and all implementing standards and procedures apply to individuals using, accessing, storing, transmitting or overseeing university resources, directly or by means of a personally acquired device.

Information Security (2)

Individuals who are subject to but do not comply with university security policy and mandatory implementation of standards will be subject to remedial action in accordance with Arizona Board of Regents and

University policies and procedures (including but not limited to, the

Arizona Board of Regents Code of Conduct, Student Code of

Conduct, Code of Academic Integrity, Classified Staff Personnel

Policy Manual, University Handbook for Appointed Personnel and the

Policy on the Acceptable Use of Computers and Networks), or contract terms, as appropriate. Violations of this policy may result in loss of data access privileges, administrative sanctions and personal civil and criminal liability .

In an urgent situation requiring immediate action and leaving no time for collaboration, the UISO is authorized to disconnect any affected device from the network .

SBSTECH Business Practice

Local Admin Privilege

Equipment and software purchase

Support through remote connection

Service hours:

8am-5pm (full service)

5pm-8pm (classroom and urgency only)

Contact us:

TicketDog (full service) and 621-1596 (emergency only)

Service problem:

TicketDog/anonymous survey /
