Napoleon Bonaparte

From Revolution to
Europe won’t be
the same.
“Chapter 7 – French Revolution”
French Revolution
The BIG Idea
Social inequality & economic problems led to the French
Marks a major change in Europe
Louis XV (15th)
Great Grandson of Louis XIV (14th)
(Ruled – 1715-1774)
Louis XVI (16th)
Grandson of Louis XV (15th) (Ruled –
Social Order – 3
Estates (Classes)
1st Estate – clergy, church officials
-paid no taxes
Estate – nobles
2nd Estate
1st Estate
-paid no taxes
3rd Estate – commoners (peasants and
-paid the taxes
bourgeoisie – middle class that
includes educated professionals:
doctors, lawyers, businessmen, etc.
The King
3rd Estate
France - A Nation Divided
First Estate: Clergy
First Estate: Clergy
First Estate: Clergy
Second Estate: Nobility
Second Estate: Nobility
Second Estate: Nobility
Third Estate: Commoners
Third Estate: Commoners
Third Estate: Commoners
Land Ownership
3 causes of revolution
1st – poor economic condition (too much debt, not enough taxes)
2nd – rising prices (especially bread due to several years of bad harvests)
3rd – Enlightenment ideals - the bourgeoisie (middle class) are led to question the
social structure/power
An unpopular king
• Louis XVI could not address the worsening conditions
• His wife, Marie Antoinette, was Austrian (hated)
• People blame their expensive lifestyle
Estates General
• What is the Estates General?
• When do they meet?
Estates General
1789 – Estates General – (French Parliament or Congress) meeting of
all 3 estates. Each estate is represented by members of their estate.
Louis XVI is forced to convene (meet) for the first time since 1614!
The 3rd Estate demanded a constitutional government, the abolition of
tax exemptions for the nobility & clergy, and a guarantee of basic
rights for all.
• The 3rd Estate also demanded that each deputy representative have
a vote but Louis XVI refused. Instead, each estate voted as a group,
so the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd each got 1 vote. How do you think that went?
• The 3rd Estate declared itself a National Assembly & chose to
create a constitutional government. They are taking it to The Man!
National Assembly
• Louis XVI tried to kick out the Third Estate.
• Renaming themselves National Assembly, the representatives refused to
disband & met in a nearby tennis court.
• They swore the Tennis
Court Oath; (seen to the
right) It was a promise
to continue meeting
there until a constitution
was written.
This drawing was done by one of the revolutionary members of the
National Assembly, Jacques Louis David
• People begin to show signs of revolt
• The Fall of the Bastille (pictured) July 14th 1789– (see
page 328) a mob in Paris overrun state armory/prison.
• Kill guards, free prisoners.
• marks their opposition to big government. Underlines
the seriousness of what is going on.
What does the National Assembly Accomplish?
• Declaration of the Rights of
Man and of Citizen is drafted
• Similar to ‘Declaration of
Independence’ or ‘English
Bill of Rights’
• Reestablishes equality
among all men through the
eyes of the law
• King Louis and family are
“escorted” back to Paris.
They are on lockdown.
National Assembly
• 1791 - A new constitutional monarchy is the first
of several government changes
The new government’s first problem?
• Their monarch attempts to flee…
Their second major problem?
• War with Austria in 1792.
The National Assembly’s final problem?
• The Paris Commune (The sans-culottes).
Paris Commune
• Angry citizens form
mobs – seize King Louis
• These sans-culottes
(ordinary citizens without
fine clothes) take control
away from the National
• The revolution is about
to get violent…
• 1792 - King Louis XVI is held for trial and executed
• In order to maintain control, anyone opposed to the
revolution is… taken care of. It’s the Reign of Terror.
Do Now
• Summarize the events of the Reign of Terror.
• Committee of Public Safety – Robespierre take
control 1793
• Terror reigns to keep the revolution moving til
1794 and Robespierre’s death
Reign of Terror
•“The order of the day is Terror”…so says the Committee of Public Safety
•Maximilien Robespierre leads the Reign… but by mid 1794, the Great Fear ends as
does Robespierre’s body’s relationship to his head – they are separated under the
•A new system is put in place to rule called the Directory. After 5 years (1794-1799)
of a struggle for control, control is taken…
• The Big Man cometh… okay, little man –
Big Attitude. Napoleon seizes power
• Napoleon Bonaparte – a
French military leader – leads
a successful coup d'état –
• Reorganized government into
a “consulate”
• Napoleon is named First
Consul (and later Consul for
Life… and by 1804, let’s just
call him Emperor)
Early Life/Background
• born in 1769 in Corsica –
Napoleone di Buonaparte
• sent to military school at
age 10
• commissioned as a
lieutenant in the French
army at 16
• initially not well-liked by
his men
Military Successes
• supreme confidence in
• brigadier general and
eventually commander of
French armies in Italy
• Citizen-army/Nationalism
• returns to France a
conquering hero
Napoleon finds success fighting in North Africa…
Napoleon’s coup d’etat
•Napoleon returns to France, launches a coup d’etat – overthrow of the government
(The Directory) by force, and forms the consulate (name he gives to his rule)
•Has himself elected Emperor Napoleon I by using a plebiscite (direct vote of people)
and wins overwhelmingly
•Through a series of victories, France controls almost all of Western Europe
Official Titles He Held…
Consul of France
First Consul
First Consul for Life
Emperor of the French
King of Italy
• Even after all they had fought for
in the French Revolution, why do
you think many French people did
not have a problem with
Napoleon having so much power?
Do Now
• What is Napoleon’s Continental System?
Europe in 1811.
Colors indicate (from dark blue to light
blue) :
- Dark blue - French Empire,
- Light Blue - French Satellite States,
- Blue grey - Countries submitted into
applying the Continental System
Napoleon’s Domination of Europe
• Establishes peace with Catholic Church
• Catholicism - religion of the majority of the
French people
• Pope agreed not to ask for the return of lands
seized during the revolution
• Spreads religious toleration through empire
Codification of the Laws
• Civil Code –
Napoleonic Code
• Single law code for
the entire nation
• Preserved some
gains of revolution,
however lost some
• Women were now
“less equal than men”
Feud with Britain:
Continental Plan
• He cut off all trade
between Britain and the
rest of Europe.
• Napoleon thought that
this would cripple Britain.
• However, the plan
backfired when the
British formed a blockade
to stop all French imports.
• This hurt France and
angered Napoleon’s
It Ain’t Easy…
• Napoleon misjudged the
power of nationalism
• French were hated
oppressors, aroused
• The spread of the
principles of nationalism
showed conquered
nations what a nation in
arms could do.
• France lost over 300,000
men trying to wipe out the
guerillas of Spain and
Do Now
• What are some ways Napoleon loses
control in France? (p350ish)
Beginning of the End for the
Grand Army
• Napoleon invaded Russia
because the Tsar refused
to stop selling grain to
• He expected his Grand
Army to destroy the
smaller Russian force.
• However, the Russians
retreated towards
Moscow and burned
everything as they went
to keep the army from
finding food.
From Russia With Love
• The worst winter in
one hundred years
hit Russia.
• The Russians
completely burned
• Napoleon lost over
400,000 of 600,000
men in his retreat.
Fall of Napoleon
• Britain forms a Grand Alliance
to retake all the land of the
French empire
• Within a year the allies defeat
• exile Napoleon to the island of
• The old monarchy was
restored to France in the
person of Louis XVIII, brother
of Louis XVI.
The End of His Reign
• In 1815, Napoleon slips
back into France from
• thousands rejoined
Napoleon’s army.
• British and Prussian
armies rushed towards
France, Napoleon met
them at Waterloo.
• After a long battle,
Napoleon’s troops
• This ended Napoleon’s
last bid for power
• The British exiled
Napoleon to the island of
St. Helena and Napoleon
died six years later.
Napoleon Recap
Domination of Europe
• Establishes peace with Catholic Church
• Spreads religious toleration through empire
• Napoleonic Code in France offers a unified set of
laws in France and the ability for anyone to rise
to any occupation.
Fall of Napoleon
• Attempted to cut off trade
between Britain and the
rest of Europe.
• Napoleon thought this
“Continental Plan” would
cripple Britain.
• Plan backfires – after all,
people want their
freedom – many people
are angered.
• Chasing Russian armies
will wear out the fighting
force led by Napoleon
• After exile and
resurgence, Waterloo is
the last hoorah.
• So what is left of the French Revolution by 1815 following
Napoleon’s rule?
• Following the Enlightenment, the French Revolution is the first to
take place in Europe where an existing government is completely
• Ideas of democracy and a stronger, better represented middle class
spread… absolutism in Europe is a dying way.
• Military tactics are changed – nations now have massive armies
rather than smaller individual groups or mercenaries
With Love,
aka “Le Revolution”
Napoleon: Dynamite?
When Napoleon escapes from the island of Elba and tries to regain
power, the people of France must decide follow him again or to stick
with the new king.
• Set up a chart in your notebook:
Good things about Napoleon’s rule
Bad things about Napoleon’s rule
List at least four examples under each column.
Underneath your chart,
finish one of the sentences in a short paragraph:
• I would support Napoleon’s return to power because…
• I would not support Napoleon’s return to power because…
•Neighboring monarchies (the other countries in Europe) fear the French Revolution
will spread and that their people will want the same freedoms
•Napoleon takes it upon himself to spread his own brand of freedom and revolution…
he conquers Europe.